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Chapter 422 Hitting Dreams: I'm Sending This Wave

Chapter 422 Hitting Dreams: I'm Sending This Wave
"666, rise up, my treasure!"

"I've been tired of watching the previous live broadcasts. Every day, I find a girl to drive and play, and then go to the villa or hotel to chat at night. If I can broadcast the following content every day, I won't talk about it, but you can't broadcast it. It's really hot It’s time to drop it.”

"That's right, it's really boring, but I know that Jianmeng's ID is on another Jiaojiao platform, and it pays to broadcast the content behind it. If you are interested, you can chat with me privately, and I will send it to you for ten yuan!"

"Really, come on, come on, I'll add you and you agree!"

When Zhimeng saw the word "Xiaojiao", he immediately felt dizzy.

Of course, it is impossible for him to live broadcast that kind of thing on this live broadcast platform. After all, it is not easy for him to achieve the level he is today on Huya live broadcast. How could he take the initiative to die for such a small amount of money.

When he was using this live streaming software, most of them came as a paid viewer, and he even spent 1999 to become a permanent member of this platform.

"damn it."

Mengmeng quickly blocked this user.

If this allows him to speak freely, when the good platform is officially banned and rectified, wouldn't his permanent membership in 1999 be for nothing?

No matter how you say it, you have to read 1999 back to the original.

However, even if the speed of hitting dreams is fast, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room is more than 30. Many people caught the four words of XX live broadcast in the first time, and then opened their browsers to search.

"Why not, I can't find it."

"Impossible, I just typed it word by word, why didn't it?"

Chi Meng laughed heartily.

How can this software be found on Baidu? It requires a special domain name URL to enter. Search by yourself, unless you enter by chance, otherwise it will definitely be useless.

"You think I was white in 1999?"

Zhimeng was secretly delighted.

"Ahem, everyone, don't bring the rhythm. What kind of Jiaojiao live broadcast platform is this? I haven't even heard of it. I guess it's a small troll who deliberately uses the rhythm to cheat money. Besides, for such a small platform, the live broadcast room is generally not How can one or two people play with tens of thousands of people like us?"

Meng Meng coughed twice, and quickly pulled back the rhythm.

"Yes, everyone, don't be distracted by the advertisements. Tonight's live broadcast room is absolutely wonderful."

"Everyone swipe the small gifts, increase the fan brand, fan brand tenth level and above enter the group, and receive benefits regularly."

Several managers in the live broadcast room spoke one after another to stabilize the morale of the army.

Tonight is a live broadcast opportunity that Mengmeng had prepared with great difficulty, so he couldn't just give up.

"You may be wondering who this person next to me is. There must be a lot of excitement behind tonight. I won't tell you about this. This is Zhang Yue, the top domestic racing driver, who once won the international F1 championship. The super boss with a bronze medal in racing, I believe that some people who are interested in racing should have recognized Brother Yue at the first sight."

Mengmeng sent the camera to Zhang Yue who just got off the co-pilot.

For tonight's live broadcast, Jianmeng also specially invited his old acquaintance Zhang Yue, who is also his contact in the car circle for so many years. Based on Zhang Yue's F1 racing foundation, he will drive a supercar on this kind of track for fun , Basically, it is a matter of pinching with hands, a breeze.

Coupled with the live broadcast equipment he prepared today, as long as he puts one on the co-pilot, his popularity will definitely explode tonight.

"Hi everyone, I'm Zhang Yue, a racing driver."

Zhang Yue was a nice person, and he came forward to say hello with a smile.

"Hey, there seem to be quite a lot of people in this racetrack today?"

Zhang Yue also plays this track often, and is familiar with some second-generation cars. At a glance, he knows several cars.

"Looks like we're having fun tonight."

Zhang Yue rubbed his hands together, smiled and looked at Meng Meng.

He is often on live TV, but he still doesn't pay attention to this small scene in the live broadcast room.

"Really, look, there is a Ferrari over there. The price of this Ferrari should be more than 400 million. There is also a Lamborghini over there, which is at least 500 million by visual estimation. There are also McLenne and Maybach. and Maserati."

"Huh? That looks like Brother Hua's Bugatti?"

In the dream, I saw a car on the far right.

Brother Hua drove a Bugatti when he was in Guangzhou, so he clearly remembered the license plate.

The mobile phone video focused on the past, and Bugatti's license plate was immediately reflected in the live broadcast room.

"Damn it, it's Brother Hua's car!"

"Brother Hua didn't show up last month, so he was in the capital!"

