Chapter 392
With the status of Science and Technology Network in the circle, as long as it can make it officially publish, everything will be fine. In terms of pressure, Science and Technology Network may bear most of it.

Although it is difficult to do this, Liu Xiao is still a little confident. After all, there is almost no room for the Science and Technology Network to reject the things presented this time.

Qu Yue thought for a while, and also felt that this method was feasible.

"Mr. Liu, there is one more thing. The previously ordered Huawei and Huya have a total of six servers. Let's see when they will be shipped."

"It can be sent now, but if you want to send someone over there, you must get first-hand test data."

Liu Xiao thought for a while and said.

Things are made for sale.

Besides, this thing is an over-product. Liu Xiao's real purpose is to produce the real thing in a period of time after all. After all, this thing may not be produced for a few months, and it is okay to produce too much a burden.

And as far as the current situation is concerned, there are still five units left in the pre-orders that have not been fulfilled.

Taking advantage of the phone not hanging up, Liu Xiao told Qu Yue all his thoughts, and set the tone for the group's subsequent expansion and enrollment expansion.

Secondly, the most important thing is the location of the group's office building. After this month is over and all the machines produced are sold, it is time to build its own group building.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Xiao felt the beauty on his body, turned to fight, and took the initiative to have trouble with Zhao Ning.

Early the next morning, Liu Xiao took Zhao Ning back home.

"By the way, Zhao Keke should have a week of military training, right?"

Liu Xiao asked curiously while packing up Zhao Ning's clothes.

When I was in college, I had to do military training for a month. It was okay to meet a better instructor, at least not to embarrass others. When I met a bad-tempered one, all kinds of push-ups could make people vomit blood.

"Almost, it's probably early September after the military training, and I won't go home until October [-]st."

Zhao Ning nodded with a smile.

Zhao Keke called her, and she is doing pretty well at school so far. Although she is not at ease as a sister, she is busy with the live broadcast after all, and she doesn't have much time to go to Zhao Keke's school recently.

Zhao Ning doesn't have many clothes, but they are all very delicate.

After packing two large suitcases, basically all the clothes were packed in, and only a few changes were left for the family.

Liu Xiao ran upstairs to the other side, tidied up his clothes briefly, and then went to the Yulongwan villa area property to ask, and found some staff for the villa.

After all, for a villa of [-] square meters, Liu Xiao and Zhao Ning are simply too busy to do the cleaning alone.

The staffing of the property is very complete, and the sanitation and maintenance of the entire villa cost 5 yuan per month. Liu Xiao readily paid the management fee for one year.

Just make a phone call in the villa, and within 5 minutes, staff will come to clean, trim the garden and so on.

"Boss Liu, do you want to live broadcast with me today?"

Zhao Ning looked at Liu Xiao teasingly while turning on the computer for the live broadcast.

Ever since knowing that Liu Xiao is brother Xiao Xiao, Zhao Ning has no other pressure in her heart.

Brother Xiao Xiao sent so many gifts before, which was indeed a burden for her. Although Brother Xiao Xiao made it clear that he would not take it back, except for using the money for charity, she hardly touched it.

This Wuling Hongguang mini and other live broadcast equipment were bought through other scattered rewards.

But now.

My husband is so rich, so he can just use it, and she is not a miser. It is also a good thing that Liu Xiao is having fun on the live broadcast platform.

"Student Xiaojuzi, as a female anchor, you must not have men in front of the camera, and of course the boss includes me."

Liu Xiao chuckled, and moved a rocking chair from the side to sit beside him.

Huawei has just launched the mate30 series, and it is also equipped with the freebuds series of Bluetooth headsets. Of course, Liu Xiao bought these things.

Sitting next to him, Liu Xiao also turned on the Huya live broadcast, connected to the Bluetooth headset, and first logged into the account in Xingxiu District.

Although Huya organized this event well, Liu Xiao didn't have much time to log in to his account a few days ago.

As for Sister Feifei, Liu Xiao charged a lot of money to her account, and the time these few days must be endless.

And today is the fifth day of the Chuhe Hanjie event.

Liu Xiao glanced at the rankings of each team.

The Han faction is currently ranked first, the total list of all trade unions is a little over 2 million, the Chu faction ranks second, with a current total list of 7000 million, and the He faction is the least, with a current list of 5000 million.

