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Chapter 425 Brother Xiao Xiao Will Drift?

Chapter 425 Brother Xiao Xiao Will Drift?
In the live broadcast screen, the pink Maserati made a super long early drift. While turning around, the speed of the car has almost dropped to more than 30, and the original roar is almost inaudible, just like the current mood of the tourists in the live broadcast room. He was hoisted high by a handful of straws.

Everyone stared at the whole car screen from the drone high in the sky, and then looked at the first-person view from the main screen next to it.

Just hearing a bang, Maserati suddenly let out a bang, and just now dropped to a speed of more than 30 yards due to drifting, and was accelerated to the extreme in an instant!
The second gear forced the brakes to drift, and then directly shifted to the sixth gear!
Only those who have really driven a car know how incredible it is that such a shift can go on smoothly.

Generally speaking, the maximum speed of the first gear is about ten to twenty yards, and the best speed for turning to the second gear is about fifteen yards.

The speed of the second gear is basically below [-] yards, beyond this speed, the third gear is more suitable.

The third gear is forty to sixty, the fourth gear is 55 to [-], the fifth gear is [-] to [-], and the sixth gear is more than two hundred.

But if you want to go directly from the second gear to the sixth gear at the speed of [-], under normal circumstances, the gears of the engine will not be stuck together at all!
The problem that occurred was that the engine and gears stopped directly, and then the whole car slammed forward and then turned off.

However, Zhang Yue did just that!

"It's too fierce!"

"You didn't pay much attention just now. In fact, Brother Yue probably used the middle gear and fourth gear too much."

"Second gear and one foot oil, and then the speed of light drifted to fourth gear, the floor oil continued, but the speed soared to more than [-], reaching the minimum speed standard of sixth gear, instead of directly shifting from second gear to sixth gear, only brother Yue's hand speed It’s too fast and everyone didn’t see the shifting process in the middle.”

Meng Meng explained in the live broadcast room with a smile.

He is a car enthusiast. Although he can't do this level of operation, he can still see some clues.

"So it is!"

"Hitting dreams is awesome. I have been driving all year round, but just now there is only shock left in my mind, and I don't see anything."

"Ma De, I used to drive a big car, and I didn't know much about the A1 driver's license. This operation is really awesome. I am worthy of being a world-class racing driver!"

"[Old Horse Knows the Way] send out the treasure map*1!"

"[Old Horse Knows the Way] send out the treasure map*2!"


On the other side, Lao Ma Shitu swiped a wave of 666 first, and then directly sent ten treasure maps.

"Thank you Brother Shitu for sending me the ten treasure maps!"

Thank you again and again.

Accompanied by the roar of the engine from scratch, Zhang Yue sped up to the main road in an instant, directly overtaking the seven or eight cars in front, and could already see two super supercars, Brother Jiu and Brother Xiao Xiao, not far ahead. running shadow.

"Haha, these are trivial things. I don't do it often in the arena. After all, the terrain of the professional arena is more harsh. It doesn't matter in this arena. The success rate is 100%."

After a wave of operations was shown, Zhang Yue also became more confident, and even took the time to interject, and actively interacted with the tourists in the dream live broadcast room.

Liu Xiao, who was at the front, was also a little curious when he saw the Maserati coming out of the shortcut in the rearview mirror.

Liu Xiao didn't see the panorama in the operation just now, but he just thought that the car must have strong skills to pass from the shortcut.

For the first shortcut just now, neither he nor Brother Hua chose to take this shortcut. Brother Hua didn't want to take the risk because his skills were not up to that level, while he didn't want to take risks because he had never done such an operation before.

Liu Xiao silently calculated in his heart, if he still walks normally at the next bend, he should be overtaken by this Maserati.

He also took advantage of a few turns to practice short-distance drifting, and Liu Xiao also had a little bit of confidence in the control of this car.

Taking another look in the rearview mirror, the Martha at the back was already behind me and Brother Hua, and there was still Meng Meng with a video camera sitting in the co-pilot.

"I just said, it turned out that Zhang Yue was driving."

Liu Xiao was stunned.

Since it is a racing driver at the national team level, it is normal to be able to have this level.

But Liu Xiao has never been a person who easily admits defeat, especially with this strength.

Soon, the second approach crossing will arrive soon.

