Chapter 391
Generally speaking, the manufacturing difficulty is not great. With Liu Xiao's technology, it is very easy to make this thing.

But the various adjustments and tests that followed were beyond Liu Xiao's expectation.

If you want to sell this thing, you have to come up with a set of instructions, how to operate which one, which function, which button does what, if there is a problem, how to repair the circuit diagram, etc., there are hundreds of them, just read it. Liu Xiao felt dizzy for a while.

Liu Xiao hadn't thought about this problem before, but following the same tests by the technicians under him, Liu Xiao also roughly understood the reason for doing so.

After all, this thing is to be sold for other people to use. Although it is not a quantum computer, it is still a product of new technology. If it is not marked, let alone the person who bought it back, it is the ones in front of Liu Xiao. Technical staff can't understand it.

There is no way, Liu Xiao can only follow the test all night long.

But the good thing is that the production process has been standardized. After two o'clock in the morning, the technicians were divided into two groups. One group continued to produce, and the other group tested data and produced operation manuals according to Liu Xiao's requirements.

It was not until after midnight on Wednesday that Liu Xiao forced Zhao Ning to run out of the factory.

"These guys are too crazy, they haven't rested all day, and their enthusiasm is still so high,"

Liu Xiao smiled wryly.

If you don't know, you may think that Liu Xiao is here to work.

"It is a great honor to be able to participate in this cross-age technological product, and in terms of the technical level of these people, they are basically the forefront of our country. Which one is not an annual salary of more than one million, living in the magic city Still enough."

Zhao Ning also clicked her tongue secretly.

Although she was also very excited, she was not from the technology circle after all, and she mainly just watched the excitement.

But those technicians are really crazy. They not only have to manage the production in the workshop, but also cooperate with the debugging here.

Zhao Ning was afraid that one of these people would suddenly collapse in the workshop and be unable to get up.

That's what I said, but Liu Xiao and Zhao Ning still have a little understanding of the mood involved.

As I said before, as a witness of a cross-age product, no one wants to miss it.

Although this thing is not a real quantum computer, it is already a semi-finished product.

If they can really lead the leap of science and technology, I believe that they will also have a strong stroke in the history books in the future.

"Can you still drive? How about finding a substitute driver?"

Seeing Liu Xiao start the car, Zhao Ning was a little worried.

Although Liu Xiao ran less, but Liu Xiao's energy was always on the machine. If it was tired, Liu Xiao, the main operator, was the most tired, and the others were just cooperating.

"Don't worry, you can drive around corners."

Liu Xiao blinked and smiled.

Zhao Ning got on the co-pilot and gave Liu Xiao another hard look.

"It's all your fault. I don't know how many times I've broadcast the live broadcast in the past few days. If I go back so late today, I probably won't be able to broadcast it again."

"The boss asks you to leave work. Who dares to have an opinion? No, you can call Feifei over. I'll see if she dares to say no."

Liu Xiao laughed, started the car and drove away.

Recently, I have been exercising really well with the beauty coach.

After spending two days in a row with Zhao Ning and working in the factory all day, Liu Xiao only felt a little tired.

However, in today's state, it is definitely not possible to move. Liu Xiao took Zhao Ning back to the villa, found some food to fill his stomach, and started to catch up on sleep.

On the other hand, with the release of the first batch of virtual disk servers and the release of specific test data, the official website of Science and Technology Network suddenly exploded into a mess.

First of all, those who can't sit still are the masters of a kind of research institute. For example, professor-level experts from first-tier universities such as Zhejiang University sit in front of the computer scratching their heads.

It is true that technology is the primary productive force.

But with the development of science and technology to the present, the time of that kind of knowledge explosion has long passed.

90.00% of all things that can be observed on the surface have been discovered by others.

Even in terms of chemistry, the compound reactions of five or six materials have been studied extensively.

The current research projects are extremely difficult, and as long as research is carried out, it is inevitable to use the basic subject of mathematics. This level of research does not mean that a few computers and calculators can be pressed out, but A large amount of calculation data is required to support it.

If it is an academician of the Academy of Sciences, there must be no shortage of server resources.

