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Chapter 5 6 Renewals!Blast the screen directly!

Chapter 5 Six renewals!Blast the screen directly!
"Wait, it's not over yet."

Liu Xiao typed with a smile.

"My God, Shenhao hasn't finished yet?"

"Is it possible to continue to pay?"

"Nine times out of ten!"

The fans of Laolong in the live broadcast room were fried again.

Liu Xiao looked at the comment area that became lively because of his words, feeling secretly refreshed.

Prior to this, Liu Xiao had never taken it seriously.

Are rich people really happy?
Company, family, career, so many mundane things are entangled, how happy can rich people be?

It is estimated that there may be more troubles than happiness.

And now Liu Xiao finally realized it.

The happiness of the rich is so simple and unpretentious!

Maybe the reason why you can't buy a house in Shanghai after five years may really be that you haven't paid enough social security!

"[Xiao Xiao] renew the Emperor*1 in the [Old Dragon] live broadcast room!"

As soon as the news of Liu Xiao's renewal came out, the public screen exploded again.

"Oh my god, Brother Xiao has renewed his subscription!"

"Shenhao, bless you to give birth to a precious child early, and show me a treasure map too!"

Before the audience could react, Liu Xiao clicked again.

"[Xiao Xiao] renew the Emperor*1 in the [Old Dragon] live broadcast room!"


"[Xiao Xiao] renew the Emperor*1 in the [Old Dragon] live broadcast room!"

Liu Xiao clicked six times in a row, and six renewal messages directly bombarded the entire platform.

The rest of the live broadcast anchors were also curious. Although the live broadcast page was not broadcast, they all opened the live broadcast software with their mobile phones in private, and quietly clicked into Laolong's live broadcast room.

Before giving any gifts, six renewals of the Emperor's fee directly raised the popularity of Laolong's live broadcast room to 45!
A full 20 people rose in popularity!
The old dragon screamed excitedly, and the hand that was about to start the game stopped.

Look at the rhythm, this big brother named [Xiao Xiao] really wants to give himself a big blow!
Six renewals, plus the previous opening, have now been seven times.

The emperor set was 17 before, and 3 each time for the next six times, which is 33!
23% of the Golden Beans will be refunded for each renewal, and the renewal fee for those knight titles will be deducted. That is to say, there are almost [-] Golden Beans in Liu Xiao's account!

"[Xiao Xiao] opened the treasure map in [Old Dragon]'s live broadcast room!"

Before everyone could recall, Liu Xiao directly took a picture of a treasure map.

"Thank you big brother!"

“[Xiao Xiao] opened the treasure map*2 in [Old Dragon]’s live broadcast room!

"[Xiao Xiao] opened the treasure map*20 in [Old Dragon]'s live broadcast room!"

One golden box after another was opened in Lao Long's live broadcast room. Lao Long Le grabbed his head and ran around in the room.

Twenty treasure maps, each worth 10 yuan, worth [-] yuan!
After deducting the platform income, the pre-tax income is 5!
For the old dragon, it can be regarded as a very high income.

"Big brother is domineering! Big brother is awesome!"

"I'll sing a song for Big Brother!"

The old dragon couldn't contain his excitement.

"My own man! Please let me go!"

"Don't, old dragon, you sing like hell!"

"A ghost passed by who had heard the old dragon sing."

"You will lose your big brother like this!"


The public screen wailed.

Liu Xiao smiled. He had watched the live broadcast for a while, and naturally he had heard Laolong sing.

It seems that Gongping is not exaggerating.
"Okay, I don't know what you're singing, so let the fans go!"

Liu Xiao smiled and typed a barrage.

With the golden title, plus the blessing of Mr. Ka and the house manager, this golden barrage is almost as thick as the limit.

If Brother Junjun’s font was the thickness of a pencil refill, then this golden barrage is almost as thick as the refill of a gel pen.

And the emperor's exclusive font special effect, a golden dragon flying between the lines, looks scary!

Brother Jun, who just came back to his senses, looked confused, but he still didn't forget to type the three words "I admit defeat" that he hadn't finished typing on the public screen.

This purple barrage is obviously much slender than the golden barrage.

At this time, it seemed that no one paid attention to their bet.

On the live broadcast platform, the rich are the big brothers!

As for Liu Xiao, through 30 renewal fees, plus [-] consecutive treasure maps, he has already proved himself.

Newcomer to Huya Live!

Liu Xiao was in a good mood.

Sure enough, the happiness of the rich is so simple. It only cost about [-] yuan, and the effect is so good that it explodes.

But where is this?

Liu Xiao bought gold beans worth 23 yuan!

The reason why they stopped for a while was just to let Huya's treasure-digging army gather here and increase the popularity of the old dragon.

It can be regarded as a kindness.

Seeing Liu Xiao's barrage, Lao Long gave a smug smile, but he was flattered in his heart.

It seems that this emperor [Xiao Xiao] is his true elder brother.

Laolong usually only sings twice for a long time. Anyone who can hear himself sing must have stayed in his live broadcast room for a while.

Although I don't know how long this emperor will stay in my live broadcast room, but with him today, I will be in the top three of the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds section of this fan festival!
Including his previous popularity, there are already 280000, surpassing the original No.00 Yaoyao.

And at this time, because of the bombardment of twenty treasure maps, the popularity of Laolong's live broadcast room has also risen to 50!
You know, the popularity of Huya at this time is real.

50 people, say at least 5 to [-] people are simultaneously engaging in barrage.

The background superman hastily contacted the technical department to increase the line diversion.

Seeing that the popularity is almost up, and the atmosphere is not bad, Liu Xiao strikes again.

"It's no wonder that so many people like to give gifts to anchors online with real money."

Liu Xiao couldn't stop mumbling.

This feeling is really cool!
Liu Xiao clicked send on the treasure map again.

"[Xiao Xiao] opened the treasure map*1 in [Old Dragon]'s live broadcast room!"

"[Xiao Xiao] opened the treasure map*2 in [Old Dragon]'s live broadcast room!"

"[Xiao Xiao] opened the treasure map*19 in [Old Dragon]'s live broadcast room!"

"[Xiao Xiao] opened the treasure map*20 in [Old Dragon]'s live broadcast room!"

See also treasure map 20 brushes in a row!

If there were 5 people in the Laolong live broadcast room before, but now, it has at least doubled!
The scrolling speed of the public screen is almost invisible to the naked eye!

If it weren't for Huya's powerful server support, Laolong's live broadcast room would have collapsed long ago.

Even so, it was inevitable that there would be a lag in the live broadcast room.

"Quickly contact the technical department, and then contact the marketing department! This is a big customer!"

While diverting the traffic, several super tubes urgently called the technical department and the marketing department.

It was 12 o'clock in the morning, at the peak of noon, and more than a dozen people in the technical department were sweating profusely.

"Hurry up! Send more servers!"

"Open two more lines!"

"It's stuck again! It's stuck again!"

"Optimize the picture quality!"

(End of this chapter)

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