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Chapter 409 Brother Yanyu's Ordinary Life

Chapter 409 Brother Yanyu's Ordinary Life
"Brothers, tonight we will distribute 50 red envelopes in the live broadcast room, and 5 yuan every half hour, for a total of five hours of live broadcast."

In Xiaofei's live broadcast room, Xiaofei is sending out red envelopes to win people's hearts.

When they arrived at the trade union in the morning, Xiaofei and Xia Nuandaozi actually planned to work hard at the event today, especially Xiaofei, as the first brother of Daheng, the list of the live broadcast room in the past two days was not high. It is considered high, so I plan to spend some money on the last day of today's event.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the trade union in the morning, Brother Hua told them the current decision of Daheng.

Fix it with Leroy!
They never thought of this kind of situation, let alone Hua Ge personally coming to inform them of this news.

They have had grievances with Lehua for several months, especially with the bald man, and they have had an enmity since the Liangkai union. At this time, they have reconciled with Lehua, aren't they joking with them?

However, although the three of them were surprised, after Hua Ge brought out the news that Xiao Xiao had appeared on the news of Science and Technology Network, and then asked the fifth child to announce Xiao Juzi's real name to them, the three of them stopped talking.

They all know that a company president who can earn billions a month by selling servers is definitely not something they Daheng can compete with.

Even Brother Hua and Brother Jiu's net worth is not weak, but after all, they are in the real industry, and the cash flow is suppressed by capital. Together, they are definitely not Xiao Xiao's opponents.

What's more, Xiao Xiao can fight, but they can't afford it.

They are high-tech companies, earning money is like playing games. These companies, including Huya, are all eager to send money to Liu Ning Group. Unlike Daheng, they work hard every month to receive advertisements. Endorsement, a month's revenue will break [-] million.

Not an order of magnitude at all!
And more importantly, Brother Hua Jiu didn't want to offend Xiao Xiao.

Originally, the rankings on the Internet were a matter of peaceful competition, and those rankings in the live broadcast room were actually things at the network level, and they had nothing to do with reality.

The only conflict before was Xia Nuan's confrontation with Xiao Xiao in the live broadcast room, but Xia Nuan had already been subdued by Yang Zizhi, and Lehua still took advantage of it. .

Xiao Fei could see clearly that Brother Hua wanted to make up with Xiao Xiao.

This kind of opportunity to get online with Xiao Xiao, Brother Hua is absolutely unwilling to let go, after all, the Liu Ning Group has just shown its glory, and it will not be a matter of time before it becomes bigger and stronger.

It is even possible that Brother Hua might want to get a hand in it. High-tech companies can make money much faster than live broadcast platforms. When that time comes, they anchors will have to follow Le How about a Chinese meal?
Therefore, Xiaofei didn't mean to forcefully hold on to something, but instead changed his tone.

Xia Nuan and Knife are also good people, so they naturally put things ahead.

This caused Yi MinoYu to be very confused now.

He has not been in Huya for a long time, and he has no interest in finding out Xiaojuzi's real name. Naturally, he did not expect that there is a relationship between Lehua and Liuning Group, the most popular company in the technology circle.

"Brother Hua, you have no money, did you take the initiative to confess?"

A minion of misty rain guessed.

With Daheng's current increase, it is indeed the limit to hit one billion. Before, I thought that Daheng should be able to take out a little bit, but now it seems that Brother Hua and Brother Jiu are indeed completely squeezed out.

I'm afraid they didn't expect Xiao Xiao to be so reckless at the time, and he directly hit the list with a value close to one billion.

If Daheng's reserve funds are all exhausted, the attitudes shown by these anchors of Daheng will be more reasonable.

After all, he had no money in his hands, and he had no confidence in his heart, so he naturally relaxed his lips.

Although it seemed a bit too loose, Yishao Misty Rain didn't think so much.

Looking outside at the union's first sister Sarah and first brother Kuze who were broadcasting live outside, Yishao Yanyu breathed a sigh of relief.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the development of these two card face anchors in my family is not bad. Although they can't compare with Xia Nuan and Xiaojuzi now, they will definitely be able to be independent in a short time, and the chance of making money by themselves will be great. It came slowly.

As for today, of course he will make a move.

After all, Daheng has already invested one billion yuan in Lehua's funds. A misty rain doesn't believe that Lehua still has money on the books.