Liu Xiao directly stepped on the accelerator for more than half, and Ryuk's speed immediately sprinted towards the [-]-yard mark.

"This is the time!"

Liu Xiao's eyes were fixed, the steering wheel was directly killed, and the downshift and brake were performed almost simultaneously.

Ryuk threw a beautiful arc on the track and successfully turned the [-]-degree bend.

Afterwards, Liu Xiao also used a set of skillful shifting and acceleration. When the speed almost dropped to the bottom, it quickly increased to a speed of more than 100 yards.

"I go!"

Brother Hua who followed behind widened his eyes.

To be honest, his driving skills are not weak, but he is completely afraid to do such an operation. After all, he is not a professional racing driver, so he cannot be 100% sure that he can do it.

Especially the operation of speeding up instantly after turning the corner, he thought to himself that it was impossible to do it.

And Liu Xiao's drift also successfully made him lose track, and he opened up a distance of 400 meters in one fell swoop. It must be difficult to keep up with him.

Zhang Yue at the back naturally also saw Brother Xiao Xiao's operation in front, and was shocked and speechless for a while.

It would be difficult for him as a professional racing driver to do such an operation, but Xiao Xiao, a young man, can actually do it?

The point is, he has never heard of Brother Xiao Xiao being such a powerful racing driver!
And in his opinion, brother Xiao Xiao's drift acceleration is even smoother than what he did, and the initial speed is also faster than his, which can already be called a standard practice at the textbook level.

"Which boss is the car in front of you? Why does this operation look smoother than what Brother Yue did just now?"

"Improbable, Mr. Zhang Yue is a bronze medalist. This level is not to mention placed in such a small arena, even if placed in the international arena, he is also the number one figure in the ranking!"

Countless viewers in the live broadcast room were also typing barrage.

Jianmeng has been fixing the camera all the time, and at a distance of 200 meters in front, he just happened to capture the panorama of this Ryukka drifting.

Everyone can see the difficulty of Zhang Yue's operation just now. This kind of operation is impossible for 90.00% of the people above [-] to do it, but unfortunately, the Ryukke in front can do it.

If this is in the professional arena, everyone will definitely not be surprised, but this is a private arena!
Mengmeng next to him also seemed a little embarrassed.

Of course he knew that Brother Xiao Xiao was sitting there. To be honest, he was even more shocked than the audience in the live broadcast room.

But he definitely couldn't say it was Brother Xiao Xiao's car in the live broadcast room, unless Brother Xiao Xiao took the initiative to come over and say hello to him afterwards.

"No matter who is sitting next to the Ryukri in front, but from a professional point of view, this person's level is already at the same level as Brother Yue, even in my opinion, the degree of control of drift is even better than that of Brother Yue It needs to be more precise."

"If there is no accident, the distance between us may not be able to keep up."

Meng Meng deliberately flattered Brother Xiao Xiao in the live broadcast room.

Zhang Yue on the side also nodded in agreement, and affirmed the awesomeness of the driver of the Ryukke in front from a professional point of view.

"When I was turning the first corner just now, Zhumeng actually mentioned the difficulty of this operation, especially the process from acceleration state to deceleration state, and then to acceleration state, it is actually very difficult to control. To control the two to such a degree, on the one hand, it is necessary to be extremely familiar with the vehicle conditions, and on the other hand, it is necessary to calculate the data to an extremely precise level.”

"For example, shifting to sixth gear requires a speed of more than [-]. If this speed is only a little bit worse, the car will stop suddenly under such a strong stress, and it may even roll over. But if the speed is reached to ensure the speed Changing gears after more than eighty or ninety will undoubtedly delay time."

"In this case, the cars in the normal lane have already passed, and short-term overtaking is meaningless."

Zhang Yue nodded again and again, and kept emphasizing a fact.

This operation is really difficult!
It is true that many racing drivers can do it, even some stunt people can do it, but Zhang Yue is sure that the current Xiao Xiaoge is the only one who can do it so perfectly.

For the control of time, it is almost not bad at all!

To do this, the requirements for the individual's temporary computing power and responsiveness are absolutely abnormal.

After driving here, Zhang Yue didn't plan to speed up any more.

Although Brother Xiao Xiao's car has already left them far away, but with the drone of Mengmeng, it can be photographed by adjusting the angle.

As for Brother Hua in front, he must not be able to overtake.

