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Chapter 393 Brother Xiao Xiao makes a move, the hosts in the game area fight

Chapter 393 Brother Xiao Xiao makes a move, the hosts in the game area fight

Liu Xiao glanced at the anchor who was currently broadcasting live.

In the League of Legends area, there are still some major anchors currently broadcasting, but not many are in the Chu camp.

Liu Xiao thought about it, and still planned to fight on Sou Nan's side, but he didn't know if anyone from Daheng and Misty Rain would come out to fight, but it's really too early to start fighting now.

In Huya's headquarters, Lan Lan even ran back to the office immediately, and directly logged in to Soo Nan's live broadcast room.

"Old scratch, dry brushing seems a bit boring, it's still early today, why don't we play two games together?"

Liu Xiao was typing on the public screen.

After obtaining the virtual disk operation technology and virtual projection technology, Liu Xiao's programming skills have been greatly improved.

Like most of the data programming in the world today, basically cannot escape Liu Xiao's eyes, especially after the system has given virtual projection technology, Liu Xiao's strength in the computer industry can be ranked among the top in the world, basically no one It's the right kind.

Correspondingly, the two aspects of hand speed and reaction force have naturally been greatly improved.

Seeing the live broadcast of the League of Legends, Liu Xiao really felt a little itchy.

"Okay, Brother Xiao Xiao."

The scratching man was surprised, but he reacted quickly, and became excited immediately.

His family is in business, and he has some knowledge about technology, and he often visits Science and Technology Network.

In the past two days, as the entire science and technology network has been swiped, Tiao Nan naturally knows what kind of sensation it is.

And the one who created all of this was Brother Xiao Xiao who was watching his live broadcast!
Being able to establish a good relationship with this kind of character is definitely something that can be met but not sought after for Tiaonan.

Liu Xiao turned on the computer and signed up.

The computer at Yulongwan Villa is water-cooled, and the operation feels very good.

Sou Nan also immediately went to the anchor group to call someone online.

"Brothers, brother Xiao Xiao is online in the game area, we are going to start the game, whoever is free, come quickly!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is online? I'll come!"

Furuto Yu was reading Douyin, when he saw a message pop up in the group, he jumped up like a furry.

Last time I played a game with Brother Xiao Xiao, but I gave Brother Xiao Xiao a few heads well, if I give another wave this time, the position in Brother Xiao Xiao's heart will not be rattled?

Thinking of this, Gu Shouyu ran to the study, almost running to turn on the computer.

He knew very well in his heart that there were not many opportunities to play games with Brother Xiao Xiao, and he might not even be able to get on the board if he missed it.

Brother Ba and sister Kaka also went online quickly.

Those who are anchors, as long as they don't have boyfriends and girlfriends, are almost all nerds and nerds.

"Wait for me, I'll be home in 2 minutes."

Lu Xueqi went upstairs wheezing, and made voice calls in the group while running up.

Lu Xueqi's appearance is quite good, especially the huge thing in front of her body, which highlights a large character.

Among other things, there is definitely a D up.

Every time I play the game, the giant is almost always placed on the table.

But with such natural conditions, the game is also played very well. He once played the king of the first district, and his strength is still very strong. He mainly plays the ad position.

After staying in Huya for so long, Lu Xueqi has never had a chance to communicate with brother Xiao Xiao. This time, Lu Xueqi is also furious.

The two bottles of water I just bought downstairs were thrown directly into the corridor, and with both hands supporting the giant in front of me, I almost rushed up with all my strength.

Seeing the entire group of anchors who were almost mobilized with just one sentence, Scratching Man couldn't help but sigh Brother Xiao Xiao's strength in his heart.

Just going online to play a game, almost all the anchors above the first line in the entire League of Legends area moved.

Even if some of them couldn't come, they were madly crying sadly in the group.

But think about it, after all, Brother Xiao Xiao is so powerful, he doesn't engage in female anchors, and he has a good temper, brother Shenhao, he is simply the lucky star of these anchors.

If you have nothing to do, come to the circle of friends to browse around, and sprinkle some gifts at will, so that they can live well for several years.

Faced with such a character, everyone naturally wanted to curry favor.

This is the case even for Sou Nan, a big anchor who is not short of money at all, let alone other people.

I played games with Tiao Nan before, but there are Tiao Nan's friends on the account.

As soon as Liu Xiao went online, the game application from Sou Nan was sent over.

"Hey, Brother Xiao Xiao, can you hear me?"

The scratching man turned on the black voice and spoke.

"Okay, to play 5v5, get someone with strong skills, otherwise I'm afraid it won't be enough to fight."

Liu Xiao chuckled, very confident.

