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Chapter 428 How Do You Know That Quantum Computers Haven't Been Developed?

Chapter 428 How Do You Know That Quantum Computers Haven't Been Developed?

"Little Huya, can you ask Brother Xiao Xiao tomorrow, I don't need shares, and all the suitable talents in my company can go to build a new company, including our group of management, as long as I can participate Just go in."

Brother Hua's answer startled Xiao Huya.

"Are you serious?"

"As far as Brother Xiao Xiao's strength is concerned, I don't need me at all. I'm just going along with it, so there's no seriousness."

Brother Hua gave a wry smile.

It's really not that he underestimated himself, in his opinion, it was indeed the case.

As for what Xiao Huya said before, he has no ability or capital at all.

He had met Mr. Ren a few times, but they were just acquaintances, and he still dealt with Mr. Ren as a junior, so there was no comparison with Liu Xiao in this regard.

On the other hand, it can be seen from the live broadcast platform that in terms of financial strength, Liu Xiao might have to hang him up and hammer him.

To put it bluntly, Brother Hua's proud group company and these contacts may not be considered Mao Xiaoge. Now that he has this opportunity, he naturally wants to integrate into Brother Xiaoxiao's team as soon as possible. Among them, at least he got a job like Xiaohuya.

He had a hunch that in the near future, the company Xiao Xiaoge created would definitely develop rapidly. Even if he didn't have any shares, as long as he could serve as a vice president or something, it would be a huge personal improvement for him.

Even, not only him, even his family would be proud to be able to hook up with Brother Xiao Xiao.

Brother Jiu and Yisui Yanyu came late, and Xiao Huya and Brother Hua only got a general idea of ​​the conversation, so they were still confused, but they heard what Brother Hua said clearly.

Brother Hua doesn't even want shares, just to get a position in Brother Xiao Xiao's company?
No, they are all aware of Brother Hua's ability. They control such a super group with a market value of hundreds of billions by themselves, and none of the second generations with super abilities below them are not convinced by Brother Hua.

It is no exaggeration to say that with Brother Hua's strength, any company he goes to, even those of the world's top [-] companies, starts with [-]% dry stock.

But now, Brother Hua's operation really made them a little confused.

And what they didn't expect was that Xiao Huya on the other side nodded solemnly.

"Okay, I'll ask for you tomorrow. There is really nothing to do about the shares, but there should be nothing wrong with other aspects."

"Thank you so much, I hope we can work together in the future."

Brother Hua raised his wine glass with a smile and toasted Xiao Huya.

Yimino Misty Rain and Brother Jiu were curious, but they didn't put their hearts on it.

They played together for a while, until they couldn't bear it anymore, Brother Jiu and Yimino Yanyu ran to the next rest room with the beauty in their arms.

And Xiao Huya also lived down as a matter of course.

In the early morning of the next day, Liu Xiao first asked people to return the car to Mr. Ren, then called Mr. Du and got the address of the research institute.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Liu Xiao and Zheng Xiaoxiao stepped into the gate of the research institute.

"There is indeed something in this research institute. The entrance is actually an iris verification. You must know that this thing is not as exaggerated as in the movie in reality. It requires a lot of information to identify it."

Liu Xiao sighed repeatedly when he saw a researcher performing iris recognition operation at the password recognition place on the side.

The successful operation of one-swipe recognition in the movie is actually unrealistic. The iris recognition in reality is just a glimpse of the door. At most, it can roughly simulate an outline, and it is not as convenient as a combination lock. .

However, judging from the situation of this research institute, it should have been researched to the intermediate stage, and can be applied to reality in a small amount.

No wonder these scientific research talents say that China has the hope of entering a fully intelligent society by 2050. Now it seems that these secret research institutes are indeed much higher than civilian technology.

After entering the door, Mr. Du was already waiting inside.

"Xiao Xiao, we have been looking forward to you for several days."

Elder Du held Liu Xiao's hand enthusiastically, and led Liu Xiao further inside with a smile.

"This is a military-grade research institute with a high level of confidentiality, and this place is relatively hidden, so it is very suitable as a location for the research institute."

While walking, Mr. Du explained to Liu Xiao the things inside the institute.

