Chapter 4 Emperor Set!
As soon as the old dragon finished speaking, a red activation prompt appeared again in the barrage area next to it.

"Congratulations [Xiao Xiao] for opening the title: Duke in the [Old Dragon] live broadcast room!"

Before the old dragon had time to marvel, another prompt was displayed in the barrage area.

And the color of this activation prompt is purple!


"I'm sorry!"


"This shit! This can't be a king's set!"

"Oh my god, did I just say that big brother was a mess?"

"Upstairs slap your mouth!"


The barrage, which was gradually calming down, boiled again because of the opening of this king.

The room manager promptly placed the screenshot of Liu Xiao's opening of the title at the top of the live broadcast room.

Swordsman, knight, lord, duke, king!

Corresponding to the amount required for activation.


In Huya in 2016, the highest title was the emperor, but now, Liu Xiao directly opened five of them!

A total of 21350 was spent!

But for the first time, I only got about 4000 Golden Bean Coupons, which is 00 yuan.

It cost more than 2 yuan, but even one treasure map is not enough to scan!
After this set, Liu Xiao's net loss was more than 7000.

But Brother Jun looked at the five screenshots on the screen, but the corner of his mouth was full of bitterness.

Without him, you lose.
Although his net worth is tens of millions, the company's monthly profit is more than 50.

But the amount of money that can be transferred to his personal account every month is only 30 to [-].

Fixed assets count as money, shareholder financing also counts as money, and even bank loans count as money.

There are many people with tens of millions of net worth, but very few people can spend tens of millions!

More than 2, wouldn't it be nice to go out and date a girl?
The previous five renewals were already the maximum amount he considered taking out.

After all, being rich is one aspect, and the one who can earn it is the real big brother!

It's only 2 yuan, he can indeed continue to use it, but he doesn't know if Liu Xiao will continue to follow.

Financially, he has lost.

Moreover, it is too late to make friends with people with this level of consumption, so why offend them?

"I lose."

Brother Jun was about to concede defeat on the public screen just now, when suddenly, a golden title activation reminder jumped into his eyes, and his mouth, which was in a helpless smile, suddenly opened to the maximum!
At the same time, the mentality of Laolong and the audience in Laolong's live broadcast room exploded at the same time!
A line of large golden characters floated on the public screen, and this big character also passed through Laolong's live broadcast room and was displayed on the top of all Huya's live broadcast rooms!
"Congratulations [Xiao Xiao] for opening the Supreme Glory: Emperor in the [Old Dragon] live broadcast room!"

"Congratulations [Xiao Xiao] for opening the Supreme Glory: Emperor in the [Old Dragon] live broadcast room!"

"Congratulations [Xiao Xiao] for opening the Supreme Glory: Emperor in the [Old Dragon] live broadcast room!"

The platform broadcasts three times in a row!

Emperor set!
A full set of 171350!

With this money, in reality, you can already buy a very good car!

"My God! The Emperor Set!"

"I've been in Huya for half a year, and this is the first time I've seen it! I missed it when Xingxiu and the big brothers opened it!"

"Long experience, really! Big! Brother!"

"This is really rich!"

"Fart, this is Brother Shenhao!"

That's right, those who can activate the emperor can no longer be called local tyrants.

They have a higher level of title, Shenhao!

15 in the first month, and [-] for monthly renewal!
The yellow golden dragon danced in the live broadcast room, enveloping Liu Xiao's ID completely, and the purple monarch logo was transformed into a luxurious golden logo.


【Xiao Xiao】!
Unlock the Emperor.

Broadcast on all platforms!
There are not many people who can have this spending power in the current live broadcast of Huya.

After all, someone who is willing to spend 15 yuan to open a virtual title will have to be a rich man with a net worth of tens of millions in reality.

To buy gifts, one Monarch account is enough, anyway, the rebates are about the same, one [-]% and one [-]%.

