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Chapter 400 Entering the entertainment industry

Chapter 400 Entering the entertainment industry

Liu Xiao was a little surprised by this, but this situation was barely expected, after all Brother Jiu and Brother Hua were not easy to get along with, a top rich second generation in China, a top domestic The rich second generation plus the president of the super group company can definitely get a lot of working capital out of their hands.

Daheng is indeed a bit of a bully this month. If it weren't for the rapid development of the company, it might not be able to win the rankings this month.

But that's all, with the strong rise of Liu Ning Group, even if you double Huage Jiu's funds, it is impossible to be Liu Xiao's opponent.

In the live broadcast room, scratching the man looked at the newly joined sister Feifei on the public screen, and was even more frightened.

He originally thought that tonight's list would be decided by a maximum of [-] to [-] million. After all, today is the fifth day of the event, and there are two more days to decide the victory. It is impossible to put treasure on today.

But I didn't expect that Daheng's side was like eating explosives tonight, starting from [-] million, it kept rushing upwards, and this time it has already resisted the list to [-] to [-] million.

And seeing what Daheng meant, he even sent the fifth child to join again. This is definitely the intention of going to the end today. , the kind that asks you whether you are convinced or not.

As for the barrage messages in the live broadcast room, even if they switch to the big screen mode at this time, they are completely invisible.

The combined total list of the two sides has already exceeded one billion. This kind of super luxurious game, whether it is the navy or other things, can no longer affect the pk of the two sides.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is really fierce tonight. As of now, there is a list of more than [-] million, right?"

"Daheng is playing rogue, just two people brushing together, if it is not for Sister Lele, I am afraid Brother Xiao Xiao really can't brush tonight."

"Sister Lele is also a big boss. She has collected more than [-] million this month, and Sister Lele's hand speed is not too slow. There are still about ten minutes left. As long as you hold on, you can easily win against Daheng."

Many tourists were still a little upset after seeing Daheng's fifth brother make a move.

Brother Jiu couldn't beat Brother Xiao Xiao in terms of hand speed, so he found Lao Wu and went online to brush the list together.

But fortunately, with Sister Lele's shot, Sou Nan's list has been steadily leading, but I don't know how much I can get on the final list tonight.

"Let me guess the number first. Brother Xiao Xiao's list tonight may exceed 5000 million, and the total list of Scratch Men live broadcast room may reach [-] million!"

"Eight hundred million may not be able to stop it. Daheng's offensive is too fierce. I guess one billion."

"Brother Xiao Xiao, if you brush like this, will you really get hurt?"

While most tourists are infinitely optimistic, a small number of tourists still expressed their concerns.

Although Brother Xiao Xiao hasn't been counseled once since May, but in the past few months, he only made six or seven hundred million.

But in just one night, Daheng forcibly resisted Xiao Xiaoge's six or seven hundred million yuan of funds, and the trend is getting worse.

Going on like this, it is estimated that the two sides will not stop before twelve o'clock.

This means that Brother Xiao Xiao's list will reach at least 5000 million, and Sister Lele's list will reach at least 1 million.

With so much money, it is impossible for anyone to take it out easily, even if Brother Xiao Xiao makes a move, I am afraid it will not be so easy.

Sister Feifei, who was constantly clicking on the gift bar in front of the computer, was also battered.

When Brother Xiao Xiao was going to check the rankings in the Tiao Nan live broadcast room, she thought she would definitely win, so she didn't talk to Brother Xiao Xiao.

But it turned out that Daheng chose to fight Lehua head-on tonight. The total funds tonight might reach more than [-] million yuan. This kind of ranking strength is absolutely unprecedented.

As for brother Xiao Xiao, the funds in his hand tonight are obviously not enough, otherwise he wouldn't take the initiative to ask her to come over to check the list.

In other words, there is still a high probability that Lehua will lose tonight.

As the head of the trade union, she did not have a basic judgment on the information from Daheng, which was her dereliction of duty.

The result now is that Brother Xiao Xiao was forcibly dragged into the water by Da Heng without knowing it.

If Brother Xiao Xiao didn't take a stake in Lehua, he could choose not to use it when he encountered this situation, and just watch Dahengxiu's operation next to him.

After all, with Brother Xiao Xiao's current reputation on the platform, as long as he excuses that he didn't bring enough money tonight, Daheng will definitely be lazy.

But now, Brother Xiao Xiao is Lehua's boss, and Lehua's next strategy is to include the puzzle in the game area. If Brother Xiao Xiao is persuaded today, then the anchors in the game area who signed contracts with the platform are largely Will not consider joining Lehua again.

