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Chapter 390 Production completed and testing started

Chapter 390 Production Completed and Started Testing (Seeking Monthly Pass)
"Mr. Liu, shall we go first?"

Seeing Liu Xiao open the door, a bolder female employee stood up with a slightly embarrassed expression.

Liu Xiao immediately gave this person a big roll of his eyes.

I can see this kind of thing when I see it. I am not making a villain here, and I wear all the clothes well.

Give yourself a wave of backhand to go first, is this looking down on your fighting power?
If they really started fighting, they might not be able to go to work within two or three hours.

Liu Xiao walked out carelessly, he didn't feel anything, but Zhao Ning, who was smashed by more than [-] people, was embarrassed.

"What's your name."

Liu Xiao hid Zhao Ning behind her back, and looked at the female technician who just stood up.

"Hi Mr. Liu, my name is Jun Ru, you can call me Xiao Ru."

"Okay, as a small example, you organize it first and divide the people present into four groups. I will have different task assignments later."

Liu Xiao nodded, and arranged the next tasks first.

The materials used to make the external structure of the server are all finished products. What Liu Xiao has to do is to process the finished profiles into the shape he wants through the machining assembly line.

But this assembly line is not fully intelligent after all, and naturally needs someone to assist in production.

A total of 24 people were divided into four groups with 6 people in each group.

Under the arrangement of Liu Xiao, the first group entered the shaping workshop, mainly for the folding and finishing of profiles.

The second group entered the precision workshop, aiming at the construction of the internal circuit diagram of the structure.

As for the third group and the fourth group, it probably has to wait until the work of the first and second groups is completed, and then carry out the docking work of Liu Xiao's production of virtual disks.

In the last step, the core of the technology is still completed by Liu Xiao independently. What they have to do is to connect the shells made by one or two sets, and after the fourth set is made, the finished product can be produced.

Liu Xiao was lucky. Xiaoru, who just came out to speak, seemed to have some prestige among these employees. Within 10 minutes, everyone was in place.

After Liu Xiao clicked the OK button, everyone began to work nervously.

After entering all the preliminary exterior drawings, Liu Xiao didn't care much about the outside affairs.

To be honest, there is no technical content in appearance production. As long as it takes some time, these technical personnel outside are definitely enough.

And Liu Xiao brought Zhao Ning to the 20nm precision machine tool that was just delivered this morning.

"Fortunately, in Shanghai, there are two small electronic mechanical arms in the workshop. Otherwise, it would take at least four or five days for me to modify them manually."

Liu Xiao sighed.

When the lathe was delivered, the CAD drawings of its original design were also attached.

After inputting the three-dimensional drawing into the computer, how to disassemble and refit basically has a clue.

Liu Xiao first entered the data and removed all the ultra-high-precision blades machined.

Then, all its main circuits were changed again.

While watching the manipulation of the robotic arm, all the quantum state formulas were written into the data torrent.

"Xiao Ning, you go to the No. [-] workshop and ask them to use a forklift to bring the photon scanning tool that the company prepared earlier."

While inputting data on the computer, he said to Zhao Ning who was sitting next to him.

"it is good."

Zhao Ning nodded repeatedly.

If Zhao Ning was a little skeptical about Liu Xiao's invention of a quantum computer before, but looking at the data program Liu Xiao is currently inputting into the computer, Zhao Ning is now completely convinced.

Except for some English vocabulary mixed in the program input of the wave function and the data determination of the photon's regular motion just now, she couldn't understand anything else.

After Liu Xiao said this, Zhao Ning quickly got up and ran to the workshop.

Zhao Ning knew in her heart that what Liu Xiao was doing now, once successful, would definitely have a huge impact domestically and even internationally.

Although there is no plan to announce the terminal product of quantum computer at present, even if this yan is taken out now, a Nobel Prize in physics will not be able to escape.

Once this thing is successful, the sensation it will cause will definitely be world-class!
Liu Xiao chuckled, bowed his head and continued to input data.

These things are all in his head, what Liu Xiao has to do is to copy out these data, it is naturally easy to do.

Soon, the photon scanner was brought over by two employees driving a forklift.

