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Chapter 433 Vice President Du: I quit, and I don't want my annual salary either!

Chapter 433 Vice President Du: I quit, and I don't want my annual salary either!

Although the event is over, Vice President Du is still very busy recently.

Huya’s current peak traffic is quite high, and most of them are concentrated after [-]:[-] p.m. Now people have a long nightlife, and there are still many tourists online at [-]:[-] p.m.

Of course, with the virtual disk server, traffic peaks are no longer a problem, and Vice President Du is mainly concerned with the affairs of the three major groups.

Vice President Du rubbed his sore eyes.

If it weren't for the option rewards after listing, Vice President Du would definitely not have worked overtime so day and night. He is a man in his forties, and he hasn't slept before two o'clock in the morning in the past few months. The family saw that their daughter-in-law had fallen asleep, although it was a bit interesting, but they were embarrassed to wake up their daughter-in-law.

Forget it, I haven't developed a relationship with my daughter-in-law for dozens of days.

Now his only hope is to get Huya listed as soon as possible, and then he can enjoy a little leisure time after receiving the bonus reward.

"Lanlan, you send these signed documents to the planning department, and ask the person on duty to classify them at night, and then complete them after work tomorrow."

Vice President Du handed over a stack of documents, which were marked with pens of other colors.


Lan Lan nodded, and walked out quickly.

Compared with Vice President Du, Lan Lan is actually quite satisfied with her job. She is only in her twenties this year, and she has already won tens of millions of bonuses in the past few months by relying on the commission. I also bought a villa for my parents, and the car I drive now is a million-dollar car.

This kind of work, even if it is a bit tiring, she is willing to work overtime.

Besides, she can indeed learn a lot from being with Vice President Du, especially the planning in the past few months has benefited her a lot.

To put it bluntly, apart from the lack of seniority, the current Lan Lan can definitely keep up in terms of ability.

Vice President Du was planning to stare for a while to rest his mind, but the next moment, the cell phone placed by the table rang suddenly.

"Brother Xiao Xiao's phone number?"

Vice President Du was surprised.

Although he didn't think he could help brother Xiao Xiao, he still answered the phone immediately.

"Old Du, I'm sorry for calling you so late, it didn't affect your rest."

"What brother Xiao Xiao said, it doesn't affect it. To be honest, I'm still in the company."

Vice President Du smiled wryly.

"We are all old acquaintances, so I won't see you anymore."

Liu Xiao straight to the point.

"My Liu Ning Group is currently short of an executive president. I wonder if you are interested?"

"Liu Ning Group?"

Vice President Du stood up from his seat with a snap, his face full of shock.

Of course, Liu Ning Group knew that Huya's server was obtained by virtue of brother Xiao Xiao's identity as the founder of Liu Ning Group.

You know, Douyu of the same strength is still running on those junk servers, and they have started to develop Blu-ray 8M or even Blu-ray 10M high-definition displays on their side.

To put it bluntly, the starting point of Liu Ning Group is almost higher than the end point of online live broadcast platforms such as Huya Douyu. If you have to choose one in the live broadcast industry to compare, it may be Douyin Group and Liu Ning Group on a par.

But this is just a teaser for the future, and it's just a comparison.

It is impossible to compare!

And now, brother Xiao Xiao actually wants to go over there to be the CEO?

The position of executive president is basically equivalent to his position as a professional manager in Huya. As long as the director does not speak, he can basically sign various policies and cooperation agreements on behalf of the company.

In other words, if it is not the confidant of the major shareholder, it is absolutely impossible to sit in this position.

Vice President Du had mixed feelings in his head, and finally sat down weakly.

He didn't feel that Brother Xiao Xiao was teasing him. For a person of Brother Xiao Xiao's level to speak, it was definitely a sincere invitation.

He also very much hopes to work in Liu Ning Group. He is confident enough to do all the duties of the executive president.

But he can't.

At present, he is on Huya's side, and his annual salary is more than 300 million, which is not high.

But Huya gave him a dividend incentive of at least [-]%.

In other words, after Huya goes public next year, his annual income will double several times, at least tens of millions.

There are opportunities like Lanlan earning tens of millions in a few months, but they are only a few after all. After Huya runs smoothly in the later stage, Lanlan's income is estimated to stabilize, and it cannot be too high.

