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Chapter 418 Little Tiger Ya: Sold by Brother Xiao Xiao, I Have to Help Count the Money

Chapter 418 Little Tiger Ya: Sold by Brother Xiao Xiao, I Have to Help Count the Money
"Mr. Liu?"

Uncle Security looked curiously at Xiao Huya's formal attire that couldn't be more formal.

It's not that he doesn't know Liu Xiao, but he knows it too well.

Yesterday afternoon, he received a notice saying that a big man named Liu Xiao would come today, and asked the garrison personnel on their side to take security measures to ensure Liu Xiao's safety.

But Mr. Liu just went in for an hour, and someone came to visit?

This is either the person Mr. Liu personally invited, or those people with evil intentions came here to find an opportunity to make trouble, no matter which one it is, it is definitely impossible for him to let people in directly.

He has seen a lot of killers dressed like Xiao Huya. Although he looks like a kid with a little kidney deficiency, make-up is one of the four major magic arts these days, and the silicone fake face is made out. Who dares to be 100% sure about this thing.

"Wait a minute, I'll call to see if there is such a person."

The security uncle saluted Xiao Huya and walked back to the security room.

"As expected of a small courtyard in Kyoto, all the security guards are experienced."

Xiao Huya secretly sighed.

Uncle Security didn't tell him to ask Mr. Liu about his situation, but told him to ask if there was such a person.

This is definitely not brother Xiao Xiao lying to him that he lives in a small courtyard in Kyoto, but the normal operation of the security personnel here.

Once Brother Xiao Xiao said that he didn't know Xiao Huya, the security side would either choose to arrest him, or choose to say that there was no such person as Liu Xiao in the courtyard.

No matter what, it can ensure that Brother Xiao Xiao's personal information will not be leaked.

Conversely, if you call and ask Mr. Liu, no matter whether he reveals it or not, the killers outside will know that Liu Xiao lives here. From the details, the security is almost perfect, at least how many people are nearby? Secret whistle, he, an amateur boy, can't see it at all.

From the time he arrived, it seemed that there was only one security guard greeting him, like a high-end community, but in fact, if he was sure that Xiao Huya was a killer or something, he might be able to rush out a dozen or so in a second or two. personal.

"If my few security guards have this level, tsk tsk tsk."

Xiaohuya shook his head.

If his three bodyguards had this level, he would be willing to give him an annual salary of 500 million!
It's a pity that security teams of this level are either trained under official control, or hired organizations that often do this kind of work abroad. The country is relatively stable, and there are not many professional teams, and most of them are composed of retired veterans. Needless to say, the professionalism of the veterans, but after all, they have not received professional security training, so they are not good at protecting people.

But in other words, even if a rich second generation like him goes abroad for a stroll, it is probably safe, unless some criminal gang wants to kidnap him and ask his family for ransom or something. They will let the kidnappers directly tear up the ticket or something.

Now the big families are all prosperous. In the TV dramas, the big families are all only sons or something. In reality, they basically don’t exist. If he is gone, the second child will be on top.

After about 3 minutes, the security uncle at the door came over again.

"Hi sir, I just asked Mr. Liu, I do have an appointment with you today, but for safety's sake, please turn on your phone and let me see your Huya live broadcast ID."

The corner of Uncle Security's mouth twitched.

There are so many important people living here, and this is the first time he has used this method to verify his identity.

Mr. Liu Xiaoliu, who just entered inside, is also quite strange.

"Okay, understand, understand."

The muscles on Xiao Huya's face also twitched twice, but he quickly turned on the phone and released the ID information.

After verifying his identity and going through the security check to confirm that there is no eavesdropping device, he put Xiao Huya in.

As soon as he entered, he saw a heroic woman standing inside waiting for him.

"Hi, please come in with me."

"it is good."

Xiao Huya touched his nose.

The security of this place is indeed a bit too scary. If you don't know it, you might think it's like entering some secret base.

It is to enter an alley, and after checking so many times, you can't move around at will after entering, and someone has to come and lead you in.

If anyone lives here, apart from using a missile to bomb it, I am afraid that it is absolutely safe. Even if a missile is installed, with the air defense force on the capital side, it is estimated that it can be easily stopped. If you really want to kill, you have to use it Little boy, that thing, unless everyone doesn't want to live anymore.

This small courtyard in Kyoto is absolutely safe, and it is really not a joke.

