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Chapter 397 Daheng's Preparations

Chapter 397 Daheng's Preparations

At 10:30 in the evening, Zhao Ning's live broadcast ended perfectly.

Some time ago, Zhao Ning had been quite tired, and all kinds of things were pressed together, resulting in very little time for her to belong to herself.

And after staying with Liu Xiao for the past two days, even though no new songs have been developed, my mentality has relaxed a lot. When I create again in the future, the speed will definitely be faster.

Therefore, Zhao Ning did not force herself to create songs without interruption, but set a small goal for herself to release another album within three months.

Zhao Ning pushed open the door and saw Liu Xiao who was playing a game at a glance.


Liu Xiao blew lightly, signaling Zhao Ning to keep quiet.

Although Liu Xiao is not afraid that his relationship with Zhao Ning will be exposed, but the entertainment industry is like this, he must be single. If his relationship with Zhao Ning is exposed, there will definitely be many people on the Internet talking about Xiaojuzi being trapped , raised something.

Liu Xiao respects Zhao Ning's dream, and hopes that Zhao Ning can step up to the top of the entertainment industry step by step.

After turning off the microphone, Liu Xiao spoke:
"Come on, sit here, I've set it as a button to speak."

Liu Xiao patted the chair next to him, motioning for Zhao Ning to sit down.

"League of Legends, are you playing with the streamer?"

Zhao Ning knew that Liu Xiao would play League of Legends.

After all, Brother Xiao Xiao in the game area has such a great reputation. When she was live broadcasting before, it was Liu Xiao who brought the popularity of the game area to help her strengthen her momentum.

"Play water friend competition with Tiao Nan and the others."

Liu Xiao nodded, controlled Wei En's roll and e skills, pinned Sister Zha's hero to the wall, and then chased a level a three-ring and quickly retreated.

After playing for a few hours, Liu Xiao basically got used to his hand speed and reaction speed. The strength of this meeting is at least at the top professional level. Sister Zha has been abused by him for several rounds in a row.

League of Legends is very popular, and Zhao Ning can play it, but she is not very good at it. Usually, she just plays man-machine or something to have fun with her little sisters. This meeting does not show Liu Xiao’s level, but after taking a look at Liu Xiao With Xiao's head ratio of 3-0, he just thought that the opponent was giving people heads.

Liu Xiao wasn't annoyed either, he was replenishing troops while expending them with a smile.

Lu Xueqi's assistant Qin Nv played relatively well, especially 36d, which was almost the same as the game characters.

Under the encouragement of such crazy milk, Liu Xiao is not afraid of the consumption of the opposite party at all.

Go up and shoot three times and then withdraw, Qin Nunai will add a shield in one bite, and the blood volume will basically not drop.

On the other hand, Izreal, who is played by Zha Jie, has almost [-]% to [-]% of her qw skills being dodged by Liu Xiao.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, bull beep!"

Kaka in the middle road became excited when he saw Liu Xiao got the head.

He was on the same level as Tuo Nan, and the two sides faced off in the middle lane, so it could only be said that they had a win or lose.

On the other hand, Ba Ge has been shrinking his tower and being wretched, no matter how fierce the black and white Raven is, he has to turn off his fire in front of Ba Ge.

Although Gu Shouyu is quite strong, but the blind monk is a hero who can defeat Evelyn, so he can only fight with Li Qingqiang in the wild, and he doesn't get much advantage.

The victories in these rounds were basically won by brother Xiao Xiao's mad c.

Scratching the man and the others on the purple side couldn't say that Sister Zha gave away the head or something.

After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Sister Zha is indeed in a state of being suppressed the whole time when she is laning.

Especially Xia Heng, who has been supporting him all the time, didn't even dare to play Thresh, his best skill, in these two rounds. As long as he made a move with the q skill, he was almost 100% dodged.

Even flashing the e skill will be operated by the small displacement skill crazy show.

Because of this, Xia Heng was so frightened that he played soft assistants, and took a Lulu Crazy to set up a shield for Sister Zha.

The gap at the operational level is irreparable.

In 25 minutes, Liu Xiao successfully won the game with a 15-0 record.

Ten people reconnected with each other.

"I swear, in the future, Brother Xiao Xiao will play the AD position again, and I will never go online again."

Sister Zha said with a bitter face.

Except for the first round where the scratch man was abused, in the remaining five or six rounds, he and Xia Heng were basically fighting against the pressure in the bottom lane. In each round, he had to be single-killed two or three times in the lane.

