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Chapter 406 Brother Hua's Mentality Has Changed

Chapter 406 Brother Hua's Mentality Has Changed

Hearing what Elder Du said, Liu Xiao finally felt relieved.

Although I have a system, it is not the kind of Xianxia, ​​and I don't have the kind of power that can overwhelm the rivers and seas, and the technology I have extracted has not been developed for the body, and most of it is civilian technology.

As more and more technology comes out, personal safety is indeed a big concern.

But since Mr. Du gave the guarantee on behalf of the authorities, Liu Xiao was not so worried.

As long as he doesn't jump around to die abroad, no matter how much he jumps around in the country, I'm afraid those forces will have nothing to do with him.

Liu Xiao once again demonstrated various techniques to Mr. Du and the others. It was not until after ten o'clock in the evening that Mr. Du left contentedly.

"Perhaps it's time to think about moving."

Liu Xiao looked at Mrs. Du who were gone away, thinking in his heart.

Although the Modu side is also very developed, but in terms of scientific research, I am afraid it is still not as good as the capital side, and in the capital side, there is more space for one's own maneuverability.

"Xiaohuya and the others are also in the capital. I don't know if there is a chance to meet offline."

Thinking of this, Liu Xiao smiled knowingly.

Today, out of the ten machines that were pre-sold earlier, there is a total of [-] billion remaining balance that has already been credited to Liu Xiao's card.

For such high-tech companies, the support is indeed relatively strong. The [-] billion is only [-] million in taxes, and as much as [-] billion has been received.

Coupled with Liu Xiao's daily quota of 1000 million issued by the system in the past few days, the balance of Liu Xiao's bank card has approached [-] billion.

Before getting in the car, Liu Xiao took advantage of the opportunity to watch Huya’s live broadcast for a while. He thought that Daheng would overtake the car at the corner tonight and take the first place, but he waited until eleven o’clock when Liu Xiao was about to go home. See Daheng make a move on the list.

Liu Xiao could probably figure out what Daheng was thinking, and seeing that Daheng really had no desire to make a move, he didn't pay much attention to it, but just to be on the safe side, Liu Xiao transferred another [-] million quota to Sister Feifei's account as a backup A rainy day.

At the same time, the Daheng trade union.

Brother Hua is sitting in the office, watching today's technology news.

Although his group is not a high-tech company, it is always right to pay attention to the road of rejuvenating the country through science and technology.

Today, the news that Mr. Ren of Huawei and researcher Mr. Du jointly visited Liu Ning Group has hit the headlines of the technology panel, so he is naturally focusing on it.

"This Liu Ning Group has just emerged with such a strong momentum. A server sells for [-] million and there are still people rushing to buy it. This is the power of technology."

I have to say, Brother Hua is really envious.

He is working hard to run the Daheng trade union here, investing hundreds of millions a month, but the current output is still negative.

But Liu Ning Group, selling more than a dozen servers a month, can earn [-] million in reverse.

"Corporate Liu Xiao, legal person Liu Xiao"

Brother Hua opened the enterprise information network, thinking about the identity of this Liu Xiao.

Generally speaking, a corporate legal person is not its real investor. After all, in order to escape when it goes bankrupt, it usually pulls a dead ghost to come over.

But we can’t be so sure. After all, some corporate legal persons are really important. It’s really not at ease to sit in this position, especially for a high-risk technology company like Liu Ning Group. It will destroy this fast-growing company.

But for the name Liu Xiao, Brother Hua searched all the information in his mind, but couldn't find anyone he knew.

It stands to reason that even if there are famous entrepreneurs in China, even if he can't recognize his name when he meets him, he will always have some impressions when he sees his name, but he has no memory of this Liu Xiao at all.

"Liu Xiao Xiao Xiao?"

"Little Tangerine looks like her real name is Lemon, right?"

Suddenly, Brother Hua's expression froze, as if he remembered something bad, his face darkened suddenly.


Hearing Brother Hua's voice, Lao Wu hurriedly ran over.

"Fifth, go and look up the real name of the anchor, Xiaojuzi, as quickly as possible."

Brother Hua spoke very fast, and his calm expression now appeared even more anxious.

"Brother Hua, what happened?"

The fifth child was a little curious.

