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Chapter 395 Brother Xiao Xiao Is Invincible

Chapter 395 Brother Xiao Xiao Is Invincible
After going online again, and after two more calls, Liu Xiao quickly rose to level six.

After losing a round of battles, Scratch Man didn't come out directly this time, he was waiting under the tower to replenish his troops.

This is not to say that Tiaonan is not strong enough, but that the characteristics of these two heroes are like this. As long as one side has an advantage, the other side will be difficult to play in the lane.

Yasuo got the head advantage, relying on the e skill to penetrate the army line and hardtop the damage of Zed's damage exchange is definitely not a loss, and Zed has the advantage, even if one or two Q skills are blocked by Yasuo's wind wall, with other skills, he can still Can kill Yasuo in seconds at level six.

Seeing that the scratching man is so stubborn, Liu Xiao first cleared the pawn line with a wqe, and then sneaked down the road.

"Brother Xiao Xiao's robbery is gone." Tiao Nan took the initiative to miss on the map.

Sister Zha, who had been pressing the thread, felt her heart tighten.

The middle lane has an advantage in experience. He has two players in the bottom lane and eats the lane. Now his experience is only level [-] or almost level [-], which is a big difference in experience.

And because of the laning relationship in the early stage, he has only two-thirds of his blood volume and has not returned home. Xia Heng's support Thresh is similar. He has not returned home since the beginning of the game, and his blood volume is only half. , but also empty blue.

Now being able to suppress Lu Xueqi's female gun is completely relying on the female policeman's range to level A and clear soldiers.

At this time, if brother Xiao Xiao comes to the bottom lane to support, as long as the operation is sharper, a wave of double kills will definitely be indispensable.

Just as Liu Xiao walked to the lower road, he saw Sister Zha and Xia Heng controlling the hero to go down his tower, and sighed in his heart.

This kind of king anchor is indeed different from the players in the golden segment. The operation is much more delicate, and the consciousness is the best.

The best way to gank is to gank after finishing a wave in the middle, making the enemy think that they have returned home, so that there will be a success rate.

If you go on like this, the probability of failure is almost 100%.

Sister Zha even lost her sports car soldier and ran back to the tower, how could she succeed?

Seeing Sister Zha and Xia Heng running to the bottom of the tower, Liu Xiao also lost interest in killing the bottom lane, and prepared to return to the middle lane to clear the line.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, you can kill and you can kill. I have the e skill to silence, and flash the silent policewoman. It can definitely be done in seconds!"

Seeing Brother Xiao Xiao wanting to go back online, Kaka hurriedly shouted.

Get an assist, but there is a reward of 50, and you don’t earn it for tower jumping, but as long as Xiao Xiao doesn’t earn it?
"Xueqi, let's go first in the two-one meeting. You fight against the tower first, and I'll give you another bite. If you die, I will fight. Brother Xiao Xiao can definitely double kill!"

Kaka said quickly.

Lu Xueqi nodded repeatedly, the weapon bobbed up and down like waves.

An assist of 50, she naturally has it.

As long as you get the two heads in the bottom lane, Brother Xiao Xiao will get a reward of 100 million, so what are you afraid of if you die once in the game.

"I'm coming, I'm coming too!"

Black and White gave up the large circle of soldiers in front of him, flashed directly into the grass in the river, and opened tp directly in the bottom lane.

The stone man is still close to the sixth level of experience, and now the distance between the two sides is so far, Brother Ba has no chance to interrupt him.

Moreover, this wave of his operations is completely blind on Ba Ge's side, and it is impossible for Ba Ge to follow to see the situation.

"Hahaha, I want this assist right or wrong!"

In the live broadcast room, Black and White watched the teleportation lights light up, and laughed out loud in the live broadcast room.

Evelyn of Gushou Yu was fighting for crabs with Li Qingqiang's blind monk in the wild area, and she was still on the road, so it was impossible to come over to cause trouble.

As for the scratch man in the middle lane, he will be pushing the line to replenish troops in the middle lane, and it is even more impossible to take the initiative to come down the lane.

As for Brother Ba, by the time he tp comes down, the bottom lane will probably have been killed, not to mention, a stone man without level 6 will definitely not be as effective as Raven.

"Brothers, the only thing I have to pay attention to is that I don't take the head, just scrape the other person's skin, and there will be a reward of 100 million. Excited."

Hei Hei rubbed his hands together, and the corners of Le's mouth widened.

A reward of 100 million yuan and a share of 50 yuan is definitely not a small amount of money for him. It may take him three or four years to live broadcast, or even longer.

Liu Xiao had just detoured through the purple square and got off the triangular grass on the road, and saw the black and white Ruiwen light up tp, he was a little funny.

This is indeed a bit too much for Sister Zha and Xia Heng.

Among other things, as long as there is one person who goes down the tower, Liu Xiao can definitely kill one.

