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Chapter 407 Luxurious security lineup!

Chapter 407 Luxurious security lineup!
"Move to the capital?"

Zhao Ning was a little worried at first, but when she saw Liu Xiao suddenly laughed, she didn't know that Liu Xiao was teasing her.

Feeling relieved, Zhao Ning threw herself into Liu Xiao's arms.

She had never regarded herself as a big shot, but Liu Xiao had promoted her all the way to this height. To be honest, she was very nervous.

But she never thought that Liu Xiao could achieve such a high level of career, even talking and laughing happily with a group of top bigwigs in the country, and still gaining official attention and protection.

For a moment, Zhao Ning felt proud.

This is her man!

Liu Xiao saw Zhao Ning's red face and attractive appearance, and some kind of little bug who was on his head in the afternoon meeting couldn't restrain himself again.

After confirming that Zhao Ning's live broadcast had been turned off, Liu Xiao couldn't bear it any longer, and rushed into the room with Zhao Ning in his arms.

"Come on, this is my parents' room!"


Liu Xiao knocked open the door of a room again.

"This is my sister's room!"

"Whose room is hers, it's mine now!"

Accompanied by the sound of a broken silk fabric and Zhao Ning's exclamation, soon, a wonderful sound resounded in the room.

When Liu Xiao woke up the next day, Zhao Ning was already actively getting dressed.

Liu Xiao fell into a drowsy sleep, grabbed his arms vigorously, and pulled Zhao Ning down beside him.

"There's someone knocking on the door outside."

Zhao Ning quickly pushed Liu Xiao away, and gave Liu Xiao a big white eye, with a little panic on his face.

This room is Liu Ning's younger sister's room, and if Zhao Ning's friends here want to come to the house, they will definitely call in advance.

But now they came to the door without calling, either Zhao Ning's parents came back, or Zhao Ning's sister came back.

Zhao Keke just went to the university for military training, so it is unlikely that he will come back after playing like crazy for the past few days.

Excluding all kinds of probabilities, there is only one possibility left.


Liu Xiao immediately jumped up from the bed.

This tm, I haven't made any preparations yet, and I'm about to meet my father-in-law and mother-in-law?
And it's still on Zhao Ning's sister's bed?

Fortunately, this is a knock on the door. If the key is used to open the door directly, Liu Xiao will not be killed directly?

You know, I was a little anxious last night, but the door of the room was still open, so if you go in and take a look inside.

Liu Xiao couldn't care less about taking advantage of this meeting, so he picked up the clothes and put them on.

"How about I hide in the closet for a while?" Liu Xiao scratched his head in embarrassment, not knowing where to run for a moment.

This is more than [-] floors, no matter how powerful Liu Xiao is, he doesn't dare to jump down.

"I didn't see you so scared when I was there last night, but now my parents are so scared when they knock on the door."

Zhao Ning ruthlessly pinched a piece of soft flesh under Liu Xiao's creaking nest.

"Don't worry, my parents are more open-minded. At worst, we will go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate."

Zhao Ning said with a smile.

She was originally a woman who believed in love and would devote her whole life to it. If she believed in Liu Xiao, it was impossible to have a second man in this life without accident.

Furthermore, Zhao Ning's parents were relatively open-minded, and they were considered to be at the forefront of fashion. After raising Zhao Ning to university, the two traveled around the world directly, but they would pay Zhao Ning's living expenses on time.

After knowing that Zhao Ning made a lot of money as an anchor, she didn't even pay her living expenses.

It fully demonstrates the truth that children are accidents.

Hearing what Zhao Ning said, Liu Xiao calmed down a little.

That's right, he, Liu Xiao, can be considered a successful person now, so he shouldn't be afraid of his father-in-law.

Zhao Ning put on her clothes, cleaned up the marks on the bed briefly, and then walked to the door with Liu Xiao and opened it.

"Report to Comrade Liu Xiao, security personnel Zheng Xiaoxiao and his squadron came to report!"

Zhao Ning opened the door, and what she saw was not her parents, but a beautiful girl in a dress.

Of course, this beauty is for ordinary people. Compared with Zhao Ning, her appearance is much worse.

But this girl named Zheng Xiaoxiao has a heroic spirit in her body.

"Zheng Xiaoxiao?"