Hearing Brother Xiao Xiao speak, the tourists in the live broadcast room burst into laughter.

"Don't say it's 5v5, 1v9 is not enough for Brother Xiao Xiao. After all, Brother Xiao Xiao's hero has money."

"Don't tell me, Gu Shouyu gave the best gift last time. I just saw that Gu Shouyu is online, and he should come this time too. I just don't know if he is Xiao Xiaoge's opponent."

"My bad brother is not busy, okay?"

"Fart, Brother Ba, that's a natural collapse, not a gift."

"I didn't say anything, I think Brother Xiao Xiao can hit nine in one. If anyone is not convinced, you can place a bet. If you are sure that Brother Xiao Xiao will win, you will bet 1000 million and return one. If you bet Xiao Xiao and lose the game, bet once and return 1000 million!"

"Bai Xiaosheng, you're going too far. If you voted for brother Xiao Xiao, I'll start a round of 1000 billion!"

Scratching man looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room, he couldn't laugh or cry.

It’s because I gave Brother Xiao Xiao so much fun last time, so that these audiences will remember it, otherwise they can continue to pretend.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, which position are you going to play?"

"I'll play in the middle, and play Baijie."

Liu Xiao thought for a while, and chose a hero who was more capable of manoeuvrability.

Naturally, Liu Xiao could also see the barrage, but Liu Xiao didn't plan to play a friendly match with these anchors this time.

With the double improvement of hand speed and reaction speed, Liu Xiao felt that the mouse in his palm had almost merged with him. Under such circumstances, Liu Xiao still had a little confidence in his own strength.

At least, the strength of the diamond rank is there, right?
"White Tribulation?"

"Bai Jie?"

"Upstairs, something is wrong with you!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao wants to play Baijie? Brother Xiao Xiao, this is not fun!"

"Bai Jie is everyone's good friend, we all know each other, but so far, you probably haven't played it, right?"

"Scratch the man, 100 million hush money, and a red envelope."

Liu Xiao saw that the rhythm of the barrage was going awry, curled his lips, and directly swiped 20 groups of Huya No. [-].

A group of 100, the live broadcast room was immediately swamped by countless big rockets.

The tourists who were discussing about Bai Jie froze for a moment, and on the public screen, there were hundreds of thousands of Xiao Xiao's bull beeps.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is very generous."

Sou Nan is really convinced now.

There is still nothing to finish at the beginning, and the 200 million gifts will be swiped out immediately.

And with the 200 million gifts given out, the number of visitors to the live broadcast room has increased rapidly.

And as Tiao Nan announced the password of the game room in the anchor group, for a while, countless anchors clicked on the room to enter the password.

"Hahaha, Brother Xiao Xiao, long time no see!"

Gu Shouyu was the first to come in, and immediately burst out laughing.

This gigabit network is indeed not a blow, the speed is the block.

"Good evening, Brother Xiao Xiao."

Lu Xueqi also joined the room, puffing and puffing in surprise.

She didn't expect that she could come in, but she didn't expect that just after turning on the computer, she saw the scratching man posting the room password in the group, and as soon as she entered it at will, she jumped in directly.

The next moment, six people flooded into the originally empty game room.

"Good evening, everybody."

Liu Xiaochong greeted everyone.

The lineup this time is a little different from last time.

On the blue side, black and white, Gu Teyu, Liu Xiao, Kaka and Lu Xueqi.

Zi Fang, Brother Ba, Li Qingqiang, Su Nan, Sister Zha and Xia Heng.

"I thought there would be some newcomers, but I didn't expect that they were all the old faces from last time."

Liu Xiao smiled.

Except for Black and White and Lu Xueqi, almost everyone else has played before.

But at that time, Gu Teyu and Kaka were both facing each other, but this time they ran over.

Entering the selection interface, Liu Xiao chose the mid laner Baijie without hesitation.

And everyone else also took out their own signature heroes.

Gu Shouyu touched his big head that had just been shaved into a marinated egg, and chose Evelyn to be happy.

Being able to be a teammate with Brother Xiao Xiao will naturally have more communication opportunities.

Maybe at any time, Brother Xiao Xiao will see him right, and it is very possible to come to his live broadcast room to play.

Black and White also directly chose their signature hero, Raven.

Compared with theshy's Raven, the black and white Raven is obviously more iconic.

But in terms of operation and hero pool, black and white is more than one step worse than theshy.

However, a person who can play a hero tens of thousands of times is naturally very strong.

"Lu Xueqi, you choose a lucky lady."

Liu Xiao suddenly spoke.

"Uh good."

Although Lu Xueqi was a little dazed, but after hearing Brother Xiao Xiao's words, she quickly chose the hero female gun.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, how about I choose a nanny?"

