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Chapter 403 Swimming pool, cough cough

Chapter 403 Swimming pool, cough cough

Liu Xiao and Zhao Ning went to change into swimsuits together.

He would like to go into the locker room with Zhao Ning, but the bad thing about this gym is that there are separate men's and women's changing rooms. Liu Xiao can take Zhao Ning to the men's changing area and enter his room, but outside the changing area There were naked old men with their bellies standing out, Liu Xiao didn't want Zhao Ning to see these guys.

It's a sin for my own girl to let other men take a look at her.

As for the women's dressing area
Liu Xiao wanted to go in, but he was afraid that he would go in vertically and be beaten to come out horizontally.

"Xiao Zhang, don't reveal your secrets for a while, or I will make you miserable as much as I am."

In the men's changing area, Liu Xiao specially called Xiao Zhang over.

Xiao Zhang's chrysanthemum tightened, and he promised again and again that he would not.

"Brother Xiao, don't worry, I'll go and have a confession with her right away, and when you come out of the swimming area, I'm sure you won't see anything wrong with it!"

There are many vips in the entire gym, but there are only a few supreme vips.

The annual membership fee of 10 yuan, even in the first-tier city of Shanghai, not many people pay.

After all, his place is not a particularly high-end fitness club, it is a kind of upper-middle class.

And in addition to the 10 yuan, additional services usually require money.

As far as Liu Xiao is concerned, the consumption in the gym has exceeded 20 in the past few months.

You know, a person who comes to the gym and keeps coming once a week will only spend about 2000 yuan in three months, and there are even discounts for group-buying courses.

Even if the frequency is higher, it will only cost about [-] yuan.

Liu Xiao's consumption alone can buy [-] ordinary customers, and he is still a stable customer.

For the gym and coaches, Liu Xiao is also their pocketbook, and Liu Xiao's affairs must be taken care of.

Liu Xiao walked to the pool first, and the beautiful coach had already changed into a swimsuit and started filling the pool.

The private swimming pool here will be sprayed with disinfectant after each use, and part of the quicklime will be used for disinfection. The hygiene problem is quite good.

"Brother Xiao, I haven't heard you talk about sister-in-law before. I thought you didn't have a girlfriend, brother Xiao. I just took a look when I came here. Sister-in-law is definitely the most beautiful one I've ever seen."

The beautiful coach approached with a smile.

She usually watches the live broadcast, and Huya occasionally goes to watch it. She also has some impressions of Xiaojuzi, a big anchor who has become popular all over the Internet recently.

But in reality, although she thought it looked familiar, she didn't think in that direction after all.

It's like Tianhou came to the gym wearing ordinary clothes. Although it will definitely look familiar, under normal circumstances, you won't guess in that direction.

Except for some celebrities who are more active in the public eye, and those with more distinctive looks, most celebrities are not easy to recognize.

For example, when Chen He took to the streets, he ensured that many people would recognize him.

But Stefanie Sun, who is much more famous than Chen He, is estimated to be recognized by few people.

"That is, don't look at whose girlfriend it is."

Liu Xiao chuckled.

He has been in contact with the beautiful coach many times, and he still trusts this girl, and he will definitely not show his secrets in front of Zhao Ning.

Besides, besides coming here to exercise, Liu Xiao really didn't do anything wrong with his heart, and his mentality is relatively calm, even if he was found out, it wouldn't be a big problem.

Soon, Zhao Ning came out in a swimsuit.

We have been together for several days, and I have seen every part of Liu Xiao on Zhao Ning's body, and I have seen it combined with other clothes, but it is indeed the first time I have seen a swimsuit.

Wearing a little is more exciting than wearing nothing at all.

Liu Xiao stepped forward and took Zhao Ning's hand, and pulled Zhao Ning to sit beside him with a smile.

"My sister-in-law has a very good figure. I was thinking about making a plan for my sister-in-law before, but now it seems that I don't need it."

The beauty coach said with a smile.

Although Zhao Ning majored in music, she has been enrolled in modeling classes since she was a child.

Ligament stretching and temperament management have been learned, and some simple dances, Zhao Ning can also do it easily.

After arriving at university, Zhao Ning was a little relaxed in this regard, but because of the development of her figure, she was even more beautiful than before.

"If you don't practice often, it's still not as good as those of you who train regularly."

Zhao Ning shook her head, looking at the beautiful coach beside her who was dressed sexier than herself, feeling a little unattractive.

What women love most is comparison.

Zhao Ning claims to have a very good figure and temperament, but compared with the beautiful trainer who works out in the gym all day, it is still inferior.

The figure of the beautiful coach is almost similar to that of Xia Nuan, who is a professional dancer.