And his annual salary of tens of millions will definitely be stable after next year, and it may be even higher. When the share is large, it is very possible to get 2000 million.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the income of professional managers in the market rarely exceeds [-] million yuan, which is why he has been working hard in Huya.

It's not that he cares about money so much, on the contrary, he doesn't care about the amount of money.

But his family cares.

Although Guangzhou is not a super first-tier city, it is only inferior to the capital city of Shanghai in all aspects, and the housing prices in the city center are not low.

He is now burdened with more than 15 monthly mortgages, so he can't help but work hard.

And in his forties, with two children under his knees, he went to a noble school since he was a child. In order for his children to receive a good education, the monthly education expenditure is [-] to [-] or even higher.

In the later stage, I have to buy a house for the children and so on, which will cost more.

He has calculated his professional lifespan, and now he is nearly half a hundred years old. After Huya goes public, he should retire after receiving dividends for at most five or six years. This five to sixty million yuan is the last wealth he accumulated for his children. Let his children enter the upper class.

But once you choose to change jobs, you will start all over again.

All these uncertainties, coupled with the current pressure on him, simply cannot allow him to chase his dreams.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, I"

Vice President Du licked the corners of his lips that were chapped due to nervousness, and he didn't know how to organize his words for a while.

It would be great if I could be the executive president of Liu Ning Group and scold Fang Qiu.
But the fate is that most people, including the upper middle class like him, are always unable to control their own destiny.

Especially a middle-aged white-collar worker with two boys under his knees bowed his head to life again and again.

Sometimes, he also wants to use the little money he has saved over the years to buy a few houses in small cities and rent them out as a charter company, but every time he looks back, he is full of unwillingness.

The Internet circle has been struggling for decades, and when he is sprinting towards the top circle, let him retreat to a third-tier city to retire at this time?
"what reason."

Liu Xiao didn't wait for Vice President Du to finish hesitating, he smiled and spoke up.

Sometimes when throwing an olive branch to others, it’s not about telling others that I’ll give you tens of millions and you go with me, but asking others to propose it on their own initiative.

In this way, the people below will think of their own kindness, instead of thinking that they are worth so much money, and you should give me something.

This is also some of the essence that Liu Xiao has learned from being the boss in the past few months.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, to tell you the truth, although my income is not low, my family expenses are also high. I am also under a lot of pressure now, so I may not be suitable for this position in Liu Ning Group."

Vice President Du was a little sorry.

"Hahaha, Guangzhou is good, but Kyoto is definitely better, and why do you think Liu Ning Group will give you less than Huya?"

"You know, my Liuning Group is not a company that is still developing like Huya. From the moment I registered the company, it was doomed to be a huge company. Of course, it is impossible for me, Liuning Group, to give you stock options and dividends. In terms of rewards and annual salary, you can make a price."

Liu Xiao laughed out loud.

Hearing Liu Xiao's domineering words, Vice President Du lost his mind again.

Yes, how can he be sure that Liu Ning Group will give him less than Huya?
Suddenly, Vice President Du came to his senses.

"1000 million, Brother Xiao Xiao, as long as you can give me an annual salary of tens of millions, I will be nailed to Liu Ning Group for the rest of my life!"

Vice President Du gritted his teeth, and mentioned an annual salary that he thought was a bit exaggerated.

This annual salary is basically the same as the income he could get after Huya went public, and with Liu Ning Group, the income is also more stable, and the working hours can be longer.

This income is basically the top among domestic professional managers.

No matter how high it is, it can only be achieved by those traffic managers who bring their own customers after switching jobs, or who can bring hundreds of millions of profits to the company after switching jobs.

A business manager like him only relies on the company's resources to create wealth, which is fundamentally different from a manager in a special sales industry or a contract signing industry.

Vice President Du doesn't expect an annual salary of tens of millions. In his opinion, if brother Xiao Xiao can give him a stable annual salary of 800 million, he can definitely jump ship.

"An annual basic salary of 2000 million, bonuses are variable, and the minimum is no less than 600 million."

Liu Xiao didn't think about it at all, and said directly.

In Liu Xiao's opinion, this price is quite reasonable.

