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Chapter 417 Be good, this courtyard is invincible~!

Chapter 417 Be good, this courtyard is invincible~!

The place Mr. Du arranged for Liu Xiao was a courtyard with three entrances, which was at the deepest part of the alley.

Although the sound of four or five cars passing by was not loud, it still attracted the attention of many people. Most of them looked out from the balcony on the second floor of their homes. After seeing a few unfamiliar cars, they were immediately curious.

"Brother Xiao, there are about a hundred households in this alley. The people who live here are mainly for safety. Around this alley, there is the strongest security protection."

As the car drove inward, Zheng Xiaoxiao explained to Liu Xiao.

This place does not come with money. Generally, the people who live here are people who have made great contributions to technology or people's livelihood, or are leaders with super high positions.

This is also to facilitate the protection of these talents. After all, protecting so many people separately requires too many resources, and centralized protection requires a lot of resources, but the efficiency is much higher.

And choose this kind of traditional hutong, on the one hand, people living in courtyard houses are more comfortable, on the other hand, there are no high-rise buildings in the hutong, and it is impossible for snipers to kill in the distance. If you want to enter the hutong, you must fly a plane, Or just sneak in.

But if you want to spy on these two aspects, it is tantamount to the difficulty of reaching the sky.


Liu Xiao nodded.

This is true.

Now there are thirty-to-forty-story high-rise buildings everywhere. In the capital city, there are as many seventy-to-eighty-story high-rise buildings, and some even hundreds of-story high-rise buildings. If these people live in this kind of place, it is impossible to have So much power to deploy and control.

After all, as long as killers or intelligence personnel enter a high-rise house at will and set up a sniper rifle or binoculars, they can easily see these people. It is too difficult to ensure the safety of these people while ensuring their normal life. .

And in this kind of alley with a two-story building with a height of only seven meters, the point of sniping is fundamentally eliminated.

What the security team has to do is to keep the whereabouts of these people completely secret, and not give the killer a chance to sneak in and assassinate them.

Although he felt that the degree of protection given to him in this environment was a bit exaggerated, Liu Xiao still silently accepted all of this.

"I don't know if the next few upgrades of the system will extract some things that can be used for self-defense. Thinking about facing things like killers all day long, I feel overwhelmed."

Liu Xiao sighed, and said silently in his heart.

He just wanted to play live broadcasts and expand technology to make some money by the way, but who would have thought that he had come to this point somehow.

Soon, the car drove into the specially built underground car and garage.

Take the elevator from the basement floor to the exclusive small courtyard that Mr. Du prepared for himself.

When he first entered the alley, Liu Xiao still felt a bit crowded, but after reaching the first floor of the small courtyard, Liu Xiao realized that there was a different universe here.

Sanjin's courtyard is much larger than his Yulongwan villa in Shanghai. The depth on the left and right is close to 50 meters, and the length of the small courtyard is more than 100 meters, adding up to more than 5000 square meters!
In this capital where every inch of land is expensive, a square meter costs at least two hundred thousand yuan, and the five thousand square meter is worth at least one billion yuan.

Liu Xiao simply walked around the small courtyard, where there were swimming pools, gardens, and even vegetable fields.

The room is the kind of large floor-to-ceiling windows, modern reinforced concrete, not the kind of blue brick house imagined at all.

Liu Xiao is quite happy about this. After all, people who are used to living in modern houses may not be used to it if they suddenly live in an old-fashioned blue brick house. This kind of small two-story building is basically built according to the modern style. The villa was built here, you don't need to look at it, it is definitely very comfortable to live in.

"Brother Xiao, if there is no problem, I will go out here to arrange surveillance first. We are usually in the first courtyard. The two courtyards inside will not enter without your permission. What is the emergency? situation, you press the special alarm on your clothes, and we will arrive within ten seconds."

Zheng Xiaoxiao was obviously very familiar with the structure inside, and after introducing it to Liu Xiao, he led the people to retreat to the first courtyard.

Every time you enter the gate of the courtyard, there will be a huge screen wall, which can prevent people outside from looking in, and it is very good for privacy protection.

"Okay, I'll call you when I'm out."

Liu Xiao nodded.

It can be seen that Zhao Ning is also very satisfied with this place.

Although it was a little sad to leave the hometown of the devil city where she grew up, but as long as she could see Liu Xiao beside her, the sadness in Zhao Ning's heart disappeared immediately, leaving only a lot of happiness.

