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Chapter 398 No matter how awesome Xiao Xiao is, she can't handle it

Chapter 398 No matter how awesome Xiao Xiao is, she can't handle it

Although Xia Nuan is not as good-looking as Little Tangerine, she can still be called a top-notch beauty. Once the beauty effects are turned on, she is even more beautiful.

In addition, she was originally a dance anchor, and her figure was in a mess. As long as she danced well, would she be afraid that she would not be able to attract fans?
While watching the elder brother keep entering the live broadcast room, Xia Nuan continued to welcome him.

And as time officially entered eleven o'clock, the number of big brothers in Xia Nuan's live broadcast room also reached its peak.

There are more than 150 people in the king's group, and 32 people in the emperor's group!
The eldest brother from Daheng's side came almost halfway tonight!

On the other side of the live broadcast room scratching the male, the number of big brothers tonight is a little bit stretched.

Xiao Huya and other Shenhao elder brothers originally agreed to go online to play activities tomorrow night, so most of the elder brothers are not online tonight.

And Liu Xiao didn't intend to go to the group to call people.

In Liu Xiao's view, no matter how many people there are on Daheng's side, as long as there is one person on Soo Nan's side, that's enough.

Therefore, there are currently only three emperor brothers and forty or fifty kings in the scratch male live broadcast room. Compared with Xia Nuan, the number of big brothers is more than a step behind.

"Unfortunately, brother Xiaohuya and Brother Beibei are not online tonight, otherwise our momentum will definitely overwhelm them."

"But it's the same, as long as Brother Xiao Xiao makes a move, no matter how many people are facing him, it's not all killing."

"Hahaha, I believe this saying is in Brother Xiao Xiao, Brother Xiao Xiao is invincible!"

The more than 200 million viewers in the live broadcast room almost have an almost blind confidence in Brother Xiao Xiao. After all, Brother Xiao Xiao's record in the past three months is really too dazzling.

Scratch Nan even played the first battle song to lead the atmosphere.

"Let's start, Scratch Man, let's give the audience friends a wave of red envelopes first."

Liu Xiao typed a line on the public screen, and then directly clicked on the Huya gift bar.

"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"

"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100*2*[-] combos!"

"Super God Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100*3*[-] combos!"


A series of gift special effects lit up, and the weekly rankings in the scratch male live broadcast room began to increase at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao for the reward, let's all be hi together tonight!"

Without hesitation, Tiao Nan turned on the TV and put ten big red envelopes of 5 yuan into it.

As a veteran anchor, even though she is divorced, she still has millions of dollars in her pocket. The little money from the lottery is definitely affordable for Tiaonan.

"Input Brother Xiao Xiao Niubi on the public screen, and you can participate in the lottery draw. Each TV show is limited to 10 minutes, and ten 5 yuan red envelopes will be given out until twelve o'clock tonight!"

The scratch man was also ruthless this time.

10 in 50 minutes, and it was exactly one hour before twelve o'clock, which meant that Tiaonan had to spend no less than 300 million to support the lottery draw.

For Liu Xiao, this amount of money is naturally small money.

Scratching Nan also knew this clearly, as long as he persisted for a month, after the gift that brother Xiao Xiao gave him was withdrawn to the account, he would not be short of money.

Of course, he will take the initiative to give [-]% of this to Lehua as a union commission, and he also plans to join Lehua after this event and become the card anchor of the Lehua union game area.

"In less than 1 minute, there are millions of gifts directly, Brother Xiao Xiao is invincible!"

On the public screen, Huya No. [-]'s pop-up windows kept popping up at a terrifying speed.

Liu Xiao didn't feel anything, after all, the balance of more than [-] million in the Shenhao card was really useless to him, just swiping it casually was just for fun.

After the money for ordering the server in the past two days arrives, Liu Xiao will definitely not be short of money in the future.

On the other side of Xia Nuan's live broadcast room, Brother Jiu also rushed to make a move.

As a gift for Xia Nuan, Brother Jiu specially picked a set of 1314 magic books.

Although he has figured out a way to have the same hand speed as Xiao Xiao, Brother Jiu is still a little unconfident.

After all, it takes an hour of non-stop swiping, this thing is quite a test for the wrist.

Huya No. 10 can give up to 1314 groups at a time, and the total is only 13 yuan, but [-] magic books can be given away at a time, totaling more than [-], which is the most expensive gift for a single group in Huya.

At the same time, the big brothers in Xia Nuan's live broadcast room also shot at the same time.

Most of these big brothers of Daheng are supportive. Although there are only a few hundred thousand in the money, the money is taken for nothing, and there is no need to return it.

