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Chapter 389 Hmm... The Quantum Computer I Invented

Chapter 389 Hmm... The Quantum Computer I Invented
For a large group with more than 5000 employees, the current scale of Liu Ning Group is still a bit small.

But with the in-depth development of Liu Ning Group, this gap can be bridged in a very short period of time.

After all, for now, Liu Ning Group's recruitment is still in progress, and with the current scale, it shouldn't be a problem to recruit 1000 people.

As for Liu Ning Technology Company, there are about 300 employees at present, and it is estimated that they will not stop until they recruit [-] sales personnel.

As for the scientific research talents of Liu Ning Technology Company, there is almost unlimited recruitment of talents in the optoelectronics field, media field and other fields stipulated by Liu Xiao, which is also preparing for future things.

After all, the development of the later holographic projection technology may have to start in a few months, and Liu Xiao will not have so much time to think about personnel issues.

The employees whispered about Liu Xiao and the others must not be able to hear them. As they walked further and further inside, the shock in Zhao Ning's heart became greater and greater.

Along the way, at least twenty or thirty people were seen walking in the aisle.

This means that the number of people in this company will definitely not be small.

Zhao Ning recalled what Liu Xiao had just said about Qu Yue's salary of tens of millions. I'm afraid this matter is also true, right?

For such a big company, it seems that it is not impossible for the general manager of the group to get a salary of tens of millions.

After all, people with a noble personality like Dong Mingzhu and Sister Dong are a minority, and most people still work for money. For a group general manager, the price is not too bad, a little bit higher, but it is not out of the category.

Walk quickly into the cafeteria.

In a box, five or six side dishes have been served.

"Mr. Liu, I don't think you guys had breakfast in the morning. The eight-treasure porridge here is pretty good. Try it."

The three sat down, Qu Yue introduced.

Liu Xiao immediately gave Qu Yue a blank look.

Since when did Qu Yue become so skinny?

Zhao Ning has a low face, and sat down next to Liu Xiao, looking down at the eight-treasure porridge in front of her, not daring to look up at anyone.

"Mr. Liu, the electric field has been notified before that the power system has met your requirements, and the machine tools and materials you want are currently in the warehouse. There are robotic arms on the assembly line. You only need to enter a specific program can work."

Seeing that Liu Xiaozhen was angry, Qu Yue quickly changed the topic and talked about work.

"How many people are there at the moment?"

"There are more people in the technology company, but it is not easy to find professional technicians in the workshop. There are currently only 20 people, and they are all in the office of the industrial park."

Liu Xiao thought about it in his heart.

20 people, plus the main body is made with a robotic arm, it should be not bad.

Even if it was close, he could make up for it through technical means.

"Okay, the [-] million from Huya should have arrived in the account. You don't have to worry about funds here. You can spend all the money within a week, but there is one thing, I will bring all the people who meet me."


Qu Yue nodded, took out a notebook and recorded it.

In terms of work, Qu Yue is still very serious.

Especially after getting the position of group president with an annual salary of tens of millions, Qu Yue treated her with [-]% enthusiasm for work. Over the past few days, the operation of the group has not had any problems.

This is the embodiment of Qu Yue's personal ability.

Liu Xiao was very satisfied with Qu Yue.

Qu Yue is more cautious in handling things, which is also the point that Liu Xiao feels more at ease about her.

"Okay, you can arrange things here. I will start working after I pass by. Don't waste time."

Seeing that Zhao Ning's food was almost the same, Liu Xiao emptied all the leftover food like a cloud, nodded and prepared to go to the Science and Technology Park.

Qu Yue agreed and left first to arrange work.

Liu Xiao, on the other hand, went out and drove Qu Yue to the deep science and technology park.

"I'll tell you the specific questions later."

Seeing that Zhao Ning was not in a good mood, Liu Xiao drove the car with one hand, and sneaked into Zhao Ning's collar with the other hand.

While playing with softness, she explained to Zhao Ning.

The park is not far away, and in about 5 minutes, Liu Xiao arrived at the workshop contracted by him.

As one of the best magical cities in China, the configuration of the industrial park is also top-notch.

All the way was unimpeded, Liu Xiao easily entered the workshop, and saw at a glance the machine tool with a precision of 20nm that was just delivered in the morning.

Next to it, there is a huge assembly line workshop, and in front of it is a computer command and control room.

Twenty technicians were still walking past the park office, and Liu Xiao took Qu Yue into the control room first.