Of course, in terms of appearance, Zhao Ning is much higher than the beautiful coach. Comparing the two sides, Zhao Ning still wins.

Liu Xiao didn't care about these subtle differences.

It's nothing more than the difference between one with a vest line and one without a vest line.

In Liu Xiao's opinion, Zhao Ning without the waistcoat line is even better-looking, and it doesn't smell good with a soft belly.

The swimming pool water has been put away, Liu Xiao went down first to test the water temperature.

"Xiao Ning, come down, the temperature is just right."

"Brother Xiao, I'm going out first. If you need to ring the bell above, I'll come in as soon as I hear it."

"Brother Xiao, don't worry, this room is a member's room, and you usually come here alone without any monitoring. I will guard the door for you later, and no service personnel will come in."

The beautiful coach walked quickly to Liu Xiao's side, said in a very small voice, and at the same time winked at Liu Xiao playfully.

Liu Xiao gave the beautiful coach an angry look.

You think I come to the gym for that kind of thing?

As a five-good young man in the new era, who is about to be named the richest man in the new generation of outstanding talents in the world, he only comes to the gym to pursue his figure. How can those vulgar things catch his eyes?

The beautiful coach smiled, walked out of the gate quickly, and specially locked the door to ensure that it could only be opened from the inside.

Liu Xiao swam in the swimming pool twice, then raised his head and looked around in the box.

There is indeed no camera, and the beauty coach did not lie.

Liu Xiao quickly kicked his dirty thoughts out of his mind, and swam to Zhao Ning who had just entered the water and got wet.

Looking at Zhao Ning's fair skin with drops of water, Xiao Liuxiao suddenly felt a little ready to move.

Suddenly, Zhao Ning's heart skipped a beat. She looked at Liu Xiao next to her, and then at the empty swimming pool. Suddenly, she thumped, realizing that something was wrong.

Sure enough, at the next moment, Liu Xiao hugged her tightly.

"Xiao Ning, let's play a game, don't worry, no one will come in this room"

After more than an hour, Liu Xiao opened the gate outside the private swimming pool contentedly.

The beautiful coach was sitting at the door, and when she saw brother Xiao Xiao open the door, she hurried in with the water and fruit that she had prepared earlier.

"Brother Xiao, sister-in-law, swimming is relatively easy to consume water in the body, come and drink some water and eat some fruits to replenish body water."

Zhao Ning's skin was already rosy, but when she heard what the beautiful coach said, she immediately turned red again.

Only Liu Xiao was careless, as if nothing happened.

"I'm really tired, Xiao Ning, you've lost a lot of water in your body, come and eat some fruit."

Liu Xiao blinked at Zhao Ning, which immediately made Zhao Ning blush again.

The beautiful coach on the side sighed inwardly.

Generally speaking, it takes about half an hour for ordinary people to finish the job. Under the stimulation of the unfamiliar environment of the swimming pool, it may be done in 10 to [-] minutes.

But Brother Xiao Xiao stayed in there for an hour before coming out, this ability is absolutely leveraged.

No wonder Brother Xiao Xiao was able to find such a beautiful girlfriend, so this is the point?
"what are you thinking."

Liu Xiao looked at the beautiful coach beside him who seemed to be thinking crookedly, and followed Zhao Ning's example and gave her a supercilious look.

He wanted to do something bad with Zhao Ning just now, but in the end it didn't work out.

Although the water in the swimming pool is said to have been changed and sterilized, it has been used by other people after all, and there must be dead spots in terms of hygiene.

Furthermore, the villa I bought also has a swimming pool, and that is private, and the environment is much better than here.

After Zhao Ning personally agreed to go back to play in the swimming pool at home at night, Liu Xiao also let Zhao Ning go.

This hour was exhausted by two people playing in the pool.

Of course, Liu Xiao didn't know whether the beautiful coach believed it or not, but he did.

He won't admit that he did something bad by the swimming pool just now.

No matter how much the beautiful coach asked, he only had the above explanation.

A beautiful coach can't go to the swimming pool to fish out DNA, right?
Under the arrangement of the beauty coach, I ate a fruit salad, and then went to the yoga area for some training.

"Why is your flexibility so high?"

Liu Xiao looked at Zhao Ning with all kinds of horses beside him, feeling very depressed.

He has practiced for three months, and now he can barely dismount without pain, but Zhao Ning sat down with a complete set of procedures, and he didn't seem to even feel a little bit.

It's like he studied for three months to take the exam, but he got [-] in the exam, but Zhao Ning got [-] in the exam.

"I started to open my tendons when I was a child. When I was in elementary school, my body was soft, and it didn't hurt when I opened my tendons. From then on, I just need to keep it up."