Although the number of times is not too many, but for their king game, one solo kill is enough to affect the game situation, two or three solo kills, the bottom lane is basically collapsed.

It's not that he is too weak, but that brother Xiao Xiao's operation is too perverted.

With the auxiliary Thresh, none of the control skills can hit.

Relying on flash to start a group, you have to wait for Brother Xiao Xiao to not flash before you can succeed, but if Brother Xiao Xiao has a flash, the flash e skill will inevitably fail.

Even for Lulu's transformation into a sheep, brother Xiao Xiao staged several classic quicksilver solutions.

"Hahaha, it's all messing around, messing around."

Liu Xiao said a rare word of modesty.

The reaction speed is strengthened, it is really too easy to play this game.

Although I don't say what the world's top level is, after all, the awareness is much worse, but the level of top professional players is still there, and it is definitely not a big problem to play a game of kings at ordinary times.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is too invincible. If you have time in the future, Brother Xiao Xiao will come to the king together."

Lu Xueqi laughed happily.

Brother Xiao Xiao gave another tip in the middle. As a support, she got the most assists, so she received another gift of 200 million from Brother Xiao Xiao.

After one night, I got a total of 400 million gifts as a reward, and there is also a quota of 200 million after the share.

It can be said that in the middle of the night tonight, she has changed from a hard-working migrant worker to a little rich woman.

"Okay. I may be busy recently. I may have a chance in the future."

Just as Liu Xiao was about to agree, he suddenly saw Zhao Ning with an angry face beside him, and quickly changed his words.

"I won't play tonight, I have to play in the Sou Nan live broadcast room later, so I will play first."

Liu Xiao found an excuse and immediately went offline.

"It turns out that the assistant piano girl is Lu Xueqi. This hero is quite suitable for her. Brother Xiao Xiao, you are very good at choosing people."

Zhao Ning snorted softly, and turned her face away from Liu Xiao.

Liu Xiao laughed, got up and hugged Zhao Ning.

"I let them come in randomly, it was indeed a coincidence."

"However, I do have something to do tonight. For this Huya event, I plan to start brushing from the game area."

Liu Xiao clicked on Sou Nan's live broadcast room.

It was not yet eleven o'clock in the evening, and the scratching man still had a sign of Chu's power on his head.

One hour, in Liu Xiao's opinion, should be quite enough.

Speaking of the Huya activities, Zhao Ning was quite serious.

She knew that Liu Xiao was rich, so she wouldn't worry about it.

Besides, the Lehua trade union has already been bought by Liu Xiao. Even if some of them are sold out, they are still contributing to the development of Lehua.

It is not a waste to use the left hand to free the right hand.

"I'm going to make you some dinner."

Zhao Ning got up from Liu Xiao's arms, hummed a song and walked outside.

With a satisfying career and a man who loves her, Zhao Ning really feels that her life is complete.

Her current goal, on the one hand, is to reach the top level in the field of singing, and on the other hand, to be Liu Xiao's virtuous wife and Liu Xiao's logistics work.

After all, she doesn't understand business matters at all, so it's not suitable for her to intervene in Liu Xiao's work.

Liu Xiao looked at the back of Zhao Ning going out, and got up with a smile and went to the living room.

Compared with watching live broadcasts on mobile phones and computers, Liu Xiao prefers to watch live broadcasts on the big TV in the living room in the screen projection mode.

Casting the screen of Sou Nan's live broadcasting room to the TV, Liu Xiao's field of vision suddenly widened a lot.

I glanced at the public screen area.

At present, the popularity of Tiao Nan's live broadcast room is over 220 million.

It should have been higher, but I just bought a wave of gifts from several other anchors, which caused the popularity to be slightly scattered.

I believe that as long as you start to collect gifts for a while, your popularity will increase in a short time.

In the barrage area, millions of tourists blow rainbow farts crazily on the public screen.

Similar to Brother Xiao Xiao's perfect score in game understanding, invincible game level and so on are endless.

Liu Xiao adjusted his sitting posture, and then typed on the phone screen:

"This is the end of tonight's entertainment, the next goal is to get the first player in the game area for the scratch man."

Hearing Brother Xiao Xiao's words, Soo Nan's body, which was a little tired, suddenly became energetic again.

Brother Xiao Xiao has spent more than [-] million yuan tonight. Although he didn't get much from scratching men, overall, Brother Xiao Xiao's consumption tonight is not too small.

To be honest, as the head anchor of the game area, he is not very short of money, but he has never seen such a lot of money.

