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Chapter 434 Lan Lan, You Will Be You After I Leave

Chapter 434 Lan Lan, You Will Be You After I Leave

As soon as Lan Lan delivered the things to the planning department, she heard the news that Vice President Du said that she was going to resign, and her jaw almost fell to the ground in shock.

"Mr. Du, you were fine just now, what's going on now?"

"Hahaha, that's what happened. Brother Xiao Xiao just called me and said that he invited me to be the CEO of Liu Ning Group."

Vice President Du waved his hand.

"Leaving aside these things, Huya has not cultivated anyone so far. From the looks of it now, you should be the only one who can stand up to the table. Remember everything I taught you recently, right? "

"I remembered it all."

Lanlan nodded repeatedly.

"Well, I will mention it to the board of directors tomorrow. It is definitely unrealistic for you to be a professional manager. Let Lao Han act as an agent for this position first, and you will be a deputy. Lao Han's ability is average, but he is stable. Wait. After a few years you have gained experience, this position should be yours."

Vice President Du was a little emotional.

After all, I have worked with Huya for more than two years, so I have some feelings.

Vice President Du doesn't think he can't leave. To be honest, the people on the board want to leave immediately. All along, it is because of Zhou Dong's care that his decision can be carried out. Now as long as he mentions resignation, Zhao Dong will absolutely 100% thumbs up for it.

And Lan Lan is a successor he trained for Jay Chou.

Although it is still relatively young, after a few years of experience, Huya can still take over the stall.

"President Du, this."

When Lanlan heard that Vice President Du said that she would give this position to herself, she panicked.

Now she feels that she has some abilities, but she doesn't think she can take over this business.

She also knows that Lao Han is no problem in implementing Vice President Du's decision, but it is basically impossible for Lao Han to innovate on his own.

With the departure of Vice President Du, if the board of directors gives her the position of deputy general manager, all this matter will be on her shoulders.

"I know your ability, so don't refuse. Huya has entered a virtuous cycle mode. With Lao Han at the helm, you are in charge of planning. It will definitely be no problem to maintain it."

"I know that you have made some money as an account manager in the past few months, but you have to know that it is only temporary. It is good to earn tens of millions in a few months now, but in a few months, brother Xiao Xiao will not be on the platform After spending a lot of money, how much money do you still have?"

"Being a vice president, among other things, you still have a basic salary of one to two million a year."

Vice President Du waved his hand again, earnestly speaking.

The most important point that Vice President Du didn't say is that Huya can't always give so much profit to a customer service commission.

You know, as a professional manager, Vice President Du's annual salary is only 300 million, but the account managers below who used to earn 2 to 500 a month suddenly earn a million a month, or even 1000 million to [-] million a month. Yes, it's higher than what the boss got.

At present, Huya has not made rules and regulations for this aspect, but Vice President Du believes that the restructuring of the board of directors will come soon.

The basic salary of all account managers may increase to more than 1, but the commission is likely to be directly cut from one percent to one thousandth.

This is not that the board of directors deliberately disgusts people, but a necessary adjustment for the company's development.

It would be an exaggeration for an account manager serving platform customers to earn more than some shareholders.

Therefore, in Vice President Du's view, Lanlan's super high income is estimated to last until the end of this month.

When the adjustment is made next month, brother Xiao Xiao earns 10 million yuan, and Lanlan's commission is only [-] yuan.

Although there are quite a few, the degree of stability is definitely not as cost-effective as being a vice president.

After being busy for most of the night, Vice President Du basically made arrangements for Huya's affairs.

At four o'clock in the morning, Vice President Du's wife came to the company with their two children.

"Lanlan, ability is the most important thing. When you reach my level, you may be seen by the bosses of other companies and have the opportunity to improve."

Vice President Du finally exhorted.

"Mr. Du, be careful on the road."

Lanlan nodded heavily.

She started at a higher level than Vice President Du.

Vice President Du did not reach this level until she was nearly fifty years old, but she is only in her twenties now, and she has achieved the deputy position.

I believe that in a few years, it will be no problem to switch before the age of 30.

And this is her real golden age in the workplace.

All the way to send Vice President Du out of the parking lot, looking at the taillights of the cars going away, Lan Lan felt lost.

Vice President Du's treatment of her was indeed a kindness to her.

