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Chapter 427 What is Brother Xiao Xiao's identity? Brother Hua dare not think about it!

Chapter 427 What is Brother Xiao Xiao's identity? Brother Hua dare not think about it!
Of course, this sentence is definitely not dared to say.

It is indeed a fact that he does not have a foreign style and blue fire in the live broadcast now, otherwise he would not have made a special trip to the capital at such a high price, and even found a racing driver like Zhang Yue to come over to support his card.

Although the two big brothers were joking, the popularity that Hua Ge and Xiao Huya brought to his live broadcast room was still very exaggerated.

For a while, the popularity of the live broadcast room was increasing to more than 200 million. I believe it will not take long to break the 200 million mark. If Brother Xiaohuya and Hua are online tonight, it is not impossible to break the 300 million popularity possible.

More importantly, if the two big brothers appeared in his live broadcast room at the same time, he would be able to attract a lot of fans from Lehua. It will not feel that there is hostility between Daheng and Lehua.

Especially Brother Hua was still making jokes about Brother Xiao Xiao just now, which proves that Brother Hua and Brother Xiao Xiao must have a good relationship in reality, and there is no need for the tourists from Lehua to target him.

He's not Xia Nuan, and he doesn't have so much black history, so it's easy to clean up.

What's more, as far as Xia Nuan's situation is concerned, it's all clear now, let alone his dream hit.

However, the aura of the eldest brother is definitely cool, but it is easy to cause accidents if you rub it too much.

Meng Meng knew this well. When Xiaohuya returned the phone to him, Meng Meng repeatedly said that he would go to the track for two more laps for fun.

After all, it's his own anchor, Brother Hua must have agreed, and even said hello to the staff to give it to Mengmeng for free, counting it as a reward in the live broadcast room today.

"So Brother Hua is one of the behind-the-scenes investors of this racetrack?"

"That should be true. After all, Brother Hua is such an awesome person. It shouldn't be a problem to invest in a parking lot. But I really didn't expect Brother Hua's identity in reality. It's too awesome!"

"I just don't know which boss Xiao Xiao is in reality. Principal Wang, Brother Xiao Xiao, Principal, Xiao Xiao, do you think Brother Xiao Xiao is Principal Wang?"

"Upstairs you are pulling wool, this is definitely impossible. If it is really Principal Wang, the ID should also be Brother Cong."

In the live broadcast room, millions of tourists began to study Brother Xiao Xiao's true identity in reality.

There were even a few brave ones who speculated that the elder brother who got off the Ryukke car just now was Brother Xiao Xiao, but these bullet screens were quickly suppressed by the swiping screen of flowing water.

Xiao Huya and Brother Hua both wanted to make friends, especially since both of them had no female companions today, and they quickly became confidants, as if they hated seeing each other late.

There are all kinds of entertainment facilities in this racing track, including various restaurants and restaurants, all of which provide various dishes for free.

Brother Hua took Xiao Huya to have a meal, and then took Xiao Huya to the KTV to howl twice. After drinking some wine, Brother Hua finally asked out the doubts in his heart.

"Brother, I won't ask what brother Xiao Xiao's identity is in reality, but before you and brother Xiao Xiao winked and shook their heads, is there something wrong?"

"Brother Xiao Xiao only told me about this today. It's not a secret. You should know about it in two days."

"Brother Xiao Xiao cooperates with Huawei and the government to invest in the establishment of a technology company, mainly for scientific research projects, such as a series of high-tech research work such as computers and chips. The initial investment is about 5000 billion."

"Huawei and the official? Similar to Qualcomm or Google?"

Brother Hua twisted his fingers, feeling a little unbelievable.

You know, the total assets of all the groups under him may be only 3000 to 5000 billion yuan, and a new company Xiao Xiaoge plans to invest in has an initial investment of [-] to [-] billion yuan?
This time, Hua Ge really understood where the gap between himself and Xiao Xiao was.

I have worked hard for ten years, used countless relationships, and established the group company with the support of my family. It seems that in the hands of Brother Xiao Xiao, it is a toy or something?

Brother Xiao Xiao is going to do something so big!

"Then brother Xiao Xiao shook his head just now, is he not planning to tell me? There is no need for such a thing. Once the company is established, it will definitely not be hidden."

Brother Hua was a little curious.

"That's not true, I can somewhat understand Brother Xiao Xiao's thinking."

