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Chapter 414 Can't even beat Xiaohuya, how can I play with Xiao Xiao?

Chapter 414 Can't even beat Xiaohuya, how can I play with Xiao Xiao?

On the other side, Xia Nuan even found an excuse to download the broadcast in seconds.

Rather than being tormented by so many tourists on the live broadcast platform, it's better to go down the broadcast early and find Brother Jiu to lick it. Maybe you can get some benefits. Brother Jiu has always been more generous to her. A while ago He also gave her a car worth more than 80 yuan, which made her happy for several days.

As for tonight's broadcast, let's put it down for the time being and talk about it later. She doesn't worry about letting that vixen from the trade union accompany Brother Jiu. If she stabs herself in the back and makes her fall out of favor, wouldn't she just have to cool off, in Daheng? For many years, Xia Nuan relied on Brother Jiu to take care of her. Once Brother Jiu gave up on her, although the status of the first sister would not be affected, the good old days must be coming to an end.

And given the current situation, the anchors on Daheng's side obviously can't continue broadcasting. After all, the fans' mentality has not changed so fast. The live broadcast room has almost become a battlefield, and all Daheng fans are begging for brothers. The barrage of shots and sprays.

Xiao Fei and Xia Nuan knew very well that if the live broadcast continues tonight, except for some wild big brothers who will post some rankings, the real big brothers will definitely not move. In the end, I am afraid that the effect of the live broadcast room will be It's even more ugly, why don't you hurry up and download the broadcast now, what's the matter, wait until the event is over, the big deal is to go all out and get a million red envelopes from each live broadcast room to give to the audience.

After all, Brother Hua and Brother Jiu have already run away, and now even the fifth member of the union management has run away. Others can naturally see that something is wrong. It would be foolish to frantically swiping gifts in the live broadcast room at this time.

Seeing Xiaohuya and Xingjue, who are relatively familiar IDs, Yimino Yanyu's heart tightened.

"A few of them don't seem to be members of the trade union, right? They've racked up 4000 to [-] million in such a short period of time. Why hasn't the trend stopped?"

Yimin Misty Rain frowned.

He has swiped over [-] in his list at present. He saw Xiao Xiao making a move at first, and thought that he might fight with Xiao Xiao, but why did Xiao Xiao make a few swipes and become Xiao Huya and they made a move?
The most important thing is, Xiaohuya and the others shouldn't spend so much on Huya!

Xiaohuya's family conditions are similar to his, but he is doing rankings on the live broadcast platform to develop the Misty Rain trade union and to invest in business, but Xiaohuya and Xingjue have no shares in Lehua at all.

Even if the anchor will return his income to them in the future, but for the current list of 4000 million, the investment is still 2000 million yuan.

Xiaohuya usually spends 500 million yuan a month on Huya, and Xingjue is even less, about [-] million yuan. After a while, it's four or five times higher. Crazy?
"Impossible, is there something wrong, Xiaohuya and the others have settled in Lehua? No, Xiaohuya and the others should not look down on a shareholder of a live broadcast guild, right? If they want to do it, they will also create their own guild as the largest shareholder Boss, besides, even if you really become a shareholder, it is impossible to invest so much at once!"

Yimino Yanyu was at a loss when she saw a dozen barrages of super god emperors on the public screen.

When did Huya's Super God Emperor become so worthless?
Yimino Misty Rain couldn't figure it out, so she simply stopped thinking about it.

He now has [-] million in his hand, and he is still very confident.

Since Xiao Huya and the others want to swipe, let them do it, they can't swipe hundreds of millions, can they?

After all, it wasn't anyone, it was Xiao Xiao who was so chic, and the rewards for the anchor were directly given to the anchor, except for the platform share.

"Brave, Brother Huya and the others!"

In the Xiaojuzi live broadcast room, tourists typed one after another.

In just a few minutes, the gifts from Xiaohuya and the others didn't stop at once, and they were all Huya No. [-] gifts in groups of one hundred.

You know, this gift, a group can be 10 yuan!
Just for Xiao Huya alone, two hundred groups have already been signed, and this is a gift worth 2000 million!
"I've already turned off the barrage of gifts, the phone just couldn't bear it anymore, the special effects of this gift are too scary!"

"The Super God Emperor really has a card. More than a dozen Super God Emperors make moves at the same time. Little Orange will be surrounded by so many big brothers in the future. He will definitely be able to walk sideways on the Huya platform!"

