Chapter 415 Lehua is invincible!

Yimino Misty Rain was quite confident at first, but now, she was really hit.

After fighting for so long, he couldn't even pass the level of Xiao Huya, and he didn't even have the qualifications to face the big boss Xiao Xiao?

The same goes for this little Huya from tm. I haven’t seen him fight against brother Huajiu before. Today, he suddenly went online and started to swipe wildly in the live broadcast room. This will almost kill him. have funds.

Although he didn't want to believe it in his heart, he knew very well that if Xiaohuya didn't stop brushing up to 5000 million, the funds prepared by Xiaohuya would definitely be more than [-] million or [-] million.

If it's 5000 million, it's okay, at least Xiaohuya can force Xiao Xiao to make some more after finishing the brushing. If it's [-] million, then he will just stretch his hips today.

But for now, the probability of [-] million is still higher.

After all, it was Xiao Huya's first shot. If he didn't win with a lottery, it wouldn't be the style of the super rich second generation.

Therefore, in today's event, their Misty Rain union had a high probability of losing. They lost to Xiao Huya, the second eldest brother of the Lehua union.

"Hehe, Xiao Huya is indeed quite fierce. I don't usually see him make a move. As soon as I finish the list, I will come and target me. I will go to the capital in two days and see if I don't beat him to death!"

Yimino Yanyu pretended to be angry and laughed and cursed in the live broadcast room, preparing to find a way for her failure.

He is a really smart person. When he knows that things cannot be done, he knows the truth that he cannot force them. Therefore, he has no intention of fighting Xiao Huya to the end.

On the one hand, Lehua doesn't have any conflicts with their Misty Rain union, unlike Daheng before. On the other hand, even if he spends more money to win Xiaohuya, Xiao Xiao hasn't made a move yet. .

It doesn't make any difference in terms of the result whether he persists and then gets blasted by Xiao Xiao's hammer, or is suppressed by Xiao Huya now, but for him, he has to invest hundreds of millions more.

With so much money thrown in for nothing, he doesn't feel that generous to himself.

"Brother Yanyu is fine. A group of super god emperor brothers on the opposite side made a move. It is not easy to persist until now. Support brother Yanyu!"

"Indeed, the other side is a bit unreasonable. More than a dozen super god emperor brothers shot one of our brother Yanyu. How can we fight? Brother Yanyu has swiped [-] million, and the brother Xiaohuya who swiped the most on the opposite side is only one In his early [-] million years, Brother Yanyu is still fierce!"

"Support brother Yanyu, a good guy can't hold back gang fights, brother Xiao Huya has never swiped so much before, this shot is probably to snipe brother Yanyu, intentionally hit unintentionally."

In the live broadcast room, the tourists expressed their comfort one after another.

The old fans of the Misty Rain Union are much more rational than Daheng's. Having been dominant in the YY family for so long, it didn't make these fans so proud. After all, they are all people who are close to thirty, and they do things with a bit of reason .

The reason why the tourists from Daheng are so unreasonable is also because many fans are young and just at the time when they are invincible. When Daheng is extremely powerful and provocative by Lehua, they will naturally fight back immediately. And when losing the event, the anchor is also easy to be rhythmic by these trolls.

Seeing the change of the wind direction in the live broadcast room, Yimino Yanyu's face became happy, and the big stone in his heart was immediately let go.

He still thought about trying his best to win this event, but now it seems that this matter is indeed unrealistic. Instead of killing himself, it is better to accept failure openly.

And these beautiful words naturally need to be said in a more complete way.

"It doesn't matter whether we win or lose the game, but as the old men on YY, we still have to show off our aura. Let's do this, I'll make another [-] million, and let's get to [-] million."

Yisuo Misty Rain very "generously" posted a barrage, revealing all the quotas he had prepared.

Sha La on the other side is also very smart, and Yi Minoyam also sent her a private message. Of course, she also understands the current situation, so she quickly cooperated with Yi Minoyam and said:
"Brother Yanyu is indeed very fierce tonight. In this event, brother Jiu earned more than 6 million by himself, and brother Xiao Xiao also raised more than [-] million. [-] million, [-] million was swiped today, and the total amount for the whole month is almost more than [-] million."

"The main reason is that our Yanyu union has just come to Huya to gain a foothold, and we rely on the big brothers and brothers Yanyu in the live broadcast room to support us, but after all, the foundation is not stable, and the big brother does not have as many unions as the two of them."