"You don't need to look into this. I have researched the anchor on Lehua's side before. Xiaojuzi's real name is Zhao Ning, a native of Modu, and her major is music, so she is considered a professional talent."

"Zhao Ning, a person from Modu."

When Brother Hua heard these words, he couldn't sit still anymore.

Liu Ning's company is in Shanghai, Zhao Ning happens to be from Shanghai, and the legal person happens to be called Liu Xiao.

If this could all be a coincidence, then his brother Hua's head could also fall into space by coincidence.

Needless to say, this Liu Ning Group was definitely founded by Xiao Xiao.

"Our Daheng, what kind of monster did we provoke?"

Brother Hua was stunned for a while.

To be able to control such a super technology company, his net worth is indeed no lower than that of his brother Jiu, and in terms of cash flow, he is definitely much stronger than him.

"No wonder, no wonder Xiao Xiao has never been short of money, no wonder Xiao Xiao has been able to make so much money"

"This kind of money-absorbing monster company, let alone one billion, even if it is two billion, can pay back its capital in a month. It's really abnormal!"

At the end of the speech, Brother Hua couldn't help but curse secretly.

In the past few months, what kind of monster have I been fighting against!
It is estimated that apart from Liu Ning Group, Liu Xiao's real net worth will not be that low.

Brother Hua hurriedly made a phone call, wanting to find out Liu Xiao's real identity.

With their real names exposed, they are basically transparent people to those who stand at the top of the country.

Furthermore, most of the people in their circle are transparent about their life experience, and no one is investigating anyone.

Brother Hua is still very confident that he can find out the enterprises and forces under Liu Xiao in a short time.

"I'm sorry, Laohua, this Liu Xiao's identity is a top-secret file, and with my identity, I don't have the right to view files above S level."

Not long after, Brother Hua's friend took the initiative to call and explain the situation.

He searched for Liu Xiao's file relationship in the system, but after entering Liu Xiao's name, no information popped up, instead a lot of ordinary file information came out.

After screening, he found that none of these files belonged to the Liu Ning Group legal person.

It is naturally impossible to use a fake legal person name, but there is only one explanation if there is no data on him in the system.

With his system authority, he still can't see the file information of this person named Liu Xiao, that is to say, this is a top-secret file at least at S level!

Brother Hua rubbed his temples in a daze.

After a whole lot of work, they can't even find out their real identities, so how can they compete?
To be honest, at this moment, Brother Hua was really a little scared.

Even the top person in his and Brother Jiu's family, the file has not reached the level of S.

To reach this level, one must be a person who has made great contributions to the country. Simple businessmen like them, even if they become the richest man in the world, they will not have that honor.

"Although I haven't received any news, it can be seen from this that Xiao Xiao's background is terrifying!"

"Old Five, the competition with Lehua must be benign in the future, and those things that cannot be put on the table must be discarded. If necessary, the name of Huya's No. [-] guild can be given up."

Brother Hua took a deep breath.

After putting so much effort into Daheng, giving up all at once, to be honest, Brother Hua couldn't accept it.

But he knew very well in his heart, how should he choose between a live streaming guild and a hidden boss.

Fortunately, he used to use the navy to go to Hei Lehua.

Relying on Xiao Xiao's ability, if he really grasped this point and persisted, within two or three days, their Daheng's character set would definitely be destroyed!

But for now, Brother Hua has no intention of competing with Lehua.

On the one hand, the [-] billion quota planned by Daheng this month has basically been paid out, and the subsequent increase of [-] million funds is for the finals tomorrow, and it does not intend to grab the first place today.

After all, the Misty Rain trade union has not made a move yet, if they take the first place impulsively today, if they can't hold on to this position tomorrow, I'm afraid they will be left in the cold in the first place.

The best way is for Daheng and Misty Rain to take second and third place, and then use the funds in their hands to deal with Lehua. As long as Lehua loses, most of the winning recommendations will still be Daheng's.

The question before Brother Hua now is whether to inform Yishui Misty Rain about Xiao Xiao's real identity.

Although it is a competitive relationship on the platform, everyone knows each other in reality, and the relationship is quite good. Now that there is such news, it is really unreasonable not to notify.

"It's better to notify after finishing the event tomorrow."

Brother Hua suddenly had a bad taste in his heart.

According to his estimate of Liu Ning Group, Liu Xiao's funds will definitely not be small, and it can even be said to be much higher than his, and the cash flow is much stronger than his.