Go all the way to the innermost part of the alley.

Liu Xiao was already waiting at the door for him, the number one kid on Huya's platform.

"Little Huya, first time meeting."

Liu Xiao smiled and stretched out his hand to Xiao Huya.

As the first son of a top family, Xiaohuya's genes are still fine, especially the handsome little suit, which brings out Xiaohuya's unique aristocratic temperament.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, you miss me so much. We often meet in the live broadcast room. This is the first time I see a real person in reality."

Xiao Huya hurriedly took a big step forward, and directly grabbed Liu Xiao's hand.

"This is my sister-in-law. I often see you on the platform. This time I saw you in real life."

"Hello, I often see you swiping gifts in the live broadcast room."

Zhao Ning seemed a little embarrassed.

Apart from Liu Xiao, this should be the first time she saw her eldest brother in reality.

But when the other anchors met the eldest brother in reality, they were all serving tea and water for dinner. How did they get to her side? It was the other way around.

It is no exaggeration to say that the expression on Xiao Huya's face when he saw him just now was almost more enthusiastic than when he saw his own mother.

"I just moved here, and the house is still a bit messy. I hope you don't dislike it."

Liu Xiao smiled and welcomed Xiao Huya in.

"Xiaoxiao, there's nothing wrong here. I'll call you when I go out later."

Liu Xiao pointed to his button-type alarm, and blinked at Zheng Xiaoxiao, meaning that if there was any problem, he would directly report to the security team.


Zheng Xiaoxiao understood what Liu Xiao meant, nodded and walked out.

She had actually recognized Xiao Huya's face when Xiao Huya came in. There was no problem with her identity, so she wasn't too worried.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, the security team on your side is really scary. I was at the entrance of the alley just now, and I was afraid that someone would click on me if I said something wrong."

Seeing Zheng Xiaoxiao retreating, Xiao Huya thought that Zheng Xiaoxiao was also a security guard assigned to the Hutong, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is it that exaggerated? I thought it was normal when I came in."

Liu Xiao was curious.

Xiao Huya spread her hands, well, it's really impossible to talk today.

On the other hand, Zhao Ning laughed from the sidelines.

Liu Xiao is a resident, and Xiao Huya is a visitor, so the attitude of the security guards must be different.

There are specially hired people to take care of the small courtyard, and someone who can talk has already brought the teacup over.

The two parties sat down in the second courtyard, which seemed like a rich family.

Although Liu Xiao felt unaccustomed to being served by others, he and Zhao Ning might not be able to take care of such a large place, so after thinking about it, he silently accepted it.

As for Xiao Huya, he wasn't too surprised by this point. After all, with his status, it was basically the same process at home.

"When Brother Xiao Xiao first came to Huya to play live broadcast, I found that Xiao Xiao is definitely a super powerful big brother, and Sister Ning broadcasted live a few months ago. The more I watched, the more I felt that Sister Ning and Brother Xiao Xiao had a husband and wife relationship. , I didn’t expect that it’s only been two months, and I’ve seen you in reality.”

Xiao Huya's exaggerated description immediately caused Liu Xiao to burst out laughing.

In fact, Xiao Huya is completely talking nonsense. He only saw what brother Xiao Xiao looks like today, so how could he think that there is a husband and wife look.

But after all, everyone loves to hear good things, so of course Liu Xiao doesn't need to expose such flattering words.

"By the way, Xiao Huya, what do you do at home?"

Liu Xiao asked.

"My family is also engaged in the mobile phone terminal industry. At present, I mainly supply mobile phone manufacturers such as Huawei and Xiaomi. Secondly, I also do some multimedia industries, and I also dabble in the Internet."

"By the way, my family is the Li family in the capital city. My father's name is Li Lincheng. You may have heard of it."

Xiao Huya's eyes lit up, and he said hastily.

"The Li family in the capital, Li Lincheng?"

Looking at Xiao Huya, Liu Xiao was startled.

He also thought that Xiaohuya might be some ordinary rich second generation in Beijing, but he didn't expect Xiaohuya's family to be this one.

Although Li Lincheng of the Li family in the capital is not as well-known as Shuangma, he is also a hidden boss, and his status may be a little worse than Shuangma.

At present, the hardware configuration of the mobile phone industry, as well as the production of Internet multimedia products, almost all come from the Li family. , the country's top business family.

But the only flaw is that there is no official background like President Wang and his father. The company is almost top-notch at this level. It is impossible for the official to watch the Li family continue to grow.