Today's Daheng may not even be able to come up with one or two hundred million yuan, and Lehua, who is about the same strength as Daheng, is estimated to be at most two hundred million yuan.

He has [-] million in his hand, which is definitely more than enough.

As soon as Liu Xiao entered Zhao Ning's live broadcast room, he saw the news of Daheng's surrender on the public screen.

With so many friends swiping the screen on the public screen, coupled with the WeChat messages from Sister Feifei and Lanlan, Liu Xiao quickly guessed the reason.

Probably because his true identity was exposed, Brother Hua and Brother Jiu fell in love after seeing it.

Liu Xiao, who originally planned to make a big killing tonight, felt bored.

The only opponent on the platform took the initiative to admit defeat, and it seemed that Huya's side was also developing towards Douyu's side.

He raised his hand and sent out a million-dollar red envelope lottery, which first gathered popularity for Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room.

"Good evening everyone, good evening brother Xiao Xiao."

Zhao Ning smiled.

This feeling is quite strange, my boyfriend is the first big brother in the live broadcast room, and I have to say thank you for swiping a gift
It's true that she thanked her in the live broadcast room, and she had to thank her with her mouth at night. Her mouth is really full of disasters.

"Our first song today, let's start with Liu Piao."

Zhao Ning sat by the piano and played the rhythm.

Although this song is not a classic, it is definitely an original song that Zhao Ning likes very much. The rhythm of the song is a bit like the classic song Qilixiang by Jay Chou, but it is a sweet song that describes love.

Maybe the electronic version is mediocre, but there is absolutely no problem on site.

"Have you noticed that Xiaojuzi likes to sing this song more and more recently, and this song opens almost every day."

"You're blind, this song Liu Piao was obviously written by Xiao Orange for our fans, so I must sing it every day."

"Pull it down, Liu Piao Liu Piao, it's obviously written for Liu Piaopiao!"

"Upstairs, something is wrong with you."

"??? My Lord Piao?"


Fans spoke up.

Although everyone is an ordinary person, after a few days, you can still hear the emotional changes in the song "Little Orange".

It was an inexplicable sense of astonishment that transformed from a young girl into a young fu.

But there is no doubt that this song was sung even better by Xiaojuzi.

For a while, there were endless gifts and rewards in the live broadcast room.

Before Liu Xiao could make a move, the list of Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room began to jump up.

In just half an hour, the list has raised more than 200 million.

"Today's event final, even though Brother Xiao Xiao is here, we still have to do our best!"

"I support 2000 yuan. Little Orange sings really well. She will definitely be a superstar in the future. This 2000 yuan is for you to see my barrage. When Little Orange becomes a superstar, I will rely on this What a blah blah blah blah!”

"Hehe, all of you are purposeful. My backhand is a hundred free tiger food. Don't thank me, it's just so grand!"

"By the way, Daheng didn't move at all today, and their top anchors are so abnormal, did something happen to Daheng?"

"Pull it down, whatever happens to Daheng!"

After Xiaojuzi sang a song, she thanked the fans who gave gifts.

After such a long time, Xiaojuzi has adapted to the rhythm of the live broadcast very well. With the four-hour live broadcast every day, online tourists basically cannot feel the passage of time.

Of course, singing will always be the main theme of Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room, and this cannot be changed.

Zhao Ning's live broadcast started at [-]:[-] pm today, and today is the last day of the event, and overtime is inevitable. It is impossible for the live broadcast to end before [-]:[-] pm.

Liu Xiao was playing games on his mobile phone, and at the same time was broadcasting the live broadcast on the TV screen.

Liu Xiao reckoned that Daheng would be unlikely to make a move tonight, and he didn't have much desire to make a move in his heart. For a while, Liu Xiao was happy and quiet.

But Liu Xiao wanted to be quiet, but the Misty Rain Union didn't think so.

Although Daheng and Lehua won one and lost one in this event, they both benefited from the previous pk. Only Misty Rain has not opened much yet, and the list of the entire union is less than [-] million .

If it was yesterday, even if Misty Rain was sold, it might not be able to win the first place.

But last night, the top three rankings were released. Lehua won No.1. At the same time, he became a competitor of Daheng and Misty Rain, and their two rankings have been merged into one.

"Shara, try to bring the rhythm of the live broadcast room up, and I will go to your live broadcast room to check the rankings in a while. No matter what, I must praise you tonight."

Yimino Yanyu called Shala out, and told her carefully.

