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Chapter 429 For Mr. Liu, Isn't It All a Handy Thing?

Chapter 429 For Mr. Liu, Isn't It All a Handy Thing?

"How do I know that quantum computers haven't been developed yet?"

Zhang Xiang was at a loss for words.

That's right, he hasn't listened to Liu Xiao's speech yet, so how can he be so sure that quantum computers haven't been developed yet?
If someone else said this to him, he would definitely scoff at it and then ignore it, but Liu Xiao is a bit too powerful in the scientific research field these days, and the invention of a virtual disk server alone is enough to make people He, who has been in the scientific research industry for decades, shut up.

For a moment, a touch of hope emerged in Zhang Xiang's heart.

What if the quantum computer is really researched?
You must know that the virtual disk server is indeed a part of the application of quantum computers, and Liu Xiao may indeed have the complete quantum computer technology in his hand!
"Sorry, I have no more questions."

Zhang Xiang shook his head and sat down again, thinking about what happened before and after, he also faintly looked forward to this meeting.

"Okay, then let's continue talking about virtual reality technology, first of all it is for civilian use"

Seeing that no one asked any more questions, Liu Xiao nodded in satisfaction, and began to reveal his grand plans for the future to these top scientific research talents.

Military use is not within the scope of Liu Xiao's consideration. In fact, in terms of military use, virtual reality technology is only two things, mainly virtual local target exercises and virtual reality training, and the second is to simulate places in the virtual world through the analysis of real big data. base information, etc.

Liu Xiao can't do more research on this stuff, it's easy to be 404 if you do too much research, and besides, it's only in civilian use that the true brilliance of this technology can be let go.

The first is the stage layout. After the virtual reality technology matures, the existing high-cost stage layout can be completely abandoned. For example, to hold a Spring Festival Gala or something, you only need to draw a panoramic picture on the computer and project it when the time comes. It looks like Even more spectacular than those real ones.

The second is the needs of movie shooting, such as snow, valleys, and deserts, can be shot through virtual reality technology, which greatly reduces the cost of shooting, and the shooting effect is even better than the real scene, as long as the actors wear specific tactile clothes, You can let the actors into the virtual world to shoot.

Moreover, using quantum computer technology, these actors can also be given various abilities, such as flying in the virtual world, fighting against horses, and so on.

It is of course possible to achieve this in reality, but just looking at how much the opening animation of Huya Du’s event cost to understand, the cost is too exaggerated to rely on post-production rendering.

The same operation can also be put into some online games and end games, such as designing game clients such as live-action chicken.

"A live-action chicken?"

Hearing Liu Xiao say this, several old professors in their 60s and [-]s looked puzzled.

Eating chicken was something you could only play with your own wife before, right?If virtual reality becomes a reality, wouldn't everyone be able to go online and eat chicken?
Mr. Liu's idea is good, but it seems a bit inappropriate to say it openly.
"Ahem, professor, that Chicken Eater is a gun-fighting online game, its full name is PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds."

A young man in his thirties next to him saw that the professor's reaction was not right, so he quickly shook the professor and pulled him out of YY.

Although these old professors are also Internet experts, they basically don't dabble in games. Hearing this, it's easy to think wrong.

Liu Xiao also blushed.

These old fellows seem to have impure thoughts.

Unlike him, if he says he eats chicken, he really eats chicken. As a five-good young man in the new era, it is a basic quality to say no to chicken, and he only ate it with Zhao Ning twice last night.

"Mr. Liu, if this virtual reality technology is developed, the subsequent application should be no problem, but as far as virtual reality technology is concerned, the most difficult point is the data carrying."

Seeing that Liu Xiao had finished introducing several general applications of virtual reality, a professor got up to ask questions.

Virtual reality technology does not import external modules like Minecraft, and uses the performance of the graphics card to forcibly render the scenery.

This technology is based on big data calculations to develop a world on the Internet that is indistinguishable from the real world.

If there is wind in the real world, there will be wind in virtual reality; if there is thunderstorm in the real world, there will be thunderstorm in virtual reality.

