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Chapter 394 Brother Xiao Xiao's Naruto Tribulation

Chapter 394 Brother Xiao Xiao's Naruto Tribulation

Liu Xiao controlled Jie and walked to the middle lane. When he clicked the mouse on the game interface, he immediately felt something different.

If you used to feel that your hand speed couldn't keep up when you played games, but now it feels extremely smooth.

Yasuo, who scratched the man, had already walked in front of the blue square tower, Liu Xiao didn't hesitate, and directly learned a Q skill, and flung out a shuriken.

Seeing that a layer of shield on Yasuo's body was knocked out, Liu Xiao was immediately happy.

This feeling of becoming stronger is really not an illusion.

Originally, at Liu Xiao's level, at this extreme distance, it was almost impossible to hit the hero of a player of Tiaonan's level. The fast combined shuriken accurately hit Yasuo who was scratching the man.

Liu Xiao could feel that this shuriken was not based on luck, but on real strength.

Scratching the man casually controlled the hero to walk down his own tower, but he didn't think it was strange.

After all, with luck, there is still a certain probability of hitting him.

The ten people went online separately, and Lu Xueqi had already pushed Sister Zha to the bottom of the tower with the extra damage of the first level, but retreated back as the purple pawn line reached the front of the tower.

Rui Wen, who was black and white on the road, had no intention of solo killing after meeting Ba Ge, the old dog king of the national server. One assist is 50 gifts, converted into income, this is 25, not to mention him, these anchors present, only Tiaonan and Kaka can not care about this money.

The junglers on both sides are also busy developing. After all, due to the characteristics of the middle lane on both sides, there is almost no chance of success if they go online and catch people before level [-].

Liu Xiao is also aware of this point, this is for everyone to have fun, there is a reason to test his current skills, and the line with Yasuo, who is scratching the man, can show his skills, right?
"Look carefully at this wave. Many people think that Yasuo's robbery is not easy to fight. The reason is actually that the W skill wind wall is not well placed. Generally speaking, Zed is before level 6. Because of the lack of energy, It is impossible to beat Yasuo head-on, after all, Yasuo is a hero who can be an E minion, with high flexibility, and there is no limit on mana and energy, so he can play at will."

"Moreover, before the sixth level, it is impossible to kill Yasuo with the damage of the two shurikens of the shadow and the entity alone. After the sixth level, with the three-stage shuriken, we only need to focus on the shadow of the robber position, just use the wind wall to avoid a section of shuriken damage."

Scratching man was manipulating the heroes to replenish soldiers, while speaking in the live broadcast room.

"Looking at Xiao Xiao's gaps in replenishing troops, there are still gaps to avoid my q skills, which shows that Xiao Xiao's game is still very good, but we can still find opportunities to kill a wave at level six."

Undoubtedly, Tiaonan's commentary is very professional.

Controlling Yasuo to slide back and forth on the pawn line, looking for opportunities to poke forward with the q skill, after gathering wind, is also the experience of immediately going to the front of the pawn line to suppress Liu Xiao.

"Scratch Man, I want to say that your bowl is broken. Brother Xiao Xiao just said a million rewards. How dare you step forward to suppress Brother Xiao Xiao's experience."

"Hahaha, brother Xiao Xiao just said that he would give a big brush to scratching men tonight, but now it seems that he is gone."

"I just came over from Daheng. Brother Jiu has already gone online in Xia Nuan's live broadcast room. He said that he plans to defend the base tonight. As long as Brother Jiu can bear it, he will follow Brother Xiao Xiao as much as he brushes!"

"Cut, Daheng isn't just like the third child. Brother Xiao Xiao can do as much as he can within the scope of his abilities. Isn't that the same as not saying anything, just cheating the idiots on Daheng's side."

Many tourists are discussing.

Brother Xiao Xiao didn't make a move in Huya once or twice, which time didn't he hit Daheng and ran away?
Among other things, in the past few months, since Brother Xiao Xiao came to Huya, which time has Daheng won?
Now let alone Lehua and the tourists from the game area, even some Daheng fans are not very confident in Daheng.

Even, a large number of tourists no longer regard Daheng as the number one guild of Huya, and instead they are replaced by Lehua.

Tiao Nan also saw the barrage of Daheng's side in the live broadcast room, and he was still a little stressed.

It is true that brother Jiu is the main force in Daheng, but there are also a lot of other gods.

As for Xiaohuya Xingjue and the others, they have been quite busy recently. When they went online two days ago, they said that they would only go online to play activities tomorrow.

Therefore, Brother Xiao Xiao is the only brother Shenhao who can really brush on Lehua's side today.

