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Chapter 413 Xiaofei: 5th brother tricked me, I can't handle this pot!

Chapter 413 Xiao Fei: Brother Wu tricked me, I can't handle this pot!
"Brother Xiao Xiao, let's play this game tonight. Anyway, there is still an hour and a half left. If you can't handle it by then, it's not too late for you to make a move."

Xiao Huya saw that brother Xiao Xiao had given out several sets of gifts, and hurriedly spoke on the public screen.

Knowing Brother Xiao Xiao's real identity, he doesn't think that Brother Xiao Xiao will have no money at this moment. On the contrary, he thinks that Brother Xiao Xiao has too much money now. If Brother Xiao Xiao will make a move now, there are really no such Brother Shenhao, what happened.

After all, hundreds of them have come, so they have to move their hands and muscles.


Liu Xiao readily agreed.

No matter how much you do tonight, it is impossible to make up the one billion quota. It is better to let Xiao Huya and the others play their best. After all, they are members of their Xiao family army, so they still need to have this momentum.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Brother Xiao Xiao is inflated. After all, the Misty Rain Guild is also a big guild. This makes Brother Xiao Huya and the others make a move. It is very likely that it will not be enough."

"What are you thinking upstairs? Brother Xiaohuya's strength is not weak. Yesterday, when he went online, he earned tens of millions of dollars. It is estimated that the amount of money generated is hundreds of millions. It is definitely the same as Brother Yanyu's side!"

"Besides, Brother Xiao Xiao just said to let Xiao Huya and the others play first, but he didn't say that he would not make a move!"

"Let me tell you, brother Xiaohuya guessed that brother Xiao Xiao had no money, so he took the initiative to say that he wanted to take over the offer. After all, brother Xiao Xiao did a little too much the day before yesterday."

The tourists in the live broadcast room had everything they said, and they analyzed each of them clearly and logically.

Seeing the last barrage, Xiao Huya secretly wiped the hot sweat from his forehead.

Are you kidding me, the boss of Liu Ning Group will have no money?
And as Brother Xiao Xiao lives in a small courtyard in the capital, if you don’t have money, as long as you open your mouth, countless people will come to give it to you, even his Xiaohuya is no exception. Although it is a bit exaggerated to say so, a circle is a circle , From ancient times to the present, this kind of class has been unbreakable, and those without strength can't get in. Brother Xiao Xiao can step into this circle, it proves that he has this strength, and he is also recognized by the big bosses in the circle. .

He knew in his heart that brother Xiao Xiao really regarded them as his own by giving them this opportunity.

And among them, only a few people knew in their hearts that this was an opportunity to show Brother Xiao Xiao their strength, and Xiao Huya was one of these people, and also the strongest one among them.

To be honest, before coming here today, Xiao Huya went to talk to the elders of the family again, and got a lot of money, the purpose is to completely establish a good relationship with Brother Xiao Xiao on Huya's side, but he didn't have to worry about it. What I thought of was that brother Xiao Xiao would actually live in that place in the capital.

As long as this can be achieved, let alone tens of millions, even hundreds of millions or even hundreds of millions, the family will fully support it.

Seeing more and more tourists in the live broadcast room, Liu Xiao also stopped to collect gifts, leaving the stage to big brothers like Xiao Huya.

In Liu Xiao's mind, he was already planning to go to the capital to buy something to upgrade his system again.Although the amount is only one billion yuan, the money cannot be used for business investment, and it is difficult to spend it.

Those villas and mansions worth hundreds of millions now live in small courtyards in Kyoto, and it seems that there is no need to buy them.

As for companies that make supercars like Ferrari and Lamborghini, it is estimated that they will not be able to get them in a short time. It will take time to customize these things.

You don't need luxury cars and mansions, and you can't get many gifts. For a while, Liu Xiao was really confused.

"If you go to the mall to scan the goods, the one billion yuan is estimated to be able to buy the entire mall."

Liu Xiao smiled wryly.

If he really did this, he might get a news report the next day, and he would be too famous by then, which is not what he wanted.

As for buying those watches or something.

Patek is only 100 million, and the Lushuigui boutique is only 200 million. Even if you add a supreme watch strap and a Ruitu classic model, it is only 500 million at most.

As for the more upscale ones, sorry, like supercars, they all need to be customized.

"Although live broadcast consumption takes some time to meet the requirements, it is the most trouble-free one, and in terms of speed, it is much faster than others."

Liu Xiao sighed slightly.

