Chapter 411
Although a single magic book is only 99 yuan, you can give 1314 pieces at a time.

It not only has a card face, but also represents the meaning of protection.

On the Huya platform, it is rare for a big brother to use this gift to make a ranking for the anchor.

For example, on Lehua's side, Xiao Xiao only gave this exclusive gift to Xiaojuzi, and on Daheng's side, Brother Jiu only gave this gift to Xia Nuan.

As for Xiao Huya and the others, they usually used it, but they had never used this kind of gift in Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room. After all, everyone knew that Brother Xiao Xiao was the number one brother in Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room.

And the reason why Yishui Misty Rain chose this gift was to swear her sovereignty to the Huya platform.

No matter what the other live broadcast rooms are like, the first brother in the Shala live broadcast room is him!
No matter what problems there are in the Shala live broadcast room, his ID, Yimin Misty Rain, is there to guard him!
Without further ado, Yimino Misty Rain directly typed out a set of 1314 magic books.

"Since Brother Yanyu made a move, we old people who came from YY naturally have to help us."

"Hahaha, that's right, the first event for those of us old people who came from YY, it's more comfortable to play here with our own anchor!"

As soon as Yimino Misty Rain made a move, dozens of local tyrants in the live broadcast room immediately spoke.

After all, the Misty Rain guild has developed in YY for several years, and has accumulated a group of loyal fans. Many of them are familiar with Yimino Misty Rain, and they usually play very well.

Not much else to say, it is still very easy to make a million list.

And after they came to Huya, they were quickly infected by the atmosphere of Huya, and their shots gradually became more generous.

On YY, they used to make rankings for the anchors and meet girls for fun, but since they came to Huya a few days ago, they realized that rewarding the anchors is not just for fun, more The most important thing is to communicate with brother Shenhao of the same level.

Although YY was also very fierce before, and Yishui Misty Rain was also very strong, but after all, the strength is limited, and there is no way to drive the consumption of the entire platform by the power of one person, and the communication between the big brothers is naturally relatively limited. Resources cannot be exchanged.

But it was different on Huya's side. Under Xiao Xiao's strong leadership, two very obvious circles had formed on Huya's side.

The first one is the Lehua circle headed by Xiao Xiao, Xiaohuya and Beibei, and the second is the Daheng circle headed by Brother Jiu and Brother Hua.

The level of Shenhao on both sides is mostly discussed in terms of spending power on the platform.

For example, on Lehua's side, Brother Xiao Xiao is naturally at the first level, while Xiao Huya, Beibei, and Xingjue are at the second level, and Junjun and Xiaotian are at the third level.

In normal times, there may be two big brothers in a live broadcasting room, and under normal circumstances, the purpose of these two big brothers to make the rankings is mostly for the female anchor, and they can get together in a few cases.

But for two simple people, one is that it is difficult to communicate with each other, and the other is that the resource circulation rate is low, and there are very few things that can help each other.

The level on Lehua's side solves this problem.

As long as you are the big brother who makes the list for this union, you usually go back to the live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi, Baldy and Yangzi to play. You may not be familiar with each other for a day, but after a month, you can always meet several times. Slowly, these dozens Hundreds of people are familiar with each other.

In addition, Xiao Huya has established a relationship with the Shenhao group, even when he is not on the account, he will communicate with each other.

And these big brothers' rankings in the live broadcast room are to show their strength, and it is also a way to rank seniority.

It's like an army, engaged in product manufacturing, it was very difficult to manage the original 4000 million dishes, and no buyers could be found.

But after Xiaohuya and Beibei helped out a little, in just over a month, the company had doubled in size, and it was about to run into billions of assets.

While Xiaohuya and Beibei helped Junjun, they also took over Junjun's business and became the upstream big customers of Junjun's business, and they also got benefits at the same time.

If there is no such platform, in normal times, it would be more difficult for Junjun to get to know a big customer who can accept all his goods, but Xiaohuya and Beibei need to know such a well-known and trustworthy downstream supply and marketing company. Business, I am afraid it is not easy.

On the other hand, after porting this relationship to the live broadcast platform, everything became clear.

The things that can’t be talked about offline usually can only be used for commercial bragging, so don’t pay attention to it. In the live broadcast room, all kinds of jokes and jokes can be used as jokes.

And in the WeChat group, you can even brag about it.

From this aspect, you can understand a person's personality most intuitively, and naturally you can cooperate more confidently.

And the first ones to see this benefit were Brother Hua and Brother Jiu.

