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Chapter 408 The last day of the event!

Chapter 408 The last day of the event!
Liu Xiao and Zhao Ning got out of the car together, and Zheng Xiaoxiao and others also got out of the car one after another. Except for Zheng Xiaoxiao who was standing beside her in a dress, the rest of them kept a distance away. Shaw's direct relationship.

Liu Xiao walked towards the company while lamenting the awesomeness of Zheng Xiaoxiao's team.

In the previous plan, the first step is to expand the company's scale through the virtual disk server, and then gradually introduce a new generation of servers, and finally achieve the goal of replacing it with a quantum calculator.

But now, with the support of Mr. Du and Mr. Ren, this step can obviously be accelerated.

When he came to Qu Yue's office, Liu Xiao briefly explained the situation.

"Our group merged the technical team of Liu Ning Company into the new company established first, and after the new company is running well, some technical talents will be transferred out. The future scientific research talents agree to report to this new company. The group side are supported.”

Liu Xiao introduced the formation model of the new company, and then expressed his intention to cooperate with the two parties.

He is the decision maker, and Qu Yue has to do the specific execution.

But looking at Qu Yue's expression, one could understand how much Liu Xiao had shocked her.

"Mr. Liu, you mean we own 50.00% of the shares?"

Qu Yue hurriedly asked.

She really didn't expect that the government would give their group a concession in this regard.

You know, if the government takes the initiative, I am afraid that within a few years, this company will have to become a worldwide enterprise. Even if this company is not profitable, a simple technology patent is enough to make this company famous up.

It is impossible for the official to not understand what this 50.00% share represents.

But even so, the government still gave the shares to Liu Ning Group?

In this economic society, as long as you don't do illegal things and don't use your position for personal gain, the top leaders of this company will do their best!

50.00% one, represents the majority opinion!
"That's right, it's mainly a technical problem in my hands."

"You will know about this in the future. Let the financial side connect with the two parties first. Don't worry about the industrial and commercial side. Mr. Du and the others will take care of it. The main issue is the deployment of personnel."

Liu Xiao smiled and nodded.

Mr. Du is a professional, so he naturally understands the value of his technology.

Giving 50.00% of the shares to Liu Xiao, Liu Xiao can bring them greater value, but if they don't want to make Liu Xiao unhappy with this little thing, they will lose even more.

Mr. Ren is also an old man and a quack, so he naturally understands this.

If the benefits outweigh the risks, then it is natural to invest, and how much is counted.

They knew very well in their hearts that even if they didn't join, with Liu Xiao's strength, it would be a matter of time before they started running their own business. It was nothing more than waiting for the virtual disk server to sell more and accumulate capital.

Zheng Xiaoxiao looked around outside the window, checked all the places that could form a sniper angle, and after confirming that there was no problem, he stood beside Liu Xiao like a normal person.

"I'll do it right away. There are still a lot of scientific research talents recruited these days, but they are all low-end. Now that Mr. Du is joining, high-end scientific research talents should not have to worry."

Qu Yue readily agreed.

Liu Xiao arranged some work in the group, and then drove to the industrial park.

To move to the capital, some technical materials from the industrial park must be taken away.

But for now, it’s not a problem to put the production chain first in Shanghai. After all, it is also a first-tier industrial city in China, and it is excellent in all aspects.

When the time comes, go to the capital and find an industrial park to build a set of facilities and it will be over.

After copying all the technical information summarized in the previous stage, Liu Xiao took Zhao Ning back to Yulongwan Villa.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, we have finished controlling the villa during the day, and we have also used professional equipment to detect the interior space, so I won't go in with you."

Zheng Xiaoxiao seemed to have seen Liu Xiao's old-fashioned nature, and sent Liu Xiao to the underground car and warehouse of the villa, and said with a smile.

Liu Xiao is not too well-known in the world now, and naturally there will be no spies in this villa to install bugs or anything, it's just simple deployment and investigation.

They are in charge of security, and they are not responsible for being mothers. Naturally, they cannot follow the protected person all day long.

Otherwise, the protected person would not be killed by the enemy, but would be depressed by them.

"I'm not going out today, so you should rest early."

Liu Xiao nodded with a smile.

For now, Liu Xiao is very satisfied with what his security team has done.

Moisturizing things silently, while protecting oneself perfectly, it also guarantees one's privacy and personal space to the greatest extent.

Even, if Zheng Xiaoxiao hadn't spoken a few times on the way, Liu Xiao wouldn't have felt the existence of this security team, and everything seemed to go with the flow.

