Chapter 405 True Hope!
"Of course it's true. Although the boy is young, he is not arrogant. What he said naturally can bear this responsibility."

Liu Xiao smiled lightly and nodded.

The technology has already been installed in his mind, it is nothing more than the difference between writing out the data or not writing it out, of course Liu Xiao has this confidence.

Even, in addition to the form of quantum computer, there is also a real virtual disk operation technology, which can solve the problem of increasingly large cloud disk data storage.

Moreover, there will be virtual reality technology and holographic projection technology in the future. Liu Xiaoke has not revealed this news at all, so it is relatively reserved.

But this is not the case in the ears of Mr. Ren and Mr. Du.

To be honest, since Liu Xiao invented the current virtual disk server, the two of them naturally wouldn't think that Liu Xiao would make fun of them for no reason, but what Liu Xiao said was a bit too strong, which made them unable to accept it for a while.

The two looked at each other and nodded secretly.

"If it's true as my friend said, Huawei is willing to invest 1000 billion within a year, plus all the technical talents of Huawei's headquarters will be merged into the new company, we will take .5.00% of the shares!"

The conditions given by Mr. Ren are very good, but the shares he wants are pitifully small.

This is not that Mr. Ren is being modest, but a decision made after serious consideration.

With Huawei's current technology, no matter how powerful it is, it may not be comparable to quantum computer technology.

As for Liu Xiao, as long as he takes out a quantum computer, he can easily sell it for tens of billions. His investment seems a lot, but for a high-tech company that has really risen, no one cares about money. stuff.

1000 billion is just a new level of time for the new company's money-burning plan.

Furthermore, the official person is sitting next to him. You can't compete with the official person for shares, right?
The reason why he wants to buy shares is that on the one hand, he cannot refuse the conditions Liu Xiao said before, and on the other hand, he is very much looking forward to the follow-up development.

Now for investment and cooperation, Huawei will have the priority to use the technology developed by the new company in the future. This is its own national enterprise, which is much better than those of Qualcomm.

One's own industry is not at the pace of Kahuahua's development, is it?
Elder Du on the side is also very courageous.

"I came here this time, to be honest, I came here on behalf of several super research institutes in China. There are more than 200 academicians in the country, and our research institutes account for about [-] of them. Among them, almost all the research fellows in science and technology are included. .”

"Furthermore, our research institute also invested 1000 billion within a year, occupying 40.00% of the shares. 43, the remaining [-]% will be given to Huawei, and let him make [-]% auspicious."

Elder Du made a rare joke.

He is the person in charge of the research institute, and he has a serious position, and he is almost the top group of leaders, so this kind of thing can still be taken out for decision-making.

Of course, the premise of all he said is that Liu Xiao has real quantum computer technology in his hands!
If not, then these investments certainly cannot be counted.

"You don't need to worry too much. Since I said that I have this technology, then of course it does. I won't use this excuse to lie to everyone for a day or two."

Liu Xiao was very satisfied with the terms proposed by Mr. Du and Mr. Ren.

At least, both of them were able to distinguish between priorities and did not use their identities to forcibly suppress Liu Ning Group.

It doesn't matter if the new joint venture company gives up 40.00% of the nine companies, after all, it's just a technology company that doesn't generate any profit by itself, and even needs to continuously raise funds from it.

And the real money maker in the future will definitely be Liu Ning Group.

Liu Xiao believes that after integrating the top scientific research talents in the country, these technologies in his hands can also be developed in the shortest time.

Empty talk.

Except for Mr. Ren, all the people present are technical experts. Although Mr. Ren does not do scientific research, he still knows something.

Liu Xiao simply led everyone to the production base of Liu Ning Group.

Last time, the industrial park was being expanded to the side in the past two days, and the assembly line was also slowly expanding. When Liu Xiao and the others entered, a new virtual disk server had just been produced.

"I used a program bomb to lock this virtual disk server. Any foreign IP trying to unlock the technical data will paralyze the entire server. There is no such effect in China. You can study it with confidence."

Liu Xiao pointed out the anti-theft program he had set.