Turn on the computer, and input the data control data that has already been prepared.

What the assembly line is going to manufacture is the shell of the house-sized virtual disk server.

In fact, the real virtual disk is at most the size of a notebook.

However, because of the problem of the data quadrant, the virtual disk of the Yan cut version will be a little larger than the real virtual disk, which is about the size of a desktop computer.

For such a few core components, Liu Xiao planned to modify the machine tool with a precision of 20nm and produce it himself.

"Not bad, this mechanical programming system is from Siemens, so I won't have to change the system."

Seeing the smooth input of the command, Liu Xiao was very satisfied.

Liu Xiao, who has obtained the virtual disk operation technology, is an absolute expert in this area. Some mechanical problems, Liu Xiao will not take it seriously at all.

After all, it is a technology that has surpassed the current era. For now, many things are equivalent to the level of elementary school students in Liu Xiao's opinion.

In Liu Xiao's view, the world's top machine tool control system from Siemens is barely noticeable.

Given him two days, Liu Xiao can definitely make a more high-end system, and it is much more stable than the Siemens system.

But for now, this is unnecessary.

Zhao Ning watched Liu Xiao skillfully inputting computer commands. She had taken introductory computer programming in college and she naturally knew what Liu Xiao was doing.

"Little Ning, I know what you're curious about."

Liu Xiao stopped holding Zhao Ning, lovingly hugged Zhao Ning into his arms.

"Look at this news. Liuning Technology Company, a subsidiary of Liuning Group, released a new server, virtual disk server technology."

Liu Xiao opened the official website of Science and Technology Network, and clicked on a news bulletin on the top.

At present, the media on the Science and Technology Network has reported this matter, and the mainstream media is still chasing the love of those stars in the entertainment circle and blowing non-stop.

Therefore, this matter is currently circulating in the technology circle.

Only when the first machine is actually delivered and passed the inspection, will the mainstream media report on it.

Therefore, Zhao Ning, who doesn't browse Science and Technology Network very much, doesn't know what happened in the past two days.

"One-tenth of the performance of a supercomputer, the volume is only the size of a house. At present, it can be mass-produced in a small amount."

Zhao Ning read one by one.

"This is the result of my scientific research during the period after I went to college. In fact, I got investment and researched and developed it when I was in college. Now it's time for the product to go online. Investors have invested a lot in me. High, several billion, after all, you also know that this thing I invented is an epoch-making product, and it even involves the quantum level."

"Therefore, I only gave them a small part of the investment of several billion yuan, and I will slowly take back these shares in the future."

Liu Xiao took out a set of arguments he had prepared.

Liu Xiao pulled Zhao Ning closer again.

"As for why I got so much investment and got so many shares, it's deceptive when it comes to the quantum level, but I really invented the virtual disk technology at the quantum level. In other words, I successfully invented quantum computer."

"As for me and the investors behind me not releasing this news, it is because once this thing is produced, it will have a great impact on the existing world view. Therefore, it can only be released step by step. I believe it will not take long. You can see what happens next."

This is an ordinary invention, Zhao Ning will definitely not believe it.

But Zhao Ning couldn't help but not believe it when the quantum computer was pulled out.

After all, people with a certain level of knowledge know what the invention of quantum computers represents.

If the first industrial revolution was the invention of the steam engine to promote the progress of human society, and the second was the invention of electricity to promote the exploration needs of human civilization, then the symbol of the third industrial revolution is definitely the quantum computer!
The use of quantum computers and atomic energy is the sign of mankind's prediction of the third industrial revolution.

When Liu Xiao said this, Zhao Ningmao, who had some doubts at first, suddenly realized, and some doubts in his heart quickly receded.

No wonder, Qu Yuehui has a salary of tens of millions.

No wonder Liu Xiao became the president of such a large group.

No wonder Liu Xiao knows how to program mechanically.

No wonder.
Zhao Ning was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly remembered the all-powerful brother Xiao Xiao on Hu Ya.

If Liu Xiao said so, wouldn't it mean that when Liu Xiao was substituting for his younger sister Zhao Keke, he had hundreds of billions of funds in his hands?
Then Liu Xiao came here to cry about being poor, acting as a substitute teacher, and slowly running a small business, aren't they all lying to her?
Even, brother Xiao Xiao on that tiger bud
When Zhao Ning put everything together and thought about it, she immediately understood.

One is called Liu Xiao, and the other is called Brother Xiao Xiao, how could it be such a coincidence.

