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Chapter 396 Daheng: Spent 5 million today!

Chapter 396 Daheng: Spent [-] million today!
Purple Fang, the only happy person in this meeting is Brother Ba.

Although the fight was a bit of a failure, he played three for one, and raised Brother Xiao Xiao until he took off, but he won a head after all.

"Brother Xiao Xiao's 100 million reward, I'm really looking forward to it."

Brother Ba was laughing and laughing in the live broadcast room.

"Brothers, it's really not us. Brother Xiao Xiao is really too strong. Fortunately, we gave Brother Xiao Xiao a head before. I didn't expect that Brother Xiao Xiao has been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger."

In the live broadcast room, scratching the man looked helpless.

At Brother Xiao Xiao's level, it's enough to play professionally.

The tourists in the live broadcast room could also see that, seeing the helpless look on the scratching man, he quickly offered words of comfort.

A few years ago, Tiao Nan also reached the top ten in the national server, and his level was considered very good.

But in the match against Brother Xiao Xiao, he immediately began to doubt himself.

When Liu Xiao came out of the spring again, the Youmeng Spirit and the three-speed shoes on his body had already been made.

In 9 minutes, the second blue buff was refreshed.

Gu Shouyu licked his face and carried the blue buff four or five times, until brother Xiao Xiao came to take the blue buff, and then ran to fight other wild monsters.

In less than 10 minutes, the Jie of Youmeng Spirit and three-speed shoes is basically invincible.

Even if Tiaonan replenishes troops under the tower, there is nothing he can do.

As soon as Liu Xiaoyoumeng opened, with the movement speed of the three-speed shoes, an r skill was directly hung on Yasuo's head.

Then put a w outside the tower, qe combos, add a passive general attack, and then the q skill goes out of the tower directly.

Even though Scratch Nan put a wind wall to block the two q skills in the distance, but the two e skills and a close-to-face qa still hit Yasuo's HP to one-third.

With Liu Xiao's w skill shifting out of the tower, the passive imprint of his ultimate move exploded in an instant.

"Brother Ba, why don't you go."

Scratching the man looked at the corpse of his hero, and said embarrassingly.

He is a hero, but he is a waste without the economy.

If the route is a little longer, he can still beat Raven in a fight now that he is wretched and wretched.

Ba Ge just earned 100 million gift rewards, so he would be too embarrassed to refuse to scratch the man.

After all, his stone man is a tank, and with Xiao Xiaoge's finisher head, Xiao Riyan and cloth armor shoes are still relatively fat. In addition, Ba Ge's own natural turtle shell attributes, he is very good at resisting Xiao Xiao. Brother's injury is still somewhat confident.

The two switched lines without hesitation.

But Liu Xiao had already turned his attention to other paths.

The system gives the hand speed improvement and reaction force improvement brought about by the synchronization of the two technologies, and the effect is indeed very obvious.

Moreover, Liu Xiao could feel that Jie, a hero, could not display all of his current strength.

After all, he is a skill-based hero. After the four skills are released, he has to wait for the next set of skills to cool down.

Liu Xiao has hand speed, and Liu Xiao has reaction power, but his walking ability and consciousness cannot be changed. It is impossible to compare with people in the king rank.

Therefore, Liu Xiao felt that the most suitable hero for him was definitely an adc hero with relatively fine operation requirements.

But as far as this one is concerned, the equipment is good enough and can already make up for the deficiencies in other aspects.

Moreover, there are four bodyguards standing guard nearby, so there is basically no problem.

Kaka even kept yelling in the bottom lane to let Brother Xiao Xiao come to the bottom lane to take the head.

Evelyn of Gushou Yu also ran to the bottom lane early, waiting for Liu Xiao to come to gank.

Of course Liu Xiao would not miss this opportunity, and walked directly down the river that Gushou Yu had just passed by.

As soon as Sister Zha and Xia Heng saw that Ba Ge in the middle had clicked on miss, their ghosts suddenly froze, and they quickly controlled the hero and retreated to the second tower.

With the blood volume of the two crispy skins in the bottom lane, there is basically no chance of surviving in front of the hero Xiao Xiaoge.

Liu Xiao looked at the ult that had just been cooled down, and immediately became full of confidence.

As soon as Youmeng was turned on, coupled with the 60-point movement speed increase of the three-speed shoes, and the acceleration of the river crab, Liu Xiao's speed reached the full value in an instant.

And Kaka's nanny went straight to the front to keep her body.

Sister Zha had just retreated halfway, when Liu Xiao's Jie had already run over.

Immediately r started, a w sealed Xia Heng Thresh's position, and then a wqa, directly beat the female policewoman to one-third of the blood.

After that, another w shifted and changed positions, chasing Xia Heng's Thresh flat a.

