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Chapter 421 Brother Hua is autistic: Why does everyone have a girlfriend?

Chapter 421 Brother Hua is autistic: Why does everyone have a girlfriend?
"The little orange who sang [Feng He]?"

"Little Orange, I'm your fan, can you sign me?"

"My mother, the flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple. She turned out to be Little Tangerine. She sings so well and looks so good-looking. Isn't she invincible?"

Regardless of whether they were real or not, the atmosphere between a group of second generations suddenly became brighter, and some even had a good time, shouting to ask Xiaojuzi for his autograph.

No one knows whether it is true or not, but everyone is almost tacit.

Brother Hua has already made it very clear that Zhao Ning is equivalent to Brother Xiao Xiao's real girlfriend, not someone who is just for fun or a lover, plus the name Liu Ning Group, the word Ning in it, It can already represent many things.

Such an identity is enough for them to respect.

As for Brother Xiao Xiao's status, they no longer deserved to respect it, on the contrary, it was worshiped.

The point is, although they didn't look too much at Zhao Ning just now, it obviously made this godlike brother Xiao Xiao unhappy.

No one dared to bet that the beautiful security guard behind Brother Xiao Xiao would suddenly take out a gun and shoot into the sky. If that happened, his face would be torn apart. Among them, at least two or three people would be responsible.

Regardless of Brother Xiao Xiao's status as the chairman of Liu Ning Group, being able to let bodyguards go out with guns in this place in the capital is a manifestation of power.

And looking at Brother Hua's attitude towards Xiao Xiao, I'm afraid that if something happens to any of them, Brother Hua won't have the face to save it, right?
If a group of people can really act, then there is really nothing like a movie king.

Everyone had heated discussions, almost discussing Zhao Ning's album from beginning to end, especially the representative song [Fenghe], which gave the highest evaluation one by one.

But even so, they were all standing two or three meters away talking, and they didn't forget the scene when Brother Hua was pointed at the head with a gun just now.

Seeing that these people stopped talking nonsense, Liu Xiao's gloomy face gradually softened.

Bringing his girlfriend out is to show off and make others envious. If people really make fun of his girlfriend, then Liu Xiao really feels that his little brother is not worthy of enjoying it.

Xiao Huya and Brother Hua knew each other from the beginning, and although they didn't move around much, they could at least speak a few words.

As soon as the two became active in the middle, these rich second generations immediately shouted brother Xiao Xiao non-stop.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, I belong to the Wang family. If you have any orders on copyright matters in the future, please give me a call. Whether you should talk or not, I still have something in this regard."

"Brother Xiao Xiao, I am the Xiao family in the capital. If you want to open a factory or something, Brother Xiao Xiao must say hello to me, and I will be there whenever you are called. not a problem."

The second generation of the Xiao family slapped their chests loudly.

Business cards were handed over one by one, and Liu Xiao accepted them all with a smile.

This is also one of the purposes of his coming here today. Don't look at these second generations who usually don't show their mountains and rivers, but each of them has terrifying energy. Amazing ability.

In other words, if ten piles of bird feces are thrown over here in the capital, nine of the second generation can be hit, and the remaining one is the rich generation.

And these second generations gathered around Brother Hua are the top group of these second generations. If the abilities that these people can mobilize are combined, unless the authorities take action, anyone who sees them will have to stay away.

However, as Brother Hua yelled Xiao Xiao one by one, these second generations in the racing field basically gradually took Liu Xiao as their backbone.

They may not believe others, but Brother Hua's vision is really vicious. Since Brother Hua has made such a choice, it proves that Brother Xiao Xiao definitely has such ability.

Besides, a person who is driving a new concept car of Ryukke, is accompanied by a top-notch hero like Xiao Huya, and is equipped with gun bodyguards for personal protection, doesn't seem to need to think so much.

"Sister-in-law, I was offended when we first met, but I really like to listen to your songs, and my wife is also a loyal fan of yours, and I hope sister-in-law can sign me, so my wife will definitely die of happiness when I go back tonight. "

A boy scratched his head in embarrassment, holding a marker pen.

This will get a little more familiar, and Zheng Xiaoxiao basically looked at everyone on the field, confirmed that no one was carrying any weapons, and then let them get in touch with Liu Xiao and Zhao Ning.

"Thank you for liking my song."

Zhao Ning took the pen generously, and signed her name with two swipes.