"Brother Hua's car is here, isn't Brother Hua also here?"

Many of the tourists in the live broadcast room had watched the live broadcast of Mengmeng at that time, and many of them also remembered the Bugatti owned by Brother Hua. After all, there are only so many Bugattis in China, and most people really can’t forget after seeing it once.

"Brother Hua is originally from the capital, so it's normal to appear here, but you are lucky today, maybe you can see Brother Hua in real life."

Meng Meng laughed, his expression even more excited.

He came to the capital to look for a live broadcast opportunity, but he didn't expect such a big opportunity today.

There are so many cars today, there must be a competition to be held, and it seems that these cars are basically in the preparation stage, it is better to be able to join them, if not, just watch the live broadcast on the spot, and wait for these second-generation cars to finish running He can do it again, anyway, the racing live broadcast, I believe these viewers are also very happy to watch.


Shimeng clapped his hands and laughed happily.

"There is another one over there. It seems to be the latest model of Ryukke, the one with the whole car made of carbon fiber."

On the other side, Zhang Yue pointed again.

"You may not understand this car, but I can tell you about the performance of this car. The acceleration from [-] meters is [-], the maximum power is [-] yards, and the air-conditioning cycle pressure in the car is super.

In addition, it has jointly developed a three-speed operation mode with Ferrari, which are travel mode, sports mode and racing mode, which can respectively correspond to the chassis lift, especially the racing mode, which can pull the chassis to an extremely low position and can withstand more than [-] yards The strong grip of the speed is not inferior to the F-level professional racing car! "

The brand of Ryuk is not too famous, because he only makes supercars.

There are many models of Ferrari and Maserati with a price of 300 to 5000 million, but there are no cars of the Ryuk brand that are less than [-] million, and those with a slightly higher grade are all hundreds of millions.

The performance of this brand of car is worthy of every penny the user pays.

Chi Meng was dumbfounded for a while, but after thinking about it, this is the capital city, so he didn't feel so out of breath.

In this place of Kyoto, it should be normal to have such a thing, right?

The tourists in the live broadcast room frantically swiped 666.

"Hey, if it wasn't for Teacher Zhang Yue's explanation, I wouldn't know that Ryuk is so fierce!"

"This car can be regarded as the emperor of the supercar world. Mr. Zhang Yue, tell me a number, and let me give up!"

"My mother, my lifelong dream is to sit in this car for a while, don't ask me why I don't drive it, because I don't have the qualifications!"

"Really. So fucking handsome, this car!"

"Upstairs, you are from Cao County, don't ask me why I know, because you like to say inversions!"

"Fuck, how do you know that I like to say flip sentences upstairs? Impossible, I didn't even know that I would say flip sentences."

"Brothers, let's apply in a while to see if we can join this racing car. It would be even better if we can meet Brother Hua. I even think that the Ryukke supercar should belong to Brother Hua."

Chi Meng calmed down, and analyzed rigorously.

Brother Hua is also a first-class young man in the capital, this point is very clear in Mengmeng's heart, and with Brother Hua's identity, it is really possible to come up with such a Ryuk.

As for the young master at a higher level, there is only Principal Wang in the capital.

However, although President Wang collects luxury cars, he is not keen on racing cars. What Principal Wang likes is to watch games and eat hot dogs with his sister in his arms, and then casually use the assets under his name to invest in small goals. of.

For example, this year's lol championship favorite IG team is one of President Wang's industries.

In other words, Principal Wang should be eating hot dogs and watching the game in Bangziguo now, and it is unlikely that he will appear here.

That being the case, it is naturally more likely that it is Brother Hua.

Liu Xiao was lying in Zhao Ning's arms eating melon seeds, when suddenly he saw Meng Meng at the door.

Liu Xiao also watched the live broadcast of Mengmeng, and naturally recognized it at a glance after seeing it.

"This guy, why did he come here?"

Liu Xiao muttered something, a little curious.

Mengmeng is usually broadcast on the Guangzhou side, why did it suddenly come to the capital today?

How does Liu Xiao feel that since he arrived in the capital in the afternoon, the people he knows have gathered together and rushed over, whether it is because of the mocking buff or something.

On the other side of Guangyu, Yimin Yanyu in Brother Jiu's villa saw the message sent by the union management to himself on WeChat, and immediately snorted softly.

He said where did Brother Hua go, basically searched all over Guangxi but couldn't find it, it turned out that he went to the capital to avoid the limelight.

"Old Jiu, go, follow me to the capital."