In the control center, Liu Xiao deliberately pulled out the anti-theft program.

Du and the others stepped forward one after another, looking at the complicated codes on the screen.

"This piece of code is a program traced from the broiler, can it lock the user's real IP?"

Elder Du pointed to the screen and asked.

I'm ashamed to say that there are dozens of codes, and in a short time, Mr. Du understood this one.

If it wasn't for the programming system used by this thing, he might not even understand this one.

Of course, if you give him some time to study, he will definitely be fine if he understands most of them.

The few academicians behind them even recited these dozens of codes silently in their hearts, planning to go back and study.

Although I can't quite understand the principle, it looks very advanced at first glance, and this kind of program lock is worth studying.

But Liu Xiao didn't intend to let them study slowly.

"The principle of these codes is to trace the source through ip, and then use the running speed of the virtual disk server to forcibly analyze the data. As long as the meat machine data can be traced to the source, and the signal source is filtered through big data, the real ip will be locked soon. Once authenticated, the server immediately starts the locking process and becomes a pile of scrap metal."

Liu Xiao deliberately explained.

This kind of program is almost unsolvable.

The virtual disk server runs at one-tenth the speed of a supercomputer.

With this level of capacity, it is difficult to fill its internal program with a meat machine to affect the operation of the program.

Of course, if these foreign technology giants can find 5000 million meat machines at the same time, then it will be assumed that Liu Xiao did not say this.

"The current virtual disk server only has the framework of a quantum computer. I have not transmitted the real quantum technology into it. I will gradually develop it after a while."

Liu Xiao said calmly.

The official people are all in front of him, and they have no intention of stealing his achievements, and Liu Xiao has no need to hide it.

With that said, Liu Xiao started operating on the screen again.

This set of CNC center modified by Liu Xiao, coupled with a CNC machine tool with a precision of 20nm, is definitely not enough to manufacture a real quantum computer, but Liu Xiao can demonstrate some key points of production through big data.

Taking the fiber optic cable, Liu Xiao connected the data center to a newly produced virtual disk server to increase the operating speed.

"Look, the separation of quantum entangled states allows them to perform simulation analysis according to our human thinking"

One is dedicated to teaching, and a group of people are dedicated to learning, so the progress is naturally very fast.

In just half an hour, Liu Xiao explained the theoretical basis of his making a quantum computer.

It went extremely smoothly from start to finish with no issues at all.

Elder Du and the others were fascinated by what they heard, and all kinds of possibilities appeared in their minds. When Liu Xiao finished speaking, everyone was still immersed in the data Liu Xiao said just now and did not return to reality for a long time.

After five or six minutes, everyone slowly reacted.

"Clap clap clap!"

Under the leadership of Elder Du, four or five researchers applauded one after another.

To be honest, Mr. Ren was a little confused, but when he saw everyone applauding, he naturally understood that the matter was over, and quickly applauded to celebrate.

"Our quantum computer seems to be just around the corner!"

Old Du said excitedly.

These high-tech inventions in the past were all foreign patents, but now, they are about to be overtaken on a curve!
Several industrial revolutions created the national strength of many developed countries in the West. Although China has been catching up for many years, there is still a huge technological gap.

Ordinary people may not feel it, but as scientists, every progress in society is due to their painstaking efforts.

Du Lao has gone through a lot of dust and dust all his life, just for the rise of a great power, and now he has seen the real results, how can he not be excited?
As long as there is a real quantum computer that improves the computing power of science and technology, all scientific research progress in the country will inevitably increase explosively!

Why does NASA abroad spend tens of billions or hundreds of billions of funds to invest in building a particle collider?
The energy and computing power consumed by a huge object with a length and width of several kilometers is terrifying.

But nasa was built resolutely, because they know that only by studying particles can they continuously solve physics problems.

Why does China use a huge valley to build an astronomical signal pot, not for the study of astrophysics!

Tesla has been investing in manned spaceflight and smart technology, and Boeing has been investing in space shuttle technology and engine drive technology.