Fighting against a large group of Daheng alone, even with brother Xiao Xiao's strong record in front of him, it is inevitable that it will still make people sweat.

They, the anchors, could tell that Daheng had been working hard recently, and for this event, a quota of [-] million was allocated in the early stage of the event.

If you start a formal shopping, who knows how much you can get out?
What's more, if Brother Xiao Xiao really wins No.1 in the early stage, on the last day, he will face the siege of Daheng and Misty Rain.

He has been in the live broadcasting industry for so long, and he had broadcast live on YY in the early days, so he naturally understands that the elder brother Yishui Misty Rain is also an absolute ruthless person, and he will definitely prepare something when he comes to Huya this time.

Scratching Nan's thoughts were flying, and just as he returned his attention to the game, he suddenly found that his hero's HP had lost half.

Just now Liu Xiao saw that the scratching man made a mistake in walking, and immediately a wewqa went over to perform a small combo, which slightly cured the scratching man's gout.

Liu Xiao opened the voice connection with Sou Nan, and said with a smile in the live broadcast room:
"Tiaonan, you won't be able to defeat me in laning, right?"

"I was distracted just now, but it's also because Brother Xiao Xiao is amazing. Next, I will use all my strength, Brother Xiao Xiao."

Seeing the barrage in the live broadcast room saying that he was good, scratching man's face turned red, and he stopped thinking about the pk with Daheng for a while, and concentrated on playing the game.

After all, it's only past seven o'clock, and when the activities start, it will be eleven o'clock at least, so there's no need to worry.

"I said, there should be no need for you to let Brother Xiao Xiao in the last competition. I think Brother Xiao Xiao's positioning and operation are not like the golden segment at all, but it feels a bit like the top of the canyon."

Scratching Nan focused his attention on the game, and immediately noticed that Brother Xiao Xiao moved surprisingly well.

He came over to consume his small soldiers, and sent out 3 qs in a row, and they were all released when Brother Xiao Xiao was replenishing soldiers, but he didn't hit any of them. In turn, he got a shuriken from Brother Xiao Xiao and gave him his white shield broken.

"The food is the food, wait for me to c."

Sister Zha laughed and taunted the scratching man ruthlessly.

"Scratch the man, wait for me to teleport at level 6, add your big move and your Galeful Breath Slash, and I will definitely give Brother Xiao Xiao a second."

Brother Ba was repairing the tower knife on the road, while calculating when he would be able to reach the sixth level, while secretly having fun.

With Yasuo at the sixth level of the stone man, even if brother Xiao Xiao has a flash at level 6, if they keep up with the flash, there is a high probability that brother Xiao Xiao can be kept.

Brother Ba can't care about the words such as vicious thoughts frantically swiped on the screen by the tourists in the live broadcast room.

100 million, it is not delicious.

"Ahem, everyone, don't say that. Brother Xiao Xiao is Huya's number one big brother. Since Brother Xiao Xiao has a request, then my bad brother will spare no effort to fulfill it. After all, we are all moral people, so I agreed to Brother Xiao Xiao. , you can’t do that kind of thing that is obedient to others.”

Brother Ba seriously found a reason for himself.

"Fuck, you're so shameless."

"Brother Ba's godly logic, we worship you. I hope Brother Ba will win the battle. To be honest, I also want to see Brother Xiao Xiao die once, hahaha."

Just when everyone in the purple side was in harmony, the scratch man in the middle suddenly called me, and then, a barrage popped up in the center of the screen.

Zed killed Yasuo!Congratulations to Lan Fang Jie for getting the first blood reward!

"I'll go, scratch man, don't send him away, send brother Xiao Xiao too hard, there is a high probability that we won't be able to get his head if we try to arrest him."

"I didn't give it away, Brother Xiao Xiao is really too fierce."

The scratching man scratched his head in embarrassment.

He swore that he was absolutely 100% serious when he first played the game.

The blood volume had recovered to two-thirds. He held a wind in his hand and stepped forward to oppress a wave of Brother Xiao Xiao, but he didn't expect that the wind didn't blow enough, and he backhanded Brother Xiao Xiao with a shuriken and a white shield. It's broken.

Originally thinking that one blow would fail, the little soldier retreated, but he didn't expect Brother Xiao Xiao to follow up with a flash of his backhand, and directly went up to ignite.

In the early stage, Yasuo is definitely not afraid of robbery, even if his blood volume is a little bit, but after all, he has the short CD skill of q, and the wind wall can block the skill damage.

And Brother Xiao Xiao fights flash first, so his flash can stay to hide from Brother Xiao Xiao's key skills.

Therefore, Tiao Nan boldly confronted A.

