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Chapter 430 I just asked you to help with homework, but I didn't let you date my sister

Chapter 430 I just asked you to help with homework, but I didn't let you date my sister

Seeing that everyone's discussion was almost over, Liu Xiao waved his hand to signal everyone to stop, and then concluded.

"The reform of the mobile phone is only the most preliminary. According to my vision, the signal projection screen settings similar to the retina, as well as ultra-miniature nano-robots, can basically be carried forward with this technology. If we can do it within ten years These, our technological power is likely to be upgraded from a 0.7-level civilization to a quasi-level 1, or even a first-level civilization!"

Virtual reality technology is a livelihood technology for level 1.5 civilization, but in today’s model, virtual reality technology and quantum technology alone are not enough to push the existing technology circle to level 1.5 civilization, conservatively point to level 1, The good point is level 1 or level 1.1, the difference is not very big.

The strength of civilization mainly depends on the force value, but most of the technologies given to Liu Xiao by the system are people's livelihood with little power.

Among other things, if Liu Xiao can be given superconducting electromagnetic gun technology, the civilization level can be raised from 0.7 to 1.5 in an instant.

But to sum up, from these livelihood technologies, we can also extract a lot of things that are beneficial to the development of civilization, which can be regarded as a kind of overtaking on corners.

"We just talked about the last two points. As for the first point, I don't think I need to say it."

Computer programming and numerical control research are the foundation of all this, and they belong to the core technical posts among researchers. Everyone understands this.

All of a sudden, everyone nodded.

If these things can be achieved in ten years or more, it is indeed too exaggerated, and it will definitely be worthy of the title of the third technological revolution.

Liu Xiao took a sip of water, then looked at Elder Du and winked at Elder Du.

The prospect of the future is just one of today's goals. Liu Xiao's ultimate goal in coming here today is to announce part of the quantum computer technology, so that these researchers can study it first. This kind of core technology must be taught by people who can be trusted.

As for the hundreds of people present today, Liu Xiao didn't know what their life backgrounds were, and whether the secrecy regulations had been signed or not.

Liu Xiao looked at Elder Du, who nodded slightly in the audience, and opened his mouth to make a gesture.

Seeing Elder Du's performance, Liu Xiao immediately gained confidence.

Other officials may not be able to believe it, but their own officials are absolutely credible. Based on the ideological consciousness of those senior scientists who first have a country and then a family, the younger generations are absolutely impossible to be inferior.

Especially if these were personally selected and approved by Mr. Du, then there must be no problem.

Taking out a USB flash drive from his pocket, Liu Xiao inserted it into the multimedia interface.

"Everyone is engaged in research in this field. There are more or less researches on quantum states and storage capacity expansion. I will not give you the basic knowledge. Some professors who study unpopular topics can find other people to make up for them later. Remedial lessons, we are now officially entering the study of the quantum state dispute formula."

Liu Xiao clicked on the data, and the dense formulas and program logic were all distributed on the big screen behind him.

The study of quantum computers is a very big subject. Liu Xiao, who has been taught systematically, is naturally fine, but even if these scientists are learning as latecomers, it may take a week or two to understand the most basic logic. , to be proficient, I am afraid that it will take a year or two of research.

And what Liu Xiao is going to do is not to let these scientists learn all aspects of quantum computers, but to let them understand the logic of operations in it, so that they can create and configure products specifically for quantum computers.

As for virtual reality research, that is the next step.

Among other things, the basic formulas densely packed on the entire screen are probably enough for these professor-level people to study.

"Today, I will teach you the basic logical operations first. You can copy the following formulas after the meeting and go back to study. If you really don't understand the research, I will answer your questions when I come back in two days."

"But please remember that all network data, hard disk data, and research manuscript papers for this aspect must not be brought out of the scope of this research institute."

Liu Xiao emphasized.

Elder Du also stood up at the right time and said:
"Yesterday, please remember my instructions. Everyone can enter and exit the institute one day a week. Before and after entering and exiting, they must conduct naked body searches as required. Electromagnetic testing must also be included. No matter who is found to be entrained in the process of entering and exiting, Or implanting bugs, etc., will be punished as treason."

