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Chapter 426 Brother Hua, if it doesn't work, you can change me to Lehua's side?

Chapter 426 Brother Hua, if it doesn't work, you can change me to Lehua's side?

In the front, Zhao Ning exclaimed repeatedly while sitting in the car.

Liu Xiao opened this meeting very smoothly, and used various drift accelerations very smoothly.

Although it looks like some very difficult racing moves, for Liu Xiao, he is basically 100% sure. The precise data calculation ability ensures that Liu Xiao will hardly make any mistakes.

"Tesla seems to be launching autonomous driving recently, but its pure algorithm model is still a bit risky. After all, it uses big data to calculate. I will use quantum algorithms to make one when I have time."

While going around the last car that was behind on the previous lap, he muttered to himself.

Liu Xiao thought for a while, he really had a lot of things lately.

Tomorrow I will go to the research institute, the day after tomorrow I will go to Huawei, and then I will establish a new company, and then I will enter the mobile phone industry, the chip industry, the smart industry, and the most important virtual reality technology.

Thinking of so many things made Liu Xiao feel dizzy.

But the good thing is that today I got to know Brother Hua, a more capable second generation, which is a good thing.

Of course, Liu Xiao would not be so naive as to feel that he and Brother Hua were at odds just because he was playing on the live broadcast platform. On the contrary, in his opinion, Brother Hua was quite okay.

At least after Brother Li started the incident, Brother Hua did not go directly to the legal process to resolve the dispute.

If the compensation is really carried out according to the procedure, Brother Li is afraid that he will be completely bankrupt and become an old man.

As for Brother Jiu, he is actually very loyal. He has basically done what he promised on the live broadcast platform, plus some things he learned from Xiao Huya. Whether these two people are reliable or not Liu Xiao doesn't know, but he is It is possible to do some cooperation.

Especially today's No. 30 second generation, they are all elites in various industries. If we get along well today, it will undoubtedly be very convenient to use them directly or find talents through them in the future.

Another series of drifts, Liu Xiao quickly ran five laps, the car parked steadily at the roadside base station, handed over to the staff for inspection and repair, and then did various cooling activities.

While Liu Xiao got out of the car, the Mengmeng studio had been capturing Liu Xiao's Ryukke supercar drone, and successfully captured Liu Xiao and Zhao Ning next to him.

"Boss Ryuk got out of the car, and there is a female companion!"

"Wow, this female partner is so temperamental. This dress has such an invincible temperament, it even competes with Little Orange!"

"Don't just look at your female companions, look, Mr. Luke is really handsome!"

Seeing Liu Xiao get off the car with Zhao Ning, millions of people in the live broadcast room erupted instantly.

Today's live broadcast of Mengmeng is indeed very exciting. Many people who don't usually watch the outdoor section are attracted by the continuous rewards and jumps. When they enter the live broadcast room, the first thing they see is the Maserati opened by Zhang Yue. The second eye is the first Ryuk who is constantly moving around on the secondary screen.

The drone has its own speed measurement. The Ryukke driven by Liu Xiao just now has a top speed of [-]!

Even on a professional track, even if it is a straight-line acceleration distance, this speed is exaggerated enough.

Liu Xiao naturally also saw the drone hovering in the sky, and also saw the assistant of Mengmeng who was controlling the live broadcast room in the rest area not far away.

With a faint smile, Liu Xiao didn't care too much, and led Zhao Ningwu back to the rest area.

Naturally, the drones here did not dare to take any more pictures, so they took advantage of the opportunity to turn the camera to other directions.

"Mr. Liu, Mr. Du called just now and said that he will introduce some powerful people to you tomorrow."

A security guard came out from the side and handed over Liu Xiao's cell phone.


Liu Xiao was slightly curious.

It was almost twelve o'clock in the evening, and Mr. Du called himself at this time, thinking that the few people he would meet tomorrow should not be very ordinary.

For a moment, Liu Xiao also thought about it.

If there are a few more talents with stronger scientific research capabilities under my staff, the subsequent work will be easier to carry out, at least I don’t have to explain the principles of some data over and over again.

These data and knowledge are all transmitted by the system. Liu Xiao is good at being a scientific research talent, but Liu Xiao is not the character who stays in the research institute every day. He is good at starting a company and being the chairman of the board.

After thinking about it, Liu Xiao still didn't call back to bother Mr. Du. Anyway, he can see it tomorrow morning, so there's no need to be in a hurry.

On the other side, Brother Hua and Xiao Huya also crossed the line one after the other to end the race.