Even Zhang Yue secretly slowed down a little, planning to let Brother Hua run for a quarter first, and then speed up to show off his driving skills after Hua Brother passed by.

In the field of view of the drone in the Mengmeng live broadcast room, the Ryukke car in front is even more impressive, even speeding up to more than 350 yards in the straight-line acceleration section.

On the field, the explosion sound waves of various sports cars were continuously transmitted, almost all the tourists in the entire live broadcast room were replaced.

"It's so exciting. I'm from the capital city. When I buy a luxury car someday, I have to go to this racetrack!"

"Let's pull it down. If you want to enter this racetrack, at least you have to have a luxury car worth more than two or three million yuan. It's not realistic for us."

"Cut, look at how Shimeng got in. I can't afford it, so I can rent it. It's actually only four or five thousand a day, so I can still afford it!"

Visitors in the live broadcast room were discussing.

Most of the current first-tier cities in China have luxury car rental points.

Generally speaking, the price of a car rental is basically equal to one-thousandth of the price of a luxury car, but only if a large deposit is required.

In other words, renting a car for 200 million yuan for one day is actually only two to three thousand yuan.

A 1000 million car rental for one day is more than 1.

This is also the reason why Internet bloggers currently have a Rolls-Royce per capita.

For example, ten bloggers each pay 1000 yuan to rent a Rolls Royce for a day, and then make a video saying that they earned it for a year, and then replace it with another one.

According to incomplete statistics, Rolls-Royce, whose annual sales volume does not exceed 1, sold more than [-] on the Douyin platform alone last year, not to mention Kuaishou. There are [-] to [-] vehicles.

For a while, many people in the live broadcast room really thought about it.

They would definitely not dare to let them drive a luxury car on the track, and they would not be able to pay for the damage to the car.

But it would be a good thing to spend four to five thousand to rent a car and come to this racing track to gain insights, isn't it?
Among other things, with the configuration of this racing track, the free nuts provided by two people can eat hard, and you can eat back two or three hundred in one night, and with a few sips of drinks, you can get back the cost of four to five hundred yuan up.


"I'm from the capital city. I've decided. I'll go tomorrow. Isn't it just half a month's salary!"

"Hey, I'm going tomorrow too, among other things, the conditions of the arena are worth the ticket price!"

"That's right, maybe I can see Brother Hua again!"

The live broadcast room suddenly boiled again.

Seeing that the rhythm of the live broadcast room suddenly shifted to this side, Zhimeng suddenly felt a little bit in his heart, and felt a bad feeling.

Brother Hua originally started this race track not for making money, but for socializing. There is no ticket for this race track. As long as the car is more than 200 million, and it is a sports car, anyone can enter.

After all, people who can drive two or three million sports cars have some status. Even in the circle of the capital, they can barely be regarded as celebrities. Isn't it humiliating to charge four to five hundred tickets with these people? ?

It is not uncommon for ordinary people like Jianmeng to rent a car to come and play, but they are a minority after all, and they cannot attract everyone's attention.

But now that it's done like this, what if a group of rented cars really show up in a few days?
The rent for a car is [-], one for two people, and [-] for one person.

For most people, this price is not a lot of money, and it will be paid after gritting their teeth.

But this is wrong, this place is not for everyone to enter.

Besides, there are more or less places like this that come here to accompany the younger sisters of the big brothers, and these younger sisters are actually paid by Brother Hua. If a person is bored or something, he can just wave his hand and come to accompany him for a drink or something. Yes, even can.
If a large group of people come at that time, it will really become a white scoop!
Shi Meng's neck felt cold, as if he had seen his fate.

"Everyone must not do this. This place is actually specially developed by a few big bosses to entertain these young masters. It is similar to heaven and earth. We ordinary people should not come here to provoke these big brothers. There is no need to grab something just to come here , at the risk of offending these big brothers."

Mengmeng quickly explained in the live broadcast room.

If so many tourists really came, Brother Hua might have castrated him in a fit of anger and asked him to go drink with these fans.

"That's right. We'd better not mess around in the circle of celebrities. It's a small thing to lose your skin. If you accidentally offend someone, it's really hard to walk around."

"It's still thoughtful of Mengmeng, let's just watch the live broadcast of Mengmeng."

When Jianmeng said this, many tourists in the live broadcast room nodded again.

(End of this chapter)

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