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Chapter 423 You can't even pass the speed bumps, Xiao Huya, what's the use of your car?

Chapter 423 You can't even pass the speed bumps, Xiao Huya, what's the use of your car?
"Brother Xiao Xiao, why don't I let him go today?"

Brother Hua came over and whispered in Liu Xiao's ear.

He is also a live broadcaster, so he naturally knows what it means for Zhao Ning to wear a mask. He obviously doesn't want to expose his relationship with Brother Xiao Xiao. At this time, Jian Meng is holding a mobile phone and shaking around, which will definitely make Brother Xiao Xiao feel uncomfortable.

As the owner of this racing track, although he is also the owner of Jianmeng, brother Xiao Xiao is more important after all.

"It's okay, come out and play, don't make it so big."

Liu Xiao smiled and waved his hands.

In terms of exposure, Liu Xiao really doesn't care too much. When I go to Huawei the day after tomorrow, there must be countless reporters coming. By then, I will really become a popular figure. I don't care about these two days now.

What's more, Liu Xiao is also very interested in live broadcasts. He used to play as the big brother in the live broadcast room, and it's good to play occasionally.

"Okay, I'll make Mengmeng pay attention."

Brother Hua saw that Liu Xiao really didn't care too much, so he nodded, took out his phone and sent a message to Meng Meng.

Meng Meng was staring at the phone, when a WeChat message of special concern popped up on the top of the screen.

Shocked, he quickly clicked on the message and took a look.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is here?"

Chi Meng said a word in his heart, and quickly poked his head out to look into the distance cautiously.

Zhimeng had seen Brother Hua before, so he searched intently, and soon found Brother Hua who was sitting not far in front, bored eating nuts, and a man and a woman wearing a mask next to Brother Hua.

Jianmeng is not stupid, to be able to be with Brother Hua and still be so casual, and to tell himself not to take random pictures, Brother Xiao Xiao must be the only one.

But what he didn't expect was that Brother Hua and Brother Xiao Xiao fought so hard on the platform, but they were still friends in reality. Could this be the world of big bosses?

Shocked, Meng Meng hastily lifted the phone aside, not daring to point it in the far direction at all.

"Brothers, the preparations for this competition will take about 10 [-] minutes. Please wait for a while, I will go to find a toilet nearby."

Meng Meng coughed and coughed, put the phone aside first, and pointed it at the big screen that was playing the wonderful racing highlights in a loop.

Winking at Zhang Yue who was next to him, he pulled the corner of Zhang Yue's clothes vigorously, and trotted towards Brother Hua first.

Zhang Yue was stunned for a moment, seeing Jian Meng next to him waving at him, and seeing Jiang Meng pointing at Brother Hua and the others in the distance, he immediately reacted, although he didn't know the identities of Brother Hua and Brother Xiao Xiao, but in his heart Clearly, this must be someone big.

"Brother Hua."

Jian Meng trotted over, first glanced at Brother Hua, then at Liu Xiao next to him, but still didn't dare to say hello to Liu Xiao.

Although I am sure that this is brother Xiao Xiao, it would be too embarrassing to admit the wrong person. Besides, Brother Hua hasn't introduced him yet, so it would be impolite for him to greet him proactively.

What made him rather strange was that the beauty wearing a mask next to Brother Xiao Xiao always felt that her identity was no lower than that of Brother Hua and Brother Xiao Xiao. Brother Hua's attitude towards this beauty is still very good, at least it is equal to each other.

"Zhimeng, why are you here in the capital when you have time today, and you also happened to come to my racing track?" Brother Hua laughed.

"Come on, let me introduce you. This is Brother Xiao Xiao, the most famous god on the Huya platform. Brother Xiao Xiao, this is Mengmeng, an outdoor anchor under our Daheng side."

"I know that, who is next to me?"

Liu Xiao nodded with a smile, and looked at Zhang Yue beside him.

"Brother Hua, Brother Xiao Xiao, I'm Zhang Yue, a racing driver."

Seeing Zhang Meng's attitude towards the two of them, and hearing what Brother Hua said, Zhang Yue's eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly introduced himself.

He usually watched the live broadcast, otherwise it would be impossible to recognize the person Jian Meng, and he had heard of Brother Hua and Brother Xiao Xiao, who were well-known in Huya's live broadcast.

This is the first-class brother Shenhao in the country, and he has several existences every now and then!