The relationship between the two was not very good before, but now that they met, they naturally wanted to establish some relationship between the two, and walked over talking and laughing for a while.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, you are still awesome. I have been driving that kind of children's sports car since I was a child, and I have practiced for more than 20 years. I guess this level is not even half of yours."

Xiao Huya was amazed.

This was not because he was praising Liu Xiao, Liu Xiao's strength in driving skills really convinced him.

And Brother Hua, who was basically following behind Liu Xiao, naturally saw more. He, the boss who drove the racing track, was completely convinced, so he couldn't figure out what Liu Xiao couldn't do.

He also watched it when Liu Xiao and the anchors of Sou Nan played water friends.

A long time ago, when Liu Xiao was playing water friends, it was the host who made it impossible for him to see anything, but after watching it last time, he realized that Liu Xiao's game level is really good.

Principal Wang formed a professional team IG. They were originally in the same circle. They usually played some games to watch the games. What's more, he was still running the trade union in Daheng, so he had some experience.

Although I can't tell how good it is, Brother Hua reckons that there should be no problem with the last drill or master.

You know, his own account is a little gold!
Thinking of this, Brother Hua's heart became hot again.

The files with a level of confidentiality beyond his knowledge, the support of countless funds behind him, and the huge Liu Ning Group behind him, not to mention anything else, just these three points, are already much better than his brother Hua.

Even Yisuo Yanyu and Brother Jiu, who are of his same generation, cannot be compared with Liu Xiao.

Not to mention, Liu Xiao still has a mysterious security guard with a gun. It seems that his head is not small at all, and his family background is probably very amazing.

"Let's do this today. It's getting late now. I have something to do tomorrow. I'll treat you to dinner when you come to the courtyard in the capital in a few days."

Liu Xiao looked at the time.

Originally, I thought I would play until the early hours of the morning, but Mr. Du said that he wanted to recommend someone to meet tomorrow, so he might as well go there early tomorrow.

"Kyoto courtyard?"

"Okay, no problem, Xiao Huya and I will definitely come over tomorrow and the day after tomorrow for dinner."

Brother Hua was taken aback for a moment, and then the smile on his face became brighter.

As expected, Brother Hua is still that Brother Hua. He already knew that Brother Xiao Xiao's identity is not simple, and now he lives in the small courtyard in the capital.

As one of the elders in the capital, he knows no less about the small courtyard in the capital than Xiao Huya. The people here are based on their identities, so he still knows a little bit about them.

"Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow won't work. Brother Xiao Xiao will have something to do tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

Xiao Huya chuckled and winked at Liu Xiao.

Xiao Huya gave him a wink, and Liu Xiao naturally understood it.

Now that there is a shortage of people on my side, and Brother Hua's ability is so strong, in terms of ability alone, Brother Hua may be better than Xiao Huya.

Xiao Huya also knew this, so he blinked again and again, meaning to pull Brother Hua into the car.

You know, Brother Hua is not only capable, but he has also established a large group, which has almost attracted half of the second generation from the capital. Half of the capital came over.

Liu Xiao's heart skipped a beat.

It seems that this is really the case.

But the problem is that Brother Hua is no better than Xiaohuya. If you want Brother Hua to come over and help you, you have to pay some shares. It's not that Liu Xiao is reluctant to share, but that he only has 50.00% of the shares in his hand, and he will distribute some more. The right to speak is different.

50.00% one is a grandfather, and 50.00% is a father at most. Grandpa says one thing, and fathers have to be choked by his wife occasionally, and the right to speak will definitely be weaker. Even if they retain a veto, but if everyone else If you oppose it, won't your goal be achieved?

Liu Xiao could still understand this truth.

After thinking about it, Liu Xiao shook his head at Xiao Huya again.

But Brother Hua is such a smart person, the flirt between Xiao Huya and Brother Xiao Xiao, he must have seen it all because he was so close.

But seeing Liu Xiao shaking his head, Brother Hua also let go of what was in his heart, and planned to ask Xiao Huya after he went down.

"Okay, then you play first, and we will go back first."

"Okay, brother Xiao Xiao, let's see you off."

Not far away, Zheng Xiaoxiao also moved quickly, and stood beside Liu Xiao in almost two seconds.

"Brother Xiao, there are many blind spots in your vision at night. This sports car is not safe. I suggest you take my bulletproof car."

Zheng Xiaoxiao whispered.

Liu Xiao nodded, and handed the sports car key to the person next to Zheng Xiaoxiao, asking him to drive the sports car home.

