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Chapter 404 Three parties join forces for a new company!

Chapter 404 Three-party joint new company!
Zhao Ning had to start the live broadcast around six o'clock in the afternoon, so she couldn't go with Liu Xiao.

There is still a set of live broadcast equipment in the house on the Country Garden side, and live broadcasts can also be broadcast here. Zhao Ning has been doing a lot of pigeons these days, and it is the penultimate day of the event. She, the first sister of Lehua, must be going online of.

Sending Zhao Ning upstairs, Liu Xiao, who secretly took advantage of it twice, reluctantly got into the car under Zhao Ning's teasing smile, and drove towards the company.

The five machines manufactured the day before yesterday have all arrived one after another.

The size of the server is not too large, and it can be transported by a long trailer. The transportation is not difficult. Even Mr. Ren of Huawei took a cargo plane in Shanghai to fly directly to the capital in order to get the goods earlier. When he arrived in the capital, he applied for a special trailer , all the way to the company building unimpeded.

Therefore, Mr. Ren chose to come here after the company tested the performance of the server.

The more he tried, the more Mr. Ren understood the power of Liu Ning Group's set of servers.

To put it simply, the server technology in the whole world is probably like that, through more transistors and channels to achieve operating speed and increase storage capacity.

This is also the current research direction in the world.

But the further this research direction goes, the more difficult it will be.

On the one hand, it must rely on higher-precision nanoscale or even micron-scale chips, and on the other hand, it must rely on more silicon storage chips.

It is undeniable that the above research direction is not wrong. After years of research, the performance of the server is also steadily improving.

This way of steady improvement is really too slow.

With the development of the Internet economy, the 4G mode has ushered in, and the 5G mode is also close at hand.

In the past 2g, the personal traffic speed was at most 10k per second, but in the 3g mode, the personal traffic speed has been increased to about 100k.

而目前的4g模式,速度已经飙升到了1m甚至是5m的单秒下载, 也就是通常说的200M-300M的宽带带速。

As for the 5G that Huawei has recently researched, its speed has reached an astonishing 50M per second, and the download speed of pure traffic is almost equal to Gigabit optical fiber.

Every change in the traffic mode brings about a surge in download speed and running speed, and each time it is at least ten times more superimposed.

In contrast to the development speed of the server, it may take three to five years for the performance to increase by about [-]%, and even when the channel encounters a bottleneck, it may not be able to increase to [-]% in five or six years.

Now large companies are basically expanding their servers frantically for the stable operation of the Internet.

If one server is not enough, then two, if two are not enough, then come a group.

For companies like Huawei, investment in servers is even more important.

And under such a repeated pattern, Liu Ning Group's virtual disk server broke ground, which undoubtedly brought a new dawn to this industry.

More importantly, all the technologies of this achievement are all made in China!

This is what really excites Mr. Ren.

What science knows no borders is a lie to children.

Some core technologies and core products will not be exported to China at all.

Even some optical equipment, these domestic weak equipment, use the third-generation or even fourth-generation models that have been eliminated from abroad.

Truly top-notch equipment, let alone export, would not even be considered as an OEM.

While chatting with several academicians of the research institute, Mr. Ren kept thinking about things in his mind.

Ali and Penguin are both foreign-funded enterprises. Although the decision-making power is in the hands of Chinese people, this layer of relationship is definitely inseparable.

Huawei is a state-owned enterprise, and Liu Ning Group is also a state-owned enterprise.

Mr. Ren came to Liu Ning Group this time, in fact, he wanted to help.

Liu Ning Group is developing at a high speed. In his opinion, it must be a time when funds are in high demand.

Back then, when the two bosses Ma started their business from a humble beginning, they were suffering from the lack of domestic investment, so they chose foreign investment to invest in shares.

Ren Lao rose later than Shuangma, and now that he has the ability, he naturally doesn't want this kind of thing to happen again.

For a company like Liu Ning Group, even if he doesn't want a single share, as long as Huawei has funds, he is willing to lend all of it to Liu Ning Group!
If foreign capital comes in, the company will definitely deteriorate, let alone a super company like Liu Ning Group that specializes in advanced technology.

Several people were thinking.

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, Liu Xiao raced all the way, and finally arrived at the company after being stuck for an hour.