Except for Kaka and B Wen Laolong, the diehard fans of Brother Xiao Xiao will choose to join.

This effect is obviously not what Lehua wants to see.

Only when Lehua showed obvious oppression to Daheng, could the anchors in the game area willingly join in.

But it doesn't make sense to think about it now.

She is just looking forward to getting through tonight. As long as she can get through tonight, she believes that brother Xiao Xiao will definitely be able to mobilize new funds, and even if Lehua loses the final, the game area can be merged logically to the flag.

After all, if Daheng did what it did tonight, anyone with a discerning eye could see that basically all the funds were pulled into the water.

Now the competition between the two sides is undoubtedly a matter of financial pressure. Whoever can carry it to twelve o'clock will win.

If both sides reach [-] o'clock, the one with more rankings will have the upper hand.

Brother Jiu will only have 5000 to [-] million left in his hand.

With his speed of clearing the list, he can basically complete it in four to five minutes, but there are still 5 minutes until twelve o'clock, so Brother Jiu can only slow down a little bit.

When the number of gift links is rising wildly, it is not obvious that it is a little slower.

But as a result, the rankings of Sou Nan's live broadcast room began to rush up rapidly, and the gap with their Daheng was slowly widening.

"Ma Dan, how much money has this guy Xiao Xiao prepared!"

Brother Jiu cursed angrily when he saw Xiao Xiao's unabated speed of clearing the list.

[-] million was not won, [-] million was not won, and this month it has rushed to [-] million, and it has not yet been won.

Although the expected goal has been achieved, after all, it is not Daheng's side that wins, and there is still some gap with the ideal state.

The most important thing is that Brother Jiu is really scared this time.

Doesn't Xiao Xiao need to mobilize the funds from Xiao Xiao's side?
As long as there is a need, can it be brushed out at any time?
The ghost knows how long it took them Daheng to mobilize one billion yuan of funds this month!

If he and Brother Hua hadn't shared the liquidity of one billion yuan, no one would have been able to take it out in just half a month, but Xiao Xiao just took it out. A little more casual.

Is this what people do?

Could it be that Xiao Xiao has trillions of assets in his name?

Brother Hua was also speechless for a while.

Every time he guessed the assets that Xiao Xiao could bring out, every time he overestimated the funds prepared by Brother Xiao Xiao.

In fact, this time, his initial estimate was [-]-[-] million, so he asked Brother Jiu to take [-] million to make the list.

Just in case, to prevent the gourd baby from being shot to death by Xiao Xiao one by one like saving his grandfather, he also specially prepared [-] million yuan for a postscript.

Not to mention other things, in Huaguo, I am afraid not many people can spend so much money in one go.

Even if it was Boss Wang, it took more than a month to get [-] million out in batches.

But in the face of Xiao Xiao, he always felt uneasy in his heart until the matter developed to the present.
Seeing that the matter was a foregone conclusion, Brother Hua secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, after that, they prepared a backup, otherwise, Daheng's activity today would really be a loss to grandma's family.

The time quickly came to twelve o'clock in the evening. With the change of the event page, the influence of the anchors of the two anchors also changed.

The power of scratching men has changed from Chu power to Han power, and Xia Nuan has changed from Han power to He power.

As the camps of the anchors of both sides changed, Liu Xiao and Daheng almost stopped reviewing the rankings immediately.

In the final list, there are 1000 million for scratching men, and 3000 million for Xia Nuan.

In the scratch male live broadcast room, millions of fans immediately cheered.

In the game area, since when was there such a terrifying list?

Tiaonan was even more excited.

Originally, I thought hundreds of millions would be enough, but I didn't expect Brother Xiao Xiao to be so top-notch tonight, and directly hit [-] million!

For him, he definitely didn't dare to ask for so much money. Normally, no one would care about Brother Xiao Xiao's reward of 2000 million, but he wouldn't dare to take so much money even if it was given to him.

Besides, he didn't do the live broadcast in the first place to make a lot of money. Given his family's situation, although it's impossible to be as chic as Brother Jiu and Hua, it's absolutely no problem to be a rich second generation. The main reason why he came out to live broadcast is because hobby.

The plan of scratching the man is that after joining Lehua, all of them will be assigned to the Lehua trade union. If Lehua doesn't want it, he may organize charity activities like Xiaojuzi to help those in need.