After getting into the car, under the eyes of Hua Ge and Xiao Huya, the Ryuk sports car left first, and then two pure black cars cleared the way, followed by the business bulletproof car in which Liu Xiao and Zhao Ning were sitting.

And within a minute of the car leaving the gate, the hum of the engine was heard in the shadows outside.

Under Hua Ge's gaze, twenty or thirty black cars converged into a long line and appeared not far away, and then quickly disappeared.

"My darling!"

Brother Hua widened his eyes.

He thought Brother Xiao Xiao's security team was the three black business cars parked in the parking lot in front, and there were only about ten people in total, but he didn't expect that there were still outside?

Simply counting, even if there are three or four people in a car, the security team must be hundreds, right?
"Brother Xiao Xiao's identity."

Brother Hua looked at Xiaohuya who was beside him, with a tentative look in his eyes.

Xiao Huya grinned.

He had never seen Brother Hua show such an expression before, he was always holding a kind of wisdom pearl, and Brother Hua, who knew everything in his chest, would have such a reaction?

"Don't say it, don't say it."

Xiao Huya deliberately put on a trick, smiled, and walked to the rest area first.

It wasn't that he was trying to be tricky. Although he knew in advance that Brother Xiao Xiao's security team was exaggerated, he didn't know the exact reason.

Since everyone doesn't know, but let Brother Hua think he knows, then he can pretend to be a big beep.

"Strike the dream, here!"

Xiao Huya waved his hand at Meng Meng who had just taken over the live broadcast equipment.

When Xiao Huya played in the outdoor area, he also played once or twice in the Jianmeng live broadcast room, and the two sides also added WeChat friends. However, after Jianmeng joined Daheng, Xiaohuya never went to his live broadcast room to brush gifts. Instead, it supported Yangqi Lan, who is also an outdoor anchor.

However, because of the existence of such a relationship, the two still know each other.

Seeing someone calling him, Jian Meng glanced over in a daze, and hurriedly trotted over.

"I didn't expect Brother Xiao Huya to be here today."

Shimeng scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

"Hey, what are you afraid of, brother Hua is often on TV, and I have also been on live broadcast a few times to film yours."

Xiaohuya smiled and took the phone from Mengmeng.

"Hi everyone, I'm Xiao Huya, and this is Brother Hua that you've always wanted to see."

Xiao Huya circled the phone camera in a big circle, and greeted the tourists in the live broadcast room with a smile.

Most of the live broadcast rooms are old fans of Daheng, but after Daheng surrendered the day before yesterday, the fight between the trade unions became less ruthless, so there are also many fans of Lehua.

Seeing Xiao Huya on camera, a kind of Lehua fan immediately swiped their screens.

On Daheng's side, Brother Hua's fans were even more ruthless. For a moment, the entire screen was full of big brother's favor.

Even though there were some black fans who wanted to take the initiative to make trouble, they thought about Brother Hua and Xiao Huya standing together now, and gave up the desire to make trouble.

The two big brothers who wanted to cause conflicts looked as good as wearing a pair of pants. They went to provoke the two big brothers, so they wanted the big brother to find someone to bury them.

"Zimeng, if you want me to say that you might as well transfer to our Lehua, then I will definitely give you more points, and if I can't do it, I will also call Brother Xiao Xiao on the super list for you."

"Brother Xiao Huya, don't."

A mask of pain suddenly appeared on Shimeng's face.

"That's not impossible. Tomorrow, I'll tell Brother Xiao Xiao, let him talk to Lehua, and transfer Yangqi Lan to our Daheng side."

Brother Hua glanced at Xiao Huya, and skillfully rounded things up.

"Hahaha, it's a good relationship. Anyway, Chimeng doesn't have a foreign-style blue fire, Brother Hua, work harder, and try to exchange Chimeng for us with foreign-style blue!"

"Hey, if you want me to say use Xia Nuan to replace the little orange."

"It's really not good, brother Fei can be exchanged for a bald man, no, brother Fei is actually okay, let's exchange Yang Zi with a knife!"

Brother Hua's words directly opened the chatter of the tourists in the live broadcast room, and the tourists in the live broadcast room expressed their opinions one after another, and it was very lively for a while.

At the side, Meng Meng had a bitter face, only to feel that there seemed to be an extra layer of burning effect on his face that had been put on the pain mask.

Brothers, you play for fun, I am innocent of dreaming!
That Hua brother, if not, you can change me to Lehua's side?

(End of this chapter)

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