Speaking of this, Xiao Huya suddenly regained his spirits. After all, he will be the CEO of this company in the future, and now he has a lot of confidence in front of Brother Hua.

"Let me see it."


"Old Hua, you are so brave to hide here!"

Just as Xiao Huya was about to speak, the door was slammed open with a bang, and a misty rain rushed in with an angry face, followed by Brother Jiu with a wry smile on his face.

The two set off at ten o'clock in the evening, and drove at high speed throughout the whole process. They arrived at more than three o'clock in the morning. He was very tired along the way.

Brother Jiu spread his hands in the back, meaning if it was news of his betrayal, there was nothing he could do about it when things had developed to this point.

Brother Hua was so frightened by Yishao Misty Rain, his heart trembled suddenly.

After thinking about it for a while, I knew that it was the live broadcast of Jianmeng that exposed me.

"That... Little Tiger Ya is here today, you should pay attention to Yishui Misty Rain."

Brother Hua coughed twice, picked up the wine glass and took a sip, trying to see if it would be useful to boost his courage.

"It's useless for anyone here today."

A minion of smoke and rain crushed Brother Hua under him, raising his hand was like a blow to the hammer.

After a long time, a cloud of smoke and rain climbed up from Brother Hua, threw back the half-deformed eyes of Brother Hua to Brother Hua, and patted the clothes that were afraid of wrinkling on his body. Sit down next to him.

Xiao Huya looked at the scene in front of him that looked like a battlefield, and the corners of his mouth twitched unconsciously.

"Then I'll go?"

"Don't, don't, why are you leaving today? You'll be fine tomorrow, let's all get together."

Brother Hua hurriedly got up from the sofa, while arranging the clothes that had been torn by a cloud of smoke and rain, he stood up and stopped Xiao Huya who was standing up.

"The few of us have been used to playing since we were young, and you, Misty Rain, are really serious. Didn't you see Xiao Huya here? Fuck it!"

"Hey, are you still talking about me?"

As soon as this was mentioned, Yi Mino Misty Rain immediately became angry.

Brother Jiu frowned, and quickly raised his hands to cover his ears.

Brother Hua, who didn't have time to plug his ears, already had a painful mask on his face like the dream hit just now.

Even Xiao Huya, who was not the target of the main spray, couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

This tm Yimino Misty Rain is also the person in charge of a big union, why does it look like Tang Seng reincarnated?
Although the speed of speech is not fast, how can it give people the feeling of 1000 million mosquitoes and flies buzzing around their ears at the same time?

Brother Hua frantically blinked at Brother Jiu, and motioned Brother Jiu to find a girl to accompany him for a drink.

He knew that a cloud of smoke and rain would definitely last for one night without any special circumstances.

But a misty rain can last for a whole night, he can't resist it!
But if he wanted Yi Minoyanyu to shut up, he could only let Yiminianyu divert this energy to women.

Brother Jiu understood, and hurriedly sneaked out the door and walked to the side.

Brother Hua also comes to this place often, and he knows some things inside.

"Too bad, I didn't ask Xiao Huya if I wanted it."

Brother Jiu was taken aback.

"Forget it, Xiao Huya looks quite normal, so I'll find him one too."

As for Brother Hua?

Brother Hua has no desires and needs. He has always known that a person like Brother Hua definitely does not need a girl to accompany him. Brother Hua is still better at using his own hands to achieve dreams.

Soon, Brother Jiu walked in with three super-looking girls, pushed one of them, and soon walked over to a cloud of smoke and rain who was reciting sutras.

Then he asked the other one to accompany Xiao Huya, and finally sat down with another one in his arms.

Xiao Huya is not a saint who does not eat fireworks in the world, and he is quite happy to be accompanied by beautiful women.

After receiving the girl's soft little hand, Yi Minou muttered a few more words, and quickly stopped chanting.

"If you find out that you cheated on me later, it won't be as simple as it is today."

Yimino Misty Rain muttered something, and sat next to Brother Jiu.

Brother Hua looked at a girl in the arms of each of the three people in the field, the more reserved Xiao Huya, who was also sitting next to her body, and the corners of her mouth twitched wildly.

The previously crazy character design seems to be working now, and the effect is too great.

Brother Jiu never considered him when he was looking for a girl!
The three of you each have a girl in your arms, and my Brother Hua is sitting here alone?

Brother Hua looked at the plates of nuts on the table.

