Chapter 416
Many tourists turned back the live broadcast page and found that whether it was Lehua's anchor or not, almost all of them changed the title of the live broadcast room to congratulate Lehua for winning the championship.

Moreover, not only the Xingxiu area, but also many people jumped to the outdoor area of ​​the foreign atmosphere, the food area of ​​Bolong, and the beauty area, almost all of them congratulated Lehua for winning the championship. !

Even many small guilds that used to have a good relationship with the Daheng trade union silently changed the title of their own anchor's live broadcast room.

After all, Daheng had already voluntarily surrendered, and no matter how hard these small guilds were, they were really courting death.

"Shocking, seeing Brother Xiao Xiao push Lehua to this level step by step, it's really amazing, we also have a part here!"

"Fuck, what are you talking about upstairs, what is your part in it?"

"Hello, upstairs, I'm also a fan of Lehua, and I want to contribute too, where can I find it? (shy face)"

In Baldy's live broadcast room, Baldy, who had just received the huge traffic from Little Orange, saw the rhythm of the live broadcast room become like this, and his face immediately turned black.

Just pretend to be beep, but it's not appropriate to come to his bald live broadcast room, right?

Isn't this kind of thing only available to female anchors like Xia Nuan?

This traditional custom of Lehua was led by brother Xiao Xiao to go farther and farther on this road, and more and more sideways.

"One day the Internet Office arrested me, please write a certificate for me, I really don't blame me for this."

The bald man said with a bitter face.

"I don't blame you, I don't blame you, I don't blame you, don't worry Baldy, we have us in this regard, you just take care of yourself."

"That's right, Baldy, you're good, keep going!"


The bald man was stunned, and then used his emperor account to silently type three big question marks on the public screen.

"If I'm good, so are everyone here!"

The bald man spoke loudly.

"Tch, then you should let it out and have a look!"

A brother emperor posted a bullet screen, and the visitors in the live broadcast room immediately burst out laughing.

"That's right, baldy, with so many people watching, this opportunity to prove your innocence cannot be missed. Come on, let's take a look!"

"Wrong, for the bald man, it's either yes or no, there can't be a third option."

Seeing that Brother Emperor took the initiative to play the rhythm in the live broadcast room, the bald man's face turned dark again.

Is it really okay to talk about such a sensitive topic in the live broadcast room?
But it seems that these tourists didn't say a single forbidden word?

"You forced me to do this, just wait, I'm a bald man trying to get rid of it in the live broadcast room today, and I want to prove my innocence!"

The bald man snorted and slapped the table to get up.

"Oh, let me go, the bald man is standing up?"

"Come on, come on, take off!"

Everyone was shocked, but most of them were still in a daze. It's impossible for the bald man to really take off in the live broadcast room, right?
How do you think about it, so expecting it?
Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the bald man certainly didn't dare to take it off. He stood up and pulled past the field controller with his backhand.

"Come on, come on, tell them live now!"


The field controller looked up at Baldy.

"Although there are some things I'm embarrassed to say to Baldy, but since Brother Baldy insists on telling me, I can only go along with it against my will."

The field controller nodded solemnly.


The bald man was next to him with a question mark on his face, why are you embarrassed to say it outright, and agreed against your will?
Others don't know that he is bald, but you, who often live together, still don't know?

In the live broadcast room, seeing Baldy and the field controller falling in love with each other, the effect of the show was full, and everyone laughed out loud for a while.

"I think Baldy seems to have something to do with Big Brother Field Control."

"That's up to you to say, there must be something."

"Okay, okay, let's congratulate our Lehua trade union. Congratulations to Lehua for being ranked first in this event today. Congratulations to all the anchors and trade unions who joined the Chu power for winning No.1 in this event."

The bald man coughed softly twice, and forcibly pulled back the rhythm of the live broadcast room.

Going on like this, the matter of his bald man is probably not important, but the old man who has been lonely for a long time can be taken care of by Super Management.

"Congratulations Lehua!"

"Congratulations to Lehua for winning the championship!"

As soon as this topic was mentioned, the more than 100 million and nearly 200 million visitors in the live broadcast room immediately began to frantically browse.

It is the first time for Huya to win the list with a list of [-] billion.

