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Chapter 410 In the Salad Live Broadcasting Room, Brother Yanyu Takes Action!

Chapter 410 In the Salad Live Broadcasting Room, Brother Yanyu Takes Action!
In the live broadcast room, Sha La, who received the news, was looking forward to it.

She did pretty well in YY before, but after coming to Huya, she still has her own way of dealing with people.

When playing games with brothers Xiao Xiao and Xiao Huya in the live broadcast room before, Sarah maintained her personality very well.

Although it may seem a bit scratchy to ordinary people, in the eyes of the rich elder brother, he likes her the most, just like a woman who can get it for money.

Although the words are not pleasant, this is just Sarah's own way of dealing with the world, and her years of live broadcasting have proved that her method is quite effective, and even the Yishuiyanyu, who has been tired of playing for a long time, has been recreated. It's provocative.

"Although Brother Yanyu only has [-] million, Daheng and Lehua probably won't be able to earn much. As long as you can win the championship in this competition in my live broadcast room, you can definitely look forward to your future development!"

Salad was very much looking forward to.

Her talent is not bad. Although she may not be as good as Xiaojuzi, she still has confidence in Pingping Xia Nuan. As long as she is given a chance, she will definitely take advantage of the trend and soar into the sky!
Although the current Misty Rain guild is only ranked third, she is still very popular as the No. Speaking of activities, the popularity is not bad compared to Xia Nuan.

And following Yi Minoyue's attack in the salad live broadcast room, tourists who usually don't come here frantically poured into the live broadcast room.

"Welcome everyone to Sala's live broadcast room."

"Good evening, everyone. I'm Sarah, the talent anchor of Misty Rain Union. I'm good at singing, but I also have some experience in dancing."

Sarah loosened the shoulder straps a little, deliberately showing a touch of spring in front of the camera.

However, Sarah's control is very subtle. No matter which direction the audience looks from, they can only see the few things that do not violate the rules. All parts of the body with the words "violate the rules" are completely covered by the clothes.

And this kind of live broadcast, which is eager to welcome and refuse, makes a large group of tourists unable to go out after entering the live broadcast room.

Especially the two shoulder straps that have slipped to the side of the shoulders, it seems that as long as the breeze blows gently, they will fall off, and the tourists are even more reluctant to leave the live broadcast room.

And tourists who have seen Salad play games before will be looking forward to whether Salad will give them some benefits or the like.

"I think Salad should be less than twenty this year."

In the live broadcast room, a tourist said seriously.

"Upstairs, how did you see it?"

"Look, the two shoulder straps are stuck on the side of Shala's shoulders, but no matter how Shala twists them, the two shoulder straps will not move, which makes people anxious. If Shala is older, the two shoulder straps It will definitely fall, and if it doesn’t fall now, it proves that Shala is young.”

"???What's the meaning?"

The fan explained in a serious manner that he is still a king, and the typed words were placed at the top of the public screen, where many people could see it.

However, most of the tourists in the live broadcast room did not understand his explanation.

Can it be related to being old and not falling off the shoulder strap?

"Because the old shoulders are slippery, and if they can't fall off now, doesn't that prove that Sarah is young."

"Hehe, what a cold joke."


"This cold joke, I would like to call it the coldest of the year."

In the live broadcast room, a series of full stops passed by.

They thought that the big brother king knew something inside, but they didn't expect to come up with such a cold joke.

It's still August, and when it's hot, this cold joke made their irritated bodies tremble uncontrollably.

Sarah didn't have time to pay attention to the barrage now, her attention was all on the new tourists who joined the live broadcast room.

"Everyone click on the lower right corner, ten light sticks will be able to participate in the lottery, the prize is 1 yuan in cash, as long as ten light sticks give the anchor card a brand, one yuan can participate."

Seeing the rising popularity, Sha La hastily sent out a TV red envelope.

She has just come to Huya's side and has no foundation. Naturally, she doesn't dare to give out red envelopes for free in the live broadcast room like Xia Nuan and Xiaojuzi. After all, the VIP seat is also very important to her.

There was such a set of evaluations in the game area before, and it was also the default rule for everyone.

If there are 1000 people in the VIP seats in the live broadcast room, you can be called a first-line anchor in the game area, and if you have 5000 people in the VIP seats in the live broadcast room, you can be called a super first-line anchor.

This data has improved after the two drainages of Huya, but the approximate data remains unchanged.

As for the Xingxiu District, similar to this evaluation rule, there is also a default strength evaluation.

