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Chapter 420 Xiaohua, you opened this racing track?

Chapter 420 Xiaohua, you opened this racing track?
The Jingcheng Circuit is located on the outskirts of the capital. It is an exclusive track created by a powerful second generation in the capital. It is a full 15 kilometers long. Generally speaking, a [-]-minute race car only needs to run seven or eight laps. Finish.

In this capital city where every inch of land is expensive, being able to own such a large piece of land and turn it into a racing track is much more powerful than those rich second generations who run clubs.

And Liu Xiao chose to come here because he also hoped to get to know more people. The technology in his hands is very good, but it is because of the good technology that it is easy to attract the covetousness of those dark-minded people, so many friends and many friends. Lu's words are indeed not talking nonsense.

Of course, Liu Xiao didn't intend to have a deep friendship with these people. He simply got to know each other, and it was fine to talk about things later on. On the other hand, if you want to have a deep friendship, I am afraid that these people are chasing after you.

For now, Liu Xiao has only developed the virtual disk server technology, but in terms of social status alone, I am afraid that he can already talk to these second-generation parents, not to mention the follow-up cooperation with Huawei and the official.

On the other side of the race track, a Bugatti was parked at one end of the track, and three or four staff members were using instruments to check the various performances of the sports car.

In the lounge on the left, more than a dozen young masters talked and laughed around a young man in his thirties.

"Brother Hua, didn't you go to Guangyu recently? I thought I might not see you for ten days and a half months. Why did you come back so soon?"

Upon hearing this, Brother Hua's face immediately collapsed, and the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

If it wasn't for the sake of hiding from the misty rain, why would he run back to the capital to take refuge?

Yi MinoYanYu has already issued a kill order for him in Guang'an, and I'm afraid that as soon as he shows up in GuangYu, Yi MinYuYu will come to the door and smash the dog's head.

As for Brother Jiu, Brother Hua didn't dare to call in the past two days, and there was a high probability that he had been forcibly smashed by a cloud of smoke and rain.

I mourned for Brother Jiu in my heart, Brother Hua coughed and cleared his throat.

"I also have to take care of some of the companies we cooperate with here, or you two, won't my group go bankrupt in minutes?"

Brother Hua laughed.

"Brother Hua, you are underestimating the brothers. No matter how you say it, our ability is not bad. If you straighten out the company, we can do it."

Seeing Brother Hua making a joke, everyone also laughed.

Brother Hua is one of the leading figures of the younger generation. The second generation who can usually play well, basically have some shares in the Brother Hua Group, and usually invest in it.

Not all rich second generations are fools. On the contrary, they have received elite education since they were young, and each of them is very strong. Coupled with their personal connections and management capabilities, Hua Ge basically doesn't need to worry about the operation of the group's subsidiaries. .

This is also the reason why Brother Hua can safely go to Guangzhou to run the Daheng trade union.

As for why Brother Hua appeared here.

It's very simple, the land of this racing track was acquired by Brother Hua, and he and his friends from the same department each invested in it, a total of [-] billion projects. This place is also the place where they usually manage their contacts.

The fact that rich people like to play golf is actually a rumor on TV.

Just playing ball casually, who can stay there all day long?
The fundamental purpose of playing golf is to socialize. For people like Brother Xianghua's parents, the basic way of socializing is drinking tea and golf.

As for the younger generation like Hua Ge, they are cars and women. It happens that Hua Ge is not very interested in women, so when he is in the capital, he basically stays here.

Brother Hua listened to the second generation next to him bragging about how awesome he was, how much money he made in trading yesterday, and how many competitors he had brought down. He was smiling and preparing to talk, when suddenly he saw a car coming from afar. There was a white and black Ryuk, followed by an extended version of the black car.

Brother Hua didn't care about the black car, as for the bodyguard cars, almost all of them were recognized, but the only thing he cared about was the Ryukke.

"This should be Luke's new concept car, right? On the capital side, there is one on the Zhang family's side, and one on the old Ren's side. It shouldn't be, neither of them should come here."

Brother Hua frowned, but walked quickly to the door without stopping.

On a summer night, this place is quite cool. Brother Hua built a lot of pergola outside, not too far from the entrance.

Before Brother Hua stepped forward, another red Ferrari roared in the distance, and then appeared in front of him.

