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Chapter 419 Going out with a security guard?Little Tiger Bud admires it!

Chapter 419 Going out with a hundred security guards?Little Tiger Bud admires it!

Liu Xiao glanced at Zhao Ning, with a smile in his eyes, and the meaning was very clear.

That's right, Xiao Huya has to thank himself.

Before Liu Xiao could groan, Zhao Ning rolled her eyes over again.

"By the way, Brother Xiao Xiao, there is a car racing event here in the capital tonight, and many young masters in the capital will go there, but now it seems that the identities of these young masters should be much worse in front of you."

Xiao Huya scratched his head and said with a smile.

He came here today mainly because he planned to go out with Brother Xiao Xiao for a while, but because the news that Brother Xiao Xiao said was too shocking, he forgot to mention it for a while.

"A racing event?"

"Okay, but I just arrived in Beijing, and I don't have any good sports cars in my hand. How about this, I'll make a call and ask."

Liu Xiao hesitated for a while, then said.

If you want to get along here in the capital, it is still necessary to establish a good relationship with these second generations in the capital. After all, every place has its own circle, and getting to know more people will make things easier.

Apart from operating the group company normally, these sons' hobbies are nothing more than cars and women. As it happens, Liu Xiao is not short of these two things at present. Although he doesn't have cars, Mr. Ren must have them.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, I also have that at home"

Xiao Huya was about to say that he had a spare supercar at home to use, but he shut his mouth in the middle of the sentence.

He clearly saw the note dialed on Brother Xiao Xiao's mobile phone, which started with the word Ren!

The boss in the capital seems to be the only one who starts with the word Ren.

"Hey, Mr. Ren, that's the thing. I just arrived in the capital tonight. I have a date with a friend and plan to go out for fun. Yes, yes, who can say no, I just came here, and I didn't have time to buy a car. "

"Ah, okay, no problem, it's ok, then I'll wait for a while."

"Hahaha, no problem, no problem, I will go there early in the morning the day after tomorrow, and return the car to you by the way."

"Hey, what do you mean take it and open it? It's not difficult to borrow and repay."

Although Mr. Ren is older, he came out of this circle after all. There are still a lot of luxury cars in his family, and for these big-name sports car companies in the world, when they produce sports cars, they will default to these international brands. The gift from the boss is also a kind of brand promotion after all.

This has led to the fact that the old cars of Ren and Curry are basically full, and few people are usually driving.

"No problem, the car will be delivered within half an hour. It is said to be Ryuk's new concept supercar with full carbon fiber."

Liu Xiao has heard of the brand of this car. It is considered an international supercar brand together with Ferrari Bugatti, and it is slightly higher than that of a small segment. As for the whole body of carbon fiber, there are not many supercars on the market that have it.

Although Liu Xiao had never heard of it, Xiao Huya, a rich second generation who was often exposed to supercars, naturally knew about this new concept supercar that was released recently.

The whole body is bulletproof carbon fiber, the design of the ultra-low chassis, plus 600 horsepower maximum horsepower, run at full speed, the speed soars to more than 300 yards and can also hold the ground steadily, the price is about 7000 million or so, currently it is priceless city.

"Then it will be all right."

Xiao Huya can be sure that as long as Brother Xiao Xiao drives this car tonight, he will definitely be the brightest kid tonight!
"Xiao Ning, if you take a vacation tonight, you don't need to broadcast live. Go out and have fun with me."

Liu Xiao thoughtfully called Zhao Ning to join him.

Liu Xiao would never admit that he asked Zhao Ning to show off together.

After all, if such a beautiful girlfriend is not shown to make everyone envious, I feel a little sorry for myself.

"I'll forget it."

Zhao Ning shook her head.

When Liu Xiao goes out, Zheng Xiaoxiao will definitely be there.

Besides, although Liu Xiao's driving skills are not bad, they are all ordinary cars with a speed of no more than [-]. If they want to run on the track, they really don't have the strength and skills.

"Don't worry, my driving skills are not bad now, and they can just deploy and control the outside, and it won't affect our game."

Liu Xiao squeezed Zhao Ning's little hand, and blinked at Zhao Ning.

Since the reaction speed was strengthened, Liu Xiao's abilities in all aspects have been greatly improved.

The level of the most gold and platinum games in the past is now easily reaching the level of professional players.

As for driving, which relies on reflexes, Liu Xiao's strength is of course no problem.