Liu Xiao was a little dazed, but suddenly remembered the matter that Mr. Du said yesterday that he was going to equip himself with security forces, and suddenly realized.

Elder Du mentioned this matter yesterday, saying that his security force would come to report to him this morning, but he did not expect to arrive so soon.

"Wait. You mean, squadron?"

Liu Xiao stared wide-eyed.

This is a bit too exaggerated, right?
"Hello, Comrade Liu Xiao, it is indeed a squadron. According to the organization's instructions, in the next few years or even ten years, we will use our lives to defend your personal safety!"

Zheng Xiaoxiao stood at attention and solemnly saluted Liu Xiao.

Before departure, Zheng Xiaoxiao and his team accepted official interviews, emphasizing the importance of Liu Xiao.

Therefore, Zheng Xiaoxiao knew about Liu Xiao's legendary deeds.

The inventor of the quantum computer is about to bring scientific and technological talents with good development to the country!

Although the staffing is exaggerated, Zheng Xiaoxiao doesn't mean to relax at all.

At the same time, she also knows that as long as Liu Xiao's identity is announced later, people from various intelligence organization-level killer organizations will appear one by one. The task of their team is still very heavy.

Even in her mind, it wasn't even enough.

When Liu Xiao enters a place, he must be accompanied by at least ten people, at least fifty or sixty people must be around, and there must be five to six special snipers at high places for security, and even a special monitoring system is required for investigation. .

100 people is just barely enough.

Of course, this kind of situation is unlikely to happen in China, and it will reduce some of their pressure virtually.

"Come in and sit."

Liu Xiao hurriedly welcomed Zheng Xiaoxiao into the door.

Although she was dressed in a casual dress, but Zheng Xiaoxiao's pockets were bulging, and it was obvious that she was equipped with firearms.

Zhao Ning admired the valiant Zheng Xiaoxiao, serving tea and pouring water more diligently than Liu Xiao, the host.

"Comrade Liu Xiao."

"You can just call me Liu Xiao, or you can call me Brother Xiao Xiao. I'm really not used to hearing comrades."

Liu Xiao waved his hand to stop Zheng Xiaoxiao's words.

"Okay, from now on our team will call you Brother Xiao Xiao."

Zheng Xiaoxiao nodded, still sitting upright.

"Have all your teams arrived yet? Why did I see you alone? Are the others staying in a hotel or somewhere else?"

Liu Xiao asked curiously.

His own security team came over. He is now the chairman of a large group anyway, so he had to arrange a hotel or something for him to stay in.

"At present, they are all on standby downstairs. After I understand your travel habits in a while, I will arrange personnel to regulate your security. You don't need to worry about our living problems. Our logistics will be handled by professionals."

Zheng Xiaoxiao smiled, feeling a little more eager besides being solemn.

It is no exaggeration to say that Liu Xiao is the contemporary Einstein, a scientific talent who can change the course of the world.

To be able to carry out security work here at Liu Xiao was an opportunity that she managed to find through relationships with various parties.

This is called being honorable!
After a few brief chats, it officially entered garbage time.

After the two asked and answered, Zheng Xiaoxiao took out a laptop and recorded documents on it.

If he was not at home, Liu Xiao felt that he would have committed some crime and would be arrested and locked up in a small dark room.

Half an hour later, Zheng Xiaoxiao turned off the computer, got up again and saluted Liu Xiao.

"About Ms. Zhao Ning's security issue, we will select ten people from each shift for protection, and there are also professionals who will conduct security in the dark. The security level will be two levels lower than your security level, but in China, it is also More than enough."

"If there's nothing wrong, I won't bother you now. I'll go down and make arrangements for the security team. After you go downstairs, you will receive our comprehensive protection."

Liu Xiao looked at the back of Zheng Xiaoxiao going downstairs and smiled helplessly.

It's a pity that the system didn't give me something like the Immortal Cultivation Technique, which made things so big.

But Liu Xiao also knew in his heart that this matter was necessary.

Otherwise, when those foreign forces kidnap you abroad, or when you shoot them on the spot and then regret that there is no security, that is the real regret.

Liu Xiao stood by the French window on the balcony and looked down.

All the black cars below were parked neatly on the side of the road, and as Zheng Xiaoxiao left the gate of the community, all the cars drove away almost at the same time.

"I'm a ghost, there are a hundred cars, it really doesn't count the cost."