There are two people on top of the tower, and Liu Xiao can kill both of them in one move.

However, the more things like tower jumping, the better.

When Sister Zha saw the black and white Raven appearing in her field of vision, a bitter look appeared on her face.

Putting an eye in the back grass, he immediately saw the Bai Jie of Brother Xiao Xiao who had just walked out.

Lu Xueqi directly fired a w to speed up, and shot Sister Zha's policewoman first.

With a ding, the defense tower's attack fell.

And the next moment, Kaka's nanny followed up silently with an e skill.

Sister Zha, who wanted to escape immediately, couldn't press all the skills.

The black-and-white Raven flashed W again and took a control, and then concentrated on hitting the Thresh next to him.

Three people set fire, and it's still a fifth-level Ruiwen. The damage is definitely enough for a policewoman with two-thirds of the blood in seconds. Black and White dare not use other skills. If it's gone, wouldn't it be a loss?

Liu Xiao saw the right moment from behind, caught up with a We skill, and directly killed the policewoman under him.

Then he opened up on the spot, and got directly behind Xia Heng Thresh.

Keep up with a flat a, plus a triangle q, and then the r skill returns to the original place and walks out of the range of the tower attack.

"The female policeman killed the female gun!"

"Rob and kill the policewoman!"

"Kill Thresh!"

"Double kill!"

As news of a wave of double kills popped up, more than 600 money suddenly appeared on Liu Xiao.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, bull beep!"

Everyone on the blue side immediately praised.

Lu Xueqi and Black and White were so happy that they couldn't find the north.

Two assists are firmly won, this is a reward of 100 million!
Sister Zha and Xia Heng were helpless.

"The opponent is too good at bot lane. In order to kill us, four people came directly."

"Don't make trouble, this is all for brother Xiao Xiao."

Li Qingqiang also rushed over at this moment, and cleared a wave of soldiers to defend the tower under the next tower.

"However, there is one thing to say, brother Xiao Xiao's catastrophe is really powerful, at least at the level of drill one or above."

Li Qingqiang sighed.

In the past few times, I have been giving the head to Brother Xiao Xiao, but I can't see Brother Xiao Xiao's strength.

But this time, after a serious fight, he immediately discovered the strength of Brother Xiao Xiao.

The speed of the combo is almost a bit faster than that of a blind monk who specializes in hand speed.

Perhaps, only those peak professional players can reach Brother Xiao Xiao's current hand speed.

"Scratch man, I just ate the pawn line and rose to level six. Wait for me for 15 seconds, and I'll be right over."

"And me, make a tp eye in the back, I will flash r directly!"

Brother Ba hurriedly shouted.

Just now, Ruiwen, who was black and white, went to the bottom lane to scrape for Sister Zha. He had a good meal on the top lane for two waves of soldiers. This meeting is already level [-] and almost level [-].

Seeing the two talking, Soo Nan felt at ease.

"Sou Nan's younger brother is not here, but he still has a father."

"Hahaha, Tiaonan just wants to say, my father is endless!"

"A blind monk's r and a stone man's r are basically stably knocked into the air, and with Yasuo's big move, they can be knocked into the air in seconds, even if Gu Teyu's widow is around, it's useless."

The tourists in Sou Nan's live broadcast room spoke one after another.

Although Brother Xiao Xiao is very strong, but this wave of siege by three people, Brother Xiao Xiao must not be able to bear it.

Ba Ge has been specializing in Golem for so many years, so it is unlikely that the normal big move will be empty, let alone the flash r of blind vision, which can basically be regarded as a stable control.

And this wave of Brother Xiao Xiao just went online, and the wave of bot lane released a big move, the skills of this session are still not good, no matter how you look at it, there is not much room for manipulation.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, they may have to jump over the tower."

Gu Shouyu sensed that something seemed wrong, and quickly reminded him.

Liu Xiao had just returned home to replenish his equipment, and the wave of troops pushed by the scratching man hadn't been consumed yet. If this wave died, the previous advantage would basically be gone.

After all, in this game, the experience of small soldiers in the early stage is still very important.

Gu Teyu hurriedly controlled Evelyn to rush this way.

Kaka's nanny also temporarily gave up assisting Lu Xueqi and moved towards the middle.

Liu Xiaocai had just walked to the first tower in the middle road to eat the soldiers, when he heard what Gu Shouyu said, his heart tensed up.

Seeing the scratching man controlling Yasuo and walking forward.

And at the bottom of the wall on the left, a pale golden flashing mark suddenly appeared in the corner of Liu Xiao's eyes.

Liu Xiao was startled, without even thinking about it, there was a flash to the right.

Ba Ge's stone man hit the open space.

Yasuo's R skill is almost broken, but it always shows that he cannot cast spells.

"Fuck, brother Xiao Xiao can dodge this?"