Furthermore, as long as I don't leave the capital, I'm basically absolutely safe, and going out to play is not considered a fool.

The security team of hundreds of people is still in the capital, and it is absolutely more than enough to take care of their own safety.

"Yes, sister-in-law, Brother Xiao Xiao finally came to the capital, so let's go out and have fun together."

Xiao Huya slapped his chest loudly.

"OK then."

Zhao Ning hesitated for a while, but nodded in agreement.

Indeed, in the capital city, it is relatively safe, and Liu Xiao's company has not yet started to develop and produce real virtual disk technology, so there will not be too many people with malicious intentions coming.

It was Liu Xiao's driving skills that really scared her a little.

While the few people were chatting, Luke's carbon fiber sports car from Mr. Ren's side had already been delivered to the entrance of the alley.

"Xiaoxiao, let's go to the Beijing Circuit tonight. I will drive over here. I have to work hard for you."

Liu Xiao called Zheng Xiaoxiao.

"That's what we're supposed to do."

Zheng Xiaoxiao smiled, pressed the smart communication watch on her arm, and soon, four NO.50 people came out from around.

"Brother Xiao, I have arranged for a team to go to the scene to control the scene. The sports car will give me 5 minutes. After I find a special person to check, we can set off."

These security guards originally wanted to not affect the lives of the protected people to the greatest extent, such as going out for entertainment and entertainment, they all have a set of professional procedures, especially in this place in the capital, their pressure It's even smaller.

"Alright, get on with your work."

Liu Xiao nodded.

Liu Xiao has gotten used to the joint security of dozens or hundreds of people each time, and even Zhao Ning is not surprised by it.

But in the eyes of Xiao Huya who was placed aside, it was too exaggerated. His two eyes had already widened into copper bells, and his mouth was even wider, his face full of disbelief.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, are these your security team?"

Xiao Huya looked back at Liu Xiao in disbelief.

When Xiao Huya went out, there were only two or three bodyguards at most, and when Principal Wang went out, there were only three security guards in the open and three security guards in the dark.

But brother Xiao Xiao, there are almost fifty security guards in front of him now, isn't this too exaggerated?
Even if the light and the dark are divided equally, at least one hundred people will be needed for this trip, and the security team will work in three shifts, wouldn't it be 300 people?
When he was led into the alley by Zheng Xiaoxiao just now, he thought that Zheng Xiaoxiao was the manager of the small courtyard in Kyoto, but he didn't expect that it was Brother Xiao Xiao's personal bodyguard.

Xiao Huya simply calculated the accounts. Each of these professional security personnel has an annual salary of at least 50 yuan.

For those three hundred, the annual salary expenditure is at least 5000 million.
Moreover, looking at the fully armed appearance of Zheng Xiaoxiao and others, the annual salary of 50 is probably not too much to say, maybe the monthly salary of 50 is about the same.

Hundreds of millions of security expenditures a year, this is too scary, right?
"Brother, my identity is sensitive."

Liu Xiao patted Xiao Huya's shoulder, pointing something, with a hint of ridicule on his face.

Just wait, after you Xiao Huya becomes the president of the new company, you should also enjoy this kind of treatment.

Not to mention three hundred, but seven No. 80 bodyguards would definitely not be able to escape.

My today is your tomorrow.

There was a trace of a smile in Liu Xiao's eyes that he couldn't hide, but Xiao Huya's heart was agitated when he saw it.

It doesn't feel good to have no way to suffer, but when you see others suffer, your mentality changes completely.

Liu Xiao is now extremely looking forward to the scale of Xiao Huya's travel in the future.

"Do you want Xiao Huya to keep the company vault key?"

Liu Xiao looked Xiaohuya up and down.

It seems like a good way to let those killers change their personal hammers. When the time comes, he will take Zhao Ning to wander around, and the three or four hundred bodyguards before and after Xiao Huya will protect him from the damage.

Even, can the title of great inventor be transferred to Xiao Huya?
The more Liu Xiao thought about it, the more he felt that this matter was feasible.

Seeing Brother Xiao Xiao's pointed eyes, Xiao Huya couldn't help shivering again.

I always feel like I'm being watched by some prehistoric beast, but I can't tell what's going on.

And when Xiao Huya saw more than a dozen special black bulletproof cars coming out of the underground car and garage one after another, he really almost knelt down in front of the gate.

He felt that there seemed to be a million words in his heart that he wanted to spew out.

Simply go out, a dozen bodyguard cars?