Compared to brother Jiu who can spend hundreds of millions in a row, Xia Nuan prefers these big brother's gifts.

"Thank you brother slightly for the Huya No. [-] combo, thank you brother, brother for your generosity!"

"Thank you Mushroom Head for the treasure map combo, thank you Big Brother!"


For a while, Xia Nuanle couldn't close her mouth.

In just three or four minutes, excluding Brother Jiu's tip, she had collected over a million from these big brothers' money alone!
If there is no accident, it is absolutely no problem for these 200-odd big brothers to finally get a quota of 3000 to [-] million.

The trade union pays 1000%, Huya takes another [-]%, and you have to have at least [-] million in your hands.

"Brother Li, it's good to come to Huya. Although I took away my first sister position for a few days, at least it has boosted my popularity."

Xia Nuan was very happy in her heart, and thanked Brother Li who had given up the live broadcast.

In the past few months, if there is an event, these big brothers will be thankful if they can have 60 to [-] people. How can it be counted in units of hundreds like now.

Moreover, after Xiao Xiao came to Huya, Huya's consumption has also been driven to increase again and again. Now the king of Huya basically spends more than 20 yuan a month.

As for the emperor, the consumption is at least 50.

Not to mention the Super God Emperor, basically every month is more than one million, especially Brother Jiu and Brother Hua, not counting the funds for playing activities, the monthly consumption on the platform is close to [-] million.

Although it was miserable being beaten by Xiao Xiao for several months, there is no doubt that the income of these anchors has gradually increased.

"Brother Jiu, come on, keep going!"

The tourists in Daheng saw that Xia Nuan's list was increasing at a rate of more than 200 million per minute, and they were all excited.

Soo Nan's side is currently only using Brother Xiao Xiao. Although the popularity is higher than theirs, the list is not as good.

Besides, before today, Xia Nuan already had a quota of more than 6000 million on the list, and the starting point was much higher than that of Sou Nan.

"Brothers, Brother Jiu came prepared today. With this speed, Brother Jiu will not stop until twelve o'clock."

In the live broadcast room, Xia Nuan was very proud.

This sentence immediately caused countless surprises.

The other big brothers in the live broadcast room are still shooting, and the speed is relatively fast.

But brother Jiu's side is undoubtedly the head of this speed.

Almost every minute, the rankings are swiped at a rate of millions.

"If you just brush at this speed for 10 minutes, wouldn't it be 6000 million?"

"Nonsense, the current speed is relatively average now. If you really want to brush up, it's absolutely no problem to brush 1 million in a minute. Now Brother Jiu is just playing here."

Tourists who watched the live broadcast of the previous events immediately refuted.

"6000 million is indeed a bit small. What this brother said is quite right. He warmed up a few minutes ago, so it's time to play."

Brother Jiu chuckled and replied on the public screen.

It is too easy for him to hit the list of 1 million in 100 minute, that is, to click in six or seven seconds.

The current speed is just to see Xiao Xiao's reaction.

On the other hand, he has to wait for the other big brothers in the union to collect the gifts before he makes a move.

After all, this time is also the time to collect gifts from other big brothers. He swiped too fast, and the other big brothers have no sense of presence, so they definitely won't get many.

In the Tiao Nan live broadcast room, Liu Xiao saw that the popularity of the Tiao Nan live broadcast room exceeded 300 million, rubbed his hands, and did not intend to continue playing.

There is not too much time until twelve o'clock, and Liu Xiao doesn't know what the bottom line is on Daheng's side. If he wants to win surely, he has to make a direct move now.

Liu Xiao adjusted the speed of the connector to the fastest.

Immediately, the speed of the barrage of gifts on the public screen in the live broadcast room was raised to another level.

The number of gift combos, the previous one just jumped out of the head, and the next one directly covered it.

On the other hand, after seeing the changes in the rankings in the Sou Nan live broadcast room, Brother Jiu immediately turned on his horsepower and started to go crazy.

"I'll go, tens of millions in one minute?"

"Brother Jiu is domineering, it's only been a few minutes, and with the list from the previous few days, the weekly list in Xia Nuan's live broadcast room has already exceeded [-] million!"

"The opposite Xiao Xiao also seems to be very fierce. Originally, he didn't have any data in the live broadcast room. This time the list has broken 5000 million, and it seems that Xiao Xiao's ranking is faster than Brother Jiu."

"Today is estimated to be another battle of hundreds of millions!"

Daheng fans stared at the screen, all holding their breath.

Since May, this is the fourth event of Huya, and it is also the largest event.

