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Chapter 435 Invincible Firewall, If You Fuck Me, I Will Fuck You

Chapter 435 Invincible Firewall, If You Fuck Me, I Will Fuck You

The main research project of Huawei's scientific research department is information research, which is the most basic project of the Internet. Huawei has always wanted to use this corner to overtake and achieve a reversal in the Internet industry.

After all, Internet technology started abroad first, much earlier than domestic development, and it is certain that the technology is backward.

In fact, Huawei has indeed succeeded in this aspect. The research and development of 5G technology has made many people feel that the originally amiable mobile phone manufacturers have become a giant dragon that will devour them.

Therefore, there are various sanctions that started during this period, especially the gradual cut-off of the chip industry, which almost brought down this behemoth in the mobile phone industry. Even in order to protect itself, Huawei is still planning to make its own brand glory in the near future. Technology gets out.

But of course there is no need for these now.

Although the screens of mobile phones abroad are better, domestic ones that are slightly worse can still be produced, that is, the pixels are slightly worse. When ordinary people use it, the difference is still very small, and it is only limited to the extent that they can be found.

As for battery technology.

I'm sorry, the crazy Chinese people have suffered from serious fear of insufficient bullets since the war years.

The infrastructure construction capacity and energy capacity of the Chinese people are world-renowned number one.

Although several other mobile phone brands have a lot to complain about, and the crazy super fast charging trend is indeed a bit sick, but it is undeniable that in the mobile phone battery industry, China is really the world's leading level.

Even in the electric vehicle industry, Tesla's single-cycle blade battery is not as strong as BYD's new energy models.

Apple is still charging at 10w, and the domestic side has started 40w fast charging.

In the traditional lithium battery discharge technology, everyone is similar. When the battery is not particularly innovative, the charging speed represents the battery level.

Xiao Ai’s 80w fast charge is expected to be unveiled next year, and what Apple is currently developing is probably 20w fast charge. The era of using chip algorithms to optimize battery energy consumption has passed.

I believe anyone who has used it should know how hot the A11 chip is.

And Mr. Ren naturally knew this too, so when he took Liu Xiao and the others to the scientific research department, he even felt a little impatient.

"This is our Information Technology Research Institute, and it is also one of the top research institutes in China. Of course, according to your words, we are all civil technology."

Old Ren introduced to Liu Xiao with a smile.

He didn't know why Liu Xiao was often obsessed with the term civilian technology, but he got used to hearing Liu Xiao say it when he was on the phone a few days ago, so he also thought the term was quite interesting.

In fact, there is only a wall between civilian technology and the government. Huawei's advanced communication technology can be applied to combat units, and only a little program change is required.

The two are always inseparable.

"so big!"

It was the first time for Xiao Huya to come here, and when he saw thousands of people busy inside, he almost couldn't close his mouth in surprise.

A research institute with thousands of people, this concept is really terrifying.

"It's no wonder that hundreds of billions are invested in it every year. With so many people, even if ten people work on one project, or a hundred or so projects, it is enough to burn hundreds of billions, not to mention that Huawei has other research units."

Brother Hua sighed.

His group is more commercial, but there are also a small number of research and development units, which are mainly responsible for the research and development of new products.

The scale is far from this. The entire research and development unit has only five or sixty people.

After entering the door, scientific research projects were densely written on the whiteboard next to it.

"These are all projects that need to be tackled recently. Every time one is completed, the research team leader will erase the successful ones. The specific research results are all in our database. After the virtual disk server of your Liu Ning Group is successfully running , I also dumped all the data into it.”

Ren Lao is not without pride.

This is the core heart of his huge company.

Communication technology is the main focus, and the mobile phone new product research and development department is next door, and its main role is to design the internal circuits of the chip.

Although it is not currently possible to produce chips below 5nm in China, for now, as long as there is a lithography machine, these Huawei engineers can create a large group of chips with performance similar to Apple's A-level chips.

Of course, it seems that these are unnecessary, and the research direction of this department will definitely change later.

Liu Xiao didn't know much about communication technology, and he didn't dare to play tricks in front of these professionals.

Along the way, Mr. Ren was introducing, and he and Brother Hua Xiaohuya listened carefully behind.

"After your quantum computer is made, all the ideas here will become reality in the shortest possible time."

Old Ren laughed.

"Quantum computer?"

Behind, Brother Hua and Xiao Huya looked at each other, their pupils constricted.

Brother Xiao Xiao is now researching quantum computer technology?
If this is the case, it is quite normal for Ren Laohui to choose to cooperate with Liu Ning Group, and even the official cooperation is reasonable.

