Chapter 412 Brother Hua ran away!

"Brother Xiao Xiao, I haven't seen you for a few days. Do you think the cards of our Xiao family army have risen again?"

Xiao Huya smiled and typed to speak in the live broadcast room.

Most of the mobile phones of Xiaohuya’s big brothers are top-of-the-line, and the traffic bombardment in the live broadcast room is naturally able to withstand it. The first time it went online, Xiaohuya sent out a barrage, and it was not at all affected by the sudden influx of huge traffic in the live broadcast room disturb.

I haven’t seen Brother Xiao Xiao for a few days. Last night, I chose to go online and played an event in the live broadcast room, but Brother Xiao Xiao didn’t come. Today, after seeing Brother Xiao Xiao go online, I greeted Lehua in the group Big brother online together,

Xiao Huya knew very well that Brother Xiao Xiao, who called the wind and rain in the live broadcast room, was the super boss who founded the Liu Ning Group in reality, and his identity information and files were also encrypted at the highest level, although it was not clear which family Brother Xiao Xiao belonged to , but there is no doubt that even if he tied Xiao Huya and Brother Jiu and Brother Hua together, he might not be able to offend him at all.

Thinking of this, Xiao Huya became proud again.

Why did he think of joining Brother Xiao Xiao's camp at the beginning? This is so cool!

Among other things, his current relationship with Brother Xiao Xiao must be better than the relationship between Vice President Du and Brother Xiao Xiao, right?

Vice President Du obtained a virtual disk server in advance to increase Huya's computing power by more than ten times, so it might not be a big problem for him to buy one with this relationship.

This is the benefit of holding a group, and it is also the benefit of Xiao Jiajun.

Of course, most of the elder brothers of the Xiao Family Army still don't know about this news, only the elder brothers who have better information channels and who often play in the live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi can guess something.

As for the matter of finding a relationship to check the files, although there are hundreds of big brothers in the live broadcast room, there is absolutely no more than one hand with this ability.

"Have you been back to the capital recently? Go find you when you are free."

Liu Xiao replied with a smile.

On Huya's side, the big brothers Little Huya and Xingjue Beibei who are more open to play, like Junjun Xiaotian, are more or less restrained in front of him.

"It's a success, my family has a five-star hotel next to the Ping'an Hotel, and I will definitely open the highest class room for brother Xiao Xiao when the time comes!"

Xiao Huya was taken aback for a moment, and after a brief moment of blankness, he was suddenly ecstatic.

This transfer from online to offline, doesn't it mean that Brother Xiao Xiao recognizes him?
"Damn it, brother Xiaohuya, please restrain yourself, the five-star hotel next to the Ping'an Hotel is a godsend!"

"That's not right. Brother Xiaohuya is originally Brother Shenhao. It seems normal to have a hotel. Damn, what the hell, this is a five-star hotel next to Ping An Hotel!"

"Brother Xiaohuya, I also have time to go to the capital, can you also arrange a room for me, not as good as Brother Xiao Xiao, just an ordinary standard room is fine, I just want to take two random photos, of course, if Xiaohu Brother Ya can treat me casually if he wants."

"A random photo? Please describe it in detail upstairs. How casual is this photo?"

"Do you want to get dressed?"

"Upstairs, is something wrong with you?"

Originally, tourists were joking in the live broadcast room, but as they talked, it turned into a few kings typing and teasing on the public screen.

Liu Xiao glanced at it for a while, this king called "My Blue Friend is Big", he should have been a little white number before, and he probably upgraded his title in the past few days, and this person seems to be quite active, giving Lehua a lot of attention. The anchors have all swiped gifts.

Liu Xiao casually clicked on the avatar of [My Blue Friend is Big] and jumped to her homepage.

"Damn it, big big big big big big!"

When Liu Xiao saw the big news on Friends Lan's homepage, he immediately lost his composure.

Not to mention, if you want to stay in Xiaohuya's hotel when you go to the capital, it should be no problem to find a girl to talk about the scenery of the capital, right?
"Ahem, I also have a residence in the capital, just contact me when I arrive."

Liu Xiao put away his thoughts, and replied seriously in the live broadcast room.

On the other side of the capital, Mr. Du and Mr. Ren rushed to arrange a place for themselves.

And with the strength of his security team, if he really wanted to stay in Xiaohuya's hotel, he might have to scare Xiaohuya to death.

You know, this is a special establishment with hundreds of people. Even a big brother like Xiao Huya, when he sees this lineup, his first reaction is definitely whether he has committed something.