"When we get to the capital, it seems that we really have to thank Mr. Du."

There is also a computer in the study. Liu Xiao wrote some recorded data into the computer, and let the computer automatically calculate and solve it, so he didn't care about it anymore.

Although the quantum computer has not been made yet, Liu Xiao is not worried about it.

What Liu Xiao is doing now is to combine quantum computers with holographic projection technology, that is, how to display holographic projection technology in the real world.

You know, according to the ranking of civilizations, holographic projection technology should be a technology only possessed by civilizations of level 1.5, but the current human beings are only at level 0.7, and there is no way to manufacture equipment for carrying holographic projections.

Liu Xiao, on the other hand, wants to use the array arrangement of quantum computers to project the holographic projection through big data.

As long as this technology becomes a reality, the two projects of game production and film shooting that were previously envisioned can be started.

Of course, Liu Xiao will also share this technology with Mr. Du at the same time. As for how Mr. Du plans to develop it, Liu Xiao doesn't want to care.

Liu Xiao will never touch the 404 matters. In his opinion, it is interesting to be a successful private entrepreneur and part-time richest man in the world, go to the company for a stroll and watch live broadcasts at night to moleste female anchors. Well.

There are all kinds of ingredients in the villa.

Siemens' 12.9 double-door large refrigerator comes with a red wine storage compartment, and it is in a zero-degree fresh-keeping mode. The storage space inside is also very large. There is absolutely no problem in storing food for two people for half a month at a time.

"In terms of compressors and condensers, there are only two or three domestic brands that are better, but they are still not as good as those of the German industrial manufacturers."

Liu Xiao sighed slightly.

It is really not easy for China to get to where it is today. I don’t know how many scientists have paid their youth and blood.

It is this kind of selfless and fearless dedication that allows ordinary people to have a better life today.

However, in some technical aspects, compared with those established international companies, there is indeed a gap.

"Xiao Ning, the compressor technology should also be simulated and compared through big data, right?"

Liu Xiao asked curiously.

In terms of engineering and manufacturing, Liu Xiao only has a little bit of virtual disk technology. As for compressors and engines, Liu Xiao really has only a half-knowledge.

"This is definitely possible."

Zhao Ning replied with a smile while cutting vegetables.

Compressor technology is not too difficult. By comparing various materials with big data, it is completely possible to overtake in a curve in a short time.

It is even possible to copy those internationally excellent compressor products through big data analysis, and then improve them.

This is exactly what quantum computers do.

Through fool-like analysis, forcibly crack.

Just like opening a combination lock, there are so many arrangements in total.

If you press it by hand, you may not be able to press it correctly for several years, but through computer data blasting, it can be solved in an hour at most.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiao immediately felt relieved a lot.

Liu Xiao is from the north, and Zhao Ning is from Modu. Neither of them have been in Sichuan, but they both love hot pot.

"When are you free? Let's take a trip to Sichuan. I heard that all the girls in Sichuan are very punctual. Uh... no, the hot pot in Sichuan is very authentic!"

After taking a bite of food, Liu Xiao quickly pulled back what he said wrongly.

"I originally prepared black silk for you at night. Since you said so, let those girls who look good be able to wear it for you."

Zhao Ning looked at Liu Xiao with a half-smile.

"Black silk?"

Liu Xiao's eyes froze, and he unconsciously remembered Zhao Ning's appearance in black silk.

To be honest, since he met Zhao Ning, Zhao Ning rarely wore clothes like Yujie's. They were either cute suspenders or dresses, or ordinary short-sleeved jeans.

But it is undeniable that Zhao Ning is definitely not unable to control the black silk, but has never tried.

As the person who wanted to be the first to eat crabs, Liu Xiao was naturally very greedy.

"Don't, Xiao Ning, let's have a discussion. Show me tonight that you are wearing black. I will give you [-] million during your live broadcast. You are the Chu power tonight. This business is not bad."

Liu Xiao chuckled, put the plate in his hand, and circled Zhao Ning who was chopping vegetables from behind.

Zhao Ning's body froze slightly.

"If you want to be beautiful, let's see your beautiful girls dress you up."

Zhao Ning gave Liu Xiao a blank look, paused for a while before continuing to cut vegetables.

In the past few days, it can be said that you know my depth and I know your length, and Zhao Ning has become accustomed to being so intimately contacted by a man like Liu Xiao.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for Hei Si to speak out, just to tease Liu Xiao.