These are all throwing a lot of money into it, but without exception, everyone is very happy.

But all of this is not as affordable as a quantum computer!

With a quantum computer, it is no exaggeration to say that all technologies can be simulated at a computing speed of hundreds of trillions of trillions of times.

If the engine technology is unqualified, just input the data into the quantum computer and use probability to forcibly falsify it.

If material engineering can't find the best alloy material, it doesn't matter. Enter the material properties into the computer, and use probability to forcibly falsify it again.

One hundred kinds of materials are fused with each other, and all the ratios may be 100 to the 100th power.

It may be absolutely unrealistic to analyze all materials through traditional computer models, which may take supercomputers to run for hundreds of millions of years to achieve.

For quantum-level computers, it may be possible to achieve it in a month if it is faster, and it is enough to get it done in a year if it is slower.

The development of aerospace and engines relies on material engineering and engine technology. Isn't it enough to forcibly select the best performance through big data?
There is no need for any engine laboratory or large-scale material synthesis workshop.

As long as a computer is needed, a set of data codes can be realized, and the efficiency is hundreds of times higher than that of manual labor, and the fault tolerance rate is billions of times higher than manual labor!
Even a little exaggeration, the research of Hadron Collider can also be simulated by quantum computer
All kinds of benefits, Mr. Du didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Even he has already thought about letting the higher-ups strengthen the defense arrangements, so he doesn't know when those western countries will throw the little boy over.

With Liu Xiao's research results, rising is the general trend, and everyone present understands this.

"Little friend, starting tomorrow, I will apply to equip you with a professional security team. You must keep a low profile when traveling in the future. The best way is to move to the capital, where the security system can be stronger."

Elder Du said seriously.

Everyone can see the value of Liu Xiao. It can be said that Liu Xiao is the future!

And with Liu Xiao's detailed explanation just now, everyone no longer embraces the idea that Liu Xiao is a spokesperson introduced by someone behind the scenes.

After all, it is impossible for a spokesperson to know so much, let alone explain the problem to academician-level figures like them.

Genius is something so inexplicable sometimes, a young man in his twenties easily abused them academicians who had half of their bodies buried in the ground.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages, Liu Xiao took out this kind of thing, there is no guarantee that it will not be targeted by foreign people, security is still very necessary.

"It's a good relationship. I'm planning to deploy a security team recently. If there is an official arrangement, then I will be relieved."

Liu Xiao's eyes lit up.

As for the matter of moving from Shanghai to the capital, it doesn't matter to Liu Xiao, anyway, Liu Xiao's family is not here, so it doesn't matter where he goes, but Zhao Ning's side, he has to ask for advice.

"Okay, I'll contact you right away when I get back tonight. I believe you will be able to meet with your private security team early tomorrow morning. As for your family, we will arrange a dark post to look after it. As for your files, we will also re-do it." One copy, get rid of the family."

Elder Du thought for a while and added.

All of this is done in accordance with the highest security regulations.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Liu Xiao has not fully come to the front of the stage. Although there are not many people named Liu Xiao in the whole country, there are thousands of them. No one can find out who this Liu Xiao is.

In this case, as long as a new set of files is made to confuse those spies, the safety of the family will definitely not be a problem.

"Thank you, Mr. Du."

Liu Xiao's expression was shocked, and he quickly thanked him.

He really didn't think about these things before, but now that he thinks about them, they are indeed necessary.

Even on Zhao Ning's side, the files of Zhao Ning's family and himself probably have to be redone.

Liu Xiao understands the lethality of quantum computers too well.

Once the product is actually released, it is bound to be crazily targeted by some small people.

I have official security arrangements, so as long as I don't go abroad, there will be no problem, but my family members have to pay special attention.

Liu Xiao was already thinking about whether to get some bulletproof vests for himself and Zhao Ning.

"You don't have to worry too much. We will arrange professionals to protect all your close people, including academicians like us, who will be protected more or less. You have to trust the power of the authorities."

Elder Du smiled and patted Liu Xiao's shoulder.

The young man in front of him is the real hope!
(End of this chapter)

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