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Chapter 436 PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Chapter 436 PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
"Brother Xiao Xiao's computer technology should be at the top level in the world, right?"

Brother Hua and Xiao Huya discussed softly behind.

The two of them don't understand the program structure, but they still have a little understanding of the effect Xiao Xiaoge said.

This can no longer be said to be fierce, but to be called bull beep.

"I think Brother Xiao Xiao should be the best one, not one of them."

Xiao Huya smiled wryly.

A piece of computer program plus the data torrent of quantum computers can directly paralyze the Internet system in a region. Broadly speaking, this can already be regarded as a humanoid boy.

If it wasn't for the fact that those important things were all controlled by LAN, they really thought Brother Xiao Xiao should be able to hack in too, this ability is simply too terrifying.

Elder Ren glanced at Liu Xiao gratefully.

He knew in his heart that the firewall system that Liu Xiao gave them was worth at least tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions, if measured by money.

"I have to trouble you and Mr. Du for the relocation of my company. I will go to the new factory tomorrow to have a look. Once the production line is completed, I will start production immediately."

"Okay, then I'll just wait for the birth of a quantum computer."

Old Ren laughed.

"Quantum computer, will the factory be seated tomorrow?"

"No way, Brother Xiao Xiao's team has already researched the quantum computer?!"

Brother Hua opened his mouth wide, full of disbelief.

He has been guessing that the quantum computer research team under Brother Xiao Xiao should have made a breakthrough, but he didn't expect Brother Xiao Xiao to start preparing for production!

In other words, after he took office, he was directly facing such an epoch-making product?
"This time I really made a lot of money!"

The two of them don't know how many times they have been stunned today.

But what followed was ecstasy.

Only then did they really realize what a big piece of cake Xiao Xiao had given them!
When they followed Liu Xiao out of the Huawei headquarters, both of them were still in a daze. They didn't wake up until they followed Liu Xiao into the car.

"Xiaohuya, Laohua, what you saw today has to be kept strictly confidential. After you go back, there will be an official person to sign a confidentiality agreement with you."

"As for the specific work matters, I will ask Mr. Ren to contact you tomorrow. First, organize the company's structure. Liu Ning Group will also send some people over. The person in charge is called Qu Yue. I will ask her to contact you."

In the car, Liu Xiao simply arranged things for the past few days.

In terms of technology, it is definitely not a problem to have him himself, mainly because of the establishment of production lines and company structure.

Elder Du is watching over the production line. In terms of company structure, both Elder Ren and Elder Du have invested in the investment, and he, the major shareholder in the true sense, has to do the rest.

This is also the reason why he let Xiao Huya and Brother Hua join in. Relying on Qu Yue alone, this matter must be done very slowly, but with the addition of two people who are more capable than Qu Yue, this time can be done. Make it as short as possible.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, don't worry, we will fully cooperate and strive to organize the company in the shortest possible time."

The two nodded in succession.

"By the way, please contact Mr. Du for the address of the company's headquarters. I will call you later. Mr. Du seems to have approved a building to come over."

Liu Xiao suddenly remembered what Old Man Du told him yesterday, slapped his head, and said hastily.

Xiao Huya and Brother Hua will definitely have frequent contact with Mr. Du and Mr. Ren in the future. Letting them get to know each other now will be good for their future work.

Liu Xiao suddenly understood why ancient emperors loved to use people from aristocratic families. On the one hand, the people from the aristocratic family were really talented, and on the other hand, the people from the aristocratic family were there, and they were not afraid of his betrayal or playing tricks at all.

If you dare to oppose me, I will directly hoist you and your family's ashes together.

In the hands of a powerful person like him, this kind of aristocratic family is not only a cancer of monopoly, but also a tool that can be used at will.

Of course, it's a little unreasonable to say that. Liu Xiao's follow-up will definitely benefit Xiaohuya and Brother Hua. At least for now, the benefits of Xiaohuya and Brother Hua's participation in this project have begun to show.

At noon, Mr. Ren invited him to have a meal in the staff cafeteria. It was not afternoon yet, but Liu Xiao was not very hungry.

After sending a car to send Xiaohuya and Brother Hua back, Liu Xiao had nowhere to go, so he simply went home.

Entering the house, the cool air from the air conditioner blows over.

"Hey, it's better to be at home. In this summer, you will be exposed to the sun everywhere. Lying at home is comfortable."