In other words, he has no hope for tomorrow's pk, and there is a high probability that he will lose.

Brother Hua's idea now is to find ways to establish a good relationship with Liu Xiao, and it is best to join Liu Xiao's camp.

Anyway, everyone didn't have any conflicts in the past. At most, they were making lists for the anchors on the platform to run a trade union or something. In reality, they have never even met each other, so naturally they can't be called unresponsive.

But after all, Daheng has been abused by Xiao Xiao for several months, if Misty Rain fell into Xiao Xiao's arms as soon as he played, then he must be unbalanced.

If you have something to do together, you can be called a good brother.

Tomorrow, after the Misty Rain trade union is also tortured by Xiao Xiao, he will tell the news. By then, he, Brother Jiu and Misty Rain will have more common language, won't they?

Thinking of this, Brother Hua couldn't help but laugh.

Seeing brother Jiu's face turning cloudy and sunny, Lao Wu at the side told him not to use shady tricks against Lehua in the future, and touched his head unconsciously, his face full of bewilderment.

But he still remembered Brother Hua's words.

Lao Wu is not a qualified decision maker, but he is a super executive.

Every time Brother Hua released a task, Lao Wu could almost execute it perfectly.

"Okay, that's it for tonight, everyone get off work."

"Xiaowei, I will go to the financial side to send 50 yuan to everyone as a bonus. Everyone has worked hard during this time."

Brother Hua came back to his senses, and gave a large bonus to the field control and finance in the office.

He is a person who likes to fight for strength, but he is also a person who knows how to be soft.

Liu Ning Group's momentum is so strong now, just two days ago, the advance payment was almost one billion, no matter how fierce he is, it is impossible to fight against such a behemoth.

If you can't beat it, join in.

I believe that with Daheng's current strength on the platform, Xiao Xiao, uh, brother Xiao Xiao, shouldn't refuse.

Although the employees of Daheng were a bit puzzled, they couldn't help cheering when they heard Brother Hua talk about the bonus.

The entire field control and financial team only has 80 people, and a bonus of 50 yuan. Each person can get at least 6000 to 7000 yuan. For them, it is already more than half a month's salary.

Liu Xiao did not expect Brother Hua to react like this after the news about Liu Ning Group was exposed.

But for Liu Xiao, it doesn't matter what Daheng's reaction is, no matter what Daheng does, he can rely on hard power to carry it out.

Furthermore, Liu Xiao didn't intend to hide his information much. After all, this is the information age. After he founded Liu Ning Group, his identity would be discovered sooner or later.

It's just that he didn't expect that the government would be so powerful, and it took only an hour to pull his file into top secret.

Liu Xiao came back a little later, Zhao Ning deliberately added an extra class today and broadcast live until twelve o'clock.

On the penultimate day of the event, although Zhao Ning and Bald Yangzi didn't have many lists in the live broadcast room, no fans had any opinions. Everyone knew that brother Xiao Xiao had done a lot in the game area this month.

But today, brother Xiao Xiao didn’t go online. It was the rankings made by a series of big brothers such as Xiaohuya and Xingjue in the live broadcast room. Xiaohuya made 5000 million, and Xingjue and Beibei even made 2000 million. At least a few million were swiped, and they all entered the threshold of the super god emperor.

At the same time, with a list of nearly 11 billion, without any suspense, the Chu faction that Lehua belongs to was sent to No.1 in this event.

Anyway, Lehua is now at the No.1 position, which is the best.

The fans were full of honor, until 1 o'clock Lehua's No.[-] was confirmed, and many fans were clamoring to go to Daheng to ridicule.

"Did you go well today?"

Seeing Liu Xiao enter the door, Zhao Ning asked worriedly.

Zhao Ning knew who Liu Xiao went to meet with today. It is no exaggeration to say that these people are the top existences in the country.

"We're going to be getting ready to move, I'm afraid."

Liu Xiao looked serious and answered irrelevant questions, which immediately made Zhao Ning nervous.

"I just communicated with the official. For my safety, a professional security team will come to take over my security work tomorrow morning. As for moving, the official suggested that we move to the capital."

Seeing Zhao Ning's worried face, Liu Xiao laughed, and briefly introduced what happened today to Zhao Ning.

(End of this chapter)

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