After all, there are less than [-] domestic academicians engaged in this kind of scientific research, and there are ten supercomputers in China alone. Even if only half of the time is allocated for a year, one person can use it for a few days every year.

With huge computing power processing, some difficult computing tasks can naturally be solved easily.

But the research institutes of these universities are very embarrassing, there is no large-scale computer at hand to use.

Every time I encounter a math problem that is difficult to solve, I have to fly to Shanghai or the capital to queue up. If I am lucky, I can queue up for a short time in a month or two. come into contact with.

If the data cannot be calculated, all kinds of research have to be suspended.

But now, with Qu Yue announcing the specific data of the newly manufactured virtual disk server on the science and technology website, it is inevitable for these people to be excited.

"Great, I didn't expect the gamble of the previous two days to pay off so quickly!"

The veteran Ren trembled slightly.

He was just betting on his luck two days ago. In fact, she didn't have much confidence in her heart.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, the finished product has been made, and various data reports have been uploaded to the Science and Technology Network.

Mr. Ren is from a technical background. He only read these data reports once, and he was probably sure of the authenticity of this thing.

Undoubtedly, it is definitely the first generation of quantum computers!

Even if it is just a prototype, according to what Liu Ning Company said before, the computing power of the supercomputer is one-tenth, it is definitely enough.

Now the group is facing various technical blockades. Even with the strong support of the state, the computing power support that Huawei has received is not much, mainly due to some policy assistance.

But in the final analysis, in the face of this kind of thing, the national level can't provide much help. After all, the roads are blocked by people. Even if the country comes forward, it will have to dig out the way out.

But now, as long as there are five virtual disk servers in the early stage, research in various directions will definitely increase rapidly.

Among other things, there is a supercomputer to help, which is a great help in writing codes, checking bugs, and making systems.

An aerospace metal engineer at the Moda Research Institute couldn't sit still when he saw the news.

The current space shuttle can achieve stable recovery in the beautiful country, but the loss is also very large. The main loss lies in the friction with the atmosphere during the return process.

Although all kinds of angular power and various side wing adjustments have been used to reduce loss, the material is not good enough, which will seriously affect the life span.

What he is doing now is to find the best combination among more than 100 kinds of materials, which have requirements for stiffness, tensile resistance and toughness.

If we rely on experimental data, the permutation and combination of a hundred materials will be impossible to calculate even if the entire research institute is paralyzed.

But if there is such a supercomputer, it only needs to run for a week or two, and more than half of the data can be simulated on a large scale!

With their great strength, it is definitely impossible to apply for a supercomputer, but the university will not be short of money if it lacks anything!

Especially for a prestigious university like theirs, every year countless rich people come to donate money and donate buildings, just to get an honorary title in the school for themselves to wear.

For such people, the school is also very welcome.

After all, honorary titles are worthless, and if you throw one away, you can get tens of millions back. This kind of business would not be done by fools. With money, universities can have better resources to cultivate talents. This is a virtuous circle.

Whether it is a top university in China or a first- and second-tier university in China, there are basically such default operations. The only difference is the amount of donations.

And now, a virtual disk server with a price tag of 5000 million is just around the corner, which is even less of a problem for Mo Da.

After the professor reported the demand to the school's comprehensive office, after research and discussion, he went to the school's leadership circle.

In less than an hour, the meeting had an uncontroversial result.

And it's not just buying one or two!
The professor recalled what the principal who had just been promoted to academician made a final decision.

As long as Liu Ning Company has products, even if all the working funds of the school are used up, they must be bought back!
This kind of thing is not big in size, and one can be placed in a classroom.

It is absolutely no problem to put hundreds of them in a teaching building.

As long as Liu Ning Company has the goods, they dare to fill up a teaching building.

As for the high-voltage power supply for industrial use?

They can find someone to donate the building, but they can't find someone to change the line?
It's a big deal to build a computer building.

When the metal engineer walked out of the conference room, he felt that his legs were already limp.

The project has been handed over to the purchasing department of the school, and I believe there will be results in a short time.

But he still has some ideas in his heart, this first batch of products must not have a big share from them.

There are less than ten units in total, and Huawei has reserved five units. Although they are also 211, they still have a gap with the top universities.

