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Chapter 424 The 1st scene of racing, Niubi is done!

Chapter 424 The first racing scene, Niubi is done!
Liu Xiao's memory is already good, and now his memory has been strengthened. From Liu Xiao's understanding, when the system transmits knowledge to itself, it develops its own brain expansion.

At least for now, Liu Xiao is almost at the top level in the world in all aspects, including racing.

Of course, Liu Xiao hasn't tested exactly what level he can reach, but at least it can be compared with the handful of people at the top of the world, and it can be regarded as a good additional ability.

Just as Liu Xiao was getting ready, at the B2 position on the other side, Brother Hua also drove his Bugatti to a stop.

Seeing Xiao Xiao and Zhao Ning next to each other fighting each other, Brother Hua suddenly became depressed again.

Others' passenger seats were filled with all kinds of girls, but his passenger seat was empty.

In the last row, Zhang Yue's Maserati with fans came to a slow stop.

In reality, his status may be far less prominent than these people, but in terms of racing, Zhang Yue does not lose to anyone. With his strength, it is relatively easy for him to win this race, but the problem is, He will be a little afraid to do his best.

Especially after knowing the identities of Brother Hua and Brother Xiao Xiao, Zhang Yue felt that his hands were trembling, and he was completely gone from the usual excited state on the field.

Meng Meng next to him didn't care too much about this, but was busy live broadcasting to attract fans.

"Brothers, have you seen that Bugatti in front of us, we drove it during the live broadcast before, and this car is the exclusive car of Brother Hua. I really didn't expect to meet Brother Hua when I came to the capital today, and I can It’s really exciting to think about racing with Brother Hua!”

Mengmeng turned the camera to the arena, shouting excitedly.

Ever since Brother Hua's Bugatti and Brother Xiao Xiao's Ryukke were lined up, the popularity of the live broadcast room has grown crazily. This session's popularity has already reached more than 80, and it is only one step away from reaching a million.

You know, the competition hasn't started yet. After a while, won't it be easy to break the million popularity?

"It's a pity, I don't dare to live broadcast the video on Brother Xiao Xiao's side, otherwise these tourists will know that Brother Xiao Xiao is there, and I am afraid that the popularity will break through the million mark in an instant."

Zhimeng glanced at the Ryuk supercar in front of him, muttering to himself.

He didn't dare to talk to Brother Xiao Xiao just now. After all, he was really scared by Brother Xiao Xiao and Xiao Huya before. When we met, he wanted to post it as a licking dog, and also wanted to stay far away and not provoke him at all. I was very conflicted.

But even if Brother Xiao Xiao was not photographed, it would be a big profit to be able to photograph so many luxury cars.

Although Guangzhou is considered a big city, in terms of luxury, it is definitely not as good as the capital, especially the status of these second-generation people in the capital is already high, and each of them drives tens of millions of cars. I want to find someone There are millions of cars, and you can't even see them.

Winning or losing the game is not important, the most important thing is being able to participate.

Supercars are generally divided into two types, one is driving with automatic transmission, and the other is driving with manual transmission. But for now, most supercars are automatic transmission, and a small part are manual transmission.

In the automatic transmission mode, driving will be more comfortable, and there is no need to frequently change gears, which is more favored by these wealthy second generations.

In the manual mode, although the operation is more troublesome, the driving feeling is more satisfying, and the power of the car will be greatly enhanced.

After all, in the automatic transmission mode, the car's automatic shifting is based on the speed card. Although it can ensure the smooth running of the car, in terms of acceleration, it is worse than the manual transmission.

This Ryukke is one of the rare automatic manuals, which can be adjusted to manual transmission mode.

Liu Xiao adjusted the car, adjusted it to first gear, and waited for the referee's gun to go off in the distance.


With a loud sound, the large screen on the viewing platform in the distance also switched in real time.

Liu Xiao's reaction was extremely fast, and he released the clutch in an instant, and stepped on it directly with one foot.

With the bang of the engine's internal combustion engine, the whole car shot straight towards Li Xuan like an arrow.

Zhao Ning was taken aback by the strong push back feeling, but the seat flexibility of this car is not bad. Although it is not comfortable to sit in at ordinary times, in this kind of extremely high-acceleration arena, it reflects out of its advantages.

Depress the clutch again, skip the second gear and turn to the third gear directly, the accelerator has not been released, the half-clutch state is only for a moment, and the speed of the sports car increases again.

