Chapter 401

As Lehua's resources are inclined to the game area, many anchors see hope in Tiaonan.

For a long time, the anchors in the game area rarely have other sources of income except for the official signing fee of Huya.

To be honest, the ones with the highest income from gifts are those female anchors with only 8 or [-] people in the live broadcast room.

As for the real technical anchors, the more handsome League of Legends anchor Coke has a relatively high list, with about [-] to [-] per week. Other technical anchors, the list is far worse Now, relying entirely on the official signing fee to live.

A few days ago, Taotao, a first-line anchor in the League of Legends area, revealed his income. After two years of live broadcasting on the platform, he only earned millions of dollars. It's a bit high, but compared to the anchors in the star show area, it can definitely be called bleak.

After all, the social level of a first-line anchor who is a live broadcast is compared with that of the elite in the workplace. For a better white-collar worker, earning 50 a year is really not much.

But now, Brother Xiao Xiao chooses to make a move in the game area, and when he makes a move, it is a super list of 9 million. With Sister Lele, the list is more than [-] million and it is close to [-] billion. This is a refresh of the entire Huya platform. list records.

With a list approaching one billion, coupled with the popularity of Tiaonan's live broadcast on the platform, this is already a new benchmark for the platform.

"Join Lehua, you will definitely have meat to eat!"

"You can take the lead. My current signing fee is only 1 yuan per month. If I can get some resources from Lehua, it will definitely double my income. Even with Lehua's popular recommendation, the second-line rushes to the first-line The road is also much easier to walk.”

"The popularity of first-line anchors has come to an end here. At my stage, isn't it just to increase income?"

"Joining Lehua, with so many union resources operating, income is definitely not a problem, and joining Lehua will not conflict with Huya's signing plan. This is simply a good thing that fell from the sky."

"It's still a thread of hesitation, you must join!"

Gu Shouyu, Ba Ge and other series of anchors are thinking about this matter in their hearts.

As the first-line anchors of the platform, it is no problem for them to earn 50 million yuan a year, but it is impossible to want more.

On the Huya platform, they signed five-year contracts.

They don't need to think about salary within five years, save a little money, and it is absolutely no problem to save 200 million in five years.

But after five years, they are all old, and it may be impossible to renew their contract with Huya at that time.

If the contract is renewed, it would be great to get half of the current signing fee. After all, their game skills will inevitably decline, and there will be more and more new anchors to replace them.

What they can do is to earn enough money during the golden period of their live broadcasts, and then use the money they earn to start some small businesses, such as opening power leveling stores and so on.

Even if it's for money, joining Lehua is a good thing.

"join in!"

Gu Teyu and other anchors quickly made up their minds.

The relationship between them and brother Xiao Xiao was already good. If they joined the Lehua union, they would definitely get the first batch of recommendation opportunities.

And with their own traffic, it will also bring a huge boost to Lehua's popularity. As long as Lehua is not stupid, he will definitely not deliberately target them.

As the party involved in the pk of this event, Tiaonan was still a little hesitant.

After all, with his status on the platform, although he has declined recently, his status as the number one brother in the League of Legends area is still unshakable. If he hesitates any longer, the tourists in his live broadcast room will scold him for being ungrateful.

After that, Tiao Nan directly dialed Sister Feifei's phone number, expressing clearly that he wanted to join Lehua.

Sister Feifei naturally welcomes first-line and super-first-line anchors like Sou Nan and Gu Teyu.

With the addition of these first-line anchors, and the addition of Bwen, Kaka and other diehard fans of Brother Xiao Xiao, the situation in the game area will definitely stabilize in a very short period of time.

But apart from the big anchors like scratching men, there are still some first-tier anchors and second-tier anchors who have gone another way.

"Brother Hua, Baidi has already taken it."

The fifth child hung up the phone in his hand, with joy on his face.

"it is good."

Brother Hua nodded slightly, with a smile on his face as well.

Naturally, he couldn't just watch Xiao Xiao grab all the shares in the game area.

Xiao Xiao’s main business in the game area is League of Legends and PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, but correspondingly, the newly emerging Peace Elite and Glory of Kings do not have too many anchor accumulations, and it can even be said that there are very few .