In the past, even if all the lists of the entire platform and the whole month were added up, it would be impossible to have this list.

On the other side of the game area, it was almost completely covered by barrage.

The two areas of League of Legends and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds are even more exciting.

In particular, the two live broadcast rooms of Kaka and Sou Nan gave out various lottery red envelopes one after another, and the whole board was in full swing.

"Lanlan, I'll work a little bit harder tonight, and focus on the technology department and the operation department to make the poster of Lehua's championship. The cover character puts the little orange in the middle, and the scratch man and the B text on the sides. As for Kaka And the bald man and others, just do it in the background board."

In Huya's office, Mr. Du was writing and drawing on paper, ordering without raising his head.

There is no doubt that the planning of this event was a complete success.

According to the annual plan set by Huya, he has already overfulfilled all the list tasks for this year. What he is doing now is how to reward Lehua's anchor next.

After all, this competition is a team competition, and the small guilds and small anchors on Lehua's side also need to allocate some resources. As for the big head, it will definitely be on the side of the Lehua union's anchors.


Lanlan nodded repeatedly.

Brother Xiao Xiao swiped six or seven million credits this time, and she got as much as six or seven million in advance.

With so much money, not to mention asking her to work overtime to keep an eye on the planning, it's okay to let her do the planning directly!
Vice President Du is actually very satisfied with the organization of this event.

The three major labor unions all took action to create revenue, and finally ended with Lehua's complete victory.

At this point, after he knew Brother Xiao Xiao's identity, he knew that this was an unchangeable result, and he was not particularly surprised by this.

The only problem is that Lehua seems to have embarked on the road before Daheng and became the new overlord under the Huya platform.

But there are also advantages. Brother Xiao Xiao's management of Lehua is relatively benign, and he does not directly monopolize Huya's internal resources. He is following Huya's recommended rules.

Unlike the previous Daheng, who worked together with Huya's management and took almost half of Huya's traffic, Vice President Du wanted to organize an event, so he had to see Daheng's face.

"There has to be a No.1. It's good for Lehua to do this. After all, Brother Xiao Xiao's focus is not here. The aspect of live broadcast is also for fun. It is unlikely that Daheng will rush to grab resources and cut off the gift list like Daheng. .”

Vice President Du murmured.

Although he doesn't want Huya to have a real number one platform, but Lehua's strength is awesome, and he can't help it.

It is expected that Lehua won the first place.

Seeing the end of Zhao Ning's live broadcast, Liu Xiao originally thought about collecting some gifts in the live broadcast room to draw a lottery or something, but suddenly remembered what Zhao Ning had promised him in the afternoon, so he didn't stay longer on the platform.

Turtle, something like black silk, it must be sooner rather than later.

The takeaway has been delivered, and the outer packaging of the goods is still confidential. Liu Xiao tore open the bag, and at a glance saw the palm-sized black silk clothes lying quietly inside.

She walked upstairs with a smirk, and just as she went up the stairs, she saw Zhao Ning carefully open the door of the room and run down on tiptoe.

"Little orange anchor, where are you going?"

Liu Xiao shook off the clothes on his hands, and looked at Zhao Ning teasingly.

"Well, I remembered that there is still something to do at home, I guess I have to go back tonight."

"Don't even think about running away tonight, let me go!"

Liu Xiao laughed. Amidst Zhao Ning's exclamation, she hugged Zhao Ning, opened a room door, and threw Zhao Ning onto the soft mattress.

Seeing that she couldn't run away, Zhao Ning didn't resist anymore. Under Liu Xiao's coercion and lure, she obediently changed into the clothes specially prepared by Liu Xiao.

Even though they have been together for a while, Liu Xiao's heart felt hot when he saw it.

Zhao Ning blushed, but seeing Liu Xiao's reaction, she was also full of pride.

As a woman, being able to keep her man by her side is the only skill, and she, Zhao Ning, is undoubtedly more successful in this regard.

Silent all night.

The next morning, when Liu Xiao woke up, he played another trick as if he knew the taste, and the two of them didn't get up normally until the sun was high.

"In two days, I'll buy some nice little clothes online, and you can show me them when the time comes."