Yimino Yanyu directly grabbed Brother Jiu's hand and walked outside.

"Hey hey, Boss Misty Rain, take it easy, it hurts, it hurts!"

Brother Jiu looked at Yishui Misty Rain with a sore face.

Isn't there a news that I didn't tell you in time? As for holding grudges like this?

From last night to now, he has been tortured by a misty rain of souls for a whole day.

Especially last night when we were talking to each other with Xia Nuan, the doorbell kept ringing non-stop. After seeing a cloud of smoke and rain approaching the door through the video intercom, Brother Jiu was so frightened that he almost wilted on the spot.

From last night to now, Yi Minoyam has been whispering in his ears all day long, and he even nicknamed Yi Minoyam a Tang Monk in his heart.

Really, it's more annoying than a curse!

"I'll go, can't I go, don't worry, wait until I get the car keys."

Brother Hua was closing his eyes and resting his mind, but suddenly his heart trembled and he was awakened.

Looking up to the side, I happened to see Meng Meng not far outside the lounge.

"Why is he here?"

Brother Hua frowned.

It doesn't matter that he is on camera, after all, he often appears in various TV programs and interviews, and he has long been familiar with it. After all, Meng Meng is the anchor of his union, since he met him, he naturally wanted to help him.

Xiao Xiao will naturally be interviewed by various TV and newspapers in the future, so it doesn't matter.

Zhao Ning is also an anchor and singer, so it doesn't matter if she is on camera.

But the problem is that three people must not be on camera at the same time.

Xiao Xiao and Zhao Ning are on camera at the same time, which will definitely destroy Zhao Ning's character design. After all, the audience doesn't know the real relationship between Zhao Ning and Xiao Xiao. Qian Cai was with Xiao Xiao, once this person established himself, things would be difficult in the future.

And if he was added, the viewers who weren't Hu Ya would have to suspect that he and Xiao Xiao were singing double reeds on the live broadcast platform all day long.

Brother Hua thought of it, so naturally Liu Xiao could think of it too.

It doesn't matter to me, I've been up and down on the Internet for so long, it doesn't matter to show my face, after all, I'm so handsome, it's just for people to see, those killers don't even come here to assassinate me without investigating my appearance, that's it It doesn't matter if it's exposed or not.

It doesn't matter if you're with Brother Hua, you can use an excuse to talk about business, but Zhao Ning can't do it here.

For Zhao Ning's stardom, the exposure time must be later. This is Zhao Ning's dream, and Liu Xiao must respect Zhao Ning's personal wishes.

"Xiao Ning, go over there and get a mask. I saw Zhemeng coming over just now. I think he might be photographed tonight."

Liu Xiao sat up and said seriously.

"Dream hit?"

Zhao Ning was a little curious, and followed Liu Xiao's gaze to look into the distance, and sure enough, he saw the iconic yellow hair of Meng Meng.

"Okay, I'll go find a mask."

Zhao Ning nodded.

It just so happens that the clothes I’m wearing today have never been worn during the live broadcast, and with a mask and a little hair pulled up, it’s basically completely different from the live broadcast.

As long as you don't take the initiative to speak, no one can think of Xiao Juzi.

Seeing Zhao Ning rolled up her hair and put on a mask, Liu Xiao was immediately happy.

My daughter-in-law's face value is very high, the mask covers the face and only reveals a pair of eyes and eyebrows, she looks very good-looking, and after the hair is tied up, there is a more mature charm in it.

Liu Xiao couldn't help giving Zhao Ning a thumbs up.

This outfit is perfect!
On the other side, Meng Meng had already boarded the car again, and took the car to the registration office to register.

Today's race is not considered a private race, as long as the car meets the standard, basically anyone can enter.

The staff didn't make things difficult for Jianmeng either, and let Jianmeng and Zhang Yue enter the competition waiting area after paying a maintenance fee of one hundred thousand yuan.

"Brothers, we joined the competition today very smoothly. It's a coincidence. When we came, we were preparing for a new round of competition. We happened to catch up with this trip. I believe Brother Yue's driving skills will let you all On the public screen, it’s a big button for Niubi.”

Meng Meng laughed and searched around in the rest area.

Here, he didn't dare to take random pictures with his mobile phone, he just turned on the selfie mode to take pictures of himself.

He knew very well in his heart that these people were different from him. The people here were all the second generation with names and surnames in the capital. Photographing someone else makes them feel uncomfortable, what should I do if I want to get him?
(End of this chapter)

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