Five o'clock is the off-duty rush hour in Shanghai. If you leave for half an hour at night, you will definitely be stuck on the road.

"Mr. Ren, Mr. Du, fellow academicians, hello."

When Liu Xiao entered the door, several people stood up to greet him.

Liu Xiao didn't hide his intentions. Before coming, Liu Xiao's identity information had been researched thoroughly by them.

And the more this happened, the more shocked they were.

Liu Xiao's academic performance in school is good, but he is not so good as to invent such a server directly.

But the problem is, without funds and research conditions, Liu Xiao really let this thing come out.

It's not that they haven't considered the possibility that Liu Xiao is just a spokesperson launched by the forces behind the scenes, but according to the technicians who came to the company to install the server, the core components are manufactured by Liu Xiao alone by manipulating the machine tool and modifying the program.

It is impossible to have this strength with just one spokesperson.

Whether they want to believe it or not, Liu Xiao is a technical master who has the ability to independently manufacture virtual disk servers.

Therefore, although Liu Xiao is young, everyone still respects Liu Xiao.

After all, with this technological achievement, it is still possible for the country to give Professor Liu Xiaozheng an exception, and even be nominated as an academician.

"Although I've seen your profile, but when we actually met, I still admire your youth."

Old Ren smiled and sat down holding Liu Xiao's arm. He didn't have the aura of the head of a domestic giant company at all, but looked like a kind old man.

The few academicians next to him were also amiable, even watching Liu Xiao's expression when they were talking.

In terms of business management, Liu Xiao is a strong rising star. As long as he opens his mouth, countless funds from home and abroad will inevitably invest in him.

In terms of technology, Liu Xiao has a great right to speak.

Youdao is a master who is a teacher, although Liu Xiao looks young, but no one dares to underestimate him.

"Everyone sit down, I just bought a few taels of high-quality Dahongpao a few days ago."

Liu Xiao quickly asked everyone to sit down, went to the desk and took out a small box of tea, and poured tea for everyone.

In front of these people, Liu Xiao also did not dare to be frivolous.

Needless to say, Mr. Ren, these other people are all well-known academicians in China.

It is no exaggeration to say that almost 60.00% of the development of domestic science and technology is due to the efforts of these academicians.

After sitting down and exchanging greetings, Mr. Ren quickly raised his expectation of becoming a shareholder of Liu Ning Group.

"You also know that after years of development, we at Huawei still have a lot of channels, and our financial strength is relatively strong. More importantly, we are more willing to invest profits in scientific research."

"Last year, Huawei's revenue was 3000 billion, tax payment was 1000 billion and 200 billion, and investment in scientific research was more than [-] billion. The total sum is even more than the annual revenue."

Liu Xiao listened carefully.

Mr. Ren really wasn't talking nonsense when he said that.

Huawei's communication technology can reach the forefront of the world, it is really a huge investment in technology.

While spending all the revenue, a part of the funds will be added to research and development.

Of course, for this kind of national enterprises, the government also has some scientific research subsidies, so as not to make them lose money.

But you can know by comparing.

Last year, the company's revenue was 4000 billion yuan, taxes were 600 billion yuan, and research investment was only a little over [-] billion yuan.

Ali, on the other hand, refers to himself as a national leader. Last year, his revenue was 300 billion yuan, his tax payment was 800 billion yuan, and his scientific research investment was only [-] billion yuan.

As for those so-called domestically produced new stars, domestically produced hope is even more ironic. They shout every day to improve their scientific research capabilities, but they are all conducting scientific research for commercial purposes.

Today I announced the research of 80w super fast charging, and tomorrow I announced the research of 100w super fast charging.

There is even news that a 150w super fast charge has been developed recently.

In Liu Xiao's view, fast charging is indeed the trend of mobile phone development, but there is no need to be so crazy.


That's it, and it's worth the money every day.

There is no improvement in science and technology at all, and it is all commercial research.

"Comrade Liu Xiao, we are here this time to discuss cooperation on behalf of the government."

Du and the others also spoke one after another.

The Liu Ning Group's technology is so advanced, the relevant parties naturally want to get involved.

Liu Xiao thought about it for a while, but still chose to refuse.