The two cars parked in the parking lot at the entrance almost at the same time. As soon as Brother Hua walked into the range of 20 meters, he saw the door of the Ferrari opened, and the excited Xiao Huya jumped out of the car, facing the other side of the Luke car. The young man who came down called out:

"Brother Xiao Xiao, how does this place look?"

"Brother Xiao Xiao?"

Brother Hua felt a little familiar when he heard the name.

Suddenly, another woman got off from Ryuk's co-pilot.

With a distance of less than 20 meters, and against the backdrop of the bright incandescent lights illuminating the racetrack, Brother Hua saw the appearance of this woman at a glance.

"Fuck, isn't this a little orange?"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, brother Xiao Xiao, is he Xiao Xiao?"

Brother Hua was shocked, and looked at the very handsome young man in front of him in disbelief.

He has always felt that Xiao Xiao should be older than himself, or at least similar to himself, at least 30 years old, but looking at it, maybe he is not even 25?

It's usually him, who is inseparable from killing himself on the Huya platform?
Brother Hua didn't forget Xiao Xiao's schemes against him on the platform at all, Xiao Xiao manipulated almost every step of the way, making him, the self-proclaimed old cunt, sluggish in every way.

But now, Brother Hua doesn't care much about the previous things. After all, after the identity of the chairman of Xiao Xiao Liu Ning Group was exposed, he knew very clearly that he should give up. Xiao Xiao can only be a friend. The Ning Group is too strong now, and I am afraid that the next step will be to cooperate with the official.

In the face of the general situation of the government, regardless of how his brother Hua jumps and beeps, if he wants to destroy him or even destroy his family's property, it is just a matter of fluff.

Brother Hua took two quick steps, intending to go up to say hello to Liu Xiao. After all, the two sides have been fighting wits and courage on the Huya platform for so long, and this is also fate.

"Please stop."

Brother Hua had just approached within four or five meters of Liu Xiao, but before he could react, a cold-looking woman was already standing in front of him, and she seemed to be holding a dark object in her hand.

Brother Hua's pupils shrank.


He is also very familiar with guns. After all, there are so many shooting clubs, and he will go to play occasionally.

But this is the capital, not a shooting club, and the guns of the shooting club are all stuck at a dead angle, and it is impossible to point them at people in reverse.

Even his bodyguards, most of them go out with bare hands, at most they bring some beating sticks or something.

If it is true that there are bodyguards with guns in the empire, his father's level is not enough, and the old man at home has to go out.

And this time, a woman just took out a gun and pointed it at her head.

And it doesn't look like he's joking with this style. If he really moves forward, he really doesn't know whether he will shoot or not.

The combination of Brother Hua and Zheng Xiaoxiao is so classic that it's hard for the people next to them not to notice.

Crashing, the surrounding rich second-generation sons immediately rushed forward.

"Xiaoxiao, just come to my side."

Seeing Zheng Xiaoxiao directly pointing a gun at a stranger, Liu Xiao felt dizzy.

He came out to play tonight, to expand his social circle, and not to cause trouble, so what would happen if he just pulled out a gun and came out?
If you like to dig and rob, at night he climbs over the wall and enters the yard first to let you dig enough.

"Sorry, for Mr. Liu's safety, please keep your distance."

Seeing that the deterrence was achieved, Zheng Xiaoxiao quickly put away the gun, bowed to everyone, and returned to Liu Xiao's side in two steps.

As an ordinary person, Zheng Xiaoxiao definitely wouldn't make such a fuss, after all, even if a top agent made a shot within a meter or two of Liu Xiao, she would be able to fully react.

But Brother Hua is a bit too strange.

Just when Liu Xiao's car entered the door, she observed Brother Hua walking forward quickly, then Liu Xiao got out of the car and chatted with Xiao Huya, and Brother Hua stood under the pergola 20 meters away with a sullen face and was startled. After a few seconds, he suddenly rushed forward with big strides.

Whoever it is, I'm afraid that Brother Hua has some malicious intentions.

If it wasn't for his extreme confidence in his own strength, and there were several sniper rifles staring at him in the dark, Zheng Xiaoxiao would have wanted to shoot directly and maim Brother Hua's hands first.

Brother Hua seems to have figured it out, probably because of his facial expressions and actions just now, which caused the security guard to misunderstand something.

"old flower?"