Specifically how to do it, it seems that I can only wait until I go to the capital tomorrow to make plans. Maybe after meeting Xiao Huya, I can get myself a new consumption idea, and a billion consumption quota may be enough. up.

"I'm distressed, I hope that Yishui Yanyu will work harder and beat Xiao Huya and the others to the ground, and I can take advantage of the situation to turn the tide. Otherwise, Xiao Huya will blow Yishui Yanyu with a hammer. Wouldn't it be a success if I get a few more billions of gifts? Is it too cute (silly beep)?"

One billion, put it on the Internet, that is, a 1 followed by nine 9s, but if it is put in reality, I am afraid that it can fill one floor of the villa in Yulong Bay where Liu Xiao lives now, and truly experience What is the feeling that money is like dung.

As the top countries in the world, Chinese and national currencies are still very valuable. Two yuan a catty of rice can be enough for one person to eat for a day and a half, and eighty cents a catty of potatoes can be enough for one person to cook two dishes.

If you have 50 yuan for a meal, you can barely eat enough. If you have [-] yuan, you can eat well. If you have [-] yuan, you can eat very well. As for [-] yuan, it is basically ordinary The best match among people.

[-] to [-], such as king crab caviar and black truffles, you can eat them all.

One billion is enough for Liu Xiao to eat 27 meals of top-quality meals. Even if he eats two meals a day, it will last for more than [-] years.

Of course, this kind of algorithm is definitely unrealistic. In reality, even if Liu Xiao is so late every day, this one billion can last for thousands of years.

For one billion yuan of funds, the bank will give at least [-]% interest every year, which means that there will be a balance of [-] million yuan in interest every year, and [-] million yuan can be eaten for two or three years, and there is simply no way to spend it all.

"It's distressing."

Liu Xiao unconsciously sighed again.

I really envy Brother Hua Jiu who are constantly running around in order to make their business bigger and stronger. Life is so purposeful.

It's not like him, every day when he wakes up, 1000 million will be recorded in the account, and besides that, there will be hundreds of millions of profits created by Liu Ning Group.

This more than [-] million credits per day is really too much to spend!

"If you have a chance, you must communicate with Brother Jiu and Brother Hua. Although these two guys have voted now, they still brought me a lot of fun in the past. The two of them must have more ways to lose money."

Liu Xiao shook his head, and focused his attention on Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room again.

In just a few minutes, Yisuo Misty Rain has collected more than 2000 million.

However, although Yiminoyanyu's ranking was higher, when Xiao Huya made a move, his aura directly overwhelmed Yiminyanyu's side.

The public screen, which could only hold up to ten gift banners, was maxed out in almost a second.

"Super God Emperor [a little tiger bud] gave away Tiger Ya No. 100*[-]!"

"Super God Emperor [Xingjue] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"

"Super God Emperor [Beibei]."

A series of titles of super gods and emperors not only floated on the screen in Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room, but also swiped up in all live broadcast rooms on the entire Huya platform at the same time.

For a while, almost all the tourists who did not block the special effects of nobles in the entire Huya platform saw the full screen of Super God Emperor's gift swiping the screen at the first time.

"I'll go, I'll go, this barrage of gifts from the Super God Emperor is too exaggerated!"

In Xia Nuan's live broadcast room, Xia Nuan opened her mouth into an O shape.

She didn't do this to please Brother Xiao Xiao, but she was really shocked.

On Daheng's side, there are probably three Super God Emperors, Brother Jiu, Hua Brother and Lao Wu, and most of the other big brothers from the union spend less than one million yuan, so they cannot activate the Super God Emperor's 150 million special effects.

As for Lehua in the past, the Super God Emperors consisted of Brother Xiao Xiao, Sister Feifei, Xiao Huya, and Xingjue. Heng has no effect.

But today, in her live barrage, more than a dozen pieces of world news suddenly popped up.

Except for one of them, which was from Yishui Misty Rain, all the rest of the news actually carried the logo of the Xiao Family Army!

Xiaohuya, Xingjue, Beibei, Xiaotian, Junjun, Lele.
These people are all super god emperors!

And I met a series of big brothers such as the little yellow people at Douyu before, and there were actually several groups of Huya No. 150 in just a few seconds, and the consumption quota was abruptly increased by [-] million!

As for Xiaofei, this meeting has been completely peaceful.

This time, he was very fortunate that he didn't confront Brother Hua and Jiu. The lineup on Xiao Xiao's side was indeed somewhat different from that on Daheng's side.

