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Chapter 431 Your Brother-in-law I'm Awesome

Chapter 431 Your Brother-in-law I'm Awesome

Zhao Keke's melodious laughter reached his ears.

"What nonsense?"

Zhao Ning blamed and tugged at the corner of Zhao Keke's clothes, pulling Zhao Keke to her side.

Before Zhao Keke went to school, the relationship between her and Liu Xiao was still hazy. After Zhao Keke went to school, it took a while for the two of them to be together.

But Zhao Keke didn't care about this, and just laughed and laughed at the side with the mentality that watching the excitement is not a big deal.

She recently went to school here in the capital, and she knew about the rumors about the Liu Ning Group, but she didn't think about Zhao Ning and Liu Xiao.

From the outside, there is nothing wrong with this small courtyard in Kyoto. At least she, an ordinary person, would not be able to see it, that is, she thinks that the courtyard is a bit too big.

But it's not in the city center, and the annual rent is estimated to be several million. She was a little surprised, but she wasn't surprised.

As for the thirty or forty cars when Liu Xiao just came back, he didn't hear much because of the distance.

Zhao Keke knew that Liu Xiao was in business now, and she also said about the hot pot restaurant chain before when she was chatting with Zhao Ning, and she knew that her brother-in-law was now making money in business, and he was considered a successful person, but he didn't know more about it. .

As for her own elder sister, she naturally paid more attention to it, and she naturally knew about Little Orange, the super popular first sister of Huya.

Therefore, it is normal for Zhao Ning and Liu Xiao to live in this courtyard house full of petty bourgeois sentiment at first glance.

After all, as far as Zhao Ning's current net worth is concerned, it's all 5000 million yuan, not to mention Liu Xiao, who has opened [-] hot pot restaurants in a row. Renting a courtyard house with several million yuan a year will definitely not be too stressful.

Liu Xiao carelessly moved to the next one, helping Zhao Ning burn charcoal beside her.

Liu Xiao deeply understands a truth, as a man, he must have a thick skin, as thick as he wants, if he wants face, then he will definitely not have a girlfriend, shame is the true meaning of life.

While busy with his hands, he called Zhao Ning to go inside and take out the drink that was frozen yesterday for Zhao Keke to relieve the heat, and he didn't care about Zhao Keke's eyes at all.

For a while, Zhao Keke was also convinced of her cheap brother-in-law.

But on the other hand, Zhao Keke actually knew the relationship between Liu Xiao and Zhao Ning for a long time, and he always wanted them to be together, and now his wish has been fulfilled.

Although he was rambling, he still blesses Liu Xiao and Zhao Ning in his heart.

"I'll say hello to my aunt in a while and ask her to clean up the guest room. If you have nothing to do these days, you can stay here."

"That can't be done. I still have a few days left for my military training. The military training ends at [-]:[-] pm, and I have to go back before the dormitory lights out at [-]:[-] pm."

Zhao Keke shook his head again and again.

She just heard from Zhao Ning that she came to the capital, so she came out to get together in the afternoon. After all, her parents have been traveling around the world for a year or two, and they are the only two sisters left in the country who are dependent on each other, and the relationship between them is still very strong. OK

"What's wrong, you will live here at night from now on. The conditions of your dormitory are definitely not as good as here. As for your dormitory check, I can just find a friend to say hello to the school."

Liu Xiao said with a smile.

"Hehe, brother-in-law, are you so strong?"

Zhao Keke was full of disbelief, the art academy she was in was second to none in China, and the rules of this school could not be changed just by saying a word.

"Wait a minute, I'll send you a message to check it out, it shouldn't be a big deal."

Liu Xiao patted his chest to reassure.

Zhao Ning doesn't know many people here in the capital, and he can't go out often because of safety issues, so he can rest assured that Zhao Keke is with him.

Furthermore, going back to the dormitory at night is not a big deal, in Liu Xiao's view, it should be no problem.

He took out his phone and sent a message to Brother Hua directly.

In other words, Brother Hua's strength in the capital is still very strong, so it shouldn't be a problem.

On the other side, Brother Hua is now with Brother Jiu Yishuiyanyu, waiting for Xiao Huya to tell Brother Xiao Xiao about letting him join the new company at night. Come here, Brother Hua clicked to answer almost without thinking.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, good evening."