Liu Xiao didn't respond yet, but Xiao Huya made a sound of surprise first.

"Old Hua, aren't you presiding over Daheng's affairs in Guangxi? Why did you return to the capital today?"

Xiao Huya was amazed.

He knew that Daheng and Lehua had always been at odds, so he brought Brother Xiao Xiao over today when Brother Hua was away to have fun and meet some people, but he didn't expect that Brother Hua was not at Daheng's side in Guangzhou. On the contrary, it is also in the capital, which is a bit strange.

You know, although the event is over, there must be a lot of things going on at Daheng. It's an anecdote that Brother Hua, a workaholic, can let go of these things and come out to play.

"Are you Brother Hua?"

Liu Xiao was also a little surprised.

He really didn't expect to meet Brother Hua on this occasion, and Zheng Xiaoxiao gave Brother Hua such a surprise gift package.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, it's me, it's me."

Brother Hua nodded again and again, forcing a smile on his face, obviously not yet relieved from the emotion of being pointed at with a gun just now.

"Hey, it turned out to be Brother Hua's old acquaintance. I thought there was some conflict."

Beside, the rich second generation watching the excitement also understood that the relationship is not a bloody conflict, but a flood of water rushing into the Dragon King Temple.

"What conflict?"

Suddenly, Brother Hua turned his head and looked at a younger brother angrily.

"Hey, hey, what? Didn't I see that the female companion next to brother Xiao Xiao is very beautiful? I was thinking that brother Xiao Xiao came out halfway and took the love of your life from Brother Hua."

The little brother next to him looked at Brother Hua's eyes about to kill, his voice became weaker and weaker, and in the end he hardly dared to speak out.

These rich second generations usually rarely watch live broadcasts, and most of them live a three-point and one-line life.

Going to work, having a big meal, hanging out with people, or having a big meal, going out to hang out, playing with people, naturally they don't know Zhao Ning, a popular anchor on the whole network.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Brother Xiao Xiao, the founder and chairman of Liu Ning Group, and this is Zhao Ning, the number one female anchor of the big platform Huya Live."

Xiao Huya interrupted Brother Hua's embarrassment and introduced it to everyone.

"What, female anchor, this brother Xiao Xiao is quite good at playing."

There were smiles in the eyes of the rich second generations, all of whom were teasing.

Zhao Ning's appearance and figure are indeed nothing to say, a white mid-length skirt, almost instantly became the focus of the field, and almost all the men were secretly swallowing their saliva.

"But this is the chairman of Liu Ning Group"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, Liu Xiao, I'm afraid it's not that one?"

Everyone remembered Xiao Huya's introduction to Liu Xiao just now, and they were shocked, and suddenly they were full of enthusiasm.

"What kind of eyes do you all have? Ms. Zhao Ning is not only Huya's top streamer, but also a top musician in China. I'm sure most of you have heard of it."

Brother Hua couldn't help frowning when he saw everyone looking at Zhao Ning. He didn't know what these second generations were thinking.

Although these second-generation talents are relatively strong, and they will not engage in forced buying and selling, but with this idea, if Zhao Ning is a female anchor like Xia Nuan, isn't that going to take the initiative to seek death?
Looking at how much Xiao Xiao took care of Zhao Ning on the live broadcast platform, I knew that the relationship between Zhao Ning and Xiao Xiao must be unusual, and Zhao Ning had always been a talented person on the live broadcast platform, but he had never made any small moves.

In Hua Ge's view, whether as an anchor or an artist, Zhao Ning is almost a perfect and impeccable superstar. Even if Xiaojuzi can be on their Daheng side from the beginning, even if Lehua has Xiao Xiao, Daheng is also confident that he will occupy more than [-]% to [-]% of the share.

Whether he wants to admit it or not, whether it's Xia Nuan from his own trade union, or the salad from Yishui Misty Rain, or even Brother Li who is already half-cooled, they are all far from Zhao Ning.

Not only his appearance and temperament, but also his talent. When it comes to music talent, Zhao Ning definitely has the potential to become a contemporary superstar. Speaking of first-line superstars such as Jay Chou and JJ, who doesn’t start a music company, a record company or something? Investing in a game team earns no less than the second generations of them, and even relying on their fame, their social status is almost as good as his Brother Hua Jiu.

(End of this chapter)

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