Fifty in the VIP table, even if it is a second-tier anchor.

Three hundred at the VIP table can be regarded as a second-tier anchor, and one thousand is a proper first-tier anchor.

As for top-line anchors like Xia Nuan, the number of VIP seats in the live broadcast room is basically maintained at more than 3000 to 4000, which is considered very powerful.

For celebrity anchors like Xiaojuzi, there are at least 3000 VIP seats in the live broadcast room. If there is a little event or something, paying [-] is just like playing.

Compared with the game area, there are much fewer tourists in Xingxiu District, but on the contrary, tourists in Xingxiu District have a strong spending power.

This has led to the polarization of the Xingxiu District. Many small anchors’ live broadcast rooms do not even have a thousand people, and there are only twenty or thirty people in the VIP seats, but this person is a third-tier anchor. Although there are few people in the VIP seats, But they are all big brothers who can brush the list, and they are often worth tens of thousands of dollars.

Many people have 8000 to [-] people in the live broadcast room, but there are only [-] to [-] people in the VIP seats, but in the end, this person is not a popular anchor, and the [-] to [-] people in the VIP seats are all these tens of thousands of people Ordinary tourists who have activated swordsman or other titles here have spending power, but it is pitifully low.

In many cases, such anchors live broadcast for one night, and there are a lot of bullet screens, but the gifts they receive don't even add up to 200 yuan.

The VIP seat is not the only criterion for judging the anchor of the star show area, but it can represent the cards of a star show anchor.

Sala came to Huya for the first time, and even though she had VIPs from YY, she was still far behind Huya.

It has been developed for more than a week, and now there are only more than 1000 people in the VIP seats, not even 2000 people.

The key point is that this is still when there are events. When there are no events, there may only be a thousand VIPs.

Although she can be regarded as a big anchor in the Xingxiu District, but for Sarah, a sister who was carefully trained by the Misty Rain Union, this statistic is a bit low.

The news of 1 yuan for one yuan is still very exciting. Many tourists in the live broadcast chose to gamble on their luck, spending money and swiping ten fluorescent sticks to give Shala a fan sign.

Seeing that the number of VIP seats in the live broadcast room increased by two or three hundred people, Sarah was instantly happy.

Before the brand loses its intimacy in a few days, at least one-tenth of the new fans will be retained.

It is absolutely no problem to send out ten packages in one night, and the VIP seats will eventually increase to 200 people.

Yimino Misty Rain also nodded in satisfaction when she saw Sala's proficient fans.

As expected of the beautiful anchor taught by his top leader, this strength is indeed leveraged.

Yimino Misty Rain didn't intend to hesitate any longer, and directly opened her gift bar.

Since I came to Huya, I have bought some gifts in the live broadcast rooms of Sha La, Kuze and some union anchors. Although the list of gifts is almost [-] million, it is actually not many among so many anchors.

The Sala live broadcast room, which he took care of mainly, only had a list of about [-] million.

In the current Huya, although the 3000 million list is also a big hit, but compared to the super gods like Brother Jiu, Brother Hua, Laowu, Sister Feifei and Brother Xiao Xiao, there are also Xiaohuya and Xingjue who are of the same level. For Shenhao, it seems a little ordinary.

In addition, the popularity of the Misty Rain Union is not high, therefore, the name Yishui Misty Rain is not well known by many people, and many people have only heard of this level.

"Tonight, you should also remember my name."

A minion of misty rain said silently.

To get along well on the new platform, an excellent head anchor is very important, and a well-known big brother is also very important.

Just like Xiao Xiao, as long as you go to any live broadcast room, you can bring hundreds of thousands of traffic with you.

Two days ago, when I went to the game area, I just drew a red envelope in the Tiao Nan live broadcast room, and the popularity of the Tiao Nan live broadcast room increased by 50 million.

And after announcing that he would be on the list, his popularity rose to more than 200 million, close to 300 million, very quickly!

A big brother of Niubi is even better than a good anchor.

This time, it is to shape the anchor of the union, and it is also the big brother of the union.

But Yishao Misty Rain is not stupid, playing activities is playing activities, he doesn't want to make enemies with Xiao Xiao, a fierce and shameless guy.

Brother Jiu and Brother Hua don't mind the fights. After all, the family is family friends, and they are familiar with each other. It doesn't matter if they cheat each other occasionally, but Xiao Xiao doesn't know him at all. If he offends Xiao Xiao too hard, in the future There is no way to mix it up on the platform.