"Nonsense, Xiaojuzi was able to walk sideways on the Huya platform, do you think that Xiaojuzi came up because of his elder brother? The talent of Xiaojuzi has been recognized by JJ, and he is definitely the leader of the next generation of Chinese music! "

"Although the above statement is a bit exaggerated, it is true. You can look at how long the two songs [Feng He] and [Ri Li] have dominated the charts on major music platforms. One is first and the other is second. And the popularity is still soaring, I bet there is no one under the age of 30 who has not heard the song of Little Orange!"

The gifts are frantically swiping the screen, but there are still some barrages of kings and emperors that can be seen. A few big brothers of the emperor are chatting on the public screen, and many tourists have seen the subtitles.

"Brave and fearless!"

"Even if Brother Xiao Xiao doesn't make a move, we won't necessarily lose today, and the same goes for Little Huya and Brother Xingjue!"

Xiaojuzi also thanked her on the public screen again and again.

Although she is not short of money or popularity now, she is a member of the Lehua union after all, and she still has to consider the union when it comes to activities. She really has to accept the gifts that the big brother gave.

As for how the eldest brother thinks about it, that is a matter between the eldest brother and the trade union.

Furthermore, these are the anchors of Liu Xiao's family, so it is definitely impossible to embarrass her by using these things.

Therefore, she accepted these gifts without any pressure.

Soon, the list reached [-] million.

Xiao Huya didn't intend to stop at all. Tonight, they have prepared a lot of funds. The worst king group, tonight's list is also more than 30.

As for the emperors, most of them are 90 million, and they, the super god emperors, have prepared at least 300 million, and the most, he Xiaohuya, has prepared a full [-] million!
Even though he usually spends less time on the platform, this doesn't conceal the fact that Xiao Huya is a wealthy family.

After confirming that what Xiaohuya was doing was beneficial to the family, the family quickly sent money to Xiaohuya, even if it was not enough, as long as they called back, they could add whatever they wanted.

In the eyes of Xiaohuya's family, a chance to talk to the president of Liu Ning Group is at least more than [-] million, and it is the kind that has a price but no market. Besides, Xiaohuya will be able to meet him in reality tomorrow. It's brother Xiao Xiao, in this case, some strengths must be brought into play.

Several super god emperors turned off the flames first.

The funds they had prepared were less than 500 million, and it would take a few minutes for them to swipe wildly, and it was basically done.

"Brother Huya, Brother Xingjue and Brother Beibei, the rest of the list depends on you!"

"Hahaha, this Super God Emperor is cool. My laptop, which is specially used for business, seems to be unable to handle such an exaggerated special gift effect. The new server that Huya replaced is Niubi!"

"Come on, big brother Xiaohuya will come up next, let brother Xiao Xiao see the strength of our Xiao family army!"

As several big brothers spoke on the public screen, the screen that had been completely covered by gift effects was slowly displayed.

Although there are still many big brothers who are slowly giving gifts, most of them are in groups of ten tiger buds, and the special effects of the gifts are not so scary.

"Fuck, the first round of big brother is finally over. I just called the police in the background of my mobile phone, saying that the temperature of the mobile phone is more than 50 degrees. If I continue for a while, I am afraid that the mobile phone will spontaneously ignite!"

"The Samsung mobile phone I just had turned into ashes, I just dug out the mobile phone I used before and made a living. Although I didn't give Xiaojuman many gifts, my mobile phone can be regarded as a contribution to the activity of Xiaojuzi. ! (tears)"

The tourists were relieved when they saw the bullet screen reappeared on the public screen.

Except some flagship models with relatively strong chip performance can resist it, the machine with less than 3000 yuan can only turn off the gift barrage prompt, otherwise 100% will be stuck, and even some extreme ones will directly burn out the main board of the mobile phone .

Liu Xiao glanced at Gongping.

He uses Huawei's latest business model, the mate series, and the performance is still very good. Although the phone is a bit hot, it is still within the acceptable range. After all, he is projecting the screen to the TV, and the phone's storage is not used much.

But this point made Liu Xiao's thoughts come alive.

Liu Xiao also paid attention to the recent international news. At present, domestic chips are also being sanctioned by some national companies with ulterior motives. It is estimated that they will have to stop supplying chips in a short time.

However, there are basically no purely domestic chips at present.

Not to mention the mainstream 5nm high-end chips currently on the market, even 100nm chips cannot be manufactured in China.

This is not a financial problem, but a real technical problem.

