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Chapter 399 Is the limit of the Shenhao Card going to be used up?

Chapter 399 Is the limit of the Shenhao Card going to be used up?
At 11:30, the list of Xia Nuan's live broadcast room successfully broke through to [-] million, and Jiu Ge's single-time ranking reached [-] million.

In the live broadcast room, Daheng's tourists were completely crazy.

They thought that Brother Jiu might reach hundreds of millions, and they also thought that Brother Jiu might reach [-] million, but no one thought about more than [-] million!

What's more, the list of Xia Nuan's live broadcast room yesterday has reached more than 6000 million, plus today's, Brother Jiu's total list in Xia Nuan's live broadcast room has reached 6000 million!

"Brother Jiu, cow beep! [Hoarse voice]"

"Once Brother Jiu comes out, who will fight? Brother Jiu is really crazy this month, plus Xiaofei and Daozi only affect the list of love you, Brother Jiu has already swiped nearly [-] million this month, which is too fierce It's too fierce!"

And Xia Nuan, looking at the series of data on the public screen in the live broadcast room, held her breath for a while, and couldn't say a word.

She doesn't know whether Daheng can win tonight, but she knows that she will definitely take off in this wave!
Brother Jiu's bottom line tonight is [-] million, and Daheng's bottom line tonight is [-] million.

Originally, so much money was allocated to her and the other two leading anchors on an equal basis, but tonight because of Xiao Xiao's provocation, coupled with the random influence of the other two, she became a big constant here tonight. main battlefield.

Although she couldn't get these gifts, they were posted in her live broadcast room after all. Among other things, I invited some navy soldiers to create a momentum on the Internet. minutes to take off?
As long as the popularity increases and the popularity increases, there is no fear that there will be no big brother to spend money.

After all, apart from Brother Jiu, the other big brothers also swiped 4000 to [-] million tonight.

The money does not need to be returned in cash, as long as [-]% is handed over to Daheng, and the rest is shared with Huya.

"After this time, it shouldn't be a problem to earn 5000 million within a year, but this month, it is absolutely possible to say less than 500 million!"

Thinking of so much money, Xia Nuan suddenly felt suffocated again.

Daheng's side was crazy, and the game area was about the same.

Brother Jiu brushed so hard this time, Liu Xiao really didn't expect it.

But for now, Liu Xiao's list has almost caught up with Brother Jiu's overall list in Xia Nuan's live broadcast room. The current list of scratch male live broadcast room has a total of 3000 million, and the gap is not too big.

The tourists on both sides of Lehua and Daheng, even more stimulated by the big brothers on both sides of the rankings, started to fight each other.

Tourists from Daheng took the lead in Xia Nuan's overall list, so they ran to the game area and frantically swiped their screens.

"Lan Lan, contact the technical department immediately to fully ensure the traffic of the two live broadcast rooms of Xia Nuan and Tiao Nan. The quality of the live broadcasts of other anchors will be lowered uniformly, and all the data will be brought over."

Vice President Du sat in the office, staring at the PK screen of the two live broadcast rooms non-stop.

Because of Xia Nuan's relationship with the list a few days ago, the list is currently a bit ahead, but Xiao Xiao's speed is faster. According to the time, it may catch up within five or six minutes.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the succession of the two lists has become a small problem. The main problem is how many brothers Xiao Xiao and Brother Jiu can get out.

"No matter how much Brother Jiu can do, I'm afraid Brother Xiao Xiao will win, right?"

Vice President Du sighed lightly.

Lehua is currently being bought by brother Xiao Xiao. Judging by today's situation, it is reckoned that these anchors in the scratch man and game area will also join Lehua's command in a short time.

With the merger of the game area and the Xingxiu area, Lehua's size will soon catch up with Daheng.

And the most critical aspect of funds, brother Xiao Xiao is crushing.
Others don't know, but Vice President Du understands it very well.

With Liu Ning Company alone, Brother Xiao Xiao is unshakable.

One server costs [-] million yuan. At present, the orders are already in the thousands. How could Brother Xiao Xiao be short of money?
Fortunately, brother Xiao Xiao's ambition is not on the live broadcast side, and he will not occupy the resources of the entire platform to crowd out other unions like Daheng did. Otherwise, it will undoubtedly be another disaster for Huya.

After all, he can introduce Lehua to fight against his husband's guild Daheng, but he doesn't know which new guild he can introduce to fight against the current Lehua.

"I just hope that brother Xiao Xiao brought benefits to Huya, right?"

"Mr. Du, Liu Ning Company has shipped the server over, and it is estimated that the assembly will be completed tomorrow morning."