"Put it in Section 60, at an angle of [-] degrees."

"Go a little further, okay, okay."

The robotic arm pulls the photon scanner and easily connects the scanner to the machine tool.

At the other mechanical arm, the transformation of the internal circuit has also reached the last moment.

An hour later, as Liu Xiao typed out the last code, the reassembled machine tool was also perfectly successful, with the functions of producing pseudo-quantum hard drives and pseudo-quantum computing modes.

A set of silicon materials was taken out by Liu Xiao and placed under the photon scanner.

The black cover covers the entire production space. When an operation command is issued, photons are emitted from the inside of the machine, and the material is described in a quantum state.

In about half an hour, the first quantum state semi-finished computing chip was successfully produced.

Liu Xiao stepped forward, picked up the almost transparent chip with a dust-proof glove, and said with a smile:
"This is the crystallization of the world's most advanced technology, and it is also something that will change the world."

Zhao Ning on the side looked at the palm-sized object that Liu Xiao had just produced, and it was hard to imagine that it could reach one-tenth of the computing power of a supercomputer just by relying on this object.

You know, which of today's supercomputers is not a giant?
For the largest supercomputers, even the computing mainframes must be put into the seabed, and seawater is used for cooling.

These things are all installed in one building.

But now, as long as Liu Xiao holds this chip, he can achieve or even surpass the original computer form.
"If other people know that you have the ability to produce a real quantum computer, I'm afraid the world will go crazy."

Zhao Ning smiled bitterly.

Liu Xiao has already given her a popular science, and the real quantum computer is not as good as the one Liu Xiao is producing now.

The volume of that kind of quantum computer is also the size of a room, but in terms of computing power, traditional supercomputers can no longer compare with it.

The sum of the supercomputers currently in existence in the world is not as good as this thing's calculation speed.

Liu Xiao continued to turn on the machine, and drew three sets of chips again.

Then, it began to increase its power to produce quantum memory disks.

This kind of storage disk is used in conjunction with the chip, and the storage capacity is calculated in trillions of terabytes.

Among other things, one of these things can hold the data of four or five tiger buds.

Until around [-]:[-] in the afternoon, the first set of finished products also began to leave the warehouse at the workshop.

As the conveyor belt transported the finished product, Liu Xiao also went off in person, installed all the core components, and then entered a series of confidential commands inside.

"It doesn't matter if this thing is mastered by our own country's research, but it can't be mastered by those guys abroad. Although I am very sure about the technological content of this thing, it's better to prevent problems before they happen."

Liu Xiao chuckled.

This command is an IP identification, but it is a super advanced command.

For example, if the ip of a domestic first-line research institute is decomposed and studied, this command will not take effect.

But if a foreign IP is detected, this command will completely lock the computer and completely stop all computing tasks.

The logical judgment of this super-advanced command also includes the use of domestic broilers abroad, or tampering data such as fake ip.

Of course, if top foreign scientists come to China for research, this is also possible.

But for this point, Liu Xiao also held an indifferent attitude.

After all, the technological content of this thing, even if the code data is placed in front of them, they may not be able to research it within ten years.

An extra layer of commands is just more insurance.

As soon as the assembly here was completed, more than a dozen technicians ran out one after another.

They are all technical talents in the technology industry. Although they are not big names, their skills are not bad. Naturally, they know what Liu Xiao is producing.

Everyone wanted to come and witness the production of the world's first virtual disk server.

But the Naihe workshop still needs people to maintain it, so only half of the people came.

Liu Xiao's face was calm, but he was still a little excited in his heart.

Although it was produced by itself, it has not been tested by itself after all.

This thing uses a special ultra-high voltage, which is connected with a dedicated line.

Liu Xiao connected the circuit, and then turned on the dedicated power supply switch.

Immediately, all six green indicator lights on the machine lighted up.

With the buzzing sound, the machine starts the first self-test since it started.

One by one the lights went off, and one after another came on.

Finally, with a ding dong.

The motor of the machine, which was more than four meters long and three meters wide and high, suddenly started to run.

The huge green indicator light in the center that represented normal work also suddenly lit up.