Seeing that Zhao Ning figured it out by connecting things together, Liu Xiao heaved a sigh of relief and praised his wit.

Although it is a bit suspected of cerebral palsy to talk about the fact that he invented a quantum computer, this is the only way to explain it to Zhao Ning.

Of course, the most important thing is that Liu Xiao really has the technology to manufacture quantum computers and quantum-level servers in his hands now!
No matter how nonsense it is for a college student to invent these things, but with the real thing in hand, Zhao Ning will definitely believe it.

"You know, because this thing is of great importance, I signed an agreement before, and these things cannot be disclosed, but recently, with the first batch of products coming out of the market, there are some things I can tell you."

Zhao Ning gently covered Liu Xiao's mouth.

"Don't worry, what you told me today, I will not tell anyone, including all my relatives."

"Brother Xiao Xiao!"

Liu Xiao was very moved when he heard Zhao Ning's previous words.

But the next sentence, brother Xiao Xiao, made Liu Xiao jump up and run away in fright.

Although Liu Xiao had expected it earlier, it was still a step too late.

A terrifying slender hand rested on his waist.

The next moment, the thumb and index finger of this hand pinched a piece of soft flesh around the waist, and then, under Liu Xiao's stiff turning back, he suddenly turned to the other side.


The technician who had just entered the workshop heard the scream and thought that the workshop, which had not been visited by anyone for several months, was haunted. He was so frightened that he almost peed in his crotch.

If more than 20 of them hadn't come together, his first reaction would probably be to run away.

"Quick, quick, let go, let go."

Of course Zhao Ning did not mean to hurt Liu Xiao, in fact, she was also reluctant to hurt Liu Xiao.

Just turned [-] degrees and Liu Xiao screamed like this, obviously acting.

Zhao Ning snorted softly, and let go of her hand indignantly.

"No wonder I talked about investing in you during that time. You kept saying that you were rich. I thought you were trying to hold on. I didn't expect you to have billions!"

Fortunately, she still felt sorry for Liu Xiao at that time, and felt that Liu Xiao was working very hard.

Unexpectedly, now that the bed is in bed, Liu Xiao said that he was cheated by him.

"Haha, now that the sheep are in the mouth of the tiger, don't even think about escaping."

Liu Xiao pulled Zhao Ning to her body and kissed her deeply. Zhao Ning, who had almost lost her anger, immediately lost her anger completely.

"I really couldn't do anything before. I will tell you anything in the future. After all, you will be the boss's wife in the future."

Liu Xiao said with a smile.

Zhao Ning now thinks that the previous events were all fake, but Liu Xiao knew in her heart that those events actually happened.

If it wasn't for what happened before, he wouldn't trust Zhao Ning so much now.

This is definitely a girl who has entrusted all her feelings to him.

If Zhao Ning is not treated well in this life, Liu Xiao himself will feel that he is a scumbag.

I remembered the poverty I had just graduated from.

If it wasn't for making up lessons for Zhao Keke, I'm afraid I would have gone back to my hometown to develop during that time. How could I stay in these adventures after encountering in the magic capital?

As for the first game operation business, Zhao Ning did his best to manage it. Although the effect was not great, Zhao Ning's thoughts on him can be seen.

Zhao Ning didn't want the share of the follow-up game operation, and Zhao Ning didn't want it. He had no choice but to spend more money to buy him an excellent suit.

After explaining these things to Zhao Ning, Zhao Ning might feel that there is nothing wrong with them, but Liu Xiao knows that these things happened for real, there is no such thing as acting.

Liu Xiao looked at the girl who was hugging her neck, her eyes were slightly closed, her eyelashes were trembling and she was asking for a kiss from her.

"Perhaps it is my luck to meet you."

Liu Xiao stroked Zhao Ning's hair aside lovingly, and kissed deeply again.

Outside the room, more than 20 technicians looked at each other.

When I first came in, I thought it was haunted, but with a glance, I naturally found this control room.

The control room is made of all glass, and the inside is designed with shutters. Now that the shutters are not closed, the inside can be seen from the outside.

They also knew the hero of the story, and they had seen the photos before coming here.

This is his boss, Liu Xiao.

"Cough cough!"

Liu Xiao took a glance and saw more than 20 people around him, almost choked to death with a mouthful of saliva.

I was playing romance here, why did so many people come running over all of a sudden, and when they approached, there was no sound at all.

This tm, what the hell?

(End of this chapter)

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