When Liu Xiao saw that it was twelve o'clock, he also let out a sigh of relief.

If it lasts for a few more minutes, this beep may really be unbearable.

There is only a fraction of the Shenhao card left, and Liu Xiao simply rushed all of it into Huya's balance.

And the Shenhao card item on Liu Xiao's system panel has also disappeared, and the Shenhao bank card in his hand has also become a normal stored value card.

"Brother, I'm still fierce."

Liu Xiao hugged Zhao Ning in his arms and kissed, and said cheerfully.

Starting tomorrow, except for the investment in the company, other money spent can be included in the system upgrade quota.

Liu Xiao was worried that he had no place to spend money, now as long as Houtian Daheng can show such a wave of cards again, wouldn't the upgrade quota for the next level be enough?
"It's a waste of you."

Zhao Ning gave Liu Xiao a blank look, resisting the urge to beat Liu Xiao to death with one fist.

The [-] million yuan of funds was just defeated by Liu Xiao, and he was still smiling happily.

If he didn't know that Liu Xiao's company's income is extremely high now, Zhao Ning would have to chop Xiao Liu Xiao off to make wine.

"I did this on purpose."

"At present, Lehua's development is pretty good. The only opponent is Daheng. As long as the game area can be controlled, Lehua's size will be equal to that of Daheng. By then, the union's revenue will definitely increase rapidly."

"Also, I asked Feifei to go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to change Lehua's name."

Liu Xiao paused.

"what name?"

Zhao Ning was curious and hurriedly asked.

"Liu Ning Media."

Liu Xiao silently took off a certain piece of clothing on himself and Zhao Ning, and with a groan, Zhao Ning's face turned red.

Zhao Ning is a person who has half a foot in the entertainment industry, so she naturally understands the concept of the word "media" in Liu Ning Media.

If the Lehua labor union is a live broadcast platform, then Liu Ning Media is going to step into the rhythm of the entertainment industry.

As for the entertainment industry, the investment cost of making a movie may be more than one billion yuan, and the salary of a small fresh meat actor can get four hundred million yuan. Although these assets are also drawn out through various methods, they are quite Compared with the live broadcast platform, it is obviously a higher level.

And what Liu Xiao has to do is to take advantage of these live broadcast platforms to raise Le Hua to another level.

"There are only two established companies in the entertainment industry, which account for almost 90.00% of the entire market. If you want to seize the market, you must have your own actor channels and resource channels. It is indeed a good way to use the live broadcast platform as a springboard."

Zhao Ning panted slightly, but still agreed.

She is not worried about Liu Xiao's financial problems, after all, with Liu Ning Group, it is easy to get several billion a year, which is enough to support the operation of the media company.

The main problem is the control of industry resources by established media companies.

Good directors belong to other companies, good actors belong to other companies, good scripts also belong to other companies, and even good singers belong to other companies.

It is impossible to make something out of nothing by throwing money at it.

As for the springboard of the live broadcast platform, there are still a lot of talented anchors on it. Some talented anchors can enter the entertainment industry as rookies with a little training.

Although the top actors are not easy to deal with, relying on Liu Xiao's money offensive to build momentum on the live broadcast platform, he can still create a few superstars.

For example, she, Little Orange, wasn't Liu Xiao who forcibly made a star during this period of time?

The only problem is to find some anchors who are suitable to become stars and go on this road.

While contacting at a negative distance, Liu Xiao told Zhao Ning about his future plans.

It is obviously unrealistic to directly find actors. There are not so many people on the live broadcast platform who can be cast as actors.

But the most indispensable thing on the live broadcast platform is the talent anchor.

People who sing, dance, rap and make music, all kinds of people emerge in endlessly.

Among other things, with Lehua's current resources, it is absolutely no problem to form a men's and women's team.

It goes without saying that platform anchors are not as good-looking as celebrities.

Everyone knows the appearance of those entertainment stars before their debut, and many of them are the results of plastic surgery.

The reason why she looks better than the anchor is nothing more than plastic surgery and whitening, and the venue is different.

The moment a star comes out, it's the Grammy Awards, the red carpet, the venue, all kinds of splendor, plus a series of supplementary lights such as spotlights, the light is naturally beautiful.

As for Internet celebrities, at most they sing on the street or in small venues. The lighting and scenes are not up to the requirements.

With just one shot of whitening injections and shaving of cheekbones, even an ordinary person can become a look that many people can't afford to marry.

And this situation is not an exception, many people will make such a choice.

(End of this chapter)

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