Chapter 432 Poach Vice President Du?
Zhao Ning is very kind to her younger sister. Her younger sister is studying art, and she will definitely make her debut in the future. It is naturally best to accumulate some fans during school.

Furthermore, singing is always my specialty, especially the classic song Fenghe, I have sung it countless times, and there is no problem with singing a cappella.

Liu Xiao was holding a mobile phone to take pictures, and the two sisters stood together, leaning against a small flower behind, coupled with the rendering of the night scene, without post-production at all, it was a wonderful picture.

"I said, the beauty of this Douyin platform is a bit too scary."

Liu Xiao looked at the two people on the phone screen, dumbfounded.

The Douyin platform comes with beauty filters, all kinds of face-lifting, big-eyed, whitening and acne-removing filters. As soon as the two of them were on the camera, their faces lost a lot of weight, and they seemed to be evolving into monkeys.

"Brother-in-law, you have to turn off all the beauties one by one, otherwise the photos will be too ugly."

Zhao Keke stuck out her tongue playfully, trotted over and tapped on the phone, turning off all the beauty effects that came with it.

The skin of the two of them was already very fair, and with the special effects of whitening and skin smoothing, they both looked pale and pale just now.

"it is good."

Liu Xiao held the phone in his right hand, made an OK gesture with his left hand, and then raised three fingers to start the countdown.

The most exciting six lines of the chorus are exactly 15 seconds long. When the last note of the two fell, the recording time of Douyin just ended.

"Perfect! But Ke Ke, your level of funny voice is too low. You can only shoot 15-second videos. You have to work hard in the follow-up."

Liu Xiao smiled and handed the phone to Zhao Keke.

"No need to work hard. I heard that starting from the beginning of tomorrow, the 1-minute recording time will be open to everyone. There may be 3-minute and 6-minute recordings in the future. By then, whether it is dancing or singing, the time will be enough."


Zhao Ning was helpless.

My younger sister is good at everything, and in terms of acting, both singing and dancing are passable, but her personality is too out of character, she can't settle down, and she probably won't be able to create any good works in the later stage, so she can only buy songs or dances. kind.

In any case, it is a pity that the label of originality is missing after all.

After a busy day, Liu Xiao's appetite was finally opened up when he faced the barbecue.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Xiao Huya called.

It wasn't that he didn't want to fight earlier, but that Liu Xiao told him yesterday that he had to go out today, and he didn't dare to fight in broad daylight, for fear of delaying Brother Xiao Xiao's affairs.

It will be eleven o'clock in the evening, and he reckoned that Liu Xiao's affairs should be over, so he made a phone call, ready to speak for Brother Hua.

"Old Hua wants to join in too?"

Liu Xiao was a little surprised.

This point Liu Xiao really didn't expect that Hua Ge is such an entrepreneurial talent, he would rather not have shares or anything, and come to work for himself?

You know, even if the annual salary of the general manager is not low, it is only 6000 to 8000 million, and at most [-] to [-] million. To Brother Hua, such a small amount of money is really no different from nothing.

But since Brother Hua is willing to come, Liu Xiao still welcomes it in his heart.

After all, the company is about to start operation, and it is the time when talents are needed, especially Hua Ge is still a top-notch talent in the country, and to be more realistic, if Hua Ge can come, he will bring a group of younger brothers. People are here, no matter what they do, they basically go smoothly. In some respects, they are much better than official escorts.

"Okay, then at 07:30 tomorrow morning, you come to the small courtyard in Kyoto, and we will go there together."

Liu Xiao thought about it, but still agreed.

"Come on, brother Xiao Xiao, then you should rest early, we will be there on time tomorrow morning!"

"Okay, don't bring anyone with you tomorrow, just come over with the two of you."

There must be something to talk about in the past tomorrow.

Brother Hua and Xiao Huya don't care, both of them are the second generation of Genzheng Miaohong, and their families are all in the capital, if there is any problem, they can't run away even if they want to.

But those people below are too complicated, and some things must not be disclosed.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, don't worry, I know."

Xiao Huya nodded repeatedly.

In the evening, Liu Xiao originally planned to have a happy time with Zhao Ning, but Zhao Keke drank some wine and didn't understand the situation, completely ignoring Liu Xiao's frantic winks, and insisted on pulling Zhao Ning to sleep together.

The reason is also very formal. The two sisters haven't seen each other for a long time, so they have to have a good conversation at night.

Liu Xiao was also helpless, so he had to give up his bedroom, and ran to the guest room that his aunt had just tidied up by himself.

Covered with a quilt and blowing on the air conditioner, feeling the emptiness of the big bed, Liu Xiao sighed again.