But Liu Xiao didn't give up, and continued to increase the size.

"How about the two hundred million, or three hundred million?"

"Five hundred million is not impossible."

Liu Xiao never thought that one day he would become the person he hated the most before.

But everything is worth it for Heisi Yujie.

Anyway, I have to be on the account to play activities for the trade union tonight, and I can get some benefits from playing activities for my girlfriend, wouldn't it be more delicious?
But Zhao Ning is obviously not something that can be won by a money offensive.

After a long time, Liu Xiao planned to bear it no longer.

Today, Zhao Ning has to wear whatever she wears, and she has to wear it even if she doesn't.

Although he didn't know where Zhao Ning hid Hei Si, Liu Xiao didn't intend to find it.

He opened the Meituan takeaway with his backhand, skillfully found a set of Yujie's uniform and black silk suit inside, entered the takeaway address, and waved his phone in front of Zhao Ning triumphantly.

"You'd better take the initiative to wear it for me, and don't force me to do it."

Liu Xiao chuckled, and happily put the freshly cut vegetables on the table.

"You are too deceitful."

"Hahaha, who told you to speak first, you still want to run after you have spoken."

Seeing Zhao Ning's shy look, Liu Xiao was even more amused.

"Eat, eat, and go to Huya to play after dinner."

The hot pot base was already cooking, and the aroma permeated the entire restaurant, making the two of them move their index fingers.

At around six o'clock in the evening, when Zhao Ning was on the account in the live broadcast room, fans of Xiaojuzi from all platforms flocked in an instant.

"Good evening, everybody."

Zhao Ning greeted the audience in the live broadcast room.

In the recent period, she has gotten used to this kind of live broadcast rhythm, and also used to the state of tens of thousands of people in the live broadcast room, and she has no stage fright at all.

Liu Xiao didn't intend to disturb Zhao Ning's live broadcast, and went to the living room to watch the live broadcast alone.

Although he hasn't paid much attention to Huya's live broadcast these two days, Lanlan and Sister Feifei will send the status of the platform to his WeChat almost every day.

Liu Xiao just glanced at it briefly, and roughly understood what happened in the past two days.

"It's strange. The top anchors on Daheng's side didn't fight against Lehua's side."

Liu Xiao was a little surprised.

It stands to reason that Xiao Fei, Xia Nuan and Dao Zi have been tearing each other up with Bald Yang Zi.

As for Xiaojuzi, Xiaofei and Xia Nuan didn't dare to tear it apart. After all, Xiaojuzi was standing behind Xiaojuzi, and Xiaojuzi's popularity was terrifying, so the three of them really didn't dare to vent.

But in today's live broadcast, the three of Daozi were uncharacteristically talking about the advantages of Baldy and Yang Zi in the live broadcast room.

In particular, Dao Zi exaggerated Xiao Xiao's glorious deeds in the live broadcast room, and there was a tendency to directly surrender to the enemy. For a while, Daheng's fans in the live broadcast room even scolded Dao Zi for turning his back on the Lord and seeking glory.

However, after Xia Nuan and Xiao Fei came online in the afternoon session, the scolding in the Knife live broadcast room was much quieter.

Because Xia Nuan and Xiao Fei were also like Dao Zi, blowing up Brother Xiao Xiao in the live broadcast room.

Even Xia Nuan was afraid that others would not know that she had the same conflict as Brother Xiao Xiao before, so she publicized it in the live broadcast room, and finally thanked Brother Xiao Xiao for not remembering the villain's mistakes and letting her go.

What's weird is that even though the three of them were making such a fuss, Brother Jiu and Brother Hua didn't stand up and say a word.

It was almost seven o'clock in the afternoon, and the fans on Daheng's side finally realized that something was wrong.

If Dao Zi alone said Brother Xiao Xiao was good, then Dao Zi might have lost his mind, but if the three anchors on Daheng’s side all said Brother Xiao Xiao was good, then something must have happened that they didn’t know .

The current Yishaoyanyu has a face full of bewilderment.

Before he came to Huya, he knew about the affairs between Daheng and Lehua. Although there was no grudge between the two unions, they definitely did not fight each other.

Especially the few top anchors, they can't wait to slap each other to death.

But on Daheng's side, the night before yesterday, he was spending two billion with Xiao Xiaokuang in the live broadcast room, so why did he become an uncharacteristically licking dog today?

(End of this chapter)

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