Even in the glory of the king, Xiao Xiao's reputation was not obvious because of the previous conflict with Han Ye.

And this is their great opportunity.

After all, with the popularization of high-configuration smartphones in recent years, many large-scale games can already be run on mobile phones, and many people will choose to play a few mobile games in their spare time.

After all, it is convenient, the kind that can be used when you take it out.

Therefore, this wave of smart phones has also created a group of live broadcast practitioners of mobile games.

Most of the fans of these mobile game anchors are young people, and there are more impulsive consumers.

Just like Han Ye, there are several big brother emperors in the live broadcast room, and there are quite a few big brothers in the live broadcast room for those anchors who are better at playing.

The most important thing is that the popularity of mobile game live streaming has a faint tendency to replace traditional computer-side mob games and fps games.

Brother Hua chose to start from this point because he identified Xiao Xiao's pain point.

As long as they can pierce a hole in Xiao Xiao's game area, then Daheng has a hope of being able to make a comeback from the game area, and slowly break Xiao Xiao's arrangement in the game area.

At that time, he and Xiao Xiao will be half in the game area, and Daheng will still be Huya's number one guild!

Although they lost against Xiao Xiao this time, the impact was very strong.

After all, as far as Daheng's current overall list is concerned, it is on par with Lehua's side, and even slightly surpassed it. The reason why Daheng lost today, in the eyes of many tourists, is just because the speed of swiping money is a little slower.

Of course, hand speed is not important, the most important thing is the amount.

The current Daheng's total list is close to one billion. This is the capital that Daheng dares to reach out to the game area!
And the result was not too beyond Hua Ge's expectation.

After explaining how powerful he was, the anchor Baidi thought about it, and finally decided to move closer to Daheng.

Baidi also sees it very clearly that the current model of directly signing contracts with the platform in the Huya game area will eventually be eliminated. Huya is currently imitating the full attendance system offered by Douyu, which somewhat replaces the signing fee.

In the future, the signing fee will only be given to the big anchors of some platforms, at least the first-line anchors, and even the signing fees of the first-line anchors will be cut off.

At this time, it is undoubtedly a wise move to find a reliable trade union.

His first ideal is Brother Xiao Xiao, but it is still uncertain whether Brother Xiao Xiao is a shareholder of the Lehua Union. Furthermore, Brother Xiao Xiao pays more attention to the two game sectors of League of Legends and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. The degree of attention is not high.

He was worried that if he voted for Lehua, he would not be able to get a good training, and he might even sit on the bench.

For a live broadcaster who is on the rise in his career, if he sits on the bench for two years, his live broadcast career can basically be declared over.

Therefore, when Daheng offered him an olive branch, after a series of deliberations, Baidi decided to resolutely throw himself into Daheng's arms.

Even if Daheng pulls his hips again in the near future, it is still an existence that can wrestle with Lehua. If there is a disagreement, it will make a billion-dollar union list and broadcast live in the entire Huya. Perhaps only the union of Lehua can do it. Even the newly joined Misty Rain Union cannot possibly have this strength.

Baidi thought very clearly, since Daheng pays attention to the development of the mobile game area, the sooner he surrenders, the sooner he can be trained.

Daheng's Xia Nuan and Xiao Fei are the two card face anchors, isn't that how they got up?
Perhaps, it's not impossible for him to prove himself in the game area.

Relying on this month's one billion list, both Lehua and Daheng reached out to the game area almost immediately.

The anchors of the League of Legends area and the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds area hardly hesitated and threw themselves into Le Hua's embrace.

In the near ones are scratch men, in the mid-term there are Xiaoyi and Poison, and in the far distance there are Kaka and B Wen.Brother Xiao Xiao has picked up many people before and after, and everyone can see these with the naked eye.

And unseen, Gu Shouyu, Ba Ge, miss, etc., are more or less popular because of Brother Xiao Xiao's promotion.

Those who can come out to be anchors naturally understand these principles.

It is not easy to meet a noble person, but it is even more difficult to meet a noble person who can support oneself.

For now, joining the Lehua trade union is quite easy.