She dresses very conservatively today, and she won't lose a piece of meat when people look at her twice. It is indeed something that makes her very happy when someone likes her song.

However, Liu Xiao on the side was a little curious, what should this guy do when he returns home at night?
Is it that, or that, or ah pain?

"By the way, brother Xiao Xiao came here today because he wanted to play a friendly match with everyone. He's just busy chatting and forgetting about business."

Xiao Huya pointed to Liu Ke who came from Liu Xiaokai.

"That's no problem, but with the performance of Brother Xiao Xiao's car, we don't even have a chance to see Brother Xiao Xiao's taillights."

Everyone laughed and agreed.

They often race cars on the circuit side, and it is no problem to reach a speed of [-] on a professional track.

Like before in Suzhou and Hangzhou, the pace of Yangqilan's 6-kilometer track was slightly lower.

A circle of 3000 kilometers can almost pull a big back and forth, and the longest straight-line acceleration distance is more than [-] meters, which is enough to fly.

But to say that they can't even see the taillights, this sentence means that they are being polite.

After all, everyone is the top second generation, and the worst sports cars are tens of millions. Although there is a gap in the performance of the cars, the gap is not as big as imagined.

Besides, they often play this track, and they know where to turn, where to accelerate and turn. Although Brother Xiao Xiao's car is better, it is the first time to come to this track after all, and there must be a gap between them and them.

Of course, no one would be really stupid enough to win Brother Xiao Xiao. They race cars, and those of the same level are called competitions, and those of different levels are called sophistication.

A group of people quickly dispersed to find their own cars.

Before racing, the car's water cooling, engine, brake system and gear system all need to be checked. There are professionals on the racing track to check, but it takes some time after all.

Xiao Huya took the initiative to check the car for Liu Xiao, but Liu Xiao didn't stop him and let Xiao Huya pass by.

Liu Xiao, on the other hand, carefully studied the big screen on the racing track.

"Old Hua, your track equipment is really comprehensive."

With a total length of 100 kilometers, there is an electronic eye every 200 meters. There are more than [-] ultra-high-definition electronic eyes, which are enough to clearly capture every scene of the racing in the field.

In the rest area, seven or eight super-large screens broadcast the ultra-high-definition live broadcast of the game.

Liu Xiao glanced to the side again, and even saw 60 or [-] top-notch DJI drones on the right. Liu Xiao recognized this one, and one would cost [-] million. There must be tens of millions invested.

Liu Xiao was amazed.

No wonder these second generations like to come and play, even if they don't play games, it's a lot of fun to watch in this rest area!

This is much more refreshing than watching some TV at home. If it wasn't for his sensitive identity, Liu Xiao felt that he would come here often to have fun.

"Where did Brother Xiao Xiao say that he was just playing around casually, everyone, please give me some face, and always come to join us if you have anything to do, I, the host, can't let everyone be bored, can I?"

Brother Hua made a haha.

This was the first time he got along with Xiao Xiao, and he felt an unspeakable discomfort in his heart.

In the past, Xiao Xiao was absolutely equal to him, and even played various games on the Huya platform, but now, Xiao Xiao was sitting next to him, but he couldn't help but plan to lick it in various ways.

It's not that he is shameless, but that Xiao Xiao has too much to offer.
Not to mention anything else, it is the project of Liu Ning Group, even if he does not participate, but relying on the relationship with Brother Xiao Xiao, it will definitely not be a problem to buy a few virtual disk servers. One point, it's already very awesome.

There were melon seeds on the table, Liu Xiao grabbed a handful and stuffed them into Zhao Ning's hands, then opened his mouth again, making Zhao Ning's face flushed immediately.

Let me feed him my own grapes at home, but let me feed him melon seeds outside.

Although this melon seed is a serious melon seed, what the hell is it lying on my lap all of a sudden?


Zhao Ning snorted softly, squeezed the soft flesh around Liu Xiao's waist, but obediently peeled the melon seeds for Liu Xiao.

Lying in the arms of a beauty and eating melon seeds, there is a beautiful security guard in full armor standing next to her.

Brother Hua next to him saw Liu Xiao's expression of enjoyment, and the nuts that had just been delivered to his mouth immediately became stale.

Looking at the pistachios that he usually likes to eat most, and then at the shells on the outside of the pistachios, Brother Hua couldn't help but shook his head.