The glass materials, beam materials and mechanical materials used in lithography technology are all provided by patented technologies from different countries, and it is impossible for any one company to manufacture them.

This problem can only be solved unless a company can overcome all the technical difficulties of the lithography machine alone.

But even if it can be solved, it will take a long time to improve the accuracy of the chip. Maybe a 5nm chip will be developed in a few years, but foreign countries have already reached 1nm or 2nm, and the gap will only grow wider.

At the technical level, there is only another way to overtake another car on a curve. This does not mean that you can catch up by catching up. If you just imitate catching up, you can only eat leftovers.

"After going to the capital in two days, the application of quantum technology in chips can be put on the agenda. Even relying on the virtual disk operation technology, we can completely abandon a series of troublesome functions such as the motherboard of the mobile phone and directly make a data screen."

Liu Xiao thought about it.

The data screen is to abandon the traditional mobile phone mode, similar to that in science fiction movies, a mobile phone has only one mobile phone screen that can be rolled, or the mobile phone is a pair of glasses.

And this is very simple to do. The reason why the motherboard and storage exist is to help the mobile phone process data.

But now, with the popularization of virtual disk servers, it is no longer necessary to process data with a mobile phone.

The user clicks on a command, and the mobile phone sends it to the server through a professional signal transmitter, and then sends it back after the calculation rate of more than one billion trillion times is calculated.

In the past, it was because of insufficient server resources, and the server computing data was too slow to realize it, but now, as long as more servers are produced, this problem will be solved.

As for the network signal for transmitting resources, Huawei happens to be ahead of the world in this aspect. The current 5G technology can achieve data traffic transmission of hundreds of megabytes per second. This level of data flood, not to mention using mobile phones, is real-time It is more than enough to play four or five large end games.

"Good idea!" Liu Xiao's eyes lit up, and he planned to talk about it when he met Mr. Ren after he went to the capital.

As long as this matter can develop, a hammer chip is needed.

The quantum state technology on my side is completely ahead of the chip by a level.

After all, the silicon chip has a limit. It may be 0.1nm, or 0.01nm. It cannot continue to be described. The ultimate performance is less than one ten-thousandth of the quantum state. There is no need to develop it, and it will be eliminated. Lose.

"Overtaking on a curve, overtaking on a curve!"

If this can be achieved, the hot and lagging of the mobile phone will naturally not exist.

There is no motherboard and storage work, only a screen display, and only the low point of light hitting the screen generates heat, which is completely negligible.

As for the Pingguo system, it will definitely be eliminated by the times. As long as this vision can be realized, in this aspect in the future, it will be up to the family.

Think about taking a piece of paper out of your pocket, and then unfolding it to play games and watch live broadcasts, etc.

If combined with virtual projection technology, this can directly improve the technological power to a large level.

Although the gifts of the big brothers like the King and the Emperor were finished, only Xiaohuya and Xingjue Beibei were left in the live broadcast room.

Although Xingjue didn't know Xiaoxiao's identity yet, he believed in Xiaohuya, and Xiaohuya's choice to do this was definitely not impulsive.

Although he usually doesn't save much money, he can still come up with a small goal.

As for Beibei's financial resources, he was close, but he also prepared 2000 million yuan, which is considered to have given out all his family's wealth.

And as the three of them continued to swipe, the list of the live broadcast room also rose rapidly.

By the time Xingjue and Beibei stopped, the gift list in the live broadcast room had reached 5000 million.

"Brother Huya, can you still rush?"

"I'll go, Brother Xiao Huya has hit one hundred and one combos!"

"It's over [-] million, Brother Xiaohuya won't stop at [-] million tonight, there are still more!"

Everyone in the live broadcast room saw that Xiao Huya brushed out the one-hundred and one-hundredth set of gifts, and they immediately boiled.

On the other side, Yiminoyanyu, when she saw Xiaohuya swiping to the one hundred and one group, her two eyelids twitched almost at the same time.

Up to now, he has collected more than 5000 million yuan. In addition to the rankings of some big brothers before the live broadcast room, he has probably collected 4000 million yuan, but the funds in his hand are less than [-] million yuan. , and you can get [-] million.

If Xiao Huya can come up with another [-] million in funds, he will definitely lose tonight.

Of course, this is not the most critical.

The most important thing is that Xiao Xiao, his target for tonight's challenge, randomly picked up a few sets of gifts from the beginning to the end, and their Misty Rain guild didn't even have the ability to force Xiao Xiao to take action!

(End of this chapter)

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