I didn't expect to meet these two big guys when I came to accompany Chameng Racing today?
"You are welcome to come over. Our side is also about to start a race. If you are interested, you can also participate. But since you are a professional racing driver, you have to let us amateurs."

Brother Hua made a joke.

Jian Meng is not his grandson, and Brother Hua is not the kind of superior person with a faulty mind, and his attitude towards the two is quite friendly.

After all, everyone is equal these days, and putting on airs to be different will only make others think they are fools.

A real superior can usually get along with you like a friend, and it will make you feel like a spring breeze, but once you get serious, everyone can feel the aura of this superior.

"Let's talk first, Xiaohuya should be packed up soon, I'll go there first."

Liu Xiao patted Zhao Ning's little hand.

"Okay, see you later on the field."

Brother Hua readily agreed.

"Brother Xiaohuya is here?"

Seeing Brother Xiao Xiao walking away with his female companion, Jian Meng said softly, very curious.

What he saw today really subverted his cognition a bit.

For example, he was a competitor with Yangqilan on the live broadcast of Huya, but in reality, he basically didn't have much contact with each other. After all, the relationship between the two parties was to compete for popularity. When they met at the Huya annual meeting, they were not speculative, even if they said a few words In other words, most of them are ridiculing the other party.

But Brother Xiaoxiao, Brother Xiaohuya and Brother Hua, he felt a little baffled.

Logically speaking, brother Xiao Xiao is Lehua's behind-the-scenes boss, and Hua brother is Daheng's behind-the-scenes boss. The two should be in a competitive relationship, and the relationship between Hua brother and Xiao Xiao should not be so good.

If the relationship is really good, why not merge Lehua and Daheng directly, and wouldn't it be better for the two unions to control resources together?
Spent more than a billion yuan a month, is it because you have nothing to do to send money to the Huya official to play.

"Remember, Brother Xiao Xiao came here tonight just for fun. You are also a public figure now. After you get your phone and start broadcasting, only take pictures of yourself and this big screen. Don't take random pictures, especially don't take random pictures of people."

Brother Hua stood up and patted Meng on the shoulder.

"I understand, I understand."

Chi Meng nodded repeatedly.

"By the way, Brother Hua, can I take pictures of the game tonight?"

"of course can."

Brother Hua glanced at Shi Meng strangely.

I let you broadcast live here, not to put you in jail, isn't what he just said clear enough, as long as you don't shoot people, everything else is fine, right?
Brother Hua and Mengmeng exchanged some polite words, and went to the side to drive his own Bugatti.

At his level, he has long been immune to the media or live broadcasts. It doesn't matter to him, as long as it doesn't affect his private life, such as family and children, he is generally allowed to shoot casually.

Uh. Although Brother Hua doesn't have these things, I don't want to affect them.

On the one hand, it can increase your own exposure, on the other hand, it can also increase your reputation, which is more beneficial to the company's development. Why not do this kind of thing.

Liu Xiao has no objection because of this point. Whether it is media interviews or live broadcasts, they are actually self-improvement. The exposure of luxury cars is also a way to show off your strength. With more exposure, more people know about your company, and it is easier to attract people. talent.

For example, Lao Ma often appears in various major media in various Versailles. I have never seen money or anything. Although he looks very secondary, he does do a good job in publicizing the company. Everyone’s first impression is that Ali is a For a high-end company, the people who can work in it must be very good.

In fact, Lao Ma has indeed succeeded. After hearing about Ali, people nowadays are the first reaction of international super large companies.

And shopping streets like 618 and Double 11 basically rely on the traffic generated by Lao Ma’s various white scoops, coupled with a large-scale advertising promotion, he just came up with an exclusive name for these two days, called Dian business festival.

Of course, sometimes the old horse’s Versailles is really inflated. For example, when talking with the boss of Tesla about the future of mankind, his face was really hurt a little bit, and the time when Sabine turned Versailles to autism also became The laughter of hundreds of millions of people.

When Liu Xiao passed by, Xiao Huya had already watched the staff and the two cars were almost packed.

Ryuk's car hadn't been driven much before, but it basically passed some simple inspections.

As for Xiao Huya's Ferrari, the two rear tires and new brake pads were replaced, and some cooling water was added to the water tank.

When Liu Xiao walked over, Xiao Huya was in neutral, blasting the accelerator of his Ferrari and trying out the performance of the car.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, do you think the engine of my car is okay?"

Xiao Huya got out of the car and was very proud.