Therefore, before Yimino Misty Rain was about to brush up the rankings, he spoke more politely.

"The day before yesterday Brother Xiao Xiao and Brother Jiu had a PK match on the platform. I happened to be watching that match. It was really exciting. Although I am not as strong as Brother Xiao Xiao and Brother Jiu, I still have to participate in the last day of the event. "

A minion of smoke and rain laughed and spoke in the live broadcast room.

"Brother Yanyu is going to do the list today?"

"However, it seems a little bad to engage in a sneak attack. Brother Xiao Xiao only played an event with Daheng two days ago. I guess you don't have much money in your hands, right?"

"What you said above is quite correct. After all, the one-billion list is published. I can't think of anyone in this world who doesn't care. Even Brother Xiao Xiao, I guess it will take a few days."

Naturally, there were fans from Lehua in the live broadcast room. When Yishao Yanyu said this, they immediately started discussing it.

They didn't have any objections, after all, the rules of this event were clearly stated a week ago.

No.1, who won yesterday Saturday, will accept the siege of the remaining two forces.

Play within the rules of the platform, no matter how you brush Yishuiyanyu, the tourists don't say anything.

Of course, except for some unreasonable fans of the Daheng Union, those internet trolls would dare to troll on the Internet.

"What's the matter, I just came in just now, is there another big fight tonight?"

"Who is fighting? Is Sarah going to make a fuss in the live broadcast room?"

"Brother Shala and Yanyu, in the live broadcast room, understand?"

"What, Brother Yanyu is going to have a heart-to-heart battle in Sala's live broadcast room?"

Downstairs instantly understood.

"Damn it, what kind of comprehension do you have upstairs? Brother Yanyu is saying that he wants to win the rankings and take your sister!"

A few fans who came from YY saw the sudden change of the painting style in the live broadcast room, and they still felt a little uncomfortable in their hearts.

Facing Huya's team of old drivers who started the car as soon as there was a disagreement, these slightly older YY fans were really helpless.

The tourists in Huya are younger, most of them are college students, and there are also young people who have just started working.

And most of the people they came from YY are 27 or [-] years old, and even a few are close to [-] or over [-], and they have already married, and even their children can walk.

They really said that they couldn't keep up with the current brain circuit of young people who drive when they disagree with each other.

After all, people with daughter-in-laws drive at home, and even if they are not good enough, they will find a little sister outside to talk about things, and they don't bother playing these things in the live broadcast room.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was good, Yimino Yanyu was not annoyed at all, and continued to interact with the tourists with a smile.

On the other side, the little secretary next to her also sensed Yi Minoyam's reaction, she climbed down and interacted with Yi Minoyam at the same time.

As soon as the three-party interaction started, a cloud of mist and rain flew up happily, and the mood was naturally great.

"It's not too early, since the official launch of this event, not to mention No. 1 for Salad, but it is still necessary to make a ranking."

"Thank you, brother Yanyu. Brother Yanyu is my big brother in the live broadcast room on YY. He usually takes good care of me. Now that he is here with Huya, brother Yanyu still chooses to follow."

"I'm Salad, thank you Brother Yanyu for your perseverance!"

Sarah quickly expressed her gratitude in the live broadcast room.

In any case, the surface subdivision must be sufficient.

With that said, most of the visitors in the live broadcast room immediately understood.

This salad was the big anchor of the YY platform before, and Yishao Yanyu was also the big brother Shenhao of that platform.

Everyone on the YY platform has naturally heard of it.

"No wonder, I said that Shala is a new anchor, how come he suddenly became so popular, it turned out to be from YY, so it's no wonder, although I don't often go to YY, but it is definitely a big platform .”

"Tch, I was there when the platform was hyped a few days ago, and I can guarantee that even though Sha La is transferred from YY, Hu Ya probably can't compare to Sha La's ability to play games in the live broadcast room! "

A tourist moves the road.

They are the first batch of tourists who are fans of Salad Circle, and their loyalty is relatively high.

But apart from these, the salad live broadcast is indeed quite exciting, and it is still quite watchable.

Of course, watching Salad's live broadcast is a bit of a waste of hands, and a bit of a waste of kidneys.

If you can overcome these two points, it will definitely be fun to watch.

As for Yimino Yanyu, after chatting and farting with the tourists in the live broadcast room for a while, seeing that the time pointer on the phone reached ten o'clock, she also opened the gift bar directly, and selected the gift with the highest amount in Huya.

Magic book!
(End of this chapter)

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