The big deal is that if I open the Monarch for a few more months, how much slower will it be to collect gifts?
The point is, with a net worth of tens of millions, you have to be willing to spend money, or in other words, have a lot of cash!
For an entrepreneur like Brother Jun, who has a large company but little cash flow, he can play with the king with a monthly renewal fee of 3000, but it is absolutely impossible to open the emperor with a monthly renewal fee of 30000!

There are no more than 100 emperors in Huya's live broadcast.

As for the effective consumption of more than 50 per month, no more than 50, and at least 20 of these [-] are guild accounts.

Opening an emperor on the Huya platform attracts everyone's attention every time.

The big brother will make an agreement with his favorite anchor in advance, and the whole station will broadcast for several days, and the opening will only be made after sufficient preparation.

After all, the host will also get a commission for the nobles who are opened in the host's live broadcast room.

The most important thing is that it can increase popularity!
And the big brother's face will be filled with countless compliments at this moment.

How could someone like Liu Xiao directly open the phone without saying a word?
In an instant, the anchors in Huya who saw the news came alive.

If this kind of big brother who just disagrees with the emperor is good at licking, he can't help but feed himself a wave!

After all, after opening the emperor, there are 330 million gold beans in his pocket.

These are all white money!

The old dragon was also stunned.

Ever since he entered Huya to do live broadcast, no one has ever opened Emperor in his live broadcast room!
Not to mention the emperor, there are not many kings.

After all, a male anchor like him who does not have a union and works alone, um, an ugly male anchor, is rarely liked by big brothers.

The distinguished golden font immediately attracted the attention of the audience.

"Old dragon, hurry up and lick!"

"Stick out your tongue, there will be a fan festival this time!"

"Can you be a little bit more moral? Don't you want to lose face for the gift?"

"Hehe, Zabi upstairs!"

"It's better to lose your integrity at this time!"

"Integrity? When did the old dragon have it?"

"Excuse me. Where do you stick your tongue? I want to rub it too."

An old driver weakly raised his hand.

"Report upstairs for speeding!"

"Laolong's fan festival is going to be exciting!"

"This B's luck is really good!"

"Who says it's not, after all, this gun is accurate!"

"The suspected car is unfounded!"

Most of their fans are college students with low spending power.

In addition, Laolong has always advocated that students should not spend money. At most, they usually give away free Tiger Food Shengsheng brand to increase Laolong's popularity.

It will be seen that Liu Xiao seems to be deliberately supporting the old dragon, and some diehard fans are anxious for the old dragon, wishing to stick out their tongue and lick it for the old dragon.

Of course, the old dragon also saw these barrages and was greatly moved.

To be able to drive the Emperor, it is naturally impossible to have a simple spending power of 3 yuan.

After all, to open an emperor, the first charge is 15!
No.3 Yaoyao has only one king to support her.

But this king paid her 5 by himself!
And there are about a dozen other dukes and the like, who paid Yaoyao 9.

The remaining [-] was typed out by Yaoyao ruthlessly.

After all, it has been less than half a year since the broadcast started, and she has earned more or less points, and the most important thing is that the big brothers did not ask her to rebate for brushing her up this time.

In other words, she didn't actually pay much money herself, and the turnover of her elder brother and herself was deducted, so she won't make a profit or lose money.

As for Yaoyao's fans?
Basically not many.

In the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds section, the level of the game is not much, and it will be crazy all day long.

The fans in the game area are all straight men of steel, who dares you?
Therefore, Yaoyao has been on the platform for more than half a year, and only has 20 subscriptions, and the number of viewers is just over [-]. This is still a situation supported by several big brothers.

But Laolong, although he is not as good as his big brother, has a full 300 million subscriptions, and he usually broadcasts live, and there are at least 20 people in the live broadcast room.

Although it's not very good in the game area, if it's placed in Xingxiu, this score has already blown up the street.

It is also because of having so many fans that Laolong was able to earn 150000 popularity points in just half a week.

"Brother Xiao, please feed me!"

Lao Long didn't care about his face at this time, he touched his smooth head, rubbed his hands with a silly smile, and his face was full of anticipation.

(End of this chapter)

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