Zhao Ning is not very clear about the term "faraway place". She seldom goes out since she was a child, but she feels that as long as she can stay by Liu Xiao's side, she will feel at home wherever she goes, and she will not feel lonely at all.

"My younger sister goes to school here in the capital. I thought I wouldn't see her for a whole semester, but now I think I can often see her again."

Zhao Ning said with a smile.

After Zhao Keke was admitted to the Beijing Conservatory of Music, he has been here for military training. Now it will end in mid-August and it will be the end of August. It is estimated that the military training will soon be over.

"I remember that the military training at the university should be nearly two months, from the beginning of August to around October?"

Liu Xiao was puzzled.

"My younger sister was admitted to the Conservatory of Music, and their military training will be shorter, less than a month, starting on August [-] and ending in early September."

"Besides, our military training doesn't last for two months. It lasts about forty days. It starts around August [-]th and ends at the end of September. After that, it goes directly to October [-]st."

Zhao Ning gave Liu Xiao a white look.

Although Liu Ning was admitted to the school's music department and Liu Xiao was to the mathematics department, except for professional courses, the compulsory courses were almost all taken together, and the two were also assigned to the same class during the military training, and they basically stood in the front and back rows. It also ended the military training at the same time.

"Now that I think about it, I only remember that it was from August to October [-]st, and I forgot the middle, front and back ends."

Liu Xiao smiled awkwardly.

The military training time in places such as the Conservatory of Music and the Film Academy is slightly shorter.

After all, most of the students admitted to these academies passed the art test. August and September are the time of intense heat and sun exposure. Their physical fitness is worse than that of ordinary students. If it is not, even if there is sunscreen to isolate it, it will inevitably turn black, which will affect the future stardom.

Therefore, military training is relatively simple.

Hearing Zhao Ning say this, Liu Xiao was envious.

If I had known earlier, I would have been admitted to the Academy of Art or the Academy of Fine Arts at that time. The treatment was great!

Liu Xiao was relatively poor when he first went to college, and he couldn't afford sunscreen spray, let alone sunscreen.

Although that thing is not very expensive, it costs 50 yuan a bottle, but it is half a bottle every time you use it, and you have to use a bottle a day when it is very powerful. The monthly expenditure of thousands of dollars is naturally unbearable for Liu Xiao. living.

And the most important thing is that Liu Xiao was a straight man at that time, and he didn't know what sunscreen was all about.

At that time, Liu Xiao wondered why he and Zhao Ning were training in the same square team. After one day's training, his neck was flushed from the sun, but Zhao Ning's body was still fair.

At that time, I thought it might be a genetic problem, but now it seems
After more than a month of military training, if it wasn't for Liu Xiao's natural fairness, he might have been tanned.

Thinking of what happened at that time, Liu Xiao couldn't help but cast a resentful glance at Zhao Ning.

At that time, if I could spray some sunscreen spray on myself, would I have to wear a big black neck for half a semester?

"What's wrong with the black spots, such a white girl has become your girlfriend."

Zhao Ning sat in Liu Xiao's arms, closed her eyes and rubbed against Liu Xiao's chest.

"That's true, but then again, I can not be black at all now."

Liu Xiao rolled his eyes at Zhao Ning.

Both Liu Xiao's parents have fair skin, he belongs to the kind that is naturally fair, and the kind that is raised without exposure to light is even better.

Although I got a little tanned during the military training, it almost turned around after one semester. Now four or five years have passed, and my skin has long since returned to its original fairness.

And the most important thing is Liu Xiaoshuai.

One white covers three ugliness, white plus handsome, that is a proper appearance.

Although not as good as those little fresh meats, he can be regarded as a handsome guy with sunshine and muscles. Standing with Zhao Ning, he doesn't look awkward at all, but after a long time, he looks like a man of talent and beauty.

"This is the way the world is, look at the face."

Liu Xiao proudly raised his head.

After chatting with Zhao Ning for a while, Liu Xiao took out his phone and called his parents to report safety, saying that he came to the capital to develop himself.

Liu's father and Liu's mother are ordinary little people. Liu Xiao mentioned many times before that he would take them to the magic capital to enjoy the blessings, but they all refused because they lived in a small county town. Now talking about the capital, the old couple I feel that my head is too big, I don't say anything, and I don't want to come.

This kind of fast-paced metropolitan life is indeed not suitable for the elderly, so Liu Xiao stopped talking after a few words of persuasion.