The only difference between the two is that wind and rain in the real world obey the laws of physics, but the laws in virtual reality can be changed by programming changes.

In the virtual world, people can fly, rain can fall from the ground to the sky, clouds can taste like cotton candy, and flowers and trees can bloom in winter.
Even, if you want to find hundreds of pairs of men and women to import sensory data in that area, in the virtual world, you can also do that, and you can even adjust the sensory template to stimulate and stimulate neurons, reversely make the reality Most people experience the feeling of reaching the pinnacle.

It is no problem to realize these things. Although the follow-up development and research may take a very long time, they are all confident to complete it. But to carry all this, quantum computer technology is necessary!
If a wind in the real world is converted into data, the wind from formation to annihilation may turn an ordinary computer into a Muggle.

If a wind or a tornado is converted into data, the supercomputer may have to be scrapped from the formation of the wind until it is annihilated, because the biggest flaw of traditional computers is that there is no randomness, and they can only be repeatedly measured according to human wishes, and The calculation speed is also extremely slow.

But the quantum computer is different, it can directly simulate the trajectory of the wind through the change of the quantum state, and in terms of computing power, it is completely crushed.

"Don't worry about quantum computers. This issue is the least necessary for us to discuss today."

Liu Xiao waved his hand, signaling the professor to sit down.

"Mr. Liu is right. Don't worry about this issue today. Tell everyone about it. Mr. Liu has already developed a complete set of quantum computer data templates, and the production workshop is already under construction. It is expected that it will be put into production in this period of time. .”

Du Lao stood up with a smile and echoed.

Some data of the quantum computer was revealed by Liu Xiao when he was with Mr. Ren. He no longer has any doubts about this.

Take-off has become inevitable, and how far it can take off depends on the abilities of these researchers.

No matter how strong Liu Xiao is, he is still alone, and his energy is limited.

Even if Liu Xiao has a full set of technology, it would take more than a month for one person to develop a data template. If a set of virtual reality programs such as snow scenes is to be developed, one person may not be able to do it in a year. .

At this time, the benefits of more people can be reflected.

No matter how powerful the quantum computer is, it is still a tool. Only by continuously investing in templates in the early stage can the database of the quantum computer be enriched.

It may be ten years later that one person can create a real picture of virtual reality in 5 minutes, but for now, human data is still the mainstay.

What's more, there will always be some novel ideas put forward when there are more people, and these ideas are also one of the prerequisites for development.

"Let's talk about the second point."

Liu Xiao paused, and then raised his second topic.

"First of all, let's talk about people's livelihood and mobile phones."

"Traditional nm-level chips, and useless things such as lithography machines, we can completely discard them in the future. From the moment quantum computers come out, the existence of chips for conducting and running data can be discarded." gone."

When Liu Xiao said this, the hardware control and material research people sitting on the right all laughed.

They are all pioneers on this road. They are very clear about the gap between their own country and those developed countries in the beautiful country. They have also thought about overtaking on a curve, but it is not so easy. However, if the quantum computer comes out, the traditional chip machine will indeed be It's time to be eliminated.

Many people are even secretly thinking whether Huawei's recent major reductions in production of the two main mobile phones, the Mate30 and P30, are because Mr. Liu revealed some inside information to Mr. Ren.

"Professor Zhang Xiang is the happiest smiler. It just so happens that my mouth is a little dry. Mr. Zhang Xiang, please help me explain to everyone why I gave up the chip road."

Liu Xiao took a sip of water and kicked the ball to Zhang Xiang who was smiling the most.

This question is actually not difficult. Most of the people here actually understand the general truth, but in terms of specific details, many people have only a half-knowledge. After all, they are not their own majors and do not know enough.

Zhang Xiang stood up, picked up a microphone from the side, and bowed to the surroundings.

"This problem is actually not difficult to understand. We only need to know the function of the chip."

"The so-called chip is the carrier of data operation. Why are there so-called 5nm level and 2nm level? These numbers are the width of the channel on the chip. Quantity, and 5nm-level chips, the number of channels is 1/5nm."