Although he slept a bit late last night, Liu Xiao's energy has been good, and he woke up on time at seven o'clock in the morning.

Glancing at the phone, Vice President Du sent a text message, saying that he had set off from Guangzhou and was expected to arrive this afternoon.

"This guy is really in a hurry."

Liu Xiao chuckled lightly.

"Xiaoxiao, I will find someone to buy a villa next to the third ring road later. It can be more than [-] square meters, and the location is a little better."

After thinking about it, he called Zheng Xiaoxiao over again.

"Okay, do you want to write your name?"

"No, I'll arrange for someone to transfer ownership tomorrow."

Liu Xiao laughed.

The salary and benefits given to Vice President Du must go to the company's account, not as a personal gift. To put it simply, the money has to be taxed and can only be invoiced and go to Liu Ning Group's account.

Of course, Liu Xiao's private investment is also acceptable, but it's not cost-effective in terms of money, and this is also considered a company-type investment, and it doesn't count as the amount spent.

Furthermore, the amount of money in Liu Ning Group's account is almost exploding. Although the virtual disk server is planning to reduce production and relocate to the capital, orders are still not stopped, and the deposit is almost innumerable.

"After two days of work, I will consume the remaining [-] to [-] million credits and upgrade as soon as possible."

Liu Xiao made up his mind.

Now Liu Xiao is not short of money at all, the main thing he lacks is a security technology, but he doesn't know if he can get it out in the next lottery.

"One billion can't be drawn this time, there is another chance for ten billion, and there is one chance for hundreds of billions."

As for the trillion level, Liu Xiao still dare not think about it.

A private jet is only one billion, and a private island is only seventy-eight billion.

One trillion yuan cannot be invested in the company's construction, but can only be spent extravagantly on its own. Liu Xiao really doesn't think he can spend so much money in a short period of time.

"Okay, I'll arrange for someone to go right away."

Zheng Xiaoxiao nodded. Here in the capital, what to do is to make a phone call, which is very convenient in all aspects.

"Okay, arrange to get off the bus and leave in half an hour."

Taking a look at the master bedroom, the door was still closed, Liu Xiao reckoned that the two sisters hadn't gotten up yet.

In the living room, a few aunts who got up early were already cleaning the room.

"Mr. Liu, get well soon."

An aunt walked over quickly.

"Just bring me an egg and milk."

Liu Xiao smiled.

This really doesn't make his life corrupt, so he has to hire a few aunts or something.

The house is really too big, he and Zhao Ning can't clean it at all, and these are all brought by the small courtyard in Kyoto, so Liu Xiao let them arrange it.

"Brother Hua, let's park the car here."

Xiao Huya and Brother Hua came to the alley next to the courtyard in Kyoto early.

Although brother Xiao Xiao said that he would arrive at 07:30, it was impossible for the two of them to order together, so they both arrived half an hour earlier.

At 07:30, the sun has come out. Everything in the capital is good, but in summer, it is really hot.

Standing outside, a heat wave blew over, and the backs of the two were immediately wet with sweat.

Unbearable, the two hurried back to the car and turned on the air conditioner.

"Are you here yet?"

On the other side, Liu Xiao, who dealt with it briefly, called Xiao Huya.

"Here we are, brother Xiao Xiao, we are at the entrance of the alley."

"Alright then, just wait for two minutes, I'll come out right away."

"Xiaoxiao, I drive a five-compartment car and have two friends."

The five-compartment car has a total of six seats, three security guards plus three people are just right.

He drove the car all the way out, and soon picked up Xiao Huya and Brother Hua who were waiting beside him.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, the weather is really hot."

The car door has its own metal security check. As soon as it got in the car, Xiao Huya complained wildly.

At 30:35 in the morning, the temperature rose to 45 degrees, and it was estimated that it could rise to more than [-] degrees by noon.

"No, I played in the village when I was a child. At that time, the temperature in summer was only about [-] degrees at most. Compared with now, it is basically equal to spring."

Liu Xiao laughed.

The greenhouse effect is becoming more and more serious, the summer is extremely hot, the winter is extremely cold, and various natural disasters continue.

Although everyone has noticed this problem, it is not so easy to deal with it.

"Who says it's not? When I was young, I had summer vacation and stayed away from home all day. I didn't feel the heat at all."