It wasn't until Brother Xiao Xiao's wq skill stuck in his face that Sou Nan could barely dodge the two shurikens by flashing to the left.

But he never expected that Brother Xiao Xiao's w skill shadow clone did not q immediately after hitting it, but paused for a while, and when he flashed past, he adjusted his direction and hit him.

Two shuriken shots hit at the same time, plus a blast to flat a, directly confessing Yasuo's old life to the middle.

"Don't be careless, Brother Xiao Xiao is really strong. In this wave just now, Brother Xiao Xiao deliberately blocked his Q skill to deceive me, and Brother Xiao Xiao's hand speed, I don't know why, I think it is very, very fast."

Scratch Man reminded again.

When everyone saw Tiao Nan stressing again, they were suddenly surprised.

Everyone didn't talk anymore, but diverted their attention to the middle of the road more or less.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, bull beep!"

The blue side, seeing brother Xiao Xiao get a blood, is Kaka's loudest cry.

He played a nanny, basically playing soy sauce in the bottom lane.

After all, Lu Xueqi has milk herself, and the amount of milk is much larger than that of his nanny.

There is no blood in the game, just bow your head and hold your chest and take a sip and you're done.

Therefore, Kaka's vision was almost wandering in the middle, waiting for when to wave the flag for Brother Xiao Xiao.

But what he didn't expect was that the picture of scratching the man making Brother Xiao Xiao didn't appear, what appeared was Brother Xiao Xiao's single kill with his strength!

Although he usually hangs around in the Baiyin section as the head of Baiyin Village, he still has good eyesight. This wave is completely Xiao Xiaoge Tianxiu.

It is no exaggeration to say that this wave of operations is at least top 10!

Liu Xiao smiled, and happily accepted the 400 yuan from the first blood and went home.

In addition to the online economy, Liu Xiao made up three more long swords, and the attack power directly reached more than 110.

With the launch of Tiaonan, the levels of both parties have also reached level four.

Tiao Nan's equipment is a bit shabby, only two attack speed daggers.

However, for the hero Yasuo, as long as the operation is good, such a small economic gap can be made up for. After all, the gap of 300 yuan, the equipment attributes that can be opened are indeed relatively limited.

In the early stage, it was more about the experience and level of both parties.

Liu Xiao used an ewq light speed combo to break the shield first, knocking out one-fifth of Tiaonan's HP in one set.

"Help, Li Qingqiang, I still have the white shield on me, Brother Xiao Xiao directly hit one-fifth of my blood with one skill, I can't take it anymore."

Before the scratch man could react, he was hit with a full set, and it was the kind of two-stage q.

When he released the wind wall, Liu Xiao's skills had already been thrown in his face.

Originally, Zed’s standard combo is weq, but people with extremely high hand speed can first throw the e skill and then use the w, so that zero delay can be achieved. After slowing down the e and then quickly throwing the q, the hit rate can be guaranteed .

But the problem is that with this method of operation, as long as the hand speed is a little slower, the shadow's e skill cannot be used.

Seeing Brother Xiao Xiao's manipulation, Tiao Nan was really sure how powerful Brother Xiao Xiao was.

They used to give way to brother Xiao Xiao everywhere, but they didn't expect that brother Xiao Xiao himself was a hidden boss!
The tourists in the live broadcast room will also see that something is wrong.

Everyone is playing games, so it is natural to see that brother Xiao Xiao's combo is unusual.

"I'll go, I thought Brother Xiao Xiao was good at playing games, but I didn't expect Brother Xiao Xiao to be a hidden boss!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao's golden stage, it should just be that he doesn't have time to play games. After all, Brother Xiao Xiao must be very busy at work, so it's over."

"Doesn't this mean that Brother Xiao Xiao's strength is at least as strong as the diamond on the top of the canyon, or even a master?"

"Upstairs, I'm afraid you forgot Tiaonan, but relying on two heroes, Yasuo and Nandao, to make it into the top ten of the national server, although Tiaonan's level of live broadcast games has regressed a bit in the past two years, he can suppress Tiaonan's Ya Suo, and under the circumstances that Tiao Nan is extremely serious, at least he has the strength of a master with more than 300 points, just like Brother Ba, Brother Xiao Xiao can basically hang a hammer!"

Among the tourists, there are many some powerful players, and they naturally have comments on Brother Xiao Xiao's level.

In any case, Brother Xiao Xiao's Baijie performed almost perfectly during the first 5 minutes of the game, and basically seized every opportunity that could be consumed.

As long as Brother Xiao Xiao has no problem with his combos after level six, and if he can find opportunities to output when fighting in a group, then Brother Xiao Xiao's calamity can definitely become Hokage as it deserves!

(End of this chapter)

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