"This guest room is for me to tidy up myself."

"I wouldn't have called if I had known, and let Zhao Keke go back to school."

Not being able to feel the warmth in his chest, Liu Xiao still felt a little uncomfortable.

After tossing for a while, I didn't have any desire to sleep.

I looked at the time, it was exactly twelve o'clock in the evening, after thinking about it, I took out my phone and turned on the Huya live broadcast.

I haven't been online for two days, the last Chuhe Hanjie event has ended, and the rewards have been fully distributed.

Currently on the platform, Lehua and Daheng basically have no rhythm, but the platform PK still exists.

Liu Xiao glanced at the newly refreshed weekly list. It hasn't been online for the past two days. The highest weekly list is still Zhao Ning, with a current list of 240 million, followed by Baldy, with a list of about 160 million.

In the back are the first-line anchors such as Xiao Fei, Xia Nuan, and Yang Zi. The list basically has more than 100 million.

"It's only two days this week."

Liu Xiao was a little surprised.

Generally speaking, when there is no activity, the first-line anchor’s weekly list should be at most 50 million in the first few days. When the weekly list rewards are received on Saturday and Sunday, those big brothers will make a move. At that time, there will be a 200 Wan's list is about the same.

This is because the consumption of Huya is relatively benign now. In the past, it would be considered good for these first-line anchors to have a list of [-] on Saturdays and Sundays.

But now it's only the end of the second day, and the list of first-line anchors basically exceeds one million.

Liu Xiao glanced at the game area. It was basically the same rhythm, the list was a little less, but the first-line anchors were basically in the 80 million list, which was far more than before.

While Liu Xiao was surprised, Vice President Du smiled happily at the other end.

From May to now, the activities have been held sporadically and three or four times, and each time the scale is relatively large.

To put it bluntly, many big brothers on the platform are already overloaded with activities for their own anchors. The three leading unions, Daheng, Lehua, and Misty Rain, are still doing better, but the big brothers of the second-tier unions, in this event After it's over, I basically don't think about how to make troubles. Those who can smoothly give their anchors too much will basically choose to do less to pass the task.

Vice President Du is also aware of this problem. He knows in his heart that even if the event is held in different ways, it must be stopped when it should be stopped.

Last month, Brother Xiao Xiao alone was worth over a billion dollars, but this also means that the current consumption of Big Brother Shenhao on the platform has reached its peak. Once the event is over, the platform's revenue will definitely drop sharply in the short term.

Especially at present, the tense atmosphere between Daheng and Lehua has faded a lot. Even if they want to start a war, Daheng may not dare to fight.

But this does not mean that the consumption of the platform brother Shenhao has really reached its peak.

In the past few months, according to Vice President Du's observation, the consumption views of these big brothers on the platform are basically very positive. Some of them are worth tens of millions or hundreds of millions, and their monthly consumption on the platform basically does not exceed 20. Ten thousand.

And some people with a net worth of hundreds of millions and billions, the consumption is basically 50. Only the real big brothers like Xiao Xiao, Jiu, and Hua, plus trade union operations, can get tens of millions of credits. .

But these big brothers Shenhao, who are worth tens of millions or hundreds of millions, must have more spending power than that.

To put it simply, a boss with hundreds of millions of assets generally has an annual profit of more than 15.00%, that is, he can earn about 20.00 million a year, and even more when it is good, and it may reach around [-]%.

Even if calculated on the basis of 120 million, the monthly income of these bosses is more than [-] million.

But for this money, these gods will only spend a few hundred thousand on the platform.

And this is the opportunity that Vice President Du saw.

The reason why the Xiao Family Army can form a group is that Brother Xiao Xiao’s strength has attracted a large number of Shenhao to join. These Shenhao brothers will naturally spend more money on the platform in order to meet more people within the Xiao Family Army. to show their strength.

Therefore, in the view of Vice President Du, if the Huya platform wants to keep these big brothers, it must first turn the platform attribute into a social platform, so that these big brothers can find the same kind of gods belonging to their own line on the platform. Howe, let these big brothers Shenhao gain actual benefits in reality in the process of communicating on the platform.

Therefore, Vice President Du opened up three great groups on the platform, named after the three trade unions of Lehua, Daheng, and Misty Rain, and also opened up a chat space for these three groups.

In the past, Brother Shenhao on Lehua's side, if he was on Liu Xiao's side, he might have to change his name suffix to XX*Xiao Jiajun.

And the one on the other side of Misty Rain is so-and-so* Misty Rain.