Liu Xiao was amazed.

One car, standard one driver and two security personnel.

One security guard is in the front row, and one is in the back seat for close protection.


Liu Xiao was very satisfied.

"Now you are living the life of a big shot. This security configuration is better than some leaders."

Zhao Ning teased.

"Hahaha, I thought it was my uncle and aunt who came back, I was really surprised."

Liu Xiao chuckled, and pushed Zhao Ning under him with his backhand.

"What are you doing so early in the morning?"

"what do you say"

Another burst of refreshment.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Liu Xiao went out contentedly.

It was a temporary idea to come back here yesterday. If I have time today, I will naturally go back to Yulongwan Villa.

Going downstairs with Zhao Ning to the underground car and garage, Liu Xiao was about to drive his own Land Rover to take Zhao Ning to the company first, but Zheng Xiaoxiao who suddenly appeared next to him startled Liu Xiao again.

"I said... You people are really invisible, you can really scare people to death!"

Seeing that it was Zheng Xiaoxiao, Liu Xiao let out a sigh of relief.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, from today onwards, you should take our car as much as possible when you travel. Your car is not bulletproof or explosion-proof, and it is easy for someone to tamper with the chassis."

Zheng Xiaoxiao smiled.

She is not a particularly serious person, she just takes her work seriously.

Although Land Rover is a good car, it is only at the civilian level. Compared with special vehicles, it is much worse in terms of performance and safety.


Liu Xiao nodded.

This saves the trouble of driving, Liu Xiao is quite happy.

It's just that some games played with girls in the car can no longer be played, which makes Liu Xiao feel a little pity.

A woman in black drove an extended version of the four-box car. Liu Xiao and Zhao Ning sat in the back row, Zheng Xiaoxiao sat in the co-driver, and two women in black sat in the back row.

"Xiaoxiao, are all girls in your squadron?"

Liu Xiao asked curiously.

Of the four people I will meet, none of them are men.

Even if you treat yourself well, there is no need to surround yourself with people, right?
Although Liu Xiao's body muscles are very good, and he has learned a little Jiu-Jitsu to defend himself, but Liu Xiao still has self-knowledge.

These girls don't look like they are all in suits, but when they move their hands, they may be able to lie flat in a second.

Mr. Du arranged so many girls for himself, and he didn't dare to date her!
"No, when you and Ms. Zhao Ning are together, in order to take care of your personal feelings, we will choose female security personnel. When you travel alone, most of them are men."

Zheng Xiaoxiao explained with a smile.

They have also worked as security guards for the leadership several times before, and they still have experience in these.

Among other things, even if Liu Xiao and Zhao Ning misfired on the spot, they can automatically filter out these inappropriate content, and the car they should be driving will not be able to bend at all.

Liu Xiao touched his head in embarrassment.

What he said, it was as if he and Zhao Ning were like a ruthless human-making machine.

Anyway, even if there were only four girls around, it was unlikely that he would be able to let go.

Liu Xiao sighed helplessly.

It seems that future entertainment items can only be placed at home.

He glanced at Zhao Ning next to him.

Seeing Liu Xiao's expression, Zhao Ning didn't know what Liu Xiao was thinking.

Immediately, the slender hand reached Liu Xiao's waist again.

"Ahem, someone is there, be careful."

Liu Xiao quickly took Zhao Ning's hand.

I'm afraid not many men can withstand this move of a woman. Needless to say, this dragon's claw hand really hurts!

"Let's go to Liu Ning Group."

Liu Xiao opened his mouth and said.

As soon as the car got out of the underground car and garage, four small cars came out from both sides.

The front two and the rear two completely protected the car where Liu Xiao was sitting.

And further ahead and further behind, I am afraid that there are still many cars sweeping the road.

It was the first time for Liu Xiao and Zhao Ning to experience this kind of treatment, and they were a little overwhelmed by such security for a while.

However, Liu Xiao recovered relatively quickly, returning to normal in just ten minutes.

If you can't resist, enjoy it.

This security guard was only targeting his own travel, and did not overly infringe on his privacy. Liu Xiao was actually quite satisfied with this.

If when he was playing games on the bed and found someone sitting on top of the cabinet staring at him, Liu Xiao might really vomit three liters of blood.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, the group has arrived."

(End of this chapter)

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