And from the looks of it, it seems that these cars are all specially made. He dare not say that they are explosion-proof, but bullet-proof is certain.

A car is worth tens of millions, wouldn't it cost another two hundred million for these dozen or so cars?
Xiao Huya's eyelids twitched, but suddenly he remembered Brother Xiao Xiao spending money like water on Huya's platform.
More than a billion dollars have been swiped on the platform, and the annual security fee of several hundred million dollars seems to be nothing.
"Brother Xiao, the car has been checked and there is no problem."

The security personnel here are ready, and Zheng Xiaoxiao, who went out to find someone to check the vehicle, also came back.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, then I'll go out and drive first, let's meet on the other side of the runway."

Xiao Huya and Liu Xiao greeted each other without hesitation, and trotted all the way to the next street to drive his own car.

Different from the one he drove during the live broadcast with Yangqilan last time, Xiao Huya changed to the latest model of Ferrari this time. The price is just over [-] million. The purpose of the inventory at the bottom of the box is to get it out in front of Brother Xiao Xiao.

If Brother Xiao Xiao didn't have a car, he would let Brother Xiao Xiao drive this one, and he would drive another one himself. No matter what, it would give Brother Xiao Xiao enough face.

Liu Xiao is not very familiar with the capital, but Zheng Xiaoxiao often hangs around in the capital, Liu Xiao drives behind Zheng Xiaoxiao without any navigation at all.

"This car is really good, but this kind of car can only be driven on the track, and it is not realistic to go out usually."

Liu Xiao twisted his body while waiting for the traffic lights, and praised.

With just a little fuel, the car can reach a speed of over [-].

If it weren't for the traffic jam on the expressway around the city, I'm afraid he could rush to a speed of [-] with a light kick.

This is much better than the performance of his previous Land Rover.

Of course, the problem with a sports car is that it has a low chassis. This car can't even get over the speed bumps on the road if they are a little higher.

And in terms of ride experience, it's not that good.

The curved design of the body greatly reduces the seating space for the driver and passengers. After driving for about half an hour, Liu Xiao felt a little sore in his neck. Although it is a massage seat, it is impossible to press it while driving. , Mo is not it?

The traffic lights are jammed together, this will be the rush hour, and it seems that the car will not be able to move for less than 10 minutes.

Liu Xiao pressed the electronic handbrake and leaned back slightly, and Zhao Ning also stuck up and pressed Liu Xiao's neck.

At least she could move freely in the co-pilot, and her comfort was much better than that of Liu Xiao, as long as she adjusted the seat up a little, she would be fine.

"I have seen some of this car on the Internet before. I heard that it is a negative circulation in the car, which can ensure the natural air circulation in the car when the speed is above [-] yards."

Zhao Ning laughed.

This is also a relatively new technology.

Many racers face many problems when driving to super high speed, and the low pressure inside the car caused by super high speed is one of them. Throat burning.

However, after all, there is a small amount of high-speed rail passing through the tunnel, which can be solved by swallowing saliva, which will not have a great impact on people, but after the speed of the sports car increases, the interior of the car will be under negative pressure every second. The method seems dull.

Ordinary car air conditioners do not have such a huge power consumption to suck air in from the outside of the car, so the outer circulation of the air conditioner will appear idling.

As far as before, in this situation, the driver can only rely on the driver to carry it by himself, but fortunately, there are not many cars that can drive more than [-] yards, and the negative pressure problem is not serious.

And the new super air-conditioning function of this Ryuk solves this problem.

It is said that when driving to more than [-] yards, apart from the roar of the engine, there is almost no other car noise and negative pressure in the car, which is almost equivalent to driving an ordinary car for about [-] or [-] yards.

The carbon fiber slow-moving glass can also greatly reduce the burden on the human eyes. When driving at a speed of [-] yards, the field of vision can basically be the same as that of an ordinary car driving at a speed of [-] yards. coming situation.

Hearing what Zhao Ning said, Liu Xiao immediately became curious.

I looked up and looked next to the instrument, and sure enough, the buttons on the air conditioner are different from other places, and there are several new functions.

"I just glanced at it occasionally before, but I didn't expect it to exist."

Zhao Ning giggled, and continued to gently press and rub Liu Xiao's neck.

Driving a supercar and encountering a traffic jam is indeed a bit too uncomfortable.

Liu Xiao Leng carried on the road for over an hour, and arrived at the place agreed with Xiao Huya at around eight o'clock in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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