Vice President Du created an exclusive fan card for these big brothers. For example, the big brothers on the side of Yanyu have a unified prefix, called Yanyulou. Any big brother who wants to join Yanyulou can reach the threshold after swiping the gift and join Misty Rain floor chat room.

And the higher the amount of consumption, the more fancy the fan card's special effects will be.

Seeing this, Liu Xiao immediately understood.

Vice President Du is tantamount to bringing to the table some of the things that Brother Shenhao had defaulted to before.

To put it simply, these three Shenhao groups are the support groups of the three major trade unions on the platform.

And if you want to join these three support groups, the minimum consumption is 10 yuan per month, and there is no upper limit.

Like Liu Xiao, the system defaults to the highest-level brand for Lehua’s support team. It is a golden-red dragon icon. You can put it on when you want to use it by opening the backpack, and you can take it off when you don’t want to use it. It is very convenient.

"If I'm not mistaken, my brand should be the only one."

Liu Xiao laughed.

Daheng's side is probably the only one, and Misty Rain's side is also the only one, which is to confirm the status of big brother Shenhao.

In other words, rather than saying that these three super gods are the support group of the trade union, it is better to say that they are the support group of these super gods.

Vice President Du is equivalent to working for them for free, showing the support group that was not clear before.

And because of the minimum consumption threshold, many big brothers on the Huya platform will go to these three support groups.

10 yuan is quite a lot for ordinary people, but for people with tens of millions of assets, this investment is really not worth mentioning.

I believe no one will refuse to join Shenhao's circle with this little investment.

And after entering the Shenhao circle, they will want to improve their status because of various relationships, and the promotion of status and voice is not based on consumption.

"This guy, it's a pity to nest in this place of Huya. This is simply a god-level plan."

Thinking of Vice President Du, Liu Xiao was very emotional.

At the beginning, because of the identity of Brother Xiao Xiao, he promoted the games he operated on the Huya platform, and later, he bet on the account of Brother Xiao Xiao to make Huya successfully operate. The whimsical idea of ​​Chuhe Hanjie, Vice President Du's brain hole is really powerful.

To put it bluntly, if Huya didn't have the god-level planning of Vice President Du these few times, it would be impossible for Huya to develop to the current stage at this time, unless he did his best.

But in other words, Liu Xiao and Hu Ya have nothing to do with each other. If Hu Ya's activities are not doing well enough, naturally people won't be foolish enough to spend money randomly.

After all, Vice President Du contributed a lot.

For a while, Liu Xiao also started to poach people.

After the establishment of the new company, Qu Yue will definitely come here to help. No matter how capable Hua Ge and Xiao Hu Ya are, they can only be regarded as their own people. In some respects, Qu Yue is more trustworthy.

With Qu Yue staring at him, holding the core position, Liu Xiao can really feel relieved.

As soon as Qu Yue left, there was no one at Liu Ning Group.

The new company must be more scientific, but Liu Ning Group is more operational.

Now the clothing industry and the catering industry have established companies, and these companies need to be operated.

Including Lehua, which is going to get up later, Liu Ning Media is registered, and a capable person must be allowed to operate it in the later stage.

Liu Xiao felt that with Vice President Du's ability, he must be competent.

You know, Vice President Du's life with Huya is not very good. If it is not for the full support of major shareholders, Vice President Du will not be able to do a lot of work, especially when he makes mistakes in work, it will make some Small people wear small shoes.

Vice President Du's salary does not seem to be high, only a few million a year. Huya's promise to Vice President Du is to give a part of the dividend after Huya goes public, which may be 5.00% to [-]%. , and will not exceed [-]% at most.

You know, this is a dividend, not a share.

Taking Huya's profitability as an example, the current annual revenue of one billion yuan should be no problem. If calculated at 5.00%, it is only 5000 million yuan per year, which is not too much.

What's more likely is that Vice President Du can only get 2000%, which is [-] million per year. After all, everyone knows the boss's tricks. The salary is [-] to [-]. Qian, as for Baqian, either the boss himself or a relative of the boss.

Although 500% doesn't seem like a lot, Huya also needs investment. It's normal to reinvest 1000 billion out of [-] billion annual revenue. In this way, the [-]% dividend incentive, Du The vice president can divide [-] million to [-] million a year, which is considered as the sky.

And this was only available during Vice President Du's tenure. Once he resigned, he would not get a penny of this bonus.

You must know that Huya's money was all earned by Vice President Du's hard work alone, and in the end it was only a small amount. Although it was not a small amount, it was definitely not a lot.

After thinking about it, Liu Xiao didn't care about playing on the platform anymore, so he picked up the phone and called Vice President Du.

(End of this chapter)

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