"This time, Daheng brushed a little too much."

Liu Xiao looked at the page with some surprise.

For the 1000 million list, Daheng’s fifth brother made more than 5000 million, Jiu brother made more than 4000 million, and other union bosses made about [-] million, and Hua’s side has not yet moved. It is estimated that the follow-up There must be action.

On Lehua's side, Sister Feifei swiped more than 2000 million yuan, and Xiaohuya is also quite ruthless this month. A single person swiped more than [-] million yuan, and they don't even ask for a penny in cash. Other beibei and Junjun Brother, I basically brushed some of them.

As for the He faction, it was even worse, with 5000 million, and Yishui Yanyu alone made 4000 million, and the remaining [-] million or so list was made by other big brothers of the union.

Zhao Ning's account has already been registered, and the position assigned by the system today is Han, not in Lehua's camp.

Baldy is also not in Chu's camp, and Yang Zi's camp is correct, but Yang Zi is the anchor of the morning show, and he is not live broadcasting tonight. Fenger's side is in the early morning file, and it will probably be online later.

After thinking about it, Liu Xiao still jumped to the game area.

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao to Lao Chou's live broadcast room!"

Seeing the login special effect on the public screen, Tiao Nan hurriedly got up to welcome him.

During this period of time, Tiao Nan has come out of the shadow of divorce, and has concentrated on starting a live broadcast business. Currently, the number of tourists in the live broadcast room is still quite large.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, I saw Liu Ning Technology Company on the technology website in the past two days. I wonder if you founded this company?"

Sou Nan asked tentatively while playing the game.

He checked the legal person information of this company, the name is Liu Xiao.

If it's just this point, Tiao Nan will definitely not be able to contact Brother Xiao Xiao.

He has been on the live broadcast platform for a long time, and he will definitely find a way to add the contact information of a super anchor like Xiaojuzi. After chatting a few times occasionally, he naturally knows that the other party's real name is Zhao Ning.

A Liu Xiao, Brother Xiao Xiao.

A small orange, Zhao Ning.

And this company was called Liu Ning Technology Company, so it was hard for him not to connect the two.

Of course, he will definitely not reveal the relationship between brother Xiao Xiao and Zhao Ning, but he definitely doesn't care about something like the company that is already in the public eye.

Liu Xiao glanced at Sou Nan in surprise, and after thinking about what happened before and after, he became clear again in his heart.

No way, who made his name too scratchy?
As long as someone who cares about it goes to see it and then contacts it, they will naturally think of themselves.

After all, there are only a few people in the whole country who are capable of starting this kind of company. Tou Nan's family is originally a business, so it is not difficult to know these things.

What Liu Xiao didn't quite know was whether Daheng and Misty Rain knew about it or not.

If the two of them knew about this, I'm afraid this event would not be so fun.

But logically speaking, probably not.

After all, they don't have Zhao Ning's friends, and they don't have any strange interest in investigating Xiaojuzi's real name.

For example, Liu Xiao now only knows anchors like Xia Nuan, Dao Zi, and Xiao Fei, and doesn't care about their real names.

Liu Xiao originally wanted to answer, but after thinking about it, he still didn't say anything.

If this matter is admitted in the live broadcast room now, it may not take one night for it to reach the ears of the two trade unions, Daheng and Misty Rain.

You know, Liu Ning Technology Company is a super new technology company that can easily gather billions of dollars. With such ample financial resources, what will happen if Brother Hua and the others are scared away?
Seeing that Brother Xiao Xiao didn't reply on the bullet screen, Scratching Man knew that Brother Xiao Xiao still didn't want to reveal his identity, so he stopped talking.

The news is estimated to take two days to come out. Most of the viewers in the live broadcast room don't pay much attention to Science and Technology Network, so naturally they don't know about it.

They were just a little confused about what Soo Nan said just now, so no one continued to ask questions based on this point.

"Scratch man, are you interested in making a list for this event?"

"Then you must be interested, brother Xiao Xiao."

Seeing Liu Xiao's barrage, scratching the man's spirits.

Since he came to Huya, brother Xiao Xiao has brushed miss, status, poison, and anchors such as Kaka, Hehe, and Laolong, but he was the only one who was missed.

Before, I was wondering if Brother Xiao Xiao didn't love him anymore, but I didn't expect Brother Xiao Xiao to come for real just after the broadcast started today.