Then Liu Xiao directly skipped fourth gear and shifted to fifth gear, accelerated again, and pressed the screw again to jump to sixth gear.

"Supercars are more exciting. There are very few six-gear cars in a million-dollar car. All these supercars come with six gears, and some even have seven gears."

Liu Xiao sighed.

When the sixth gear is raised, the speed increases to one hundred and fifty in one go.

For an ordinary car, it may take at least a dozen seconds to accelerate from 0 to [-] speeds. An electric car will be faster, but it will take eight or nine seconds.

And it took Liu Xiao just over two seconds to go from 0 to [-]!

Even in the supercar world, it can crush more than 90.00% of the racers.

The first three kilometers were always in a straight line, and everyone was speeding up crazily.

Although Brother Hua doesn't usually show off his driving skills in front of others, he drives a racing track after all, so his skills are still very strong.

Bugatti was almost behind Liu Xiao, and the distance between the front and rear was only one parking space.

The two cars roared continuously on the track, and the speed was mentioned again and again. If it weren't for the hundreds of surveillance cameras and drones, I'm afraid I could only see two shadows.

"Hey, Brother Xiao Xiao and Brother Hua are both fierce!"

"I know Brother Hua's strength, but I didn't expect Brother Xiao Xiao to be so strong. With this acceleration, it can't be done without five or six years of driving experience, even with a car like Luke."

Several second generations who watched the game on the big screen sighed with excitement.

Just at the moment of departure, Brother Hua and Brother Xiao Xiao almost left the cars behind them with a distance of more than ten meters. Among them, only a few people such as Xiao Huya could keep up, but they were still two meters away.

However, on the professional track, when he did not encounter various corners and shortcuts at the beginning, he was led by more than two meters or even more than ten meters. This technical gap has already been revealed clearly.

After all, everyone drives similar cars, basically top-end models. Liu Xiao's Ryukke and Hua Ge's Bugatti are better, but when the speed is not pulled up, the performance is not much better.

For supercars in supercars, other characteristics are more focused on torque, grip and wind resistance, and have little to do with initial acceleration.

For a simple example, anyone who has played QQ Speed ​​should know that the initial speed of both the S car and the A car is similar. The real fierceness of others lies in the grip of various nitrogen acceleration injections and drifting. To put it simply, It is that the stamina of car A is insufficient.

Although it is inappropriate to compare it with games, the truth is indeed the same. As long as the gap in the car is not beyond the level, the gap in the initial speed is the technology gap.

If you have to compare Xiali with Bugatti, it is definitely inappropriate, but comparing Ferrari with Bugatti can fully reflect the level of the driver.

But on the current track, the initial acceleration has not been fought, it must be a gap in technology.

After all, everyone's cars are of super supercar grade, and the gap in acceleration from [-] kilometers is only a few tenths of a second, so it won't have any effect at all.

In the Jianmeng live broadcast room, although the tourists could only see a small part of the field of vision in front of Jianmeng, they were still shocked by the sound wave of the Maserati's explosion and buckled the 666 again and again.

Many people have seen F1 racing, but there is a problem with F1 racing, that is, the performance of the car is ranked first.

For example, Mercedes-Benz, which often sponsors F1, puts the appearance in the last consideration when designing a racing car. The most considered is the wind resistance provided by the popular line body and the grip provided by the oversized tires.

Therefore, none of the cars in professional racing can be described as beautiful.

But today is different. All kinds of colorful luxury cars, at the beginning of design, appearance and performance are placed on the same level.

Tens of millions of cars, it is not that the car factory randomly fabricated a price for people to pay for it, but it has real materials.

All the supercars are running in front, and the drones outside the dream are controlled by an assistant to record the full screen, and there is also a professional Blu-ray camera with anti-shake on the inside of the dream.

For a while, the live broadcast room seemed to really have the feeling of speeding and racing in the fast and furious.

Even, from the first perspective of the live broadcast room, the tourists have an extra sense of empathy.

"No, Mr. Zhang Yue is not a professional racing driver, but also a bronze medalist in the competition. Why is the speed so slow?"

"That's right, what's the situation? Brother Yue's condition doesn't seem right. Brother Yue can even drive a racing car. It should be easy to drive a supercar, right?"

The tourists in the live broadcast room looked at the supercars rushing past one after another, and immediately became anxious.

What they want to see is the first perspective of the exciting racing car, not the third perspective.