Elder Du emphasized again very seriously.

These [-] scientific research talents were not recruited by Mr. Du forcibly, they came here voluntarily.

Some of them are talents specially trained by the government, and the other part come in with the desire to study. Before coming, they all signed various confidentiality agreements.

Mr. Du knew very well that any of the formulas revealed by Liu Xiao today would require a research institute to spend several months or even years on research and verification. It is also a scientific research loss of tens of billions!
As for the quantum state calculation method combined by these formulas, let alone, this is a complete national important weapon, whoever dares to get involved here will surely die!

There were more than 500 people in the venue, but the atmosphere was extremely oppressive for a while. For a full 2 ​​minutes, no one made a sound.

Although many people had been prepared for a long time, it was the first time they saw this kind of battle, and their mentality could not be changed for a while, and their expressions were a little strange.

Seeing Mr. Du showing off his power below, Liu Xiao coughed twice with a smile to ease the embarrassment of the venue.

"Don't worry so much, everyone. Although these formulas are important, they are not the core. The three core formulas are on my side and the official side. Even if something goes wrong, we have the confidence to rank first."

"Okay, time is tight, let's start as soon as possible."

Liu Xiao glanced at the time, it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

There are so many formulas on the screen, even if you choose the most important ones, it will probably take seven or eight hours. Liu Xiao promised Zhao Ning that she would go back to eat at night.

As Liu Xiao started speaking, the oppressive atmosphere in the conference room slowly dissipated, leaving only a group of hungry scientists with notebooks or computers keeping records with blue lights in their eyes.

Occasionally, a few people showed a look of sudden realization, and their faces turned out to be like this.

These people are the top scientific research talents in the country. Although it is impossible to study these data, after all, the research direction is the same. Many people understand by analogy, and even many people directly solved it through Liu Xiao's explanation. It has been studied for several years, even more than ten years.

Seeing Liu Xiao's detailed explanation above, almost in the way of preaching, Elder Du immediately felt relieved.

What he is most afraid of is that Liu Xiao will take these technologies as his own and is unwilling to share them.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Liu Xiao. In fact, it's not his turn not to believe a super genius who can invent a quantum computer.

Mr. Du has been in the scientific research field for a long time, and he knows very well in his heart that no matter how strong a person is, it is limited. If Liu Xiao alone studies and tackles key problems, Liu Xiao may not be able to show what he has learned in his life. Time can only become a pity.

But sharing knowledge with more people is different. With the collective efforts of everyone, a program can even be divided into 100 parts, allowing [-] people to operate at the same time.

What takes one person a year to make, a team can do in three days, and it can even be faster in terms of teamwork, as long as the degree of coordination is mastered.

From the current point of view, Liu Xiao, a super talent, is almost perfect.

Capable, humble, willing to share without taking credit.

In terms of security, Liu Xiao himself attaches great importance to it. He is not at all like some talented scientists who are arrogant and arrogant. great.

"Fortunately, I was born in China!"

Elder Du was overjoyed again.

At twelve o'clock at noon, Liu Xiao originally planned to go to eat some food before continuing to speak, but all the professors and academicians below hungrily hung on to Liu Xiao and refused to let him go. There was no way for Liu Xiao to escape, so he could only continue to preach .

It wasn't until after two o'clock that Zheng Xiaoxiao saw that Liu Xiao was really hungry, and went to the cafeteria alone to get a meal for Liu Xiao.

He simply ate two bites to fill his stomach, and continued talking until after eight o'clock in the evening, before Liu Xiao finished explaining the main formula.

"Mr. Du, I'll come back in a few days. Let's study and study what I'm talking about today. If you can understand these studies, you will basically meet my minimum standards, and the follow-up work will be easy to carry out."

"No problem, you can go back at ease and pay attention to safety on the road."

"By the way, the production line should be in place in the next two days. I will contact you then."

Old Du exhorted.


Liu Xiao nodded with a smile and got on the car.

Zheng Xiaoxiao sat in the back seat with Liu Xiao, while the driver in front kicked the accelerator and drove directly to the courtyard in Kyoto.