"Okay Brother Xiao Xiao, when the time comes, give me a location on WeChat, and I'll kill you right away!"

Xiao Huya readily agreed.

In the past month, he stayed in the capital and didn't plan to go out.

Xiao Huya had already made up his mind, as soon as Xiao Xiao got a message, he would drive over immediately.

The opportunity to meet in reality is not so easy to meet.

But what Xiao Huya didn't expect was that before he was ready to stay in the capital for a month, the phone rang.

Clicking on it, it was a positioning message forwarded to him by brother Xiao Xiao.

"Kyoto courtyard?"

When Xiao Huya saw the location information, he was stunned, and then his scalp went numb.

Of course, he knew this small courtyard in the capital city, and it was the top group of bigwigs in the country who could live in it.

People like his father are not qualified to visit. Only his grandfather can often enter the small courtyard in Kyoto.

But it's just to go in. If he wants to live in the small courtyard in Kyoto, at least he has to raise his grandfather's grade to another level.

To put it simply, one cannot live in that place with money!
A business family like theirs can only make friends with the people there.

And brother Xiao Xiao, actually has the ability to let him go in and visit?

Doesn't this mean that Brother Xiao Xiao is the owner of a certain villa over there?

Xiao Huya jumped up immediately.

"It's done, this wave!"

"I didn't expect Brother Xiao Xiao to have such an identity. Even the lowest-level existence in the capital courtyard is a level higher than our family background. No wonder, no wonder Brother Xiao Xiao's files cannot be queried, no wonder Brother Xiao Xiao can establish Liu Ning Group's super business group, no wonder Brother Xiao Xiao can develop such a heaven-defying product as a virtual disk server!"

For a moment, Xiao Huya suddenly realized.

Only people with the status of brother Xiao Xiao can easily gather countless scientific research talents to carry out scientific research, right?
Only someone with the identity of brother Xiao Xiao can release such awesome server technology!
"Don't worry Brother Xiao Xiao, I'll be there on time tomorrow night!!!"

Xiao Huya couldn't hold back for a moment, and even added three exclamation marks.

As for Xingjue and Beibei, although they are very envious, they are not in the capital recently, so they did not talk in the live broadcast room.

As for the second-line brothers like Junjun, I never thought that brother Xiao Xiao would go back to the line to meet them.

Even for big brothers like Xiaohuya, it's a big deal to see them once in a while.

After all, a person like Brother Xiao Xiao must have a lot of things to do every day, so how can there be so much free time to find them?
"It's decided, I'll go to Kyoto Airport tomorrow, maybe the person who gets off the plane is Brother Xiao Xiao!"

"Kyoto Airport handles millions of passengers every day, are you sure you can find Brother Xiao Xiao?"

"Upstairs, you don't understand. Do millions of times a day mean that there is a one-in-a-million chance of meeting Brother Xiao Xiao every day? You know, the probability of winning the tens of millions of prizes is only 300 million points It's just one of them, and you have to pay such a high lottery tax. Besides, Brother Xiao Xiao is definitely a dragon and phoenix among people. As long as you can see him in the airport hall, I believe that with Brother Xiao Xiao's temperament, it will be difficult not to be discovered. Much higher than one in a million!"

"Although I don't know what the upstairs said, I still understand the truth that an inch is long and an inch is strong. You are right upstairs. I will go to the camp tomorrow!"


"Hey, hey, brother Yanyu is still having a big event, can you all respect brother Yanyu a little!"

At the same time, Brother Jiu and Brother Hua, who had been watching the screen in the live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi, also had a slight movement in their hearts.

Both of them are also from the Kyoto family, especially Brother Hua. His own business is located in the capital, and it is even stronger than Xiao Huya's family.

If he took the initiative to ask, would he also have the chance to meet Brother Xiao Xiao?
Although Brother Jiu also wanted to see Brother Xiao Xiao, but after all, he and Brother Xiao Xiao had fought fiercely before. Although he conceded defeat in this event, he was still a little embarrassed for a while.

The same is true of Brother Hua.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later."

The two looked at each other, and they both saw the meaning revealed by the other.

And deeper in it, there is still a hint of embarrassment for pitting Yiyi Yanyu.

After all, they are family friends, so it is indeed a little unnatural for Yi Minoyue to go out to tease Xiao Xiao now.

"Brother Hua, I don't feel well in my stomach. It seems like I have appendicitis. If Yishui Misty Rain calls in the early morning, please tell me that I don't know anything about the operation."

Brother Jiu said a few words, and ran out in a hurry. On the way, he knocked on the glass door of the live broadcast room and called a girl who had been there several times to leave.