The roar of Ferrari's engine is basically the handle of the sports car world, and the low voice can easily resonate with people.

"It's pretty good, but this car depends on the technical level. No matter how good your car is, it can't accelerate you in a straight line all the way, right?"

Liu Xiao made a joke with a smile.

Zhao Ning on the side also laughed.

Xiao Huya showed up in the live broadcast room of Yangqilan before. At that time, the two were racing in Suzhou and Hangzhou. Xiao Huya's strength was obvious to all.

It's good, but it's just good, not that great.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, you don't understand. A good car has the benefits of a good car. For example, a car worth 10 yuan can basically only go on the normal road. If you hit it on a high speed, you may be gone. A car worth 100 million yuan can go on the road. In Chuanzang County, a car worth 200 million yuan can travel across the desert.”

"A 7000 million car can't even pass the speed bump."

Xiao Huya was bragging, Liu Xiao interrupted directly, and added a sentence to Xiao Huya later.


Xiao Huya was speechless immediately.

Ferrari's chassis is low, which is basically known to all, but Brother Xiao Xiao, it's a bit too much for you to take it out. Isn't this just rubbing salt on the wound of his little tiger bud?
The staff members who were still checking the car were holding back their laughter.

Xiao Huya still wanted to refute, but after thinking that the chassis of the Ryukke driven by Brother Xiao Xiao could rise and fall slightly, he obediently sealed his mouth.

His Ferrari is the best batch of Ferraris. He reserved it for two full years before he got this supercar, which is limited to 50 taels in the world.

Indeed, everything about this car is good, and the driving experience is also good, but the only problem is the low chassis.

Fortunately, there are not many speed bumps here in the capital, so he can drive with confidence. If he does encounter a speed bump or something, either he will carry the car over by himself, or he will find a tow truck to tow the car away, nothing else choose.

Therefore, he would only take this car out for fun while racing, and drive another car at other times.

At this moment, Xiao Huya was about to suffer internal injuries from Liu Xiao.

He seems to understand Brother Hua's feeling a little bit now. When he meets a formidable enemy like Brother Xiao Xiao, no matter whether it's talking or giving gifts, he seems to be unable to win!
"Mr. Liu, your starting point is at the red dot on B1."

A staff member hurried over and handed over Ryuk's key respectfully.

"Okay, send a copy of the navigation data to my car later."

Liu Xiao nodded, and patted Xiao Huya's shoulder again.

"See you later on the field."

"Alright Mr. Liu."

The staff nodded quickly, then trotted to the side, and transferred the U disk with the map data of the stadium into the car.

A lap of [-] kilometers, a total of [-] kilometers, a total of four laps.

Generally speaking, for the 300 kilometers, even if you maintain a speed of 15+ per hour, you have to run for about 10 minutes. Normally, it can be completed in about 25 minutes, or [-] minutes if it is slower.

Although it was the first time for Liu Xiao to come here, Liu Xiao was quite confident.

After all, with his current reaction ability and memory, this track should not be a problem.

Compared with the sharp turns and increased drift of the mountain rally, the difficulty of this track is already low.

There are only two curves with more than [-] degrees in the whole journey, and the rest of the curves are basically smooth. There are also four short-cut overtaking routes with [-]-degree curves, each of which can save about one kilometer of road. Four overtaking lanes means that one lap only needs to run [-] kilometers.

Liu Xiao got into the car and took shorthand while looking at the map information on the screen.

"When entering a curve, you must slow down. It takes 12 seconds to run an extra kilometer, and then accelerate after a curve. .”

Zhao Ning on the side also got into the co-driver at the right time.

Her driving skills are of the kind that can't be explained in words. She can't even put a Wuling Hongguang mini into the parking space, so she just wants to keep silent about this kind of scene.

Anyway, it's a friendly match, and the safety protection measures on this track are still in place. It belongs to the professional level. As long as you don't wave too hard and cause the car to roll over, generally nothing will happen.

"come on."

Zhao Ning blinked at Liu Xiao, showed a sweet smile, and then zipped up all the zippers of the racing suit.

From the side, it looks like a little sloth wearing the tights of the Ultraman Victory Team, which is really cute.

Zhao Ning tossed her hair lightly again, put on the protective helmet, her words echoed, and suddenly her voice became muffled.

Liu Xiao glanced at Zhao Ning, couldn't help laughing, turned off the route map, turned on the navigation and air conditioning, switched the car to the track mode, and then put on the protective helmet as well.

(End of this chapter)

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