A few super universities are divided into one point, and the first batch of things will be divided.

But in terms of seniority, the second batch and the third batch might have a huge share of them.

"Young people are awesome. I didn't expect this guy to be researched by a young man."

The professor sighed.

With the explosive spread of data on the technology web.

From two o'clock at noon to ten o'clock in the evening, the telephone hotlines of Liu Ning Company and Liu Ning Group were almost blown up.

"Mr. Qu, several research institutes have already transferred money to our account, and they seem to have colluded with the bank. It's useless for us to refuse to accept it."

"The deposit or the full payment?"

"Currently, the four research institutes have paid the full amount, and two of them have added more money, 5000 million, and [-] million. They said they hoped that we would arrange it for them in advance, and even If it’s in stock, it’s not a problem to increase the price of a single server to [-] billion.”

The financial girl was walking around in a hurry.

This kind of situation has never been encountered since her first day in finance.

Although this is a good thing for the product market situation, it is not easy for Liu Ning Group to deal with.

After all, the customers this time are all major research institutes in China, and there are even some secret unit orders. These relationships need to be balanced in all aspects.

Once the balance is lost, among other things, the Liu Ning Group really can't bear to be ran to sleep on the company bench for a few days by those old researchers from these research institutes.

Thinking about the monthly output of only a dozen or twenty units, Qu Yue also had a headache.

The financial side is just a matter of paying in advance, but the total number of orders received by her side is thousands of units.

Even if twenty units are produced a month, it will take decades for these thousands of units to be produced.

Qu Yue thought for a long time, but there was nothing she could do, so she could only call Liu Xiao again.

In this case, how to allocate limited resources, she, the manager, can no longer decide.

Liu Xiao did not pay attention to these news on the Internet.

The two had just woken up, it was a good time for refreshing negative distance contact, when Qu Yue called.

But Qu Yue must be calling because she has something to discuss, and Liu Xiao couldn't stop answering.

"Come up."

Liu Xiao said something softly, then turned over and lay down.

Zhao Ning's face turned red, but she climbed up obediently.

This angle is still a test of appearance, but Zhao Ning naturally has no worries in this regard. No matter from which angle you look at it, Zhao Ning is almost perfect.

Satisfied, Liu Xiao picked up Qu Yue's phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, Qu Yue's voice came over.

"Mr. Liu, something big has happened to the company."

Zhao Ning suppressed it thoroughly, and Qu Yue didn't hear any strange voices.

On the other hand, Qu Yue was busy in a mess, and never thought that Liu Xiao on the other end of the phone was making trouble.

This will call, and the tone is naturally bitter.

After explaining all the causes and consequences to Liu Xiao, the rest of these matters must naturally be left to Liu Xiao, the boss, to make a decision.

Liu Xiao pondered slightly.

The current order volume of more than 3000 units is certainly true.

But according to Qu Yue's narrative, many research institutes have reported the demand for several, or even dozens of units, which is definitely not possible.

After all, according to Liu Xiao's estimate, the current maximum output per month is only [-] units.

Even if Liu Xiao did it by himself and stayed up all night, he only made six or seven sets, and he did it without eating or drinking.

Under normal circumstances, Liu Xiao works overtime every day, and can build a hundred units a month.

But Liu Xiao still has more important things to do. The holographic projection technology still needs to be developed, so naturally he can't waste his time here.

Therefore, the output can basically be stabilized at [-] units per month.

In the later period, another batch of technicians will be recruited, and the output should be increased.

The first batch of 10 machines has also been booked out, and the deposit has been received. This must be cashed, and it is estimated that the cashing will be completed within a week.

In addition to the one for Huya, the first batch of 11 units will definitely be completed within a week.

And the rest will have to be cashed out slowly in the subsequent period of time.

In any case, in a short period of time, only some urgently needed items can be guaranteed.

"How about this, Qu Yue, please contact Science and Technology Network. We will cooperate with Science and Technology Network. The maximum output of 20 machines per month will be limited to the research institutes that are most in short supply of computing power. As for those commercial groups, let them first Get out of the way, after the evaluation by Science and Technology Network, we will allocate according to the degree of urgency and the left and right of the research."

(End of this chapter)

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