Every time he leveled a, Thresh's blood volume dropped by one-fifth at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lu Xueqi looked at the bloodied policewoman in front of her, her heart itched tightly, but she still didn't dare to go out and grab the head.

Just put an e skill to slow down Thresh and rubbed it.

Liu Xiao's skill cd is another eq skill, which directly took away Xia Heng's Thresh.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is invincible!"

"Actually, let me say that without Fushouba and the others in this wave, Brother Xiao Xiao should be able to fight two. Brother Xiao Xiao's equipment is really good, and Brother Xiao Xiao's skill release and positioning are absolutely flawless!"

"It's definitely Naruto Tribulation. From the beginning of the game to the present, the hit probability of brother Xiao Xiao's q skill is at least 80.00%. This hand speed and responsiveness are simply amazing!"

The tourists in the live broadcast room saw brother Xiao Xiao killing a lot in the game, and talked excitedly.

Who would have thought that Xiao Xiao, such a big brother, is so good at playing games?

There are some Shenhao elder brothers who like to play games in China, such as Principal Wang, Jay Chou, Lin Geng and so on.

But the level of these people, that is, gold and platinum, is at most a diamond.

As for Brother Xiao Xiao, this level can definitely play professionally!

With this kind of hand speed and strength, there is no need to worry about the problem of the hero pool. With this kind of foundation, most heroes can play very well.

On the purple side, everyone has completely given up on killing Brother Xiao Xiao.

Heroes like Zed with immune skills and displacement skills have developed to the present, as long as they don't wave too hard, it is impossible for them to kill them here.

Unless the Golem's ult hits first, then Yasuo's ult, then the blind monk's ult, and then Thresh's q skill.

But in terms of the reaction speed that brother Xiao Xiao just revealed, the stone man's big move in the first step simply missed.

Even if Li Qingqiang took the damage and kicked brother Xiao Xiao forcefully, the nurse's e skill and ult would recover blood when he landed, and he couldn't drop it in seconds.

What's more, Brother Xiao Xiao was originally an assassin hero, and when starting a team, he was usually in a place with blind vision, and they couldn't even see people, let alone kill them.

Although the five people on the purple side were miserable, Liu Xiao really had a good time playing this game.

The other four people in the blue team were also very happy, and the total of 300 million visitors in the nine people's live broadcast room was even more enjoyable.

In the end, the purple square crystal was pushed away, and Liu Xiao's head ratio also stopped at 17:1:0.

It has to be said that Gu Shouyu and the others are indeed excellent scraping masters. Even if the team battle was chaotic, they didn't snatch a single head from Brother Xiao Xiao.

This level of dedication is absolutely invincible.

In the end, Kaka had eight assists, Gu Teyu had six assists, Black and White had six assists, and Lu Xueqi had a little less assists as an ad, only four.

As for the purple side, only Brother Ba's stone man took the only head.

"Kaka 400 million, Fushou Yu 300 million, Black and White 300 million, Lu Xueqi 200 million, Ba Ge 100 million."

"Which big brother will add how much it is?"

"300 million, I'll go! This is definitely the most expensive game in history!"

"Niubi, niubi, it won't be Brother Xiao Xiao, play a white catastrophe, and give 300 million directly!"

"Upstairs, I suspect you are driving, but I have no evidence."

Liu Xiao didn't hesitate either.

There are more than 1000 million useless balances in Huya's account, so Liu Xiao went around the live broadcast room and tipped all of them.

Countless Fa Huya No. [-] brushed out, and the anchors in the entire game area wailed again.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, the hand is a little slow."

When Xiao Yi saw that Lu Xueqi took the 200 million gift directly, she immediately regretted it.

He also grabbed it during the game just now, but the internet speed was a little slower and he didn't enter the room.

Xiao Yi felt that with his strength, he should still have a chance to cooperate with his teammates to kill Brother Xiao Xiao.

"Come, come, let's give out prizes, 5000 yuan for two big bags, let's see everyone's luck."

Gu Teyu, who had just received a reward of 300 million yuan, was also very rich. He touched his head that had just been shaved into a marinated egg, and directly opened two lottery draws on TV in the live broadcast room.

Kaka even happily opened ten lucky draws of 5 yuan.

Everyone else came to play with Brother Xiao Xiao, and the gifts they got could not be distributed to the audience.

But he is Brother Xiao Xiao's direct streamer, so this card must be indispensable.

Moreover, he received 400 million gifts alone, and 200 million after sharing with the platform.

It's only 50, isn't it just casual?

Only scratching the man's face was bitter.

Today's scene with Brother Xiaoxiao is probably going to be taken by those video platforms. In two days, it is estimated that the video of him being tortured by the mysterious platform's big brother will spread to the entire League of Legends circle. .

I believe that in a few days, besides his younger brother and bull-headed horse face, he will have to add another stalk.