On their Daheng side, there are more big brothers who are bound by the anchor relationship. Although these big brothers have good spending power, it is impossible for them to earn a penny more if they spend 100 million this month. They are all businessmen. The control in all aspects is very strict, even if it is to save face for Brother Hua Jiu, it is just an extra 20 to [-], and it is unlikely that he will spend more money than he expected.

But Lehua's side is different. The big brothers on Lehua's side are all gathered with Brother Xiao Xiao as the center, and the core characters Xiao Huya and Xingjue are not unionized, pure consumer big brothers.

With the instigation of Xiaohuya's pure consumption brothers, and Xiao Xiaoge is almost the king of Huya's consumption like a banner, many big brothers are willing to climb the relationship with Xiao Xiaoge.

After all, these are all distinguishable.

Brother Hua Jiu originally wanted to use the trade union to make money, and to climb up to Brother Hua Jiu, the effect of friendship is limited after all.

But Brother Xiao Xiao is completely playing on the platform, and there is no kickback for hundreds of millions of swipes. In terms of strength, Brother Xiao Xiao is obviously stronger!
Even if the fact that brother Xiao Xiao is the boss of the Liu Ning Group is announced again, I am afraid that it will not be long before there will be sixty or seventy super god emperors in the Xiao family army.

It’s only 150 million, which many big brothers can afford, and after the first activation, the brand can be maintained with a guaranteed consumption of 50 in the next month, which is not particularly expensive.

"It's so scary."

"Brothers, to be honest, Brother Xiao Xiao's strength is really strong. Although we have done a lot this month, we are still not good enough in front of Brother Xiao Xiao."

Xiao Fei generously admitted this fact.

In the live broadcast room, the faces of many tourists from Daheng immediately dropped.

Their Daheng is very fierce, but they have been abused by brother Xiao Xiao for three months in a row. Even if Daheng swiped one billion credits two days ago, it is still difficult to completely erase the shock that Xiao Xiao brought to them before.

Especially today's own top anchors have surrendered one after another, and Xiao Xiao's side has started to frantically brush up again, many Daheng fans have already let go of their mouths.

They are now desperately hoping that a big brother will stand up and bring new hope to Daheng, but after looking left and right for a long time, there is not even a tourist who says no in the live broadcast room.

Brother Hua and Jiu have all run away, and only Lao Wu's trumpet is left in the live broadcast room. Seeing hundreds of tourists in the live broadcast room calling his name on the public screen Aite, Lao Wu suddenly loses his soul.

For the first time, he felt that these tourists in his union really didn't have any B numbers in their hearts.

Can Xiao Xiao be provoked by his small guild management?

When Xiao Xiao went to the Knife live broadcast room last time, none of you fans seemed to dare to speak.

You are afraid of being drowned by brother Xiao Xiao, and his fifth brother is also afraid.

Now Brother Hua and Jiu have already voted ahead of time, and his fifth child is still carrying Lehua on his shoulders, isn't it against Brother Xiao Xiao?

If he didn't know Brother Xiao Xiao's identity and strength before, the fifth child might dare to bite the bullet and buy a gift.

But now.
The fifth child was very worried. Before Xiao Xiao could do anything, Brother Hua and Brother Jiu had to fly back that night, put him in a sack and throw him into the river!

He didn't want to be tied up by a big rock and gulp water when he woke up tomorrow morning.
"Then what, Xiao Fei, I suddenly remembered that there is something else in the company that needs to be dealt with. It should be nothing serious tonight, so I will withdraw in advance. If there is an occasion, let Fei Peng take a look."

The fifth child fired a barrage, coughed lightly, and quickly logged off.

Seeing that the fifth child had slipped away, Xiao Fei's eyes suddenly widened.

His first brother, the reason why he dared to surrender so blatantly tonight was because the fifth brother was sitting in his live broadcast room tonight, but now that such a small matter happened, the fifth brother just ran away?

The fifth child can have a fart!
ah. no
The fifth child does have something to do tonight, but isn't the fifth child's business just to watch the situation for himself?

And he ran away, and even distributed the blame to Fei Peng.

If Fei Peng is really a big brother, then forget it, after all, the anchor does not cheat the big brother, it is unreasonable, but your sister.
This Fei Peng is Xiao Fei's trumpet!

The audience doesn't know, how can you be the person in charge of the Daheng trade union?
Xiao Fei suddenly felt a toothache.

Suddenly seeing countless tourists in the live broadcast room began to circle the Emperor Feipeng he hung on the support card in the live broadcast room, Xiao Fei felt that his teeth seemed to hurt even more.

Moreover, it is the kind that hurts the heart!
(End of this chapter)

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