Kaka licked her face and laughed.

He is Brother Xiao Xiao's direct anchor.

Sister Feifei revealed to him some time ago that Brother Xiao Xiao has completely controlled Lehua and is asking him if he wants to join.

I believe that in a few days, he will join Lehua, so naturally he won't have a relationship with Brother Xiao Xiao.

"Okay, you can choose whatever you want. On Lu Xueqi's side, the other ADCs are relatively small. If Lu Xueqi is playing support, it would be nice to choose a piano girl."

Liu Xiao teased.


Everyone was taken aback for a moment, then laughed wildly.

Naturally, everyone knew Lu Xueqi's figure very well.

To be honest, letting Lu Xueqi play the hero of the nanny is truly worthy of the name.

Lu Xueqi was a little confused by what she said.

It's not because she felt ashamed because Brother Xiao Xiao said this. In fact, the big reason why her live broadcast is so popular is also because of her voice and appearance. She always praises other people's comments mentality to listen.

What she didn't understand was how could brother Xiao Xiao, a great hero, still tell these silly jokes.

But the next moment, Lu Xueqi reacted.

No matter what Brother Xiao Xiao said, if Brother Xiao Xiao can say this, it proves that he has definitely watched her live broadcast before!

Soon, the heroes of both sides were selected.

Blue Fang, Raven in black and white, Evelyn in Gu Teyu, Bai Jie in Liu Xiao, female gun in Lu Xueqi, Kaka's nanny.

Purple Fang, Ba Ge's Stone Man, Li Qingqiang's Blind Monk, Yasuo who scratched men, the policewoman who bombed sister, and Xia Heng's Thresh.

The lineups of both sides are good, but in terms of the later stage, Liu Xiao's side will definitely not be able to beat the purple side.

Entering the game, Liu Xiao first opened the public screen owner channel, and then typed in it.

"Fight this game well, don't let me, kill me once and reward 100 million."

Liu Xiao sat up straight, and controlled Bai Jie to walk towards the line.

"Ahem, kill me on the other side for 100 million, let's help me take the head once, it's only 50, I may kill more in this round, and the scene will be more bloody."

After sending a message to the purple side, Liu Xiao said solemnly in the blue side's voice channel.

Gu Teyu and the others all started the live broadcast.

Hearing brother Xiao Xiao said that, the tourists who were broadcasting live on ob were immediately delighted.

On the other side, Qiao Nan and the others looked at each other in blank dismay.

Originally, how to give away the head at the beginning had already been planned, but brother Xiao Xiao suddenly posted such a bounty on the public screen.

Kill brother Xiao Xiao once, and reward 100 million directly?

If this is killed ten times, wouldn't it be 1000 million?
"I said, can we send it away?"

Li Qing asked weakly.

To be honest, these anchors are all earning a small amount of money. Except for those who make a lot of money by scratching men and bombing their sisters, Li Qingqiang's income is actually not too high.

Twenty to thirty thousand a month sounds like a lot, but compared to one million, it is very little.

If you kill Brother Xiao Xiao twice, wouldn't it be 200 million?
Of course, Crazy would definitely not dare to do such a thing, but playing games normally, wouldn't there be a chance to kill Brother Xiao Xiao?
"I've been playing with Brother Xiao Xiao for so long, but I haven't seen Brother Xiao Xiao's true strength. I think we'll have a good time and try it out, how about it?"

Brother Ba immediately regained his spirits.

He, the hero of the stone man, as long as he is a dog in the lane, and after 10 minutes, he will drive directly to hit him. Isn't this head safe?
As long as you get one or two, wouldn't the income have to be multiplied dozens of times!
"Brother Xiao Xiao, since this is the case, we will not be polite."

Everyone replied on the public screen one after another, gearing up for a good game.

Being able to reach the forefront of the national server, everyone is extremely confident in their own level.

The five of them fought hard, not to mention that they could win the opponent, but it would definitely be no problem to get a few kills.

Lu Xueqi and the others were also secretly excited.

Especially Kaka, everyone is going crazy with joy, Brother Xiao Xiao's rules are a match made in heaven for him.

He is playing a nanny, this hero should not get assists too easily.

As long as brother Xiao Xiao gives a big move when killing people, this assist will be obtained.

Others, either have extremely high damage or extremely poor support.

A hero like Raven who is black and white accidentally snatched his head away, how could his nanny be so good at assisting?
As for whether Brother Xiao Xiao can get the head, let alone talk about it.

Don't look at the other side's swearing, killing brother Xiao Xiao once or twice may not be a big deal, but the head will definitely be given away. After all, the core of this game is to lick the big brother madly.

(End of this chapter)

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