Liu Xiao twisted his sore neck, walked under the air conditioner and took a deep breath.

These days, Zhao Ning's live broadcast time is relatively long. When Liu Xiao came back, Zhao Ning was still live broadcasting in the back room. Liu Xiao took a look and didn't go in to disturb.

After telling her aunt to prepare dinner, Liu Xiao also turned on the TV.

In the past two days, Huya released a TV version of the software, called Huya Cloud Audio-Visual Gaming Edition. Although the name is a bit vague, I heard that the effect is still good. After logging in on the TV, you don’t need to use your mobile phone to cast the screen on the TV. up.

To be honest, although the screencasting function is good, it will still be restricted by network fluctuations in general.

And this Huya Cloud audio-visual software solves this problem very well, basically no different from listening to digital TV.

Click on my subscription option, Zhao Ning's Little Orange is currently ranked first, the title is thank you for your support, watching the screenshot of the live broadcast, it should be singing at the moment.

Liu Xiao didn't choose to go in, but jumped to PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

Going to the refrigerator to get a bottle of orange juice, Liu Xiao took a sip beautifully, and then opened Laolong's live broadcast room.

Laolong's live broadcast time has been adjusted from the previous morning live broadcast to the current 4:9 pm to [-]:[-] pm, which coincides with B Wen's [-]:[-] pm live broadcast.

And Lao Hu, who has been having trouble with Lao Long, also adjusted the live broadcast time at the same time, and both of them are now broadcasting at this time.

After Vice President Du adjusted Huya's Shenhaotuan mode, the list of top streamers in the game area has even caught up with some top star show hosts.

Although there are only more than 2000 VIP seats in the Laolong live broadcast room, the weekly list has jumped to more than 50, and there are several more big brothers supporting the live broadcast room.

Therefore, the nature of Laolong's live broadcast during this period is still very high. Sometimes it is ten o'clock when the broadcast time is reached, and he will work overtime for a long time, and even broadcast directly until the early morning of the day before yesterday.

As the old Hu who had an affair with the old dragon, he naturally benefited from it, and the two of them also enjoyed it.

Seeing Xiao Xiaoge's online notification on the public screen, Lao Long was both surprised and delighted.

Since the previous time when he chose to be wise and protect his life, brother Xiao Xiao seldom came to his live broadcast room.

Although various remedial measures were taken in the follow-up, in general, he fell out of favor with brother Xiao Xiao, and it was because of this that brother Xiao Xiao made B Wen the first player in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

It would be a lie to say that he has no regrets. He can now reach 70 to 50 in the weekly rankings. Excluding the union share and Huya share, and the rebates given to some big brothers, he can get around [-] in a month.

Although this income is not low, but Wen B's monthly income is at least three times that of his. It is definitely easy to get 150 million.

But the choice he made before, he could only silently acquiesce to this matter. Fortunately, the follow-up remedial measures were done well enough, and Brother Xiao Xiao finally did not give up on him completely.

And today, Brother Xiao Xiao entered his live broadcast room again, which was the greatest recognition for him.

"Good afternoon Brother Xiao Xiao, welcome Brother Xiao Xiao to Laolong's live broadcast room!"

The old dragon kept welcoming.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is here?"

"Good afternoon, Brother Xiao Xiao!"

Many elder brothers of the Lehua Shenhao Group typed question marks on the public screen.

They entered the Lehua Shenhao Group just because of the brand of Xiao Jiajun on their heads. Now that the rightful owner is here, everyone is naturally very excited.

Liu Xiao was helpless.

He just wanted to watch the live broadcast in peace, but after a while, so many people greeted him.

If you ignore it, it's a bit ugly, but you can't type on live TV.

Helpless, Liu Xiao took out the phone again.

"good afternoon everyone."

"I don't have anything to do today, come and take a look when I'm bored."

"Brother Xiao Xiao, you must tell us in our group when you will play an event, and then everyone will come to help!"

"Yes, yes, brother Xiao Xiao must say in the group that our Xiao family army is absolutely invincible!"

All the big brothers are smart people, and when Xiao Xiaoge said that he was bored and came to watch the live broadcast, he didn't take the initiative to make trouble.

In fact, except for the eldest brother at the level of the super god emperor, other people who join the Lehua Shenhao group do not have the extravagant hope of climbing up to brother Xiao Xiao. They just want to know more people and exchange resources.