"Keep going, this beats me to an adc."

Liu Xiao didn't intend to stop.

Test the waters first, then have fun.

Although there will be no rewards for the next game, it just made Lu Xueqi and Sister Zha to devote all their minds to the game.

Because of Liu Xiao's choice of AD, Lu Xueqi chose a support Qin girl, and Kaka returned to his old line of mid laner, and played against Tiaonan.

This is much better than the All-Star game in the game area held by Huya before.

Especially the duel between Kaka and Tiao Nan, the two top anchors of the League of Legends, was even more exciting.

"I didn't expect Kaka to have a [-]-[-] relationship with the scratching man. The head of Baiyin Village seems to be a misnomer."

"When Kaka was live broadcasting on YY, he also played in the top ten of the national server. Otherwise, what do you think Kaka relies on when broadcasting live?"

Kaka's live broadcast often wins consecutively throughout the day.

Moreover, in order to prevent malicious sniping, the Kaka game also covered up the ranking information such as id and region, and even covered up the selection information.

Therefore, many people are saying that Kaka's live broadcast is in the tenth row.

This is actually a bit out of thin air.

Liu Xiao is naturally clear about this point. Most of Kaka's low divisions are basically in the double row or the third row.

When the rank is a bit high, people will be asked to come to the fifth row.

In the silver and gold segment, three people at the level of kings are enough to guarantee the winning rate.

Occasionally play a dozen diamond ranks, five kings or four kings are ranked together, and the winning rate naturally does not need to be considered.

Everyone basically knows this. Although it is a bit boring to say that it is open, this is also Kaka's own live broadcast style, which also attracts a large number of fans.

It's like when Liu Xiao goes online to play games, one dozen is definitely a super god kill, but there are still millions of fans who love to watch it.

One person has one taste, as long as you abide by the rules of the game, unlike some anchors, nine people are ranked together to abuse others in the game of stubborn swordsman and a hundred times of spring water, which is actually fine.

Liu Xiao was playing games here, while Brother Jiu was getting impatient with Daheng.

Brother Hua called him to the trade union, saying that he wanted to have sex with Xiao Xiao, Brother Jiu was already a little nervous.

After all, he had fought Xiao Xiao so many times before, but he had never won once. If it wasn't for Brother Hua who told him to fight, he would never dare to go online today to brag.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, this time he has [-] million in his hands.

Last month, three or four hundred million was quite a lot, but Xiao Xiao still pushed it back.

But this time, in addition to the [-] million paid out two days ago, Daheng also transferred a lot of funds.

And the ones allocated to Brother Jiu are a total of [-] million!

This is also the reason why Brother Jiu has the confidence to have a king-to-king PK with Xiao Xiao this time.

But he came here at seven o'clock, and now it's past eight o'clock. Except for rewarding these game anchors with tens of millions, Xiao Xiao has never made a move.

Although 1000 million is a lot, it is definitely not the bottom line for Xiao Xiao to go online this time.

After waiting for so long, Brother Jiu has already started to feel anxious, and watching Xiao Xiao's game video, he is inexplicably flustered.

Xiao Xiao's tone was unconsciously full of confidence.

"Don't worry, wait a little longer."

Brother Hua took his time and sat by the sofa drinking tea.

"Brother Hua, Xiao Xiao hasn't made a move yet, what is he waiting for?"

Brother Jiu really couldn't bear it anymore.

In Xia Nuan's live broadcast room just now, Niubi has already blown out, and now hundreds of thousands of tourists in Daheng are waiting for him to make a move in Xia Nuan's live broadcast room, but Xiao Xiao didn't make a move, he just made a move, wouldn't it be a bit silly beep ?
"Don't worry."

Brother Hua shook his head lightly.

"It's only eight o'clock in the evening, and the prime time has just arrived."

"Since Xiao Xiao dared to make a move today, he is naturally fully prepared. I guess Xiao Xiao is at least 11 million to [-] million, otherwise he would not have such confidence. His idea must be to wait until [-] o'clock in the evening Left and right, start brushing when the popularity explodes the most.”

"If he operates in the game area like this, and then fully introduces the game area to Lehua, then the Lehua union will have two channels to blossom, and the revenue will naturally be even greater."

The closer it was to this moment, the calmer Brother Hua's mind became.

He knew very well in his heart that although today is not the final, the movement will definitely not be less than that of the final.

Daheng spent a total of one billion yuan in funds this month. Two days ago, after spending two hundred million yuan, only seven hundred million yuan was left. Today alone, he took out five hundred million yuan to fight against Xiao Xiao.

Regardless of whether he wins or loses this time, as long as [-] million is drawn out, Daheng's reputation will definitely be greatly improved.

Therefore, no matter what time Xiao Xiao swipes, Daheng will accompany him!
To win, not just to win!

(End of this chapter)

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