Zheng Xiaoxiao stood behind Liu Xiao all day, and listened to Liu Xiao's talk for a day, but she joined here after graduating from high school. Although cultural knowledge is also taught in the team, most of it is some basic physics and chemistry. class, she couldn't understand a word of what I said today.

But this did not prevent him from admiring Liu Xiao.

A 23-year-old young man lectured to a group of scientists in their [-]s, [-]s, or even [-]s or [-]s for a day.

Many people stood up and asked questions in the middle, but for those questions that she, and even the four or five hundred scientists present, thought could not be solved by scratching their heads, Liu Xiao only paused for a moment, and then spit out lotus flowers. It seems to explain the truth clearly.

It was only today that Zheng Xiaoxiao fully understood what character he was protecting.

Perhaps it is more appropriate to use the Einstein of the new era for comparison?
Even, Liu Xiao's future achievements are likely to surpass Einstein?

You must know that Einstein pioneered modern physics, and his main contribution was to overthrow Newton's three mechanical systems, create a system of relativity, and then put forward a series of conjecture concepts such as gravitational waves.

But Liu Xiao's contribution seems to be greater.

If Einstein opened the door to explore the interior and exterior of the earth, then Liu Xiao is like a super giant crocodile who invented Noah's Ark and is about to lead humans to explore space!

And this kind of scientist is not only a beacon, but also a thorn in the side of hostile forces.

A super talent who believes that scientists have national boundaries may have to undertake far beyond all expectations in the future.

Liu Xiao is not very clear about these things. After all, from birth to now, Liu Xiao’s understanding of those hostile forces is the information channels of TV and mobile phones. He just knows that there will be people who will deal with him at all costs. But what is the method? Not sure.

And what he can do now is to trust his security team unconditionally, and try to go abroad as little as possible, preferably only in the country.

"Brother System, can I get a self-defense skill in the next lottery draw?"

Liu Xiao sighed lightly.

This system knows how to stuff technology into its own head, and doesn't look at how far these technologies are ahead of the existing world. When the time comes when you are hunted down by hundreds of killers, the system will have to finish the calf at the same time.

"During the last lottery draw, I seemed to see a technology like an exoskeleton engine. It seemed to be a 2.0-level technology. The next lottery draw will see if there is any hope, and the billion quota will be completed soon."

There was hope in Liu Xiao's eyes, if he could really get this skill and equip it to himself, let alone a dozen killers, even hundreds of them, he could fight back with this skill.

In terms of exoskeletons, there are many researches in reality, and Liu Xiao also has a little understanding of the general principles and the power of the research.

However, to extract this exoskeleton technology from the bottomless technology pool, even if it is only civilian exoskeleton technology, the probability is quite small.

However, in the current situation, if the system gives itself another civilian technology of level 2.0 civilization, Liu Xiao seems a little afraid to use it.

At that time, don't make others anxious because you are too strong, just a little boy comes down and eats a fart for yourself and the game is over.

At 09:30 in the evening, the convoy drove into the Kyoto Courtyard in a mighty manner, which caused another discussion in the Kyoto Courtyard.

The people in the small courtyard in Kyoto are all first-class and powerful, but thirty or forty security cars are protecting them when they come in and out, which is indeed a bit too exaggerated.

For these people, there are only four or five cars at most, and no. 30 people.

Many people want to visit, but they are afraid of getting into trouble if they touch an eyebrow that shouldn't be touched.

For a while, the small courtyard where Liu Xiao lived almost became a forbidden area in the entire Kyoto courtyard.

Everyone wants to go in, but everyone is afraid to go in.

But this point naturally doesn't count for Liu Xiao and Zhao Ning.

As soon as Liu Xiao entered the second yard, he heard Zhao Ning's cheerful laughter wafting into his ears.

Walking a few steps forward and entering the inner courtyard, I saw Zhao Ning and sisters who were arranging the barbecue grill in the middle of the courtyard and setting up a charcoal fire.

"Teacher Liu Xiao, I found that you are not honest at all. I only asked you to help with homework, but I didn't let you date my sister!"

(End of this chapter)

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