Chapter 6 Follow the ceremony!

Huya's servers can accommodate 800 million people online at the same time, but these servers serve the entire platform.

What the technical department is doing now is to recruit idle servers to distribute traffic to Laolong's live broadcast room.

But after all, the incident happened suddenly, and the technical department was very busy.

But at least it is stable, and it only takes a few minutes to completely stabilize.

At the same time, Mr. Du from the marketing department was also watching Laolong's live broadcast on the big screen.

"Twenty minutes, open the emperor package, spend 20 turnovers, tentatively designated as an A-level customer!"

The highest level of Huya's customers is S, and Liu Xiao was defined as A level as soon as he appeared, which is enough to show that Mr. Du attaches great importance to it!

"Lanlan, use the super management account to ask Laolong. If this is not his trumpet, try to keep this big customer as much as possible."

Mr. Du was very happy.

The mid-year fan festival is supposed to generate income for Huya, and most of the revenue report for the first half of the year still depends on these local tyrants!

As long as the local tyrants take the rhythm, ordinary tourists can spend, and the big brother's consumption is also the bulk of the platform's income and expenditure.

10 in 20 minutes, if it wasn't for Laolong himself, then this is a very potential customer.

Although this kind of blasting is just for the big brother to promote activities for the anchor, it is impossible to do this often, but you can also see the potential of this [Xiao Xiao].

Maybe, one month's consumption can be the same as those old big brothers?
With 50 million a month, he is satisfied!

Lanlan pushed the red plastic-framed glasses, her eyes were full of joy.

Not long after she joined Huya's marketing department, she was exceptionally promoted to an A-level account manager because of her good temperament.

It has only been a month since he became a full-time worker, and Mr. Du has assigned himself a client, and he is still a hero who spends more than 10 in 20 minutes!
If this Shenhao's consumption is stable, in the future, she will be able to take just the commission!

"Thank you brother Xiao for the forty [treasure maps]!"

The old dragon pushed away the chair, maximized the figure, and bowed at ninety degrees to the screen.

The big bald head reflected the light of the fill light next to it, and the live broadcast room was completely white, making the tourists laugh.

In one morning, the gift income was 20!
The platform is half off, and there is 10 yuan in hand!

"I really like your live broadcast style, not bad, keep going."

Liu Xiao smiled and typed on the public screen.

After 20 swipes, the popularity of Laolong's live broadcast room has exceeded 55, and the number of VIP seats has exceeded [-]!
You know, Lao Long's previous VIP seats were only in his early [-]s.

Ten thousand VIP seats, in the game area, only a few people can do it.

Of course, when Liu Xiao left, most of the tourists who watched the excitement would also leave. In the end, the VIP seats can be stabilized at [-], which is considered remarkable.

However, a moment of brilliance is also brilliance!
Laolong enjoyed a wave of attention today.

"That's it?"

Tourists follow suit.

"Old Dragon, your thanks are too insincere!"

The old dragon's face turned into a smile.

"It's all there!"

"Thank you Brother Xiao for your support. I will once again borrow flowers to offer Buddhas, a lucky draw for light sticks, and two Huawei mate series! Ten light sticks will participate!"

"The kind with the largest memory!"

There are more than 1 VIP seats. At this time, of course, it is necessary to continue to circle a wave of fans.

"Brother Xiao, do you want to play a game together? Lao Hu and I will take you and Brother Junjun to eat chickens in four rows!"

The old dragon kept patting his chest.

The old dragon is still good, although brother Junjun can't give him a big brush like Liu Xiao, but for several months, he has feelings. At this time, he also wants to repair the relationship between Junjun and Liu Xiao.

"No, something will happen later, you guys play."

Liu Xiao looked at the burned out computer in front of him, and was speechless for a while.

But it was almost twelve o'clock, so I happened to go out for a meal and spend 1 yuan casually.

System upgrades are the most important thing!

"Brother Xiao, why don't we add a WeChat account? It's easy to get in touch next time we play games."