Originally, in their expectation, Xia Nuan's total ranking in the live broadcast room exceeded [-] million today, which is considered very good.

But now it seems that Brother Jiu has no intention of stopping at all. I'm afraid it will be easy for the list to break [-] million, right?

"Dumplings stuffed with chives."

Zhao Ning came out of the kitchen with a bowl of dumplings and looked at the TV screen curiously.

"You didn't press the phone, why did the gifts get swiped so fast?"

"The dot connecter developed for me by Huya, just set it up. If I do so many times, I will be exhausted."

Liu Xiao pouted and pulled Zhao Ning over.

Putting the bowl aside first, Liu Xiao gently pulled Zhao Ning into his arms.

"Come on, feed me."

Liu Xiao twirled lightly, and picked up the dumplings from the coffee table.

I've already had my lunch, so I'm just slipping away at night, and I don't think there are too many dumplings.

Zhao Ning took a piece of dumpling with a spoon and brought it to Liu Xiao's mouth.

Liu Xiao shook his head, then pointed to Zhao Ning's small cherry mouth.

Zhao Ning understood, and blushed immediately, but obediently put the dumpling into her mouth, and then moved slightly closer to Liu Xiao.

Liu Xiao gave one in satisfaction, and when she saw Zhao Ning ate the second piece with a blushing face, she was instantly satisfied.

Liu Xiao didn't understand the word beautiful and delicious before, but now he really understands it.

After eating a small bowl of dumplings, Liu Xiao didn't even feel anything.

"I'll cook some more for you."

Zhao Ning climbed off Liu Xiao, and fled into the kitchen with a red face.

On the other side, the other big brothers in Xia Nuan's live broadcast room had completely stopped.

After more than ten minutes of frantic swiping, the total list of Xia Nuan's live broadcast room has exceeded [-] million.

For Daheng, this result is undoubtedly relatively satisfactory.

Although the big brother's gift rewards are not considered the bulk of the union's income, for a union, the big brother group is a card.

It is also because of such a large volume that Daheng can get sufficient promotion fees from advertisers and sponsors.

"Fifth, tomorrow you will deposit some money into the accounts of these big brothers. Each of the kings' group will charge 50 yuan, and each of the emperor's group will charge [-] yuan, which means."

Brother Hua said.

This wave is basically tantamount to cashing back the full amount of the gifts my brother bought tonight.

Of course, it's still the same.

Daheng actually doesn't like the gifts of these big brothers, but the contacts and platform strength of these big brothers are what Daheng needs.

Spending a little money to tie these big brothers into their Daheng camp will definitely be useful for future development and operation.

Many of the big brothers have connections with Brother Hua in reality, and they are loyal fans of Daheng.


The fifth child nodded and took this matter to heart.

"Next, it's time to really look at the strength."

At present, Brother Jiu still has [-] million in funds.

From Brother Hua's point of view, Xiao Xiao chose to go online to play PK today, on the one hand, he wanted to win the game area, and on the other hand, he definitely wanted to catch himself by surprise.

After all, everyone thought that tomorrow would be the final of the first stage, but Xiao Xiao chose to make a move today. The purpose must be to seize the opportunity that their funds have not arrived and give them a wave of ruthlessness.

Therefore, no matter how Xiao Xiao fights, Daheng's wave must not be cowardly.

Brother Jiu's [-] million yuan is not enough, so he will take out Daheng's remaining reserve funds at worst.

A total of [-] million was thrown down, and he couldn't believe that Xiao Xiao couldn't be convinced.

You know, based on the current rate of return of the Huya trade union, Daheng's monthly revenue can only reach a little over 3000 million, and Lehua's 5000 million to [-] million is not bad.

[-] million, but Lehua's revenue for [-] months!
Xiao Xiao was able to take out three or four hundred million yuan to bet with himself last month, but this month, he didn't believe that Xiao Xiao dared to take out eight hundred million yuan!

"Xiao Xiao, I'm afraid you didn't expect that I've been on guard against you for a long time. On the second day after the event started, I prepared all the funds."

"I'd like to see why you are so tough with us this month!"

Brother Hua looked at Brother Jiu who was next to him constantly swiping the screen, a smile leaked from the corner of his mouth.

Daheng was supported by him and Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu's family assets are hundreds of billions. Although they lost [-] to [-] million in investment in the past two months, it was just for fun.

This month, he made a special trip to Brother Jiu's house to convince the elders in Brother Jiu's house.

On his side, he started to transfer the group's funds more than ten days in advance.

With such a huge amount of capital, no matter how awesome Xiao Xiao is, he probably won't be able to handle it.

(End of this chapter)

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