Picking up the fruit orange next to him and taking a sip, he wondered if he should also find a girl to start a family.

Not to mention that they are as messy as Brother Jiu and Yisuo Yanyu, but at least they are in their early thirties, and they are lonely all day long. If there is any need, they have to solve it by themselves, which is indeed a bit too shabby.

Hmm. The little secretary seems to be pretty good. Next time I go to Guangzhou, I will bring the little secretary back to look around.

For a while, Brother Hua also became distracted.

At his level, finding a woman is very easy, but Hua Ge's mind has never been here. What he wants is a soul mate who can communicate with him on an equal footing. It can be regarded as a bit romantic, with a kind of poet's loneliness.

But these days, everyone is very impetuous. It is not easy to find such a suitable woman. Even though Brother Hua has a high status now, after so many years, he still hasn't seen one.

Sometimes watching Brother Jiu go crazy outside, Brother Hua is also very confused.

In the beginning, he used the tone of a big brother to discipline Brother Jiu's family, but after talking too much, Brother Jiu still refused to change after repeated admonitions, so he simply ignored him and simply reminded Brother Hua to pay attention to his body.

"Hey, it doesn't matter if you have money or not. Anyway, I don't have money."

"It doesn't matter whether you are talented or not, anyway, I don't have talent and scheming."

Brother Hua took another look at Xiao Xiao, who was full of criminal methods of capitalism, and saw Zhao Ning's qian fingers holding a few melon seeds and handing them to Xiao Xiao's mouth. He suddenly felt that the world was all gloomy.


Brother Hua consciously moved a few positions to the side.

There is also a fruit plate in this place. Pick up a few pistachios and crush them into your mouth. It seems that the aroma of nuts has returned a lot.

"What is invisible to the eyes is the pure heart. When I find it, I have to show it off in front of other people!"

At present, it is after 09:30 in the evening, and the preparation time will be around [-]:[-] in the evening, so there is still plenty of time.

It was not surprising that these second generations had just gathered together, but now that they were scattered at various points, Brother Hua realized that these people seemed to be accompanied by female companions.

Glancing twice at the rest area next to her, she saw a second generation rubbing oil on the girl in her arms.

The nuts soon became unscented again, so Brother Hua changed his position again.

This time I glanced to the side, there was nothing wrong with it, it was a person sitting alone.

Brother Hua was relieved just now, but suddenly his eyes glanced down. This guy's lower body was covered by a coat, and there was a small head inside the coat.
Having never eaten pork and seen pigs running, Brother Hua was speechless for a while, and simply closed his eyes to rest his mind.

He had never eaten such an unpalatable pistachio!

On the other side, another pink Maserati arrived at the gate of the arena.

"Brothers, don't keep saying that I can play sports cars and pick up girls. People will become better. Since I joined Daheng, the live broadcast has become more advanced."

"Look at my set of live broadcast equipment, the top-equipped DJI drone, the same model as the Western Blue, and this anti-shake self-shooting camera, not to mention the current Blu-ray 6M resolution, just make a Blu-ray 12M I can resist it too!"

Meng Meng got out of the car, holding his mobile phone and bragging in the live broadcast room.

Since being overtaken by Yangqilan with a high-definition live broadcast with racing cars in the past two months, Jianmeng has learned from the pain. After two months of careful preparation, he also made changes to his live broadcast.

Although he doesn't have any new ideas, what is he afraid of if he can copy homework?

And what he copied from his homework is definitely better than blue!

Yangqilan has a professional track in Suzhou and Hangzhou, but he doesn't have one in Guangzhou, so he will come directly to Kyoto.

You are on a 6-meter track, right? Then I will come to a 20-kilometer track, will I beat you?
You are a 600 million Ferrari live broadcast, well, then I will make the latest Maserati with a tens of millions, will it overwhelm you again?
If you engage in drone live broadcasting, I will directly engage in the 50 DJI drones on the market, which are top-notch.

If you use an anti-shake camera in the car, then I will make a 40 ultra-blue ray anti-shake camera.
In short, this time, Mengmeng copied all the configurations of Yangqilan.

Now that Daheng has surrendered to Lehua, there is basically no distinction between platforms. It depends on whose content is better. The resources recommended by the union are not very important to them, big anchors.

He invested millions of dollars this time, and he couldn't believe that his popularity wouldn't come back!
(End of this chapter)

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