Furthermore, he has not been very active on the platform recently. After all, he is an old anchor, and his popularity has dropped sharply. Even if he finds a new meme like bull head and horse noodles to be active in the live broadcast, the effect is still limited. time compared.

If brother Xiao Xiao can get started in his live broadcast room tonight, among other things, his live broadcast career can definitely take a step forward, and it is absolutely possible to restore top popularity in a short time.

[Hu Ya Bai Xiaosheng]: "After waiting for more than three hours, brother Xiao Xiao is finally going to make a move. Although today is not the final battle of this Chuhe Hanjie event, it is still exciting!"

"Hey, a bunch of rubbish, our Daheng side is already waiting, everyone if you have the ability tonight, don't be cowardly!"

"Upstairs Dahenggou, you Sha Bi, did you go to the wrong place?"

"Fuck off, fuck off, if you don't like watching it, go back to your Daheng, the game area is not where your Daheng fans come."

"Brother Housing Manager, give this guy a high-level ban, and see if he's still crazy."

Daheng's fans upstairs just wanted to reply, but saw that they had been banned by the administrator, so they could only run back to Xia Nuan's live broadcast room angrily.

Although Daheng has been weak recently, its fan loyalty is still there.

After all, it has been operating on the platform for more than a year, and Daheng fans are not so easily disappointed with Daheng, especially this month, Daheng started off as a king, and directly brushed the list of 2 million, which made Daheng's The morale has been stimulated to the extreme. For now, Daheng still leads the list of No.2000 Lehua by more than [-] million.

With such an advantage, some Daheng fans suddenly became active again, and they took out the sense of honor that had just been depressed in the past two months, and they showed it in various live broadcast rooms on the platform.

And they quickly brought the news that brother Xiao Xiao was going to start broadcasting in Tiao Nan's live broadcast room to Xia Nuan's live broadcast room.

Brother Jiu, who had been waiting anxiously, saw the news that Xiao Xiao was going to make a move on the public screen, and came to the computer in a single step.

After these few days of research, Brother Jiu felt that he roughly understood Xiao Xiao's way of brushing gifts.

Xiao Xiao's hand speed that can be swiped twice in a second is definitely not the speed of swiping with a mobile phone. He has tried many times, no matter how hard he tries, it is impossible to swipe so fast.

But in the end, just when Brother Jiu was about to give up, he found that he logged in to the web interface with a computer, and then clicked on the gift with the mouse. About the refresh rate.

"I just said why Xiao Xiao was so fast at swiping gifts earlier, it was simply using the computer."

Brother Jiu snorted, shook the mouse and boarded the live broadcast of Huya.

At the bottom of the live broadcast room, a series of gifts appeared, just one tap, and the gifts would be sent out immediately.

At the same time, Brother Hua also sent a message to Daheng's big brother group.

With the recent expansion of Huya, the old trade union Daheng has benefited the most.

After all, the volume is huge, with thousands of anchors, both the speed of attracting fans and the speed of attracting big brothers are top-notch.

In the past, there were more than 200 kings and more than 30 emperors. After these days of development, they have become more than 300 kings and more than 50 emperors.

As Brother Hua spoke in the group, Brother Daheng, who had been hanging out on the platform, also entered Xia Nuan's live broadcast room one after another.

Xia Nuan saw the emperor's special effects light up one after another in the live broadcast room, and Le's eyes could hardly be opened.

In just a short while, the popularity of the live broadcast room has risen to more than 50, and it is still slowly approaching 60.

In the live broadcast room, there were already more than one hundred Brother Kings, and the number of Brother Emperors was close to twenty, almost reaching the peak level of Little Orange back then.

Xia Nuan, who has been feeling the haze of Brother Xiao Xiao for a long time, will not panic at all.

You know, Daheng's goal tonight is [-] million!
No matter how much Xiao Xiao can swipe, the [-] million will be swipe in her live broadcast room.

Daheng had already learned his lesson about Brother Li before, and he knew that the newly joined anchor would definitely not be close to Daheng.

Therefore, she, Daheng's veteran anchor, has become popular again, and with countless resources tilted down, she is even more popular than the union's card anchor Xiao Fei recently.

No matter whether she wins or loses tonight, she, Daheng's card anchor, is definitely the one with the most profit. That is, Daheng's first battle against Xiao Xiao took place in her live broadcast room, and every fan of Daheng will have to think of this incident when they pass by her live broadcast room.

The impact of Yang Zi's exposure of the threesome before will completely dissipate after tonight.

And the popularity that was lost before will quickly return with tonight's super list. At that time, as long as Daheng gives her some resources, her development is absolutely limitless!

(End of this chapter)

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