As for Xia Nuan, after all, today is the last day of the event. Even if she doesn't fight against Xiao Xiao, she, the first sister, still wants to broadcast live, so of course she can't pry her away.

But Brother Jiu thought about it, and it seems that there is no more comfortable here than Xia Nuan serving him. Finally, before getting in the car, he took out his mobile phone and sent Xia Nuan a message to pick her up after twelve o'clock. Escape at the speed of light.

When Brother Hua saw Brother Jiu running out of the union gate in a hurry, his face was covered with black lines.

We agreed to run the Daheng trade union together, but what if we have something to do together?
Brother Hua thought of Yishui Misty Rain's reaction tonight, and his scalp tingled again.

"Why don't you inform him now?"

Brother Hua thought, then shook his head.

Now that Yishuiyanyu has started to brush up, now that I have told Yishenyu, wouldn't it be even more uncomfortable for Yishenyu that he can't get up and down.

When the time comes, it's neither running nor running. It's probably embarrassing to dig out the three rooms and one living room. Brother Hua still won't be able to run.

"That... old five."

"Old Jiu suffered from appendicitis. He doesn't have many friends here. His family told me to take care of him. I must keep an eye on this kind of thing. Anyway, I guess there is nothing to do tonight. I will leave it to you from the trade union." .”

"By the way, this is my personal mobile phone. I'm in the hospital tonight. It's definitely not convenient to answer the phone. If someone calls me, please explain it to me."

Brother Hua hesitated for a while, then stepped forward and patted Lao Wu on the shoulder who was watching the live broadcast.

"Brother Hua, this... your private phone number, I'm afraid it's not suitable."

The fifth child looked up at Brother Hua.

He who wanted to refuse suddenly saw the relief and helplessness in Brother Hua's eyes, and immediately swallowed the words in his mouth.

"Okay Brother Hua, don't worry, I will keep an eye on the trade union."

"Okay, okay, if someone calls, just say that I am taking care of Brother Jiu in the hospital."

Brother Hua hurriedly stuffed his personal mobile phone to the fifth child, and ran out with Brother Jiu.

The Bugatti Veyron was still parked outside, Brother Hua got into the car in threes and fives, kicked the accelerator and drove towards the distance.

At this time, he can't care about being steady, he just wants to run as far as possible, and it's best to leave the square directly.

"By the way, go directly to Shanghai! I don't believe that Misty Rain will find me today and tomorrow!"

Brother Hua finally made the best decision with his clever mind.

The most dangerous place is the most dangerous bah, the safest place!
By the time Yi Minoyue came from Shanghai to Guangzhou to trouble her, she was already sitting in the boss's chair in the branch of Shanghai and thinking about life.

He definitely gave himself full marks for this wave of shape-shifting!
As for Brother Jiu
What kind of appendicitis needs surgery, do you pretend to be someone else and not go back to the hospital to find you?

Besides, as for the location of Brother Jiu's villa, you only need to ask someone a little, and it will not be a matter of time before he is caught. Now Brother Jiu is a bomb, and he is absolutely not allowed to go there.

The more he thought about it, the calmer Hua Ge became.

He escaped this wave, be steady!
And in Sala's live broadcast room, Yishao Misty Rain was still bragging proudly.

After all, with [-] million funds tonight, in his opinion, winning the final ranking of this event is already a sure thing.

At that time, no matter what, even if the recommended position is taken away by Daheng, their Misty Rain union will have an opportunity to develop.

As far as Huya's current income situation is concerned, as long as it can get about a quarter of the share, and the monthly revenue exceeds [-] million, there should be no major problems.

The investment in this activity will come back in a few months.

Sure enough, Huya is better, the decision to switch to the platform is really correct!

"Brother Yanyu is invincible!"

Seeing the tourists frantically swiping the barrage in the live broadcast room, the corners of Yishao Misty Rain's mouth suddenly curled up.

After tonight, all tourists in Huya will know him, Huya's new big brother Shenhao!

Thinking of this, Misty Rain sent out another set of 1314 magic books.

"Salah, we will open a free lottery for the audience in the live broadcast room. We will talk about the upgrade of the brand later. Tonight is all about getting high!"

"Brother Yanyu!"

Sarah hesitated for a moment, but quickly agreed.

Although in her opinion Brother Yanyu seems to be a little bit drifting tonight, he gave up such a good opportunity to increase the number of fans for no reason, but what he said makes sense, as long as he can win tonight, it is not a word to increase some VIP fans in the future thing!

(End of this chapter)

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