The old dragon asked tentatively.

Some big brothers are not willing to join them as anchors.

After all, people who can make hundreds of thousands online, in reality, who is not worth tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, is a character.

And most of these anchors are uneducated, graduated from junior high school and high school.

In 16, the live broadcasting industry was just emerging, and most people still regarded it as not doing a proper job, and those who were able to find a serious job rarely came to work on the live broadcasting platform.

"Okay, I'll private message your WeChat account."

Liu Xiao thought for a while and replied.

After sending an account to Laolong, Liu Xiao simply went offline.

After logging into another account, the manager Shuangshuang just sent a message back to Liu Xiao, saying that he agreed to resign, and the previous salary will be credited to the card next month.

Liu Xiao stretched his waist, casually added the friend request that Lao Long had just sent, went out and took a taxi, and went straight to the nearest Wanda Plaza.

At the same time, the explosion in Laolong's studio is not over yet.

In 10 minutes, you can spend 20!

I don't know how many news anchors have reposted this topic, and the anchors of various sections are also envious.

"Congratulations to the old dragon for getting the support of the big brother, and a wave of blessings from the little brother!"

Wen B, the anchor of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, opened his own Lord's trumpet and sent out a treasure map.

In the circle of anchors, this is called gift giving, also called venture capital!
An emperor brother, which anchor doesn't want to take a bite?
Wen B also wanted to participate in this fan festival event, but he usually spends money carelessly, and he is not a first-line anchor, so the signing fee of hundreds of thousands a year has already been spent.

If he had no money and finally stole the tower, B Wen simply didn't collect money for activities.

5000 yuan was sent, and the B article instantly ranked third on the weekly list.

The PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds section has just opened, and there are not many big brothers. On weekdays, only a few kings will come to sit and sit. As for the emperor, there is no one!

"[PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Old Hu] sent [Treasure Map]*1 in the [Old Dragon] live broadcast room!"

Lao Hu and Lao Long were still attached to the wheat, and they also sent a treasure map, and they couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

Why did I miss out on such a good advantage in venture capital?

When the eldest brother came here, I was connected with the old dragon the whole time!
If I had posted the treasure map at that time, maybe it would have caught the attention of Brother Emperor.

"Hehe, Kouhu finally had a blast today!"

"Hahaha, the old Hu has also plucked his hair!"

"Upstairs, what kind of buckle is it?"



Although Liu Xiao had just appeared, the entire platform seemed to be affected by him.

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds' current fan festival rankings are Yaoyao and Xin'er, who have been pushed down by the old dragon, also came to the live broadcast room to brush Huya No. 1000, worth [-] yuan.

As for the little anchors, most of them come with a magic book.

This is the rule of the Huya platform, and it can be regarded as showing favor to the eldest brother!

Even a large number of anchors who had a good relationship with Lao Long in the LOL area, such as Kaka, Zuan, and Ximen, also came over to follow a wave of gifts.

Some of the live broadcasters directly brought their own fans into the air.

"[Scratch Man] sent [Treasure Map]*2 in the Laolong live broadcast room"

"[Kaka] sent [Treasure Map]*2 in the Laolong live broadcast room!"

"[Ximen] sent [Treasure Map]*1 in the Laolong live broadcast room!"

"[Brother Snake] sent [Treasure Map]*1 in the Laolong live broadcast room!"

In ten minutes, the old dragon received the gift softly!
The popularity of the 50 people left, but more and more tourists came following these big anchors.

The number of VIP seats in the early 9000s dropped a little, but remained at more than [-].

"Thank you, anchor brothers, for your gifts!"

The old dragon secretly wrote down the amount.

After other people play other activities in the live broadcast room in the future, these gifts will be taken back with them.

It was past twelve o'clock, and Lao Long's gift list was still going up.

The current popularity value is 330450!

It is equivalent to RMB 33, directly surpassing the original No.2 Xiner.

If there is no accident, the top three of this fan festival will be stable!
(End of this chapter)

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