Zhao Ning laughed.

In elementary school, her body was very soft. At that time, it only took Zhao Ning to open her tendons for one day, and she basically felt no pain.

Even the male students in elementary school only had one more day of stretching than the girls.

Keep it up all year round, let alone a straight horse, even if you turn your back sideways, there is no problem.

"I was a bit late at the time. I got my tendons opened in junior high school. Although it was a little painful, the pain was very low, and I maintained it all year round. My body is very flexible."

The beauty coach said the same.

Liu Xiao looked at his stiff body, and then looked at Zhao Ning, who was doing various yoga poses with ease under the guidance of a beautiful coach, and his depression suddenly increased a little.

Is the gap between people so difficult to make up the day after tomorrow?
"When I have a baby in the future, I'll do stretching for her when she's born, and I'll do it!"

Liu Xiao felt aggrieved in his heart.

What cannot be accomplished by one's own generation must be entrusted to the next generation.

Didn’t one of you open your muscles in elementary school and the other open your muscles in junior high school? Then I will start to open my muscles since I was born.

Put your legs directly on your head.

You 180-degree split horse, 270-degree side pull, then I will do a birth 360-degree flexibility training!
Although Liu Xiao was upset, seeing the various poses of the two beautiful girls next to him, he immediately felt relieved.

The benefits of spending money to buy the Supreme VIP are here.

When exercising, it is a private space and a personal exclusive coach. Whether it is privacy or the professionalism of the coach, there is no doubt.

Liu Xiao was not idle either, he found an arm strength machine nearby and started playing.

It doesn't matter whether your legs are strong or you can run, the important thing is to have strong waist and arms.

These two are the most important things to cultivate.

Of the two, the waist is naturally more important.

If the arms are not working well, you can change the posture, but if the waist is not working well, it will be miserable. It is basically equivalent to severe disability. In the future, you can basically say goodbye to this kind of sports, and even lose the qualification to win the gold medal forever.

With such a beautiful girlfriend around, it will be a matter of time before she gets squeezed dry.

Therefore, Liu Xiao pays special attention to his old waist now.

No matter what, you can't pull your hips ahead of time.

Otherwise, even if he Liu Xiao agrees, it is absolutely impossible for little Liu Xiao to agree.

They stayed in the gym until after four o'clock in the afternoon, and the two of them left the gym.

After taking a shower and changing into the clean clothes I brought, I felt refreshed.

"Xiao Ning, this gym is pretty good, right?"

“Except for the swimming pool, everything else is good.”

Zhao Ning snorted softly, and looked at Liu Xiao with big white eyes.

Liu Xiao laughed out loud, not annoyed at all.

After all, they have already eaten and wiped them clean, so they are not allowed to make a few complaints.

But looking at Zhao Ning, who has just finished exercising and has surprisingly good skin, Liu Xiao is ready to move again.

"How about we go to your house, or my house?"

The gym is next to Country Garden, and Zhao Ning's home is inside. Liu Xiao hasn't lived in the landlord's house for a few days since he bought it. He only packed clothes once in the past two days when he moved.

"Then go to your house."

Seeing that Zhao Ning did not object, Liu Xiao laughed, and as soon as he mentioned it, he immediately carried Zhao Ning into the car.

Drive straight to Zhuge Liang's four-wheeled vehicle. Bah, drive straight to Zhao Ning's house.

The two had just been together not long ago, and it was the time of deep affection.

And Liu Xiao has been a boy for more than [-] years, and he will never learn to refuse when faced with this kind of thing.

It's not good to be too old, shed tears when you're old, these things are not what Liu Xiao thinks about now.

Zhao Ning groaned, and buried her little head in Liu Xiao's arms.

Liu Xiao knows the taste by eating the marrow, so why isn't she like this?

But just when Liu Xiao was about to carry Zhao Ning upstairs, Qu Yue called.

"Mr. Liu, Huawei's Mr. Ren and some academicians from the Academy of Sciences have come to the company. I am good at reception, but when it comes to products, I guess you have to come in person."

Mr. Ren's contribution in recent years is obvious to all. As for the academicians of the Academy of Sciences, each of them is a national treasure.

These people came here in person, Qu Yue naturally couldn't just find a technician to fool others.

Therefore, this kind of matter can only be met by Chairman Liu Xiao in person, which is also a respect for these scientific research talents.

Although Liu Xiao felt a little disappointed, he also understood the priorities.

My daughter-in-law can't run away, but these high-end talents such as academicians are not easy to see.

"You entertain me first, I'll be here in about an hour!"

(End of this chapter)

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