In order to expand its size, the Lehua union has almost no requirements for the anchors. As long as they sign up, they can basically join.

As for the anchor's strength, live broadcast effect, etc., they will naturally be evaluated after joining, and Sister Feifei will also train according to her own set of methods.

And the anchors of the two game regions directly doubled the size of the Lehua union, and truly possessed the strength to confront Daheng head-on.

"In one night, less than half of the anchors in the two regions chose to join Lehua. This expansion speed is simply too exaggerated."

Sister Feifei stood in the office, watching the union operation counting the data of the newly joined anchors and distributing contracts, her expression was full of excitement.

Although the anchor's ability to absorb money in the game area is average, the popularity of the game area is high.

The first sister in Xingxiu District currently has 50 million popularity for live broadcasting. For an event or something, it is not bad to reach a million, but in the game area, the popularity of the third-tier anchors can reach 50 million.

With a simple operation, the popularity of the game area will be diverted to Xingxiu, and the resources will be replaced. It is definitely not a problem to easily earn tens of millions more in a month.

That night, both Daheng and Lehua were rapidly expanding by relying on the list, and only Yishao Yanyu sat in the office of the Misty Rain trade union without saying a word, smoking a stuffy cigarette.

The little secretary knelt down and gently untied Yi Minoyam's belt and ate Xiao Yanyu, Yiminian Yu didn't even have a big reaction.

If she hadn't felt the physical changes, the little secretary would have thought that Yimino Misty Rain's health was failing.

It's not that Yimin Misty Rain doesn't want to enjoy it, but he's really depressed at this moment.

He came to Huya's side to develop, and he originally went to the super-first-line trade union on Huya's side, and he also prepared a huge sum of [-] million yuan for this.

In his opinion, according to the list of Lehua and Daheng last month, this month is probably the same number, and he can definitely wrestle with the two unions.

But it was only the fifth day of the event, and he saw that the lists of the two trade unions added up to nearly two billion yuan, which was four times the assets in his hand.

Although he judged that Daheng should have no money in his hands, he couldn't bear it at all with just one billion.

Even if you ask your family how many hundreds of millions, you will definitely not be able to get such a large amount.

The dream of surpassing the first-line labor union has been shattered before it even started, and it is impossible to say that it is not annoying.

Immediately snuffing out the cigarette butt in his hand, a cloud of smoke and rain rushed deeply at the little secretary.
"In this situation, I can only take the third place. Maybe I will have a chance when the two of them lose both sides."

"However, the two of them are frantically recruiting the anchors from the game area. I can also do it here. Even if I get fewer people, as long as I attract one or two big anchors to enter the arena, the game area will play in the future." During the event, at least there is a qualification, right?"

Yimino Misty Rain's attitude was very clear.

No matter what method is used, one or two big anchors from the game area must be brought over, otherwise, when the game war starts next month, he will have to watch Xiao Xiao lead the rhythm in the game area like Daheng used to It's time for ob to wait and see.

This is absolutely unacceptable to him.

He knew very well in his heart that with the current hard power of the Misty Rain union, the big anchor would definitely not choose him.

There are only two that he can take out now.

First, his union currently doesn't have many game anchors. As long as they come to their union, they will definitely receive the most comprehensive training.

Second, the conditions he offered to these big anchors could be higher.

After all, it is better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. If you can get along well in the Misty Rain union, your income may not be lower than that of the first-line unions in Daheng and Lehua.

This is also the reason why many anchors choose to live broadcast in second-tier unions or even third-tier unions.

The smaller the union, the smaller the competition.

In the big guild, he may only be a second-tier player, but in the small guild, he is the top card of the union. He can get all the recommendations from the small guild, and his income will naturally be higher than in the big guild.

The only thing that makes Yi Minoyam a little uncomfortable is this psychological gap.

Once upon a time, he swore to come to Huya to kill God, and his biggest goal was Brother Xiao Xiao, a super god. He didn't even pay much attention to Brother Hua and Brother Jiu, who were gods of the same level.

But now, before the first event, their Misty Rain union has been reduced to a low-level union.

When choosing other anchors, they have to consider whether it is worth joining the Misty Rain union!
(End of this chapter)

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