Although their financial resources are not as strong as Xiao Xiao's, they can add up to make a splash, and gradually get out of their own Daheng circle.

It has to be said that after seeing the ecology of Huya, the eldest brother of the Misty Rain Union was obviously jealous.

Lehua has brother Xiao Xiao, Daheng has brother Hua, and they also have brother Yanyu on their side of Yanyu.

As long as they hugged Yi Mino Yanyu's thigh tightly, it would be a matter of time before the big brothers on their side of Misty Rain formed a circle.

Although the circle may be smaller, it will definitely bring greater help to their careers.

Even, they can also join the circles of Lehua and Daheng to complement each other.

Compared with the tens of millions of asset enhancements, usually a million list a month is just like a joke, and the advertising fee for advertising the company's products is much higher than this.

Besides, in other places, there are no such good advertising opportunities.

Therefore, YY veteran big brothers who have figured out the rules of Huya's big brothers in the past few days have also invested in the live broadcast industry one after another.

Yi MinoYanYu was also very happy to see the elder brothers of her department making moves one after another.

Although it's not a big deal for these big brothers to spend 2000 million for this pk, but you must know that these big brothers are all the revenue of his union.

Moreover, more brushes will greatly help the development of the trade union, so that advertisers will see the potential and will naturally be willing to invest.

This is a virtuous circle.

"Super God Emperor [One Minion Misty Rain] sent a magic book *1314*5 combos!"

"Super God Emperor [One Minion Misty Rain] sent a magic book *1314*6 combos!"


Yimino Misty Rain didn't hesitate any longer, and started frantically swiping in the live broadcast room.

"Brother Yanyu, bull beep!"

"Brother Yanyu and Daheng should have joined forces for this event, right? Why didn't Daheng make a move?"

"Stupid you guys, brother Jiu and fourth brother only made [-] million yuan two days ago, and they probably have no money in their hands, and there is a high possibility that brother Hua also paid, otherwise they will definitely not be able to raise [-] billion yuan. No need to think about it, Daheng must have turned off today."

"But it doesn't matter. Brother Xiao Xiao probably only has seven or eight billion in his hand. After all, no matter how rich Brother Xiao Xiao is, he can't be so quick that he can spend a billion without blinking."

"Nonsense, Brother Xiao Xiao will never admit defeat!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, bull beep, I said it!"

On the public screen, seeing a tourist talking about brother Xiao Xiao, many Lehua fans expressed dissatisfaction.

Yimino Yanyu saw the bullet screen on the public screen, and was quite happy at first. After all, he really planned to do so. When Daheng and Lehua spent all their capital, he would choose to take the melons.

But now he is doing the rankings, what's the matter with so many tourists talking about Xiao Xiao in the live broadcast room, can't you give him a little face for this brother Yanyu?

On the other side, in Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room, many tourists have swiped the public screen to report.

Liu Xiao looked at the barrage for a while, and then at the gift message at the top of the live broadcast room, and immediately understood what was going on.

Liu Xiao, who originally thought that today would be a boring day, suddenly lifted his spirits.

The upgrade of the system will cost one billion yuan this time, and even a fraction of it is still not enough.

Now that the money in the Shenhao card is used up, the consumption on the live broadcast is all real cash. For every penny, the consumption limit on the system will increase by one penny.

Now someone is challenging, of course Liu Xiao will not waste this great opportunity.

The money transferred to Sister Feifei before was counted as the company's assets, even if Sister Feifei swiped it, it would not be counted as the amount, and he gave Xiaojuzi a gift just out of voluntary behavior.

Of course, if you give Little Orange 4000 million, 1000 million will be given to Little Orange, and 5000 million will become the property of the union, which can only be regarded as [-] million.

But after all, it is much better than the Shenhao card that cannot give gifts to relatives.

Swipe one billion, at least it can increase the quota by five hundred million, can't it?
Liu Xiao looked at his account.

Since starting a technology company, Liu Xiao has never used the bug function of wealth investment card.

It is indeed a bit scary to double one billion to two billion.

Liu Xiao would not use this card again unless he was really short of money.

But when there is a real shortage of money, it should not exist.

Next month, Huawei will bring hundreds of billions of funds to form a new company, and it is estimated that there will be nowhere to spend the money in a short time.

I transferred [-] billion to the account before, and transferred a little to Sister Feifei, and I still have [-] billion in funds.

Without hesitation, Liu Xiao directly opened the client terminal and recharged [-] million Tiger Bud Coins.