The more than 100 million visitors in the live broadcast room suddenly became excited when they saw Brother Xiao Xiao's barrage.

The activities in the first two days were mainly in the Xingxiu District.

In the game area, except for Sister Feifei and Xiao Huya who came to take care of them occasionally, the other unions basically gave up.

As a result, there were very few Big Brothers in the game area. When Brother Lehua was not online, even a single Emperor could not be found in the game area.

On the contrary, there are a lot of knights, swordsmen and the like.

There are a lot of people, and the spending power is much better than a few months ago, but it is basically impossible to compare with Xingxiu District.

In the Xingxiu area, the list of anchors like Xia Nuan is close to 7000-[-] million.

But in the game area, the highest list is currently Hue He, with a list of 700 million, followed by Kaka, with a list of 520 million, and the third is B Wen, with a list of about [-] million.

Like him scratching men, the current list is only less than a million.

The combined lists of all the anchors in the game area may be the top anchor in the Xingxiu area, and the gap is not a little bit.

Liu Xiao didn't think about it.

When he was playing in Huya before, he might still have the intention of competing with Daheng, but now, Liu Xiao is basically playing along.

Liu Xiao didn't know how much money Daheng Misty Rain had, but what Liu Xiao knew was that no matter how much money the two of them had, it was impossible for them to be richer than him.

Sitting in a technology company, the orders should be lined up, at least ten years later.

Every day, one or two billion turnover is recorded in the account
If Liu Xiao didn't find a chance to spend some money to go out, I'm afraid the number in the bank card would be blown up.

And most importantly, Liu Xiao wanted to clear all the money in the Shenhao card as soon as possible.

As long as the money in the Shenhao card is emptied, and then the money paid to the anchor can be counted as the consumption limit, which can provide the system with upgrade experience.

After all, the upgrade to the next level will cost a full 10 billion credits.

Even if you want to buy a yacht or a villa, you have to have it.

Furthermore, which yacht can be worth one billion?

Submarines are about the same.

The top-notch villas and yachts all need to be reserved in advance, especially for yachts. From payment to production and delivery, at least half a year has to wait. With this time, Liu Xiao can play casually on the live broadcast platform, It has already been brushed out.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is too domineering, have you noticed that there has been no big brother from Daheng in the game area for several months, and even if they come, they seem to be some small ones, and they dare not open a large one at all !"

"You think Brother Xiao Xiao is joking with them. Brother Xiao Xiao is a hero of such magnitude, only Brother Hua Jiu and the two of them can talk to Brother Xiao Xiao. If the other big brothers come over, aren't they just courting death?"

"I didn't say anything, brother Xiao Xiao will always be a fan!"

The tourists in the scratch male live broadcast room talked a lot.

Although there are more new tourists this month, there are also many old tourists in the game area.

As soon as Brother Xiao Xiao opened his mouth, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was immediately lifted.

On the other side, Brother Hua, who had been in Daheng's office, also sat up straight suddenly.

Xiao Xiao, who was regarded as the biggest competitor, went online, so he naturally set special attention.

Brother Hua had already started mobilizing funds when he saw that Xiao Xiao was going to make a move in the game area.

Today is Friday, and tomorrow night at the latest, the final mode of this event will come out.

Therefore, starting from tonight, they Daheng had to rush.

Otherwise, if they wait until tomorrow to play the event, others will think they are afraid of Xiao Xiao.

For Daheng, he must win this time, and he must win openly and aboveboard!
Therefore, no matter how much Xiao Xiao plays tonight, Daheng will accompany him!
Yi MinoYanYu put both hands on the secretary's rounded lips, let out a comfortable snort, and also opened the live broadcast room on Sou Nan's side.

"Daheng's side probably won't be able to sit still."

"You guys start today, I want to see how much you can get out of it."

Although Yimino Misty Rain wanted to take advantage of this event to push the Misty Rain Union out, he didn't intend to fight head-on with the other two today.

Daheng fought hard, and everyone was happy if he won. Even if he lost, it would be affected, but he could fight back in the next two days.

But they couldn't afford to gamble on Misty Rain, a new guild, on the fifth day of the event, came up to fight against the two major guilds, once they lost, it would become a laughing stock on the platform.

Therefore, it is the best choice to steal chickens tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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