Anyway, I have already transferred tens of millions to Liu's father's bank card, even if the old couple do nothing, it is enough for them to have fun.

Then, Liu Xiao called Mr. Du and Mr. Ren again.

"It's getting late today, and we'll see you tomorrow, yes, yes, tomorrow, your institute will try to gather everyone together, and I will go over and tell everyone about the situation."

"That's right, Mr. Ren, the day after tomorrow."

"I can't talk about guidance. I will go to Huawei the day after tomorrow. If I dare not, I will just be a guest."

After making two phone calls back and forth, and filling up the itinerary for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, Liu Xiao heaved a long sigh of relief.

On the capital side, Mr. Ren and Mr. Du are already organizing the production line, and it is estimated that they will start production one after another from tomorrow. Liu Xiao only needs to write programs and plan production.

And tomorrow, Liu Xiao is going to meet dozens of electronic and data scientific research talents who are currently at the top of the domestic research level, and then connect the talents under Liu Ning Company to start scientific research projects.

"Come with me tomorrow."

Liu Xiao said to Zhao Ning.

"I'd better forget it, you guys have business to do, I'm going to disturb you tomorrow, I don't know anything, just live broadcast at home with peace of mind."

Zhao Ning shook her head.

She knew that Liu Xiao was afraid that she would be bored in a new place, but she was also a very mature woman, and she knew very well that this kind of place was not the occasion for her to go.

Occasionally, it doesn't matter if Liu Xiao goes for a stroll while he's free, and it can make Liu Xiao look good, but when Liu Xiao is busy, she doesn't want Liu Xiao to be distracted from taking care of her.

"That's fine. I'll arrange things over there tomorrow, and I'll probably be back around ten o'clock at the latest. We'll have supper then."

Liu Xiao thought about it, Zhao Ning was indeed a little embarrassed in the past on this occasion.

After all, there was a female star mixed in among the scientists, and she was indeed a bit out of place. It would be better to let Zhao Ning play the live broadcast.

But I just came to the capital today, so I naturally wanted to go out and have fun.

He had already made an appointment with Xiao Huya yesterday, so Liu Xiao naturally remembered it.

I sent a WeChat message to Xiaohuya, and within five seconds I got a reply from Xiaohuya, saying that I will be there in 10 minutes.

"Little Huya, maybe his family is also nearby."

Originally, I thought that I would have to wait at least two or three hours for Xiaohuya to come, but I didn't expect Xiaohuya to come in about 10 minutes.

You know, this place in the capital is no smaller than some small places. The distance from one district to another in this place can take four to five 10 minutes to cross by car.

One lives in Xitou and the other lives in Nantou. It takes more than four hours to go to work in the morning and take the subway.

Therefore, for companies in the capital city to commute their employees, the working hours are generally at 09:30 in the morning.

In order to allow employees to commute to work in the afternoon, the off-duty time is usually 05:30 in the afternoon, there is no lunch break all day, there is only one hour for lunch, and the working time is seven hours. The arrangement is more humane.

As for those companies that say they often work overtime, in fact, most of them are voluntary. After all, one hour of overtime work can get hundreds of overtime subsidies. If you work overtime for one month, two hours a day, it is five or six thousand extra income. .

In a street not far from the courtyard in Kyoto, Xiao Huya almost jumped up excitedly.

In fact, after Brother Xiao Xiao said that he would meet with him today, Xiao Huya has been staying here since last night, just because he was afraid that Brother Xiao Xiao would wait for a long time because he was too far away.

But he didn't dare to go too close. He was still very aware of the security of the small courtyard in Kyoto. If he really wandered outside the alley, it would probably take less than 3 minutes, and he would have to be taken away by the big security guard and detained for 24 hours.

Therefore, he purposely ran to a place separated by a long street from the small courtyard in Kyoto and waited until the afternoon, finally waiting for Brother Xiao Xiao's call.

For him, it's all definitely worth it.

Soon, Xiao Huya drove to the alley of the courtyard in Kyoto.

Next to him, an uncle security guard with a square face came out.

"Uncle, brother Xiao Xiao just now, bah, just now Liu Xiaoliu always said to let me come over, please help me get in touch."

Xiao Huya got out of the car in a hurry, and deliberately put his hands in front of him, for fear that those people in the dark would suspect that there was something wrong with him.

(End of this chapter)

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