Everyone in the live broadcast room saw Brother Xiao Xiao's title first disappearing and then reappearing a minute later, they all got excited.

Needless to say, brother Shenhao usually has such an operation, so don't think about it, he must be charging money.

"Brother Xiao Xiao didn't give in, Brother Xiao Xiao started again!"

"I knew Brother Xiao Xiao must be invincible. I don't know what Brother Xiao Xiao will do tonight, but I'm still looking forward to it!"

"Brother Yanyu is actually quite fierce. After all, he has used hundreds of millions of credits on YY, but in front of Brother Xiao Xiao, it shouldn't be a big problem."

In the live broadcast room, tourists expressed their opinions.

In normal times, everyone would say without hesitation that Brother Xiao Xiao will win.

After all, Brother Xiao Xiao's usual consumption on the platform has always been proud of the entire platform.

But two days ago, Brother Xiao Xiao and Daheng fought a world-shattering battle. Brother Xiao Xiao made [-] million by himself, and with Sister Lele, they made more than [-] million to nearly [-] million that night. amount.

You must know that the most collected in the past few months was only [-] million. Such a high list is definitely the first time in the world.

Although many people believe in Brother Xiao Xiao, they are rational after all, thinking that it is impossible for Brother Xiao Xiao to continue to brush.

Seeing Brother Jiu and Brother Hua turned off the lights today, isn't that the best proof?

"Anyway, Brother Xiao Xiao fights a group by himself, even if he loses, it's awesome!"

"Don't be so sad. Since Brother Xiao Xiao chose to go out to recharge the money, he must be sure of winning. Besides, who said that Xiaojuzi will lose tonight?"

On the public screen, a series of dazzling big brother IDs appeared one after another.

Xiao Huya's barrage with gold borders also appeared in the center of the live broadcast room.

Next, a series of head brothers such as Xingjue and Beibei, as well as the one or two hundred brothers of the emperor group and king group came on the number one after another.

"Damn it, this special effect rain, I feel like my graphics card is going to burn!"

"Heh, 3060t, don't panic at all, my computer said that the scene can be bigger, and I can handle it!"

"Brothers, please don't show up together, I'm Blu-ray 6M, the screen is almost blurred!"

"Fortunately, I'm in an Internet cafe. It's not my computer that's broken. It's just that when I get off the computer, I may have to consider whether the network administrator will kill me."

Huya officials don't care whether tourists' computers and mobile phones will be burned by special effects.

After Vice President Du received the server from Liu Xiao, he directly carried out a series of reforms. With the running speed of the virtual disk server, it would be more than enough to increase the existing data flow by ten times.

As soon as the server integration was completed, Vice President Du adjusted the highest traffic that their respective computers could carry for all the anchors.

In the live broadcast room of top anchors like Xiaojuzi, they usually only dare to turn on high-definition display when they are playing events, but today, Vice President Du took out the Blu-ray 8M that has just been adjusted for a long time.

Of course, Xiaojuzi's computer was able to resist. After all, such a big villa, Yulong Bay, is equipped with a top-notch computer, but this is a pain for the tourists in the live broadcast room.

Not to mention the Blu-ray 8M, even if the Blu-ray 6M is turned on, under the special effect of the ultra-high-definition Shenhao entering the scene, the screen of the mobile phone is so hot that it is almost untouchable.

There was even a big brother who wanted to adjust the definition, and directly burned his fingers and yelled.

"Although I know that the phone will burn out, but I just can't bear to reduce the clarity. The Blu-ray 8M looks really cool!"

The frame-by-frame data is so clear and scary.

"Huya didn't know what medicine he took wrongly recently. Today I came to have a look. All the anchor live broadcast rooms are displayed on Blu-ray 6M, especially in the game area. The clarity of the game screen is almost the same as that of the live broadcast. The server performance is simply amazing. fear!"

"Blu-ray 8M has just been released. I heard that Huya is already developing the resolution of Blu-ray 15M. However, the computer of many anchors can't handle the resolution of Blu-ray 15M. To run a live broadcast with such a resolution, at least a Core top spec is required. , Computers under 1 yuan may not be considered.”

Although the mobile phone screens and computers of the tourists were all heated up by the special effects, everyone was still very excited.

There are also many tourists whose mobile phones have started to heat up, and they are reluctant to lower the definition at all.

The mobile phone can be burned out, but the scene of the big brothers going online together is not so easy to see!

(End of this chapter)

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