This research institute is located in the outskirts of the capital, probably in a mountain outside the Fifth Ring Road. When it was first built, most of the center of the mountain was deliberately hollowed out to build it successfully.

The inside is divided into five floors from top to bottom, and the total area is no smaller than a Wanda or Minsheng Plaza.

There are more than 300 researchers in it. With the recruitment of Du Lao in the past two days, the researchers have gathered 500 people.

"Xiao Xiao, these 500 people are basically the technical talents you require such as virtual programming. If you have any specific requirements, you can directly talk to them, and their understanding ability is not bad."

Elder Du pointed to the busy researchers below, then clapped his hands and took out a special communicator.

"Everyone stop working for a while. Mr. Liu Xiao Liu came to our research institute today to guide everyone's work. Our follow-up research direction will be discussed with Mr. Liu today. We will have a meeting in the conference room in 10 minutes."

"Mr. Liu is here?"

The expressions of several researchers were shocked, with ecstatic expressions on their faces.

During this period of time, none of them who are engaged in programming and scientific research has never heard of this name.

They have studied a virtual disk server for more than ten days, but they have not studied it thoroughly at all. The various programs running in it and the unique design of quantum mechanics have benefited them a lot, but overall it is quite good. Confused, I have always wanted to discuss with Liu Xiao, the founder.

And a few days ago, Mr. Du told them that Mr. Liu would come to give a speech in the next few days, and the future research direction would be redefined. They had been looking forward to it for several days.

For a moment, all the researchers put down their work almost at the same time, and rushed towards the large conference room one by one.

"Xiao Xiao, let's go there first. From now on, this research institute will be handed over to you. The appointment from above has already been made. I will be your deputy in the future."

"An appointment from above?"

Liu Xiao was surprised.

"That's right, from today onwards, you are an awarded academician. You must know that although there are quite a few academicians in China, there are only a dozen or so academicians. You little guy has made my old man envious for several days. ah!"

Elder Du glanced at Liu Xiao angrily.

He has been working in the research institute since he was in his twenties, researched for half his life, and finally won the title of honorary academician, which is still a little behind the honorary academician.

The academicians awarded the title are all scientific research talents who have made great contributions to the government. Except for Yuan Lao who is in agriculture, Jia Lao and Deng Laowai who are doing research on little boys, the rest are people who have made great contributions to the development of people's livelihood and society.

And when the officials conferred titles on Liu Xiao, they once placed Liu Xiao and Mr. Deng on the first echelon.

With such an honor, it is no exaggeration to say that it is a state funeral after death!

Of course, Liu Xiao is too young now, so it's a bit inappropriate to say this, but this status is indeed unmatched.

Even the top bosses have to honor Liu Academician when they see Liu Xiao.

"By the way, this award is an internal award. You just need to know it. Don't talk about it outside. Your safety is the most important thing."

Elder Du glanced at Liu Xiao, and then at Zheng Xiaoxiao who was following behind.

Although he wasn't talking about her, Zheng Xiaoxiao stood at attention quickly, and the horror in his heart went up to another level.

Even though she is a little younger than her, the honor she can get is already impossible for her to get in ten lifetimes.

Maybe this is genius?


Liu Xiao grinned, not paying much attention.

What Liu Xiao valued was how long it would take for his plan to become a reality, not these vain things.

A state funeral is nothing but a state funeral, and it's a bit too early for him.

After all, those who can achieve his honor in China may only be in their 23s or 70s, but he is only [-] years old this year, so at least he will not live another [-] to [-] years?

However, it was precisely because of this that the officials made an exception and awarded Liu Xiao such a great honor.

After all, everyone understands this truth clearly.

Reaching Liu Xiao's level at the age of 70 or 20, it will last for [-] years at most, and when you get older, you will basically have no innovative power.

But Liu Xiao is different. Liu Xiao is only 23 years old this year. As long as Liu Xiao can guarantee this innovation and scientific research strength, how much change can he bring to people's livelihood and scientific research in the next four to fifty years of strong working life?

To put it a bit exaggerated, one generation is only 20 years old. Liu Xiao, a scientific research talent, is at least the patron saint of the next three generations!