Vice President Du was still thinking, Lanlan pushed the door open and ran in, her face full of joy.

Recently, the news about Niubi, the server of Liu Ning Company, has been widely circulated in the circle of technology companies.

The items are really cool, and the price is reasonable, but the problem is that they are out of stock.

Lanlan really didn't expect Vice President Du to use his own channels to get such a server.

Just now, when she had a problem coordinating traffic, she heard the director of the technical department sighing repeatedly, talking about the awesomeness of this server, and saying that with this server, Huya's current scale will be doubled. It can also ensure that tourists on all platforms can use Blu-ray quality.

Even, the technology department is already organizing the development of Blu-ray 8m and 10m resolution bandwidth.

"Is something here?"

Vice President Du was shocked.

He also thought that it would take three or four days to deliver the goods. He asked Liu Ning Group before, and they said it would take three days, but he didn't expect that it would take less than 24 hours from yesterday's production to this evening. It was transported from the magic capital to Guangzhou.

"The technicians from Liuning Company are also accompanying us. They will stay in our company for about a week to calculate the server data."

"Isn't there a five-star hotel next to us, arrange the best suites."

Vice President Du waved his hand.

"Lan Lan, you monitor the data of this event, it's better for me to go there and arrange it myself."

Vice President Du hesitated for a moment, but still planned to go in person.

This is an employee of Brother Xiao Xiao, and it is necessary to get closer. Moreover, when the new server comes, there must be many things that the technicians on my side do not understand. It is also a good thing to be able to guide them.


Lan Lan nodded and walked out quickly.

She was also very excited about this meeting, but most of the reasons were because of this event.

Brother Xiao Xiao has earned more than 400 million yuan so far, and she can get a [-]% commission, which is [-] million yuan in income.

Although she firmly believed that Brother Xiao Xiao would definitely win, but after all, the result hadn't come out yet, so she didn't feel relieved if she didn't keep an eye on her.

As the time came to [-]:[-]pm, the rankings in the live broadcast rooms on both sides had reached a fever pitch.

On Liu Xiao's side, the list successfully reached [-] million, completely surpassing Brother Jiu's weekly list, and in Xia Nuan's live broadcast room, Brother Jiu really couldn't sit still.

"How is it possible, my [-] million is almost finished, how can Xiao Xiao still follow me! How much money does this person have, why does it feel like he will never be able to finish it!"

Brother Jiukuang clicked on the gift bar on the computer, saw that there was already a balance of 8000 to [-] million, and kept chanting.

The 8000 million funds gave him so much confidence, and now the remaining [-] to [-] million have given him so much blow.

Not surprisingly, the funds Xiao Xiao prepared tonight must be more than [-] million.

At present, Xia Nuan is completely behind, and his funds are about to bottom out.

Although what he said was quite harsh, but at this time, brother Jiu inevitably remembered the scene of being chased and beaten by Xiao Xiao.

That slap after slap really hurts on the face!

Brother Hua at the side also looked terrified.

After being slapped in the face by Xiao Xiao for three months in a row, Brother Hua saw that Xiao Xiao had just gotten up again, and just like Brother Jiu, he also remembered the dismal record of the previous few months.

He had already calculated everything, he had already prepared [-] million yuan in funds, but when he saw the list that kept beating in Sou Nan's live broadcast room, Brother Hua still felt guilty.

"Old five, come on stage early, and give me the list first!"

Brother Hua didn't know what to do, so he could only take out the trump card in advance.

There are only ten minutes left in the time, if you don't brush now, it may really be too late.

If the 1 million is paid out, if he still can't win, then he can only give up the No.[-] position this month.

And the Misty Rain trade union on the other side.

Yi MinoYanYu sneaked a look at her [-] million bank account balance, and quietly wiped the cold sweat oozing from her forehead.

Tmd, are these people crazy now or what?

He has prepared a total of more than [-] million yuan this month, with the goal of crushing the two unions, Lehua and Daheng, to take the first place.

But now, it's the fifth day of the event, and the lists of both trade unions have exceeded [-] million?
This is playing with wool!

It was not like this when I was in YY before.

He had already overestimated Lehua and Daheng enough, but he didn't expect that these two unions were not human at all.

As a trade union in Huya, the monthly revenue is at most [-] million yuan.

But just for an event, before the official start, one person threw in [-] million. Even if the turnover can be deducted by half, it will take three or four months to earn back the rest, right?
"Perverted, too perverted."

A minion of misty rain murmured.