Jianmeng deliberately invited Zhang Yue to come here because Zhang Yue's skills were so good that he was able to get into the top few places, but now, although he is not at the bottom, he doesn't even seem to be in the top ten, right?
"Brother Yue?"

Jian Meng also saw that Zhang Yue's condition was a little problematic, so he quickly called out in a low voice.

Tonight, it's enough to let Brother Ranghua and Brother Xiao Xiao. The others are not familiar with him. They just won the race car. These second generations will not settle accounts with him because of this. Like Zhang Yue is doing now, it is completely unnecessary.

"A little nervous, sorry."

Zhang Yue took a deep breath.

It was also the first time for him to see so many rich second generations, and he fell into hesitation, not knowing what to do.

Now he also figured it out, regardless of whether he is a rich second generation, no matter how awesome these rich second generations are, it is impossible for Brother Hua and Brother Xiao Xiao to be awesome, right?

After all, Jianmeng is under Brother Hua's banner. Even if he really wins, I believe Brother Hua will keep him, as long as he gives way to Brother Xiao Xiao and Brother Hua who are already in the first and second places.

Even, who knew that these rich second generations were hanging behind their backs, not for Brother Hua and Brother Xiao Xiao?
After thinking about this, Zhang Yue only felt relaxed.

The front just came to a 6-degree bend. Zhang Yue stepped on the brake and shifted directly from 4th gear to [-]th gear. The engine and the brake braked at the same time. .

Before the front of the car was back on track, Zhang Yue slammed on the accelerator again, linked his right hand and left foot, and shifted directly to the sixth gear again.

And this wave of bends also successfully overtook two cars.

"Holy shit, teacher Zhang Yue, this little drift, I'm getting wet!"

"I don't know if Teacher Zhang Yue will drift with the handbrake. The feeling of dying with the brake is the best!"

"Upstairs, I'm afraid I didn't brake myself to death! Even if there are ABS anti-lock brakes, but if you really do this at a speed of more than 200, the car will definitely roll over immediately!"

"That kind of car is just a trick car to show off its skills. If you can brake like this, the speed generally does not exceed 60."

Zhang Yue heard that Mengmeng was interacting with the audience, so he explained with a smile.

On this kind of professional track, short-term drift is already the biggest limit. If you want to be more ruthless, you have to test whether the car's torque can support it.

This tens of millions of cars was originally rented. It is normal for the tires and brake pads to wear out, but if the torsion bar of the car is broken, he cannot afford the sky-high maintenance fee.

Puckering his mouth, Zhang Yue became serious again, looking forward with a focused look.

"Chasing, chasing! Chasing Brother Hua!"

"I just don't know who owns the Ryukke that is side by side with Brother Hua. According to Zhang Yue's honesty, this car seems to be better than Bugatti. It should be a big shot!"

"However, Brother Jiu is the eldest brother in the live broadcast of Mengmeng, and Brother Hua and Brother Jiu have such a good relationship. Do you dare to beat Brother Hua?"

"Brothers, don't worry, brother Yue just came into contact with this car today, and he was just familiarizing himself with the condition of the car just now. Wait for half a lap, brother Yue is almost familiar with the condition of the car, let's overtake slowly one by one!"

Mengmeng was also driven by the rhythm of the live broadcast room and shouted excitedly.

He kept staring at the screen on the camera.

The money for this anti-shake camera is indeed not in vain. Even in such a high-speed car, the pictures captured are also stable. Coupled with the top-end drone high-altitude capture, two pictures are transmitted at the same time. The effect is not worse than the effect of on-site observation.

The only downside is that there are a lot of cameras on the scene, and all the cars can be photographed, but Jianmeng can only photograph the few cars in front of him and his own car, which is a bit of a fly in the ointment.

But for the live broadcast effect, this is completely enough.

The next place was a detour, Zhang Yue did not hesitate, and quickly calculated the distance in his mind.

A sharp turn of [-] degrees is not so easy to turn. Generally, a sharp turn of [-] degrees, many people can't drive well at a speed of [-], but Zhang Yue can forcefully drift at a speed of [-]. This is The embodiment of strength.

For this [-]-degree bend, Zhang Yue controlled the speed at about [-].

And the first-person view of the scene in the live broadcast room made the tourists hold their breath.

"My God, we are about to leave the runway, and there is a pile of grass next to it. If the car is thrown into it, the grass will not provide grip at all, and the car will definitely be thrown away in an instant!"

"Damn it, Mr. Zhang Yue is bull beeping, drifting at a right angle!"

(End of this chapter)

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