Sarah spoke beautifully.

Many tourists think the other way, and it is indeed the case.

Daheng’s list is [-] billion, but Brother Jiu only paid [-] million to close to [-] million, and the remaining [-] million were all paid by the fourth brother, Hua brother and other big brothers. Only then did the total list of one billion yuan come together.

On Lehua's side, Brother Xiao Xiao is also six to seven billion. The previous list of one billion was made by Sister Lele and Brother Xiao Huya together.

As for today's list that is about to reach [-] billion, it was also made by the follow-up brothers Xingjue, Beibei and Xiaohuya, and has little to do with Brother Xiaoxiao.

"That's the reason. Our brother Yanyu is not bad, it's true that there are too many big brothers on the other side."

"Yeah, after a few more months of development and attracting the big brother to come over, I won't have to fight alone for events in the future."

"Brother Yanyu is too wronged. I only found out after Sarah said that."

"Brother Yanyu, come on!"

Tourists in the live broadcast room typed one after another.

Although they thought Brother Yanyu was equally fierce before, they hadn't made a specific comparison. Now, after Sarah's analysis, and looking back, they really found out that this is the reason.

It's not that Brother Yanyu is not fierce, but the superimposed list on the opposite side is too powerful!
Back then, Brother Yanyu was also the pillar of YY. In order to thank Brother Yanyu, the union that Sala belonged to directly changed the name of the union to Yanyu, and the big brother group of the Yanyu union was also named Yanyu Building.

Just take out any of Yi MinoYuYu's deeds in the past, and it can smash the heads of countless anchors and big brothers on other platforms.

But helplessly, the water on Huya's side is indeed a bit deep, but even if Big Brother Yishui Misty Rain gets here, he will still be able to compete with Huya's old Shenhao Jiuge Huage and Xiao Xiaoge's brother Shenhao with a head!

Thinking of this, the pride of the Misty Rain trade union tourists came again.

Yimoi Misty Rain was a little surprised, he actually just wanted Sarah to give him a ladder to go down the steps, but he didn't expect that Sarah could say things like this, it was a pleasant surprise.

Tourists don't know exactly what's going on, but they, big brothers, all understand.

Everyone is in the trade union, there is no such thing as a pure brother Shenhao, let alone the spirit of selfless dedication.

The reason why he is doing the list on his side is just a habit on YY's side, and he doesn't have a qualified deputy to use, so he can only do it himself.

And Daheng's side is the trinity system of Brother Jiu and Brother Hua and the fifth brother. If anything happens, Brother Jiu will go first, the fifth will make up, and then Brother Hua will come out to end the game.

As for Lehua's side, their strength was not very good before, but after Xiao Xiao's capital injection, the union management sister Feifei is not ambiguous at all, dropping one or two billion yuan, and giving most of the anchors in the game area to signed it.

When it comes to real strength, his Misty Rain Union is indeed at the bottom of the list.

But tourists don't know, and that's the key.

Tourists only know which big brother has made a lot of swipes, and they will never care about the operation of the union. Whoever swipes more makes them happy, and they will follow which big brother has swiped the list, and they will follow this big brother.

In such a situation, his big brother, who was similar to Brother Jiu and Xiao Xiao, naturally stood out.

"Wonderful! It seems that I will give Sala a little more reward tonight!"

Yi Minoyue was agitated, and sneaked up on him again just now, and directly sprinkled it on the little secretary.

The little secretary covered her mouth and ran to the bathroom further inside, while Yishao Misty Rain laughed loudly, raised her hand and continued to scan the list.

Just relying on this ingenious remark by Sha La tonight, he can save him at least one or two hundred million in operating funds!

As expected of being the number one anchor of his Misty Rain union, when it's night, he must love him well.

Yimino Misty Rain was in a good mood, and Xiao Huya was in a similar mood.

Whether it is a monthly income of several thousand or a monthly income of several million or tens of millions, they all have a common hobby of consumption.

In the live broadcast room, I frantically swiped more than 666 million, and watched millions of people in the live broadcast room playing [-] frantically. In terms of momentum, I am simply invincible.

Especially looking at those bullet screens saying that Brother Xiaohuya is invincible today, the smile on Xiaohuya's face never stopped.

"Look if I don't get shit out of that bee hammer of Yishenyu today!"

Xiao Huya posted several teasing smiley faces in the big brother group, and then sent four or five haha ​​laughs.

You can't say that in the live broadcast room, but it doesn't matter in the big brother group.