Everyone knows the unit of conversion between nm and centimeter, and after a simple mental calculation, they will naturally understand that this number is very large.

"Not to mention the improvement of 3nm level, even the improvement of 0.5nm level will have a geometric multiple of the impact on the number of channels. Our current mature chip technology is only 20nm, and occasionally we can achieve 10nm, which is indeed far from the beautiful country. , The chip performance should be considered by everyone, Apple’s new A11 chip is almost completely crushing our domestic, including Qualcomm’s Snapdragon class, which is also much higher than ours.”


Having said this, the smile on Zhang Xiang's face suddenly became richer.

"We can't overtake the lithography machine in a short period of time, but we can overtake in a corner."

"From the perspective of future data development trends, it will probably be divided into two stages, the terminal operation stage and the cloud operation stage."

"I know that."

A person with talent in computer programming stood up.

"The terminal operation stage is similar to what Professor Zhang Xiang just said. After receiving the network data through the chip that comes with the mobile phone or computer, it uses the performance of the chip to decompress. The faster the data is decompressed, the better the user experience. Naturally better."

"For example, the A11 just mentioned can compress the transmission data packet to the cloud-return the data packet to the terminal-decompress the data packet-pixel rendering-display image within 0.6 seconds, so users basically don't feel stuck. pause."

"The performance of the Snapdragon chip is slightly worse, but the heat dissipation is slightly better than that of the A11, and the Snapdragon chip uses the instant loading mode, which is not much different from the A11 as a whole."

"And the cloud operation stage is to put all these offline data operations on the cloud server!"

Zhang Xiang nodded repeatedly.

"That's right, the existence of the chip is to alleviate the computing pressure on the data provider, that is, the cloud, but the development model of mobile phones, computers, etc. must eventually develop towards the direction of cloud operation."

"Take the mobile phone as an example. As long as it can run in the cloud, a series of hardware devices such as the chip and memory of the mobile phone can be completely eliminated, and only a signal transceiver is left."

"For example, to open a web page, the command is sent from the mobile phone signal transceiver, and then loaded in the cloud, the opened web page signal is directly transmitted from the cloud to the signal transceiver, the signal propagates at the speed of light, and with the existence of the signal base station, the return The speed to the mobile phone may only be 0.01 seconds, or even 0.01 milliseconds!"

At that time, the mobile phone only needs one screen, and even the large battery can be completely discarded.

More than half of the power consumption of the mobile phone is used in the operation of the chip. In the end, there is only one screen left, and it is only necessary to maintain the brightness of the screen and send and receive signals.

According to Liu Xiao's rough estimate, a 500mAh battery can probably make this new concept phone run perfectly for a day, and it will never get hot!
With this, those Apple systems and Android systems can be completely discarded. After all, the mobile phone does not need to run data independently, so what else does the system do?

The function of the system is to transfer memory and coordinate software.

The memory is all in the cloud, and all the software pushes data online. The future mobile phone system will be more similar to the Hongmeng ecosystem that Huawei is developing, and the control power of the Internet of Everything model.

For example, sticking the mobile phone to the door will unlock it directly.

Check the mobile phone on the TV, cast the screen directly, put it on the computer, and the data will come out directly.

Shout a voice to directly control all electronic devices at home.

This is the future direction of mobile phone system development.

Optimizing the performance of mobile phones is actually not very effective. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as you have a mobile phone worth 3000 yuan, you can basically play Chicken Eater and Glory of the King with your hands.

It is easy to play a 3A masterpiece with a computer worth [-] yuan. It is not necessary to make the system so good. The Internet of Everything is the ultimate development model and the best way to meet consumer habits.

Zhang Xiang quickly finished his introduction, and for a while, almost everyone on the scene turned their attention to Liu Xiao.

As long as Liu Xiao announces when the quantum computer will be produced, according to the current speed of Huawei's 5G establishment, it will take less than half a year. This kind of thing that could only appear in science fiction before will become a reality immediately!
(End of this chapter)

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