"But Brother Xiao Xiao owns 50.00% of the shares. This is a holding."

Thinking of this, the two still couldn't believe it.

Even if Xiao Xiaoge's people developed this kind of technology, it shouldn't be like this.

Unable to understand, the two simply stopped thinking about it, and just silently wrote down the name Quantum Computer in their hearts.

They knew they were following the right person this time.

Most of those who have gone to school know that, according to predictions, the starting point of the third technological revolution is the invention of quantum computers, and now, fate has quietly reached this point.

And the two of them turned out to be the leaders of this technological revolution.

For a moment, both of them were excited.

What kind of family, what kind of money, is not as good as the bull beep recorded in the history books!
After wandering around the scientific research area for a long time, Liu Xiao basically understood the technical level here.

For now, with Huawei's network construction level, it will definitely be no problem to release 5G technology in the near future. At that time, it will be a matter of spending more money to promote the construction of base stations.

When the base station is almost built, it will be possible to launch a new type of mobile phone and completely abandon the control of the chip.

Liu Xiao made a simple calculation. Judging from the characteristics of the domestic infrastructure madman, as long as the money is in place, construction will start at the same time in various places. It is estimated that it will take at most one month to complete the construction of the base station.

Of course, this must be without official escort.

Even if it is later, it will be absolutely fine before the end of this year. By the end of 16, it is estimated that the effect will be seen.

Before that, the emergence of quantum computers is inevitable.

It seems that everything is going in a good direction.

It was almost afternoon when several people returned to the office.

Liu Xiao came here today, one purpose is to see what level Huawei's current technology has reached, the other is to decide on the name of this new company, and the other is to update Huawei's protective facilities.

The official side was not interested in naming it, and Mr. Du directly gave it to himself as the shopkeeper.

As soon as Liu Xiao mentioned it, Mr. Ren shook his head immediately.

God knows how many brain cells he died to get the name Huawei, and the current era has long since known him at that time, so the name he chose will probably be a bit old-fashioned.

More importantly, the establishment of this new company was based on the heavyweight scientific research achievement of quantum computers. On this basis, Mr. Ren has no qualifications to decide the name of this new company.

Xiao Huya and Brother Hua held their breaths and concentrated.

They had some good ideas in their hearts, but they knew in their hearts that even Mr. Ren would shirk away on such an occasion, because he must give up this decisive moment to brother Xiao Xiao.

Liu Xiao shook his head helplessly.

These people have become smart, and I just want to find them as a staff member, their mouths are more tightly closed than those below, Liu Xiao looked at it at a glance, and when Hua Ge and Xiao Huya only had one lip.

"Let me mention one."

Liu Xiao pondered.

To be honest, the name of this new company is definitely not as random as Liu Ning Group. This is not just his company, but also has the shadow of the official side. If you want to set up a Ning Liu Group or something, I am afraid that it will be Zheng Xiaoxiao tomorrow. You have to turn against the water and give yourself a set of military punches.

After much deliberation, it should be a more formal name.

"How about the new company be called Qianlong?"

"Dive Dragon?"

"Okay! That's a good name!"

Old Ren patted his thigh and nodded repeatedly.

This name was indeed taken from his heart.

Aren't they the potential dragons now, just waiting for an opportunity, and they can soar into the sky immediately!
"Good name!"

Hua Ge and Xiao Huya nodded again and again.

They believe that this name will definitely resound throughout the world in the future, and anyone who mentions this name will definitely be in awe.

Elder Ren took the initiative to call Elder Du again and told him the name of the new company.

Elder Ren immediately clapped his hands in agreement.

In fact, the name Qianlong is used by many domestic companies.

Mr. Du checked it with a special enterprise app, and the trademark of Qianlong has already been registered, and there are hundreds of trademarks such as Qianlong Zaiyuan and Qianlong Tengfei.

However, these companies are not big, and even many of them are trademarks that someone deliberately spent money to register, just waiting to sell them to make a fortune, just like when Taobao became popular at that time, many people frantically registered domain names around Taobao.

The most ruthless one, Taobao is called Taobao. He directly registered Taobaowang, which is more real than others. There is also a pervert who registered tb, which once confused the public.

So that later, after the rise of the enterprise Ali, the first thing to do was to register all the domain names around the company.

After the registration of Alibaba, Alibaba, Alibaba, Ali’s mother, Ali’s grandpa and so on have all been registered.

It may sound absurd, but it is true.

But now, since the new company is going to be called Qianlong, the official will naturally not allow people to conflict with this name.