The nuts that I usually think are very fragrant, but now Brother Hua just wants to overturn the table and overturn everything!
Brother Hua is also a human being, so he wants a girl too!
Brother Hua roared in his heart.

But for the long-standing character design, Brother Hua is embarrassed to say this. Although he is scolding Brother Jiu's relatives and friends in his heart, there is still a natural smile on his face, but the corners of his mouth sometimes twitch unconsciously.

Especially when he saw Brother Jiu and Yimino Yanyu not shy away from themselves and putting their hands indiscriminately, the corners of their mouths would even twitch three or four times.

Xiao Huya watched from the side, well, since everyone is not restrained, there is no need for him to put on a show here.

Although it is definitely not possible to do something, it is still no problem to have a hand addiction.

The only thing that puzzled him was why brother Hua was sitting there, laughing all the time?

Could it be that there are only three girls in business today, and the host, Brother Hua, is too embarrassed to rob them?
But the girl who got it is naturally impossible to give away.

"Hey, Brother Hua is still pretty good."

"Little Huya, what did you say just now, let's continue."

"Okay, then I will continue to talk."

Xiao Huya nodded.

"It's not that Brother Xiao Xiao doesn't want to tell you, but you are too involved. After all, if you want to pull you in with such a big group behind you, it must give you a part of the shares."

"For someone like me who is alone, it would be nice to be an executive president in the past and get a share. The key is to be able to gild myself, but you definitely can't, so brother Xiao Xiao won't say that to you."

"You mean, brother Xiao Xiao won't release his shares?"

Brother Hua was a little curious.

Brother Xiaoxiao, Guanguan and Huawei have a three-party joint venture, so the official must take the majority, and then Huawei and Brother Xiaoxiao will be [-]/[-], right?

In this case, even if you give [-]% or [-]% of the shares, there is no problem at all. Shares are originally used to finance talents, and only if you are willing to invest will you be rewarded.

Brother Hua really didn't understand Xiao Huya's words.

"I forgot to tell you, this new company, Brother Xiao Xiao's shares are 50.00%."

Xiaohuya added with a wry smile.

I was so busy just now that I forgot to mention this crucial point.

"The official accounted for 40.00% of the shares, and Huawei accounted for [-]% of the shares. Now you should understand why Brother Xiao Xiao won't release the shares?"

Xiao Huya said.

To join a new shareholder, the existing three-party shareholders must either give shares to the new shareholder from any one party, or jointly give shares to the new shareholder in proportion.

But as far as the first method is concerned, no one dares to ask for the official shares. Huawei only has 50.00% of the shares, and there is a high probability that it will not be released. Brother Xiao Xiao’s [-]% shares represent absolute decision-making power and veto power Yes, it is even more impossible to move any point.

The second method is also unworkable, after all Brother Xiao Xiao’s 50.00% is to be given to the new shareholder according to the share ratio, even if the new shareholder only needs 50.00% one, then Brother Xiao Xiao will get [-]%, which is also a loss of one vote The right to set the board.

In other words, the moment the new company was established, the shares were completely fixed.

No matter whether the three parties take one side, it is impossible to take out any shares.

What's more, if the three parties gather together, there will definitely be no shortage of funds, and the shortage may be some talents.

But once the official machine is activated, it will be a matter of time before the talents are in place.

Hearing Xiao Huya say this, Brother Hua was also silent for a while.

What shocked him was not the fact that the shares could not be divided, but that brother Xiao Xiao actually got 50.00% of the shares.

You know, according to what Xiao Huya said, the company founded this time will rival or even surpass the super giants such as Qualcomm and Samsung in the future. Not to mention, after the three parties work together, the domestic computer industry and software industry will Whether it can obtain a patent authorization in the future depends on the face of the company.

For such a large company, the government actually gave the control of the company to an individual?
No matter how you think about it, it has a sci-fi color.

But Xiao Huya definitely didn't need to lie to him, this matter was probably true.

Besides, whether it is true or not, it will come out in two days. It is the most stupid behavior to doubt Xiao Huya's words here.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, how fierce is it?"

Brother Hua is completely confused now.

The funds seem to be unlimited, and he founded Liu Ning Group to release cross-age products such as virtual disk servers. In terms of identity, hundreds of security personnel follow him closely. He doesn't know if they all carry guns, but at least the seven or eight people close It's with a gun.

This kind of identity and status, even with Brother Hua's current vision, I dare not even think about it!

(End of this chapter)

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