Liu Xiao hugged Zhao Ning in his arms, and smiled, which immediately caused Zhao Ning to roll her eyes again.

I still have to go to the capital city today, so Liu Xiao probably will have to postpone it a bit.

However, they didn't inform Mr. Du and Mr. Ren of the specific time when they went to the capital, so it doesn't matter.

After getting up and having a simple breakfast, the moment he opened the door of the villa, Liu Xiao quickly became serious.

As for men, they can behave as they like at home, but outside, they have to be cool and handsome. Only in this way can they ensure their aura and attract more girls' attention. Ahem, they can attract more customers' attention.

"Brother Xiao, all preparations have been made on our side, and we can leave at any time."

Liu Xiao called Zheng Xiaoxiao, and Zheng Xiaoxiao walked in quickly.

Liu Xiao is going to the capital. Although their security team will be a little troubled today, it is more convenient for the follow-up work. In the capital, their security team can also get more coordination. After all, they are the largest in the country. The city is top of the line in every way.

"I said, let's just take an ordinary civil aviation, there is no need to take a special plane."

Liu Xiao complained helplessly.

He bought all his air tickets yesterday, but he was refunded by Zheng Xiaoxiao with his own authority, and even transferred a special plane from Air China.

If the quantum computer is released, those organizations in the world will know his name, Liu Xiao. Of course, Liu Xiao has no objection to this, after all, he also cares about his own life.

But now, he just released a virtual disk server, and there is no need for these foreign forces to hijack or bomb the plane to mess with him, right?
The contribution he has made now is not too clear. In terms of social status, he may be at the level of an academician, but his security force has become the highest in the country.

The most exaggerated thing is that the special plane that Zheng Xiaoxiao applied for was forcibly intercepting the flight route of a big leader.

Of course, it is inappropriate to say that it was intercepted by force. After all, after the big leader heard about this incident, he directly postponed the meeting he was going to attend for half a day and found a plane to leave again. It was completely voluntary.

"Brother Xiao, there is something called taking precautions before they happen. It is not an exaggeration to say that your safety is related to our technological dominance for the next hundred years or even longer. For your travel safety, let alone a big leader, even a top leader When the leader travels, he will also actively avoid it for you."

Zheng Xiaoxiao said seriously.

Liu Xiao sighed helplessly, he knew Zheng Xiaoxiao's words were not nonsense.

He also knows the official protection standards for him. In the past few days, he has not traveled far, just to avoid these things as much as possible. Wronged the big leader who gave way for himself.

I silently thanked the officials in my heart, packed up my belongings a little, went to the underground car, and got on the bulletproof car, and the group rushed to the airport in a mighty manner.

The special plane is not too exaggerated. It is a small civilian airliner after refitting. It does not say that the whole fuselage is bulletproof like a car.

However, the performance is really good, basically the speed of high-end airliners like Boeing.

The whole journey was not far away, although there was a little delay in the magic capital, Liu Xiao still walked into the capital airport after four o'clock in the afternoon.

On the capital side, the vehicles had already been coordinated, and when they got off the plane, a convoy stopped beside them.

After getting in the car, the group hurried to the small courtyard in Kyoto again.

"Brother Xiao, there are many important figures living in the Jingdu courtyard. If you are interested, you can ask the property staff in the Jingdu courtyard."

Zheng Xiaoxiao said.

She used to do security for the big shots in the country before, and she often went to the small courtyard in Kyoto, so she naturally knew the level of the people here.

However, it seems that the highest level among them is Liu Xiao, a super scientific research talent.

As for the one who is higher than Liu Xiao in China, it seems that the only one who lives on the island is right?
Liu Xiao originally thought that this small courtyard in Kyoto would be in the suburbs, but he didn't expect the car to drive all the way to the city center.

"This is the small courtyard in Kyoto?"

Seeing the car parked at the gate of a courtyard, Liu Xiao was suddenly surprised.

Liu Xiao originally thought of a place with such a high B rating. After all, there must be a circle of villas built on the mountain. There is no one that cannot be climbed by tens of thousands of steps, but now, this legendary place The small courtyard in Kyoto seems to be a traditional courtyard alley?
(End of this chapter)

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