He would be very thankful that he just joined Lehua and Daheng's pk without a quick brain.

With the strength of their Misty Rain union, let's say goodbye to number one.

It is not easy to have this two-on-one opportunity.

"However, I still hope that it will be Lehua who loses tonight. If Lehua loses, then I will join forces with Lehua, and after winning, we will share a share together. The recommendation we get is quite powerful."

Yishao Misty Rain changed the target again.

Their Misty Rain union has not gained a firm foothold, but so has Lehua.

Although there were back and forth fights with Daheng, judging from the big brother's data in the two live broadcast rooms tonight, it was obvious that Daheng had the advantage.

What's more, Daheng's huge size is still there, and all kinds of resources are emerging one after another. It may not be so easy for the Misty Rain Union to compete with Daheng for the recommended position.

On the other hand, Lehua is better.

The guild is small, there are only four top anchors, and there is no way they can use up a lot of small recommendations. At this time, the opportunity for their Misty Rain guild has come.

And with the launch of the fifth trumpet [Fourth Brother], it undoubtedly gave Yishao Misty Rain hope.

Liu Xiao didn't expect Daheng to be so stubborn.

Just found out that brother Jiu was weak, so the fifth brother joined in.

"It seems that Daheng wants to have a fight with me tonight?"

Liu Xiao pondered for a while, and probably understood Daheng's wishful thinking.

At present, there are only 15 minutes left before the refresh of the anchor force at [-] o'clock.

Even if you swiped at the fastest speed in 1 minute, you can swip 500 million to 2000 million, and you can swip up to 15 million in [-] minutes.

Daheng has already collected [-] million yuan, and with sufficient funds, adding another [-] million yuan is just the same thing.

As long as you can persist until twelve o'clock, even if you haven't brushed him, Daheng will have an explanation to the fans, and the greater possibility is that you can brush him.

After all, he uses a dot connecter here, and the number of rankings per minute is limited, basically 500 million is enough.

On Daheng's side, it is very possible for two people to swipe together, and the speed can reach 2000 million.

If they win, Daheng's morale will definitely explode. If they can't win, Daheng will excuse the time, saying that the anchor's power will be refreshed at twelve o'clock in the evening.

Anyway, there is not much difference between the two lists. I believe that tourists from Daheng will not pay too much attention to these details, but will instead focus on the total amount of Daheng's ranking this time.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiao immediately gave a thumbs up in his heart.

This is Daheng's conspiracy, and it is also the most correct choice made by Brother Hua in the short period of time.

Regardless of winning or losing, the impact on Daheng tonight will definitely be positive.

Even if he didn't win the game tomorrow, that would be tomorrow's event. Today's popularity will definitely explode.

But for Lehua, if Daheng is doing this, Lehua must not hesitate.

Only by brushing enough can Lehua's morale be boosted.

In the past, Liu Xiao could ignore it, but how to say it now, he is also Lehua's current boss, it is impossible to watch Daheng ride on Lehua's head and shit.

Moreover, Liu Xiao's current ranking speed is really not enough.

A few days ago, I recharged [-] million to Sister Feifei's account, and now Liu Xiao's account is only [-] to [-] million. The company's purchase of the server has not yet arrived, so it must not be enough today.

"I didn't expect that the amount of the Shenhao card would be exhausted so quickly."

Liu Xiao found it interesting.

I thought that the money on the Shenhao card would last me at least two months, but I didn't expect that it was almost used up just after I started swiping.

Sister Feifei has been obsessing in the scratching male live broadcast room.

Hearing the phone ding dong, he quickly turned on the phone and looked at the message from Liu Xiao.

Sister Feifei was startled, she didn't dare to hesitate, she quickly clicked on the gift bar, and began to scroll through the Sou Nan live broadcast room.

A few days ago, I swiped 3000 million, and there is still 7000 million in Sister Feifei's account. Liu Xiao swiped more than 5000 million before, and there are more than [-] million in the account.

In total, there is still a quota of more than [-] million.

But now, the list of Scratch Men's live broadcast room is 5000 million. If you scan to the end, you can get up to 5000 million.

According to Liu Xiao's estimate, Daheng's side estimated that Xia Nuan could get [-] million to [-] million at most, and it was impossible to get more.

Therefore, the money must be enough.

When the company received the payment tomorrow, after all the payment for the ten servers in the early stage arrived, with a revenue of [-] billion, Liu Xiao would no longer be short of money.

"So, after the Shenhao card credit is used up, from tomorrow onwards, spending on ranking the anchor will also count as an upgrade quota?"

(End of this chapter)

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