"Come here a few people to help test!"

Liu Xiao shouted to the outside of the workshop.

Immediately, more than a dozen people became excited and ran all the way, for fear that their parents would give birth to two legs for themselves.

"Mr. Liu, what should we do?"

More than a dozen people swarmed in, their faces flushed, but they all restrained themselves and kept quiet.

The professionalism of industry personnel is still very good.

"Can you program a computer?"

Liu Xiao looked around, and everyone nodded.

"Okay, there are data bombs in this USB flash drive. You will slowly transmit these data bombs to the server through a dedicated data optical cable."

Data bombs are terrifying.

Attack some servers by running some junk files in a loop. As long as the data carrying capacity of the server is lower than the data transmitted by this data bomb, the server will have to stop in minutes.

Therefore, it is absolutely no problem to measure the server's carrying capacity through this thing.

In the room, more than a dozen people searched for the data interface and copied the programs in the USB flash drive.

Following Liu Xiao's order, the berserk torrent of data rushed towards the server crazily along the specific optical cable.

Liu Xiao focused his face, fully manipulating the supercomputer to analyze and block the junk data.

"100tb of data, the amount of garbage processed by ordinary servers, everything is running normally, and the current occupation ratio is less than [-]/[-], and the exact amount is not accurately displayed."

Liu Xiao opened his mouth and announced the data he just fed back.

"Increase the data flood, first increase it by a hundred times."


Everyone nodded and began to multiply the program a hundred times.

If it is transmitted through the network, it is necessary to contact countless meat machines outside to transmit these data, but this is the scene after all, these data are continuously transmitted through six or seven arm-thick data optical cables, and there is no need to consider the problem of meat machines.

The data impact suddenly increased to a hundred times, and the data displayed on the screen in front of Liu Xiao also began to change.

From less than one ten-thousandth of a place, slowly marching towards one-thousandth.

Then, the data quickly increased to a thousand times.

This is also the maximum data limit that these cables can transmit.

After 10 minutes, the inventory on the screen was finally displayed at one percent.

At the moment when Liu Xiao announced the final test results, everyone on the scene boiled instantly.

Although it is impossible to continue the data test, it is enough.

With a calculation rate of one percent, it has carried so much data bombing.

You know, all the servers on Huya's side add up, and it is estimated that they can resist five hundred times.

That is to say, a giant company like Ali with a big business can withstand these data bombardments by relying on the number of servers.

But you know, this is only one percent of the performance of this server!

After the first machine was produced, subsequent machines were significantly more efficient.

This is also one of the benefits of the workshop assembly line, and the products are continuously output.

Liu Xiao originally thought that he would be able to go back at eight or nine o'clock in the evening, and by the way, he could go to Country Garden to move his clothes to the villa.

Unexpectedly, it was already twelve o'clock in the evening when this assembly was over.

"Li Gong, monitor the power consumption of the machine, and report the data to me in 3 minutes."

"Mr. Zhao, monitor the operation of the data bomb, increase the data cable, try to increase the data test environment to one-tenth or even one-fifth of the storage, and form a data curve in 10 minutes and send it to me."

"Xiaoru, control these five virtual disk servers to connect to the Internet, test the server stability and data calculation rate by screening big data, and form a data report in 10 minutes."

Liu Xiao sat in front of the computer, eating melon seeds with Zhao Ning, while giving tasks to these technicians.

Liu Xiao's memory is still very good, there are 24 people, although a small half of them can't name them, but they can still remember Zhao Gong and Li Gong.

Liu Xiao originally thought that he would finish the test soon, and then go home and sleep.

But I didn't expect these technicians to be so crazy that they all wanted to participate.

Liu Xiao had no choice but to assign all these data surveying and mapping tasks.

Although it is a bit slower than my own, who makes my employees like to work overtime?

It was already past twelve o'clock in the evening, and a kind of employee still carried out the order happily, and didn't even want to ask for overtime pay.

Even Zhao Ning, who was sitting next to him, was concentrating on the screen in front of him, shouting excitedly every time he saw a piece of data running normally.

 New January, ask for a monthly pass! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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