Although the benefits proposed by both parties are very many, but these are not what Liu Xiao is in short supply.

Not to mention the funding, science and technology are all in their own minds, and there is no need for excessive research and development, nor do they need a lot of funds.

Moreover, Liu Ning Group is a wholly-owned company specially created by Liu Xiao. If it is a joint venture with other parties, it will lose its original meaning.

Regarding the future development of Liu Ning Group, no one is more confident than Liu Xiao. Liu Xiao naturally hopes that the company can develop according to his wishes.

The introduction of shareholders will undoubtedly have an impact on this aspect.

Among other things, if the technology of holographic projection and virtual reality is taken out, how should it be developed, and if people from other fields are really invested, can it continue according to Liu Xiao's wishes?
Needless to say, the answer is definitely no.

"However, we can set up a technology investment company. Our Liu Ning Group will invest 50.00% of the shares in technology, and the rest will be invested in technology or funds. In the future, we will conduct research and development specifically for scientific research units. The results of its research, Liu Ning The Group and Huawei, as well as state-owned enterprise units enjoy the priority of use."

Before Mr. Ren and Mr. Du were disappointed, Liu Xiao threw another blockbuster at everyone.

"Technology investment company?"

Old Ren's eyes lit up.

This aspect can really be considered.

For example, the foreign Qualcomm Group is actually a super patent company that gathers funds from multiple sources.

If you want to use Qualcomm chips, no problem, just pay me the patent fee and product usage fee.

If you want to use Qualcomm's information technology, there is no problem, just pay the patent fee and share.

This kind of company that does not engage in the economic market and focuses on scientific research improvement and patent registration is actually the most profitable.

Giant companies such as Apple and Huawei have made Qualcomm suck blood in recent years.

But not only is there no way to deal with such giant companies, but they are also subject to checks and balances everywhere.

As long as someone says they want to sanction you, you don’t even want to get a single chip. Even for a company like Huawei, as long as Qualcomm stops supplying, within half a year, all of Huawei’s high-end models will have to shut down.

This is the scary thing about high-tech companies.

It's not that Mr. Ren never thought of doing this before, but because he didn't have the support of professional scientific research talents, he could only use the company's basic disk to do it.

As for the point that Liu Xiao is now proposing, even with the top research institutes in the country, the follow-up development is still very promising.

"However, 50.00% of your shares in Liu Ning Group is too much, isn't it?"

Before Elder Ren could speak, Elder Du raised the question first.

"I know that with the virtual disk server I'm showing now, it will definitely not convince everyone."

Liu Xiao smiled lightly.

The virtual disk server is very powerful, but after all, it only has one-tenth of the performance of a supercomputer.

To say that it is epoch-making is not enough, at most it has created a new era.

But Liu Xiao's confidence has never been the virtual disk server produced now, but the real virtual disk operation technology, the real quantum computer technology!
"If I say that I can come up with real quantum computer technology in a short period of time, truly let every computer have computing power beyond supercomputers, and even create a real super quantum computer in a short period of time, complete What about calculations with trillions of trillions of data per millisecond?"

Liu Xiao took a sip of tea and said solemnly.

"Super quantum computer?"

Elder Du and Elder Ren looked at each other with disbelief in their eyes.

If Liu Ning Group can really achieve this success, then Liu Ning Group is not enough to describe it as epoch-making, but leading the times!

If what Liu Xiao said is true, then the next few decades, even hundreds of years, will be the highlight of Liu Ning Group.

No wonder Liu Xiao is unwilling to let them finance into Liu Ning Group.

With such a technology, there is still a fart of financing.

As long as a real quantum computer can be manufactured, there are a lot of people who want to sell it for 100 billion, or even 1000 billion!
In other words, Liu Ning Group is not short of money at all!

"Mr. Liu, what you said is true. Is it possible to develop a quantum computer in a short time?"

Mr. Ren really couldn't sit still.

If Liu Ning Group really has this technology, let alone 50.00% of the newly established company's shares, even 70.00% of 81% of the shares would not be too much.

Mr. Ren knew in his heart that the reason why it only needed 50.00% was that the remaining big head was actually for the official.

After all, such a super technology cannot go far without official escort.

It is already amazing luck that Huawei can get involved here.

(End of this chapter)

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