Du Lao and Zheng Xiaoxiao naturally understood this truth, and for a while, the pressure in their hearts became a little heavier.

Zheng Xiaoxiao even felt that her palms were sweating non-stop.

She couldn't imagine how much the government and the people would suffer if something happened to Liu Xiao?

What's more, Zheng Xiaoxiao wanted to send an armored regiment over for personal protection.

This conference room is very large, more than 1000 square meters, and a dozen speakers are evenly distributed, enough to allow the speaker's voice to spread around the venue.

When Liu Xiao stepped onto the rostrum, he could already see that many people had already sat down at the venue.

At a glance, the middle-aged backbones in their 50s and 70s account for the majority, and there are some in their 30s and [-]s. As for those in their [-]s and [-]s, there may be only one or twenty.

"It is my honor to come to work in our research institute, but in order to distinguish the staff in the future, I hope everyone will cooperate."

"Anyone who is involved in computer programming and numerical control research, please sit on the left."

"All hardware control and material production personnel, please sit on the right."

"Anyone who studies virtual reality and big data control, please sit in the middle."

Liu Xiao coughed lightly.

The executive ability of the hundreds of people below was very strong. As soon as Liu Xiao finished speaking, everyone got up and changed positions almost immediately.

No one questioned, let alone Liu Xiao's age.

From their point of view, since the authorities have made this decision, then Liu Xiao, the inventor of the virtual disk server, must not have escaped. Even if he is a little younger, who can speculate on geniuses with common sense?
Elder Du was very relieved to watch from the sidelines.

This is the scientific research power of a big country.

There is no rebellion like the beautiful country, but only selflessness and execution. It is also because of the selfless dedication of these people that technology can advance with each passing day.

Within 10 minutes, 500 people had already sat down neatly as required.

"Okay, next request, please pick up a pen, write your name and title on paper, and then hold it up."

Liu Xiao nodded.

The professional title is certainly incomplete for evaluating a person's level, but for a leader, as long as the general level can be seen from the professional title, the specific ability must be understood in future work.

And with Liu Xiao's current memory, after reading it once, although he can't say that he can remember it completely, he can still remember it roughly.

"There are twelve members of the academician level. This is how much we value this research institute."

At a glance, Liu Xiao knew almost all of the 500-person team.

But what came with it was shock.

But after thinking about the quantum computer, Liu Xiao felt relieved.

My eyes are on the holographic projection technology after the quantum computer. Naturally, I feel that the quantum computer is not a big goal anymore, but other people don't see it that way.

In the eyes of most people, quantum computers are the beginning of the third industrial revolution, and it is natural that they can attract the attention of so many academicians.

"Okay, everyone sit down, let's start today's topic."

Liu Xiao lowered his hands, motioning for everyone to sit down.

Liu Xiao has basically memorized the names and titles of most of the people, and he has some information about these researchers. At least he has a good idea of ​​how to arrange future work.

Elder Du didn't sit on the rostrum either. He ran down to find a seat at the computer and numerical control research side.

"First of all, let's talk about the third item, virtual reality and big data control."

Liu Xiao skipped the first two, and directly talked about Future Enjoyment.

"Virtual reality technology, also called virtual projection technology, what our research institute will study in the future is only the civilian direction of this virtual projection technology. After researching the general framework, I will upload the technology to the official for military applications, so that there Go study."

"Professor Zhang Xiang seems to have doubts."

Seeing someone raise their hand to ask a question, Liu Xiao said with a smile.

"Mr. Liu Xiao, we haven't developed a quantum computer yet, so it's a bit too far away to talk about this virtual reality technology now."

Zhang Xiang stood up and asked.

He is a pragmatic person and doesn't like others to talk about his ideals.

In his view, with such a little time, it is better to study how to combine programming and mathematics to compile a real quantum computer sequence.

"Professor Zhang Xiang raised this question very well. Don't worry, I, Liu Xiao, am not a person who likes to talk about ideals, but Professor Zhang Xiang, how do you know that quantum computers have not been developed yet, and how do you know about virtual reality technology? Is it far away from us?"

(End of this chapter)

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