After all, when a company makes money, its social responsibility will also be improved accordingly. The industry Li's business is only in terms of hardware configuration, and has no ability to promote social progress, and cannot bring about technological and industrial improvements. Such a company has done too much Big is not good, the current level is just right.

For example, Samsung in Bangzi Country next door has almost controlled all the people's livelihood in China after it grows big. Even in terms of external attitudes, Samsung's opinions are very important, and it feels like it is superimposed on the official.

Liu Xiao still remembers a saying that people in Bangziguo can't do without Samsung's products for the rest of their lives.

Born in Samsung's hospital, lived in Samsung's house, used Samsung's products, and buried in Samsung's cemetery.

Except that the parents and daughter-in-law are not from Samsung, almost everything else is monopolized.

"Then you should be the number one son of the Li family."

Liu Xiao teased.

"It's indeed me, but brother Xiao Xiao, you'd better call me Xiaohuya, it looks kinder."

"Well, when you come early the morning after tomorrow, I'll take you to a place."

Liu Xiao thought about it.

Although Xiao Huya and himself only chat frequently online, since Xiao Huya belongs to the Li family, there must be nothing to say about his character.

The Li family's company is fully Chinese-funded and has not incorporated foreign capital. Compared with Internet companies with a low sense of social responsibility and thinking about how to monopolize instead of developing technology all day long, the Li family is doing better.

At least in the face of several catastrophes, the Li family donated more than 100 billion each time, and almost all of the available funds of the entire group were used for social assistance.

Although it seemed to many people that the Li family was putting on a show, some black fans would be troubled to make a show like this.

As for Xiao Huya, he has appeared in the news many times, all at the scene of disaster relief in various places.

Such a person, nothing to say, can definitely be trusted.

At present, there is no big problem with Liu Ning Group, and they are basically on the right track. Qu Yue was transferred to organize this new company formed by the three parties. Although it looks similar, it will be less capable in the end.

After all, Qu Yue did not come from a major, but also studied economics, finance and marketing, and she is not a particularly top student. She has experienced a lot in the past few months, but Liu Ning Group is her limit.

If Xiaohuya can be added, the two people add up, plus the manpower from the official and Huawei, the company's operation will definitely not be on track in a short period of time.

Liu Xiao glanced at Xiao Huya who was still excited.

Although this kind of Latino seems a little not so good, but whatever, as long as you don't make yourself work.

Xiaohuya's family is engaged in hardware and the Internet. In this regard, Xiaohuya's ability is absolutely trustworthy. This is the perfect young man.

Zhao Ning secretly gave Liu Xiao a white look.

She knows Liu Xiao's temperament best, so she naturally knows what Liu Xiao intends to bring Xiao Huya there for.

For the shares of the new company, Liu Ning Group’s 50.00% centralized shares must not be moved. The official 40.00% three, even if Xiaohuya is given ten courageous Xiaohuya, he will not dare to take it. As for Huawei’s [-]%, Xiao Huya can go and ask for it, and it will be over if Ren Laohammer doesn't hammer him.

He didn't give out a single share, and even pulled others over to become a strong man.

Liu Xiao chuckled and gave Zhao Ning a look.

"Believe it or not, if I drag him to be a strong man, he still has to thank me?"

Liu Xiao whispered in Zhao Ning's ear.

"By the way, brother Xiao Xiao, where are we going the day after tomorrow, I think about what clothes I should wear the day after tomorrow."

"Just this body, this body is fine."

"The day after tomorrow I will take you to Huawei's headquarters, Liu Ning Group, you know, this month Huawei and the official tripartite plan to start a new group company, the initial investment is about 5000 billion yuan, tomorrow I will go to the official research institute I can't take care of you for a while, and I will go to Huawei's headquarters the day after tomorrow to do some business, the general manager of this new group, I have to think about it with Mr. Ren."

Hearing what Liu Xiao said, Xiao Huya's eyes lit up immediately.

Huawei headquarters, a joint venture between the official and Liu Ning Group, with an initial investment of 5000 billion?
Brother Xiao Xiao is going to take him to Huawei headquarters to discuss this kind of good thing with Mr. Ren?
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

Xiao Huya roared in his heart.

So, is the world of big bosses like this?

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao, don't worry, I will definitely wear the right board the day after tomorrow morning!"

(End of this chapter)

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