Everyone is in the same circle, who doesn't know who, for example, the identities of Yishao Misty Rain and Xiao Huya in real life, they are all clear, and they won't play around with each other in private cause misunderstanding.

"Brother Xiao Huya is so fierce today, how much money have you prepared?"

Junjun exclaimed.

His business is now only 50 million in volume, and the cash flow he can usually take out is only a few million, which can barely maintain his bottom-line consumption of [-] per month after opening a super god emperor.

And Xiao Huya's sweeping of the rankings this time directly wiped out his company.

Of course, saying this is a bit of a high opinion of his company, which has assets of 5000 million. If all of them are mortgaged and auctioned, they can actually get [-] million.

This wave directly wiped out two of them!

"Not much, not much, it's only [-] million. The guy Yishui Misty Rain is similar to Brother Jiu and Hua. He specializes in this. If I fight him hard by myself, I will definitely not be able to fight him, but it will be different if you add you, Bei Bei and Xingjue didn't swipe less today, and you also swipe a lot, a group of people hammered him, I can imagine the face of a minion of misty rain, hahaha!"

At the end, Xiao Huya couldn't hold back.

Just now seeing Yishaoyanyu voluntarily confessing in the live broadcast room, Xiao Huya knew very well that Yishaoyanyu probably didn't have much money in hand.

And now he still has [-] million close to [-] million funds in his hand, so it is definitely a safe thing to blow up a cloud of smoke and rain this time.

After pretending to beep in the group, Xiao Huya didn't hesitate anymore, and started to brush special brushes in the live broadcast room.

It's useless to put 2000 million in his hands, he has pocket money every month, plus some business he has done recently, [-] million a month is still enough for him, which is enough for his usual consumption.

Although he was pretending to beep happily, he still knew very well that the purpose of today was to show off his strength in front of Brother Xiao Xiao.

And as Xiaohuya frantically swiped the rankings, the cheers in the live broadcast room became louder and louder.

In the end at 11:30 pm, Little Orange's weekly list was fixed at 6000 million, Lehua's overall list was fixed at 16 billion, and for Sarah, the final list of the live broadcast room was fixed at 2000 million, and the general list of Misty Rain union At 6000 million.

After brushing here, both sides stopped in tacit agreement.

As for Daheng, the elder brother and the anchor have both slipped away, so it is impossible for the list to change.

Sala is an all-round anchor, mainly singing, but also dancing a little bit. At the request of Yishui Yanyu, she even put on a super swimsuit that she doesn't usually wear.

Basically, all the bugs that violated the rules were stuck, and everyone in the live broadcast room was fascinated.

On the other hand, Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room is much more normal.

The album released last time had ten songs in total. In half an hour, Xiaojuzi sang a total of eight songs. During this high-intensity singing, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was also very explosive. Basically, the light sticks were not broken during the whole process. The public screen has become a sea of ​​glow sticks.

Twelve o'clock sharp.

Xiaojuzi took the lead in changing the title of the live broadcast room to Thank you, big brothers, and congratulate Lehua for winning the championship. Then, within almost a minute, all the anchor titles on Lehua's side were changed to congratulate Lehua for winning the championship.

"My friends, this is the end of our live broadcast today. At the same time tomorrow, we will see you in the live broadcast room."

Xiaojuzi chatted with the tourists for a while in the live broadcast room, and then cut off the live broadcast quickly.

It was at this time that more people noticed today's Huya live broadcast.

"My God, is this the dominance of Lehua and Brother Xiao Xiao?"

All the tourists opened their mouths wide, their faces full of disbelief.

Tonight, most of Daheng's anchors turned off and went offline. In Huya, except for the small guild who were playing gifts in the event circle, the rest were members of Lehua and Misty Rain.

But with Xiaojuzi's offline and Misty Rain's Sala's offline, Huya's star show page suddenly went wrong.

From one to ten, all the titles are congratulations to Lehua for winning the championship!

Looking at the anchors in these live broadcast rooms, the first one is Baldy, the second is Yang Zi, and the third to tenth are Lehua's anchors like Tutu and Sanjin.

And scrolling down, there are almost a hundred anchors on the first page, and more than 60 are Lehua's anchors.

The rest are the top anchors of various small guilds.

But Xiaochun and Da Mao, the brothers and sisters of the small guild, also tacitly typed the title congratulating Lehua on the title bar at the same time!
"I'll go, Lehua is invincible!"

(End of this chapter)

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