"Old Hua, I don't know anyone here in the capital just now, so I thought I'd trouble you with something."

Liu Xiao briefly talked about Zhao Keke.

"Okay, no problem, it's all small things."

Before Brother Hua could speak, Brother Jiu, who was secretly listening to the phone on the other side, started patting his chest.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, don't worry, we will definitely handle this matter properly!"

Liu Xiao was a little surprised when he heard a strange voice on the phone, but the next moment he realized that it was Brother Jiu's voice.

"Thank you, Lao Jiu, I will treat you to dinner next time we meet."

Liu Xiao smiled and exchanged some pleasantries.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Xiao raised an eyebrow at Zhao Keke.

Not to mention anything else, based on the circles he knows so far, there are really not many things that cannot be done in China.

These are all private exchanges, if Liu Xiao chooses to use official connections, there will be no problem with those things that cannot be done.

As long as he wasn't stupid enough to take a blue-fired Gatling and rush to sweep the street, Liu Xiao would basically run amok.

However, Liu Xiao is not a person who likes to use privileges, and the relationship he chooses to use is not the official relationship like Mr. Du, but the personal relationship with Brother Hua and Xiao Huya.

But even so, it's still easy to do something.

Just as Liu Xiao hung up the phone, Brother Hua almost threw the phone on Brother Jiu's face.

Brother Jiu scratched his head and smiled apologetically when he saw Brother Hua's dark face.

He knew that it was not very authentic to do so, but Brother Hua had already met Brother Xiao Xiao last night, and Brother Jiu was still strangers to Brother Xiao Xiao, plus the previous battle between Daheng and Lehua on the Huya platform, basically It was his Brother Jiu who charged forward, so he was afraid of any misunderstanding with Brother Xiao Xiao.

He also wanted to take this opportunity to settle his suspicions with Brother Xiao Xiao.

When chatting with Xiao Huya yesterday, he and Yishao Yanyu both understood the whole story. If they could join Brother Xiao Xiao's camp together, or join the new company formed by Brother Xiao Xiao and the official, then the family tradition By their generation, or even the next generation or two, they will definitely be able to transition smoothly.

Of course he wanted to fight for such a big discount.

However, Brother Hua didn't show up just now, so he might be a little unhappy.

"Brother Hua, let's hurry up and find someone to settle this matter. Brother Xiao Xiao is still waiting for an answer."

Brother Jiu approached Brother Hua, put his arms around Brother Hua's shoulders, and sat down carelessly.

"Didn't you agree, you can do this, I don't care."

Brother Hua snorted.

"Brother Hua, are you joking? I can't handle this matter even if you give it to me. I have to open my mouth, Brother Hua."

Brother Jiu chuckled, and said a word of humility with a wink.

Taking the initiative to argue with Brother Xiao Xiao from Brother Hua's phone call is already considered too much. If he steals Brother Hua's affairs again, Brother Hua will really have to cut himself with a knife.

It's not a big deal, it's just a matter of making a phone call to say hello, not to mention Brother Hua and his Brother Jiu, even a stronger young master can easily handle it.

Brother Hua also knew this, and when he heard Brother Jiu say that, his complexion improved a bit.

He also knew that this matter could not be delayed, so he quickly took out his mobile phone and found a second generation who had a school board father.

This second generation's level in the capital is not high, and he belongs to Hua Ge's younger brother. He met at the racing track before, fawned and handed him his business card, and the secretary saved the phone number by the way.

If it wasn't for what happened some time ago, he might have forgotten about this guy.

But now that it can be used, there is no need to find someone to make connections.

When the second generation received the phone call from Brother Hua, he directly expressed the word trembling to the extreme.

"I need your help with something."

"Also, the school's rules and regulations, if you can relax them, relax them, and don't embarrass this classmate if you encounter anything in the future."

Brother Hua was afraid that the second generation would not understand, so he emphasized it several times.

"Brother Hua, don't worry, leave this matter to me, and I'll go over there to say hello right away."

The second generation promised again and again, and they almost made an oath to Brother Hua on the spot.

The times are different now, and the style of study in the school is quite upright. If you want to mess with any student, even if Brother Hua asks, he has to weigh his own weight. After all, he is just a father with a school board. The second-generation circles in the capital city are all people with their tails between their legs, and there are some things that he really dare not touch.