You know, Qu Yue, who was trained as an intern, now has an annual salary of more than 1000 million, and Vice President Du, a professional manager who has been in the workplace for decades and has a planning ability that can be called a god-level professional manager, is really good for this annual salary. Not much.

Moreover, this annual salary has a lot of room to rise, depending on how much profit Vice President Du's planning ability can bring to the company.

According to Liu Xiao's considerations, it should be no problem for Vice President Du to get more than 3000 million yuan a year. If a big scene is planned later, it is also possible to raise 5000 million yuan.

With this annual salary, let alone a business manager like Vice President Du, even those who are engaged in sales and have the attribute of signing orders with customers, they can casually beat them.

As soon as these words came out, a gasping voice came from Liu Xiao's phone.

Vice President Du is still very confident in his ability. Although he doesn't know what the bonus standard for brother Xiao Xiao is, 600 million is already a fixed annual salary. If he does well, I believe the last 3000 million will not be a problem right?
Now Vice President Du has almost the same thoughts as Lan Lan.

Come on, so what about 007!
It’s a big deal for my wife to ask someone for help, the company is my home, where is my home, I will be there!

And after joining the Liu Ning Group, he has steadily stepped into the circle of high society. How could he refuse such a good thing.

"Come! Brother Xiao Xiao, I'm coming!"

"By the way, Brother Xiao Xiao, do I need a residence permit in the capital to buy a house in the capital?"

Vice President Du smiled sarcastically.

"The annual salary is calculated separately, and I will add a villa in the third ring road for you, not less than 300 square meters. I will solve the problem of children's schooling."

In the third ring road of the capital, the housing price of a villa is around 15 a square meter, and a house of 500 square meters is 5000 million yuan. If there is a little more, it is estimated to cost [-] million yuan.

This is equivalent to his annual salary for two years.

Vice President Du simply did the math.

Whoever wants to take care of Huya's business, anyway, Vice President Du put his heart into it.

At present, Huya has entered the right track, and the later development can only be done step by step, which is worthy of the cultivation of Huya's boss.

What's more, there are too many fights between the directors on Huya's side, and he has long been uncomfortable being caught in the middle. Now that he has this opportunity to jump out of the cage, he is too happy.

Huya no longer pays dividends, and this year's annual salary is no longer required.

Even the house bought for 1000 million in Guangzhou is gone!

Millions of mortgages, paid directly at a fair price!
Tomorrow, no, tonight he will fly to the capital with his wife and children!
Fly a fart, the plane is probably slow, just drive away overnight!

Liu Xiao quickly hung up the phone, and Vice President Du was still feeling unreal in his head when he heard the busy tone of the phone.

But he knew very well in his heart that brother Xiao Xiao would not joke with him like this.

Liu Ning Group is currently in Shanghai, and will move to the capital during this period of time. He must be responsible for the relocation of Liu Ning Group when he goes to the capital. The two children are arranged to enter the school.

As for his wife's work.
More than 2 a month seems to be a lot, but in front of the annual salary of more than 2000 million
Forget it, let my daughter-in-law be my secretary for free. As for the current job
Just like myself, I don't want anything!
Although it is now close to September and the annual salary will be paid in December, Vice President Du doesn't feel distressed at all.

When he thought of a small villa of more than 4000 million yuan waiting for him in the capital, he felt a burst of relief in his heart.

"Hello, wife."

"Ah, let me tell you something. Don't you have Teacher Wu's WeChat account? You will send a WeChat message to Teacher Wu in a while, saying that our two children need to go through the transfer procedures."

"Where to go? Go to the capital! Hey, can you still believe me? I found a new company here. The annual salary starts at 2000 million. The boss also gave me a big house of more than 4000 million to 5000 million. He also agreed to arrange for the two of us. The kids go to school."

"Your job is not a good thing, just resign! There is also a house here, contact the agent directly in two days, and offer it at a fair price!"

After hanging up his wife's call, Vice President Du felt relieved.

For many years, I have never been so relieved.

He just doesn't want the annual salary of several million, so what can he do?
Let the directors of Huya come to disgust him again, and try to make him feel like Vice President Du has no temper at all?
"As expected of Brother Xiao Xiao, you are domineering!"

Vice President Du half leaned on the leather chair, feeling extremely comfortable.

After thinking about it, he made another call and called Lanlan over.

(End of this chapter)

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