When he was ambushing over there just now, he purposely put his eyes on it.

Therefore, Brother Xiao Xiao's wave is definitely not a flash of prediction, but a temporary reaction!

Right now, the only player in the world with this kind of reaction speed is RNG's adc member Gala.

This is the reaction of the world's top AD player!

When Liu Xiao saw Ba Ge's stone man in the sky, he was overjoyed.

But in the next moment, Li Qingqiang's blind monk's eye-touching W skills flashed one after another, and Liu Xiao couldn't avoid it.

It takes a certain amount of time to cast a spell for the Jie w skill, no matter how fast Liu Xiao reacts, this spell casting action is unavoidable.

It may not be a big deal in a normal game, but it is a bit slow in the reaction speed of the king game.

This is also the reason why Liu Xiao chose to use the flash to hide the bully brother stone man's big move just now.

Relying on the w skill, it is simply too late.

Liu Xiao Kankan let out a w, but was kicked by Li Qingqiang's r from the blind monk.

Even if he ran to the right with the w skill just after landing, the knock-up had already occurred, and Yasuo, who was scratching the man, immediately flew over with the r skill.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, I'm here!"

Furuto Yu came too late, entered the arena directly with a flash, and dealt a heavy blow to Yasuo.

Gu Shouyu knew that scratching the man had the most damage at present, as long as he killed Yasuo who was scratching the man, Brother Xiao Xiao's Jie would not necessarily die.

After all, Brother Xiao Xiao had already avoided the first deadly stone man's ult by relying on his reaction speed just now.

If he was shot by Brother Ba at the very beginning, the damage would be enough, no matter how much Brother Xiao Xiao struggled, it would be useless.

Kaka is still a little far away, but he has just reached level six and has a big move, so he didn't hesitate to put down an r skill right now.

Immediately, the blood volume of Jie who was besieged by the stone man, blind monk and Yasuo suddenly recovered.

Although the stone man was the first to enter the tower, there were soldiers under the tower at that time, and brother Xiao Xiao was not hit, so the stone man did not resist the tower.

The one who resisted the tower was Li Qingqiang's blind monk who kicked brother Xiao Xiao away just now.

The blind monk in the early stage was still very brittle. After carrying the tower three times, he has reached the limit.

As soon as Liu Xiao landed, he planned to kill the target.

A q skill was thrown out, accurately hitting Li Qingqiang who was about to escape from the tower, and took the head.

And the damage of the next defensive tower will be made up by default on Yasuo, who has already lost his blood.

Liu Xiao has another e skill, which cooperates with the defense tower to kill Yasuo who is scratching the man.

But before he died, Tiao Nan still gave Liu Xiao the ignition.

When Brother Ba saw the nanny approaching him, he knew that he would not be able to leave as a stone man, so he became ruthless, and gave Liu Xiao another meal while carrying the pagoda.

Liu Xiao wanted to retreat, but was given a Q skill Flying Cake by Ba Ge's stone man.

After being chased by Ba Ge for a few more times, Liu Xiao was finally burnt to a trace of blood by Yasuo's ignition, and was beaten to death by Ba Ge with a flat A.

But cooperating with the defense tower, Liu Xiao finally killed Ba Ge's stone man.

"Three kills!"

Kaka came a step late, and put a q skill and an e skill to silence under the stone man's feet as if venting his anger, but this time he was as happy as Furuteba.

This wave of Gu Teyu deliberately caused heads, but this time it was three assists!

Not to mention Kaka, two assists in the bottom lane, this wave of big support, three assists, converted into bonuses, it is 250 million!
Although the number 9 is not very auspicious, but the game has only started for [-] minutes, at least a few can be won.


Countless tourists in the live broadcast room swiped the barrage one after another.

There is absolutely no problem with the operation of this one-handed Bage.

In particular, a real eye was inserted in the grass to ensure that Brother Xiao Xiao has no vision, which can be called the details of the details.

But just when everyone thought Brother Xiao Xiao was bound to die, Brother Xiao Xiao reacted at the limit, flashing to avoid Brother Ba's stone man's big move!

Yasuo and the blind monk were not able to catch Brother Xiaoxiao's white robbery in the first time because of the lack of more than 300 blood damage from the stone man's combo.

Although the following operations are nothing to watch because everyone has used up their skills, but that wave of blind vision flashing to avoid the big move of the stone man is already amazing enough.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is too awesome, why is Brother Xiao Xiao so rich and can play games so well, cry...!"

"I'm really convinced of this wave. I don't brag and I don't say anything. My Grandmaster at the top of the canyon, brother Xiao Xiao's flashing reaction is definitely at the top level in the world!"

"And looking at Brother Xiao Xiao's reaction speed at that time, it was almost like the stone man flashed out the moment he pressed it out. Brother Xiao Xiao's reaction speed is simply invincible!"

(End of this chapter)

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