But it's just to say hi
He can give a hundred guarantees. If this matter is not handled properly, he really doesn't have to hang around in the capital.

After hanging up Brother Hua's phone, he didn't even hesitate, and directly greeted the few managements in the school who usually fawned on him.

"Let me tell you, the relationship between this classmate is as good as the sky. My boss's boss's boss greeted me. Give me the green light for everything, including if she is unhappy, I will make everyone unhappy. Listen Are you clear!"

In less than half an hour, words spread layer by layer.

When Liu Xiao received a call from Brother Hua, Zhao Keke also received a call from his mentor.

"Ah, good instructor, I really caused you trouble, ah, good good."

Zhao Keke answered the phone with a flattered look.

"My God, brother-in-law, what kind of relationship are you looking for? When our director called me, he seemed to regard me as the principal. He kept his mouth shut because he was embarrassed, and told him what happened in the future! "

Zhao Keke hung up the phone and almost shouted out of excitement.

He originally thought that his brother-in-law was doing business in Shanghai, and even if he had something to do with it, he probably couldn't control the capital.

But I just made a phone call, and within half an hour, my tutor called, and the attitude was still the same
It seems that the instructor raised his mouth, saying that the school leader specially asked him to take care of it or something like that.

Looking at it this way, let alone living outside at night, even if you don't go to military training, it seems that nothing will happen, right?
"What are you talking about?"

Zhao Ning gave the two of them a white look.

"Ke Ke, no matter what, you have to go to class. The school has something to do with it. It makes your studies easier to complete, not because you are arrogant and domineering at school."

Zhao Ning hurriedly ordered.

In Zhao Ning's view, schools are relatively sacred, and they are the only pure land before students enter society. She still wants Zhao Keke to learn some real things in school.

Take her as an example, if she didn’t learn so many vocal skills in school, there would be no Little Orange live broadcast by Huya, and it would be impossible to collaborate with JJ Lianmai on songs.

"Okay, okay, I know, but I don't need to live in a dormitory in the future, so I have more time to shoot short videos, it's cool to think about it."

Zhao Keke cheered.

She has just turned 18 this year, and she is still playful by nature. Although the door of the dormitory is locked at [-] o'clock in the evening to protect the students, it still makes her a little uncomfortable.

Especially now that she is still a short video creator, she often needs to shoot scenes outdoors. There are too many people outside during the day, and some videos can only be shot at night when there are few people. This access control system still annoys her .

"Take a short video?"

Liu Xiao put the skewered meat on the grill, and the fat fell onto the charcoal, making a sizzling sound.

"By the way, the Douyin short video platform is very popular now. Many people are shooting it. It's really fun."

Zhao Keke nodded and turned on his Douyin.

Liu Xiao tutored Zhao Keke for several months, and the relationship between the two was good, and there were not so many twists and turns between them. Zhao Keke directly displayed his account interface.

"Your Douyin ID is called Zhao Keke."

Liu Xiao and Zhao Ning stepped forward to take a look, and immediately burst out laughing.

Zhao Keke has just started playing Douyin, there are only a dozen videos in total, and there are only more than 600 fans.

Liu Xiao also thought that Zhao Keke might be a big V with millions of fans, but he didn't expect that he would be a rookie in the end.

"Tch, I've just started. After half a year, my fans will grow to at least a hundred thousand."

Zhao Keke turned off the phone unconvinced.

"How about this, you open the video, ask your sister to take a photo with you, upload it tonight, and guarantee 24 to [-] new fans in [-] hours."

Liu Xiao laughed.

"Eh? That's the truth!"

Zhao Keke was stunned.

My old sister is now a big anchor with tens of millions of fans. I have this natural advantage. As long as I just get some popularity, I won't gain fans in minutes?
She didn't dare to think of tens of thousands, but if she could have five thousand, she would be very satisfied.

Moreover, her own talent is not bad, and her appearance is also similar to Zhao Ning's. She is young and beautiful, and she still has the confidence to turn the fans she has attracted into her loyal fans.

"Sister, come and shoot a video with me. Needless to say, just sing Feng He's chorus accompaniment, and I'll do it later!"

Zhao Keke stood up excitedly, and rushed towards Zhao Ning with her mobile phone.

(End of this chapter)

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