For Xiao Xiaoge's level of arrogance, they are only worshiping, and they never thought that they could get Xiao Xiaoge's active response.

Compared with the big brothers Shenhao in the live broadcast room, ordinary tourists are much more lively.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, you haven't come to our PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds for a long time."

"That's right, Brother Xiao Xiao, you've played many games in the League of Legends area, but you only took care of us once in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds."

"Brother Xiao Xiao, let's rank with Laolong Laohu, I haven't seen you playing games for a long time!"

Visitors in the live broadcast room spoke one after another.

In May and June, Liu Xiao and Lao Long had sex several times. Although the technology was not very good, the live broadcast effect was really hilarious.

It's been a long time since I came to PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, but the tourists in the live broadcast room still remember it.

In the live broadcast room with 60 million people, at least 6 million people watched the live broadcast at that time, and a small half of them also watched the edited video later. They had no doubts about the effect of Brother Xiao Xiao's live broadcast.

"Forget it today, I'm not in front of the computer."

Liu Xiao smiled and typed to refuse.

Having been busy all day, this meeting is indeed a bit tiring, so Liu Xiao just wanted to watch the live broadcast and relax.

"Super God Emperor Xiao Xiao sent 【Huya No. 100】*[-]!"

"Super God Emperor Xiao Xiao sent 【Huya No. 100】*2*[-] combo!"


Liu Xiao swiped ten groups of Huya No. [-] in a row and came out.

"Old Dragon, send the money after deducting the turnover to everyone and invite everyone to have lunch."

Liu Xiao very boldly paid out 100 million.

This 100 million is not even a drop in the bucket for the current Liu Xiao.

Liu Xiao is waiting for a suitable opportunity, and is going to make another wave on the live broadcast platform, and collect the one billion consumption turnover that was not enough last time.

However, there hasn't been much activity on Huya in the past two days, and it's impossible for Liu Xiao to swipe like a fool. It's worth hundreds of millions.

In addition, there were indeed a lot of things in the past two days, so this matter was delayed.

"Old Dragon, I just received a notice from the president that Liushui Lehua will not take a percentage of the 100 million gift."

The union superintendent also quickly jumped out to speak.

If the boss wants to give benefits to the audience, their trade union will naturally cooperate.

"Thank you brother Xiao Xiao, thank you union."

"I won't talk about the share. Brother Xiao Xiao can come to my Laolong live broadcast room today. It's giving me Laolong's face. I will directly send out a 100 million lottery draw and invite everyone to have lunch!"

With a wave of his hand, the old dragon opened a package of 100 yuan, and one of the five hundred packages was opened on TV. A total of 1 packages were opened, which added up to [-] red packets on TV.

In the past few months, his income is still good, and he has saved some money. In addition, Huya's overall consumption level is high now, and 50 is about a month's income. He still can afford it started.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is mighty, old dragon is mighty!"

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao, thank you Old Dragon!"

"As expected of being the anchor of my Da Lehua, the union is awesome, and the anchor is also awesome!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao has expressed it, so those of us who are often in the live broadcast room should also express it."

A group of elder brothers who are often in Laolong's live broadcast room also brushed up gifts one after another.

All kinds of Huya No. 60 magic books came out one after another, and gifts of [-] to [-] yuan came out in a few minutes.

"We are not as rich as brother Xiao Xiao, so please treat everyone to a snack."

The big brothers in the live broadcast room came out to joke one after another, which attracted the tourists in the live broadcast room to swipe wildly.

Liu Xiao smiled wryly and shook his head.

These days, it's really hard for me to hang out on the live broadcast platform. Every day, whatever I do, there are a group of people following behind.

This feeling is really cool when playing events, but it feels a little helpless when watching live broadcasts and having fun.

But what surprised Liu Xiao was that the old dragon was so generous for a while today.

In the past, although the old dragon would pay to give benefits to tourists, it was absolutely impossible to give so much.

"It seems that time can indeed change people. The current state of the old dragon is quite good."

Seeing that the old dragon could grow up, Liu Xiao was also very happy.

Perhaps what the old dragon didn't know was that a person he had helped inadvertently before would become the super big brother of the entire Huya.

It is also because of this that Liu Xiao has always taken good care of the old dragon. Among other things, at least it is not a problem for the old dragon to live broadcast with peace of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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