He is a more cautious person, and he will make a good judgment before making a move, which is quite similar to Brother Hua.

But Brother Hua is a guy who has no desires and no desires. He is different from the misty rain. He can not have wine and meat, but he is on the same level as Brother Jiu in terms of sex.

"Brother Yanyu, don't worry, I've been with YY for several years, and in terms of qualifications, I'm higher than all Huya's anchors."

Sarah straightened up and said proudly.

Although she is a singing anchor, her figure is still very predictable.

When I was with Yishaoyanyu before, the Yishuiyanyu had been doing it for several days in a row, which was very refreshing, and finally bought her a car.

But recently, she got tired of being played by Yi Mino Yan Yu, and replaced it with the little secretary with a slightly smaller figure beside her.

Although she is slightly inferior, she looks a little better than her. Of course, the most important thing is the freshness.

When Yimino Yanyu heard what Sarah said, she immediately laughed too.

This salad is really no nonsense.

YY’s live broadcast was much earlier than Huya’s. When YY worked hard in the live broadcast room for six or seven years, there was no sign of Huya. If it weren’t for the change in the rhythm of the Internet, the current YY would probably still be a big brother.

Of course, Huya is also a subsidiary of YY, so it cannot be said that YY has fallen.

And to be able to cook the first sister's salad for several years on such a YY platform, how can you not have some real skills?

Yi MooYu looked at Sarah's undulating figure, and suddenly felt a long-lost impulse.

"Salad, are you okay after tonight's live broadcast?"

"Brother Yanyu, I want to eat the waffles at the gate of your neighborhood tomorrow morning."

Sha La's eyes lit up, and she naturally lay in Yi Mino's arms.

"Of course, but I'm sure you won't have waffles tonight, but sausage is fine."

A minion of misty rain laughed.

"Brother Yanyu, I have a big appetite. I can't finish it tonight. I can eat it with waffles tomorrow."

Sha La stuck out her tongue playfully, which immediately caused a cloud of mist and rain to be distracted.

Gently patted Shala on the back, signaling Shala to hurry into the live broadcast room.

Seeing Sarah walking into the room obediently, Yimo Yanyu turned her head in satisfaction.

And when he turned around, he saw the little secretary he had just hired a while ago looking at him with a resentful expression.

"Hahaha, come with me, I'll get you sausages to eat."

Seeing that there was no one around, Yi Mino Yanyu went up to pick up the little secretary and walked into the room.

There is a small cubicle in his office.

When it was first renovated, he said that he had the habit of taking a lunch break, and he specially made a small cubicle with good sound insulation, which was a full ten square meters, which was basically the same as an ordinary bedroom.

Many female anchors from the Misty Rain union have come to this room to discuss business matters with Yishui Misty Rain.

Although I don't know what the content of the conversation was, when the female anchors broadcast it, their faces were very rosy, and it seemed that the results of the conversation were very good.

As for the male anchor, when Yishao Yanyu talked with them, he was usually in the outside office, and had never entered this small room, even the current brother of Yanyu's union, Kuze, had never entered.

Of course, everyone knew about Yishui Misty Rain in their hearts, but they didn't choose to say it out.

After all, Yishui Misty Rain has never chosen to force anyone. This kind of thing of your own will, no matter how exaggerated it is, is the choice of others.

Even those few female anchors who went in together to talk about things with Yishui Misty Rain were their own choices.

In the room, Yiminianyu was playing games with the little secretary, while watching the live broadcast of Shala, and occasionally rewarding a few treasure maps or something, while watching countless tourists in the live broadcast room swiping 666 on the public screen, Yiminianyu My heart is extremely satisfied.

Of course, he did not forget today's formality.

After playing for a while and entering the sage mode, Yishao Misty Rain also became serious.

Opened WeChat and sent a message to Sha La, and Yishui Yanyu collected the funds together and rushed them all into Huya's system.

"Huya's large-amount system is really convenient to recharge, and the agreement with the bank is also good, and the funds come up very quickly."

Yimino Misty Rain was very satisfied.

In the past, Huya was the same as YY, with a maximum daily consumption limit of 1000 million. However, after Liu Xiao frantically swiped a few times, Huya canceled this tasteless setting, and even negotiated agreements with the four major banks. , the transfer speed is very fast.

Therefore, there is no need to charge money in advance for the current live streaming list, as long as the money is prepared in the bank card.

(End of this chapter)

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