Boss Du waved his hand, a trademark of 500 million yuan, and the trademark called Qianlong directly sent away 2000 million yuan. It took four to five billion yuan to take all these trademarks into his hands.

Then, use the virtual disk server for operation, and register all the words that have something to do with the word Qianlong.

Anyway, these are not considered a waste. When Qianlong wants to open a new page, just choose from these trademark libraries.

Soon, Mr. Du called and gave feedback, saying that the Qianlong trademark had been obtained.

"Mr. Ren, connect to your company's network system, and bring me a laptop with better performance."

Liu Xiao was also very happy to solve the naming issue, and talked about the last thing he came to Huawei today.

"I have prepared it for you a long time ago, so I can shoot you, a master of technology."

Elder Ren pointed to the desktop computer on the desk next to him.

"After all, the performance of the notebook is not good enough. I'm afraid it will affect your performance. I just asked the scientific research department to make a desktop computer. The performance is not bad, and it is also connected to the virtual disk server produced by your company. There is absolutely no problem."

Ren Laoxiao smiled like a child, and rubbed his hands very excitedly.

Huawei also has a database, and the database is huge.

Every day, Huawei's website is subject to tens of thousands of hacker attacks. If it weren't for the hard work of the Baike team, Huawei's internal information would have been leaked many times.

But this time when Liu Xiao came over, Elder Ren licked his face and made this request.

After all, the quantum lock that Liu Xiao showed at that time was too exaggerated. Mr. Du knew in his heart that Liu Xiao's computer technology was definitely beyond the times.

"It doesn't matter, this thing is not so complicated, the main problem is the way it works."

Liu Xiao smiled and sat down.

The protection program he has to do is not the same as the last time he tracked and protected the virtual disk server. That one is a self-protection and self-explosion program, while this is an external protection program.

However, the principles are similar, through the operation of the quantum state, most of the intrusions are directly blocked, and anti-tracking is carried out to destroy the intruder.

Sitting in front of the computer, Liu Xiao opened the editing program, closed his eyes and thought silently.

There are too many of these things in the quantum computer technology instilled by the system, but they all exist beyond the times. To make a protective wall suitable for the current era, we must integrate all these things.

"Have it!"

Liu Xiao's spirit was shaken, and his fingers frantically tapped on the keyboard.

This is the unique program he ran last time. It is a protection method that jumps out of the current computer 01, 10 binary operation category. If ordinary people want to invade, they may not even be able to crack the webpage encryption method.

And those international hackers, once they crack the original encryption method, they will welcome everything that Liu Xiao designed next.

According to Liu Xiao, the name of this protection program was called indiscriminate bombing by him.

"Indiscriminate bombing?"

Although the three of Ren Lao were standing right behind Liu Xiao, but with Liu Xiao's input speed, the three of them didn't even see a single program clearly. When they realized it, Liu Xiao's program had already been uploaded to the network and started running.

"That's right, the main function of this protective wall is to use the quantum state data key to encrypt, as long as it is not forcibly cracked by a quantum computer for a day or two, it is impossible to break through, and a day or two, no matter how procrastinated , It is enough for our personnel to react."

"Secondly, it is the counterattack technology. After you connect to the quantum computer in the later stage, you will crazily throw data bombs at the intruder. The data bombs that can be thrown in the past per second are about the maximum operating capacity of ten Tianhe computers. .”

"Ten Tianhe?"

Old Ren exclaimed.

You know, there are only a dozen or so supercomputers in the entire government.

In other words, if the intruder doesn't have ten supercomputers, it will be killed by this data bomb almost instantly?
Xiao Huya and Brother Hua touched their noses. They were already mourning for the intruders' hosts.

"Of course, with his network cable, it is impossible to receive my data torrent. My data torrent is aimed at the entire area network of his real IP."

Liu Xiao laughed.

In other words, as long as a foreign IP dares to attack, within two seconds, the entire domestic Internet system on the opposite side will be paralyzed. This kind of data torrent method will never fail if the computing power does not meet the standard. There is only one way to solve it, and that is to disconnect the network cable.

But disconnecting the network cable seems to be no different from the Internet crash.

Liu Xiao's purpose is very simple. His initial encryption algorithm will definitely keep out most of the average or even relatively skilled hackers. Those who can really invade the inner layer are basically strategic-level hackers.

The invasion of these people must have malicious intentions.

If they want to come, they will come, if they don't destroy the Internet in their entire area, even if Liu Xiao's program was written for nothing!

(End of this chapter)

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