"I used to think that when I was a child, I had a good physique and didn't feel hot. Now I realize that it's not a physical problem, but a problem with the weather."

Brother Hua added with a smile.

The childhood of these people is relatively colorful, except for the necessary study, they basically play everywhere.

Like Brother Hua, when he was very young, he traveled around the world, from as far away as the beautiful country to as close as the Bangzi country. He has been to almost all of them. He even boarded an Antarctic scientific research ship and took a stroll around the periphery of Antarctica to look at the national flag.

At the beginning, Brother Hua even gave himself the nickname Confucius, which means that he has traveled around the world and learned a lot, and when he mentions traveling around the world, he can talk about it for a whole day.

Of course, Brother Hua does have this ability. He is extremely talented. When he was twelve or thirteen years old, he could speak six or seven languages, and he was proficient in all of them.

Now that I am older, I still feel very happy when I think back to my childhood.

"Hey, it's a pity that I don't have your troubles when I am in adolescence."

Liu Xiao sat beside him, his face was full of Versailles.

Brother Hua and Xiao Huya are both 30 years old. Although Xiao Xiao is calling each other, they are indeed past the age of puberty, just because they were born in a wealthy family, they are usually well maintained, and they are young and not old. That's all.

Speaking of this, Brother Hua and Xiao Huya realized that Brother Xiao Xiao was only a 23-year-old boy.

For a while, both of them were autistic.

In Beijing, the morning peak is from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] noon, the afternoon peak is from [-]:[-] noon to [-]:[-] pm, and the evening peak is from [-]:[-] pm to [-]:[-] am.

However, the most congested time in the morning peak is between 08:30 and 09:30. Although it will be a bit congested, the speed is still normal.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, Liu Xiao and his party successfully entered Huawei's underground car and garage.

"Mr. Ren, your complexion looks very good."

When Liu Xiao got out of the car, he saw Mr. Ren waiting beside him.

"Hahaha, it's not all because of you, you don't know how much fun I have had when facing those foreign suppliers these days."

Old Ren laughed out loud, and even some words used by young people jumped out of Old Ren's mouth.

Since receiving the support of Liu Ning Group, Mr. Ren has almost stopped all cooperation with foreign server companies and chip manufacturing companies, and only retained a small amount of import business of superconductor-grade silicon wafer materials.

"You don't know the faces of the senior leaders of Qualcomm and TSMC."

Mr. Ren also deliberately imitated the stinky faces of Qualcomm executives.

Seeing Mr. Ren imitating his expression like an old boy, Liu Xiao couldn't hold back his laughter for a moment.

Xiao Huya and Brother Hua who followed beside him forcibly suppressed their laughter.

They didn't expect that Mr. Ren, a well-known entrepreneur in the capital circle, would have such a side.

But they are juniors after all, no matter what Mr. Ren said, they dare not laugh in front of their faces.

Glancing at brother Xiao Xiao who was talking and laughing happily with Mr. Ren, the two felt admiration again.

At the age of only [-] years old, being able to chat and laugh happily with people like Ren Lao, and in their view, the center is still on Brother Xiao Xiao's side, this is too commendable.

"Old Ren, these two are well-known young entrepreneurs in the capital circle."

"I know, they are all the juniors of some friends, and I can meet them occasionally."

Elder Ren smiled and nodded at Brother Hua and Xiao Huya.

"Hello, old man."

The two quickly returned the gift.

"Come on, I'll take you to rest for a while, and I'll show you our Huawei research team later!"

Speaking of this, Mr. Ren is not without pride.

As a rare national enterprise in China, Huawei has invested heavily in scientific research.

More than two-thirds of the annual revenue of hundreds of billions is invested in scientific research funds.

It is no exaggeration to say that Huawei has more than half of the patents on information transmission technology, 4G, 5G, and 6G.

Especially in the current 5G technology, Huawei has taken the lead. From signal transmission to stable base station construction, Huawei is basically 100% self-developed.

Liu Xiao doesn't know much about this aspect, but he only needs to know that Huawei has an advantage in this aspect, and this is why he dared to talk about building a new model of mobile phone at the research institute yesterday.

With its own super server and Huawei's upcoming 5G signal transmission technology, as long as this coverage is achieved, the Internet of Everything will not be far away.